use of com.hazelcast.sql.SqlRow in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class SqlConsole method executeSqlCmd.
private static void executeSqlCmd(HazelcastInstance hz, String command, Terminal terminal, AtomicReference<SqlResult> activeSqlResult) {
PrintWriter out = terminal.writer();
try (SqlResult sqlResult = hz.getSql().execute(command)) {
// if it's a result with an update count, just print it
if (sqlResult.updateCount() != -1) {
String message = new AttributedStringBuilder().style(AttributedStyle.BOLD.foreground(PRIMARY_COLOR)).append("OK").toAnsi();
SqlRowMetadata rowMetadata = sqlResult.getRowMetadata();
int[] colWidths = determineColumnWidths(rowMetadata);
Alignment[] alignments = determineAlignments(rowMetadata);
// this is a result with rows. Print the header and rows, watch for concurrent cancellation
printMetadataInfo(rowMetadata, colWidths, alignments, out);
int rowCount = 0;
for (SqlRow row : sqlResult) {
printRow(row, colWidths, alignments, out);
// bottom line after all the rows
printSeparatorLine(sqlResult.getRowMetadata().getColumnCount(), colWidths, out);
String message = new AttributedStringBuilder().style(AttributedStyle.BOLD.foreground(PRIMARY_COLOR)).append(String.valueOf(rowCount)).append(" row(s) selected").toAnsi();
} catch (HazelcastSqlException e) {
// the query failed to execute with HazelcastSqlException
String errorPrompt = new AttributedStringBuilder().style(AttributedStyle.BOLD.foreground(PRIMARY_COLOR)).append(e.getMessage()).toAnsi();
} catch (Exception e) {
// the query failed to execute with an unexpected exception
String unexpectedErrorPrompt = new AttributedStringBuilder().style(AttributedStyle.BOLD.foreground(PRIMARY_COLOR)).append("Encountered an unexpected exception while executing the query:\n").append(e.getMessage()).toAnsi();
use of com.hazelcast.sql.SqlRow in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class SqlPageCodecTest method check.
private void check(SqlColumnType type, List<Object> values, boolean last) {
SqlRowMetadata rowMetadata = new SqlRowMetadata(Collections.singletonList(new SqlColumnMetadata("a", type, true)));
List<SqlRow> rows = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object value : values) {
if (SqlPage.convertToData(type) && value != null) {
value = serializationService.toData(value);
rows.add(new SqlRowImpl(rowMetadata, new JetSqlRow(TEST_SS, new Object[] { value })));
SqlPage originalPage = SqlPage.fromRows(Collections.singletonList(type), rows, last, serializationService);
ClientMessage message = ClientMessage.createForEncode();
SqlPageCodec.encode(message, originalPage);
SqlPage restoredPage = SqlPageCodec.decode(message.frameIterator());
assertEquals(1, restoredPage.getColumnCount());
assertEquals(values.size(), restoredPage.getRowCount());
assertEquals(last, restoredPage.isLast());
assertEquals(1, restoredPage.getColumnTypes().size());
assertEquals(type, restoredPage.getColumnTypes().get(0));
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
Object value = values.get(i);
Object restoredValue = restoredPage.getColumnValueForClient(0, i);
if (restoredValue instanceof Data) {
restoredValue = serializationService.toObject(restoredValue);
assertEquals(value, restoredValue);
use of com.hazelcast.sql.SqlRow in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class SqlIndexConverterMismatchTest method testMismatch.
* @see MapIndexScanExecIterator#getIndexEntries
@SuppressWarnings({ "StatementWithEmptyBody", "JavadocReference" })
public void testMismatch() {
ExpressionBiValue value1 = new ExpressionBiValue.IntegerIntegerVal();
ExpressionBiValue value2 = new ExpressionBiValue.StringIntegerVal();
map.put(getLocalKey(member1, key -> key), value1);
map.put(getLocalKey(member2, key -> key), value2);
try {
try (SqlResult result = member1.getSql().execute("SELECT key FROM " + MAP_NAME + " WHERE field1=1")) {
for (SqlRow ignore : result) {
// No-op.
fail("Must fail!");
} catch (HazelcastSqlException e) {
assertEquals(SqlErrorCode.INDEX_INVALID, e.getCode());
Throwable ex = findRootQueryException(e);
assertEquals("Cannot use the index \"index\" of the IMap \"map\" because it has component \"field1\" of type VARCHAR, but INTEGER was expected", ex.getMessage());
use of com.hazelcast.sql.SqlRow in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class SqlPortableTest method test_writingToTopLevelWhileNestedFieldMapped.
public void test_writingToTopLevelWhileNestedFieldMapped(boolean explicit) {
String mapName = randomName();
sqlService.execute("CREATE MAPPING " + mapName + "(" + "__key INT" + (explicit ? ", this OBJECT" : "") + ", name VARCHAR" + ") TYPE " + IMapSqlConnector.TYPE_NAME + "\n" + "OPTIONS (\n" + '\'' + OPTION_KEY_FORMAT + "'='" + JAVA_FORMAT + "'\n" + ", '" + OPTION_KEY_CLASS + "'='" + Integer.class.getName() + "'\n" + ", '" + OPTION_VALUE_FORMAT + "'='" + PORTABLE_FORMAT + "'\n" + ", '" + OPTION_VALUE_FACTORY_ID + "'='" + PERSON_FACTORY_ID + "'\n" + ", '" + OPTION_VALUE_CLASS_ID + "'='" + PERSON_CLASS_ID + "'\n" + ", '" + OPTION_VALUE_CLASS_VERSION + "'='" + PERSON_CLASS_VERSION + "'\n" + ")");
if (explicit) {
assertThatThrownBy(() -> sqlService.execute("SINK INTO " + mapName + " VALUES(1, null, 'foo')")).isInstanceOf(HazelcastSqlException.class).hasMessageContaining("Writing to top-level fields of type OBJECT not supported");
assertThatThrownBy(() -> sqlService.execute("SINK INTO " + mapName + "(__key, this) VALUES(1, null)")).isInstanceOf(HazelcastSqlException.class).hasMessageContaining("Writing to top-level fields of type OBJECT not supported");
sqlService.execute("SINK INTO " + mapName + (explicit ? "(__key, name)" : "") + " VALUES (1, 'foo')");
Iterator<SqlRow> resultIter = sqlService.execute("SELECT __key, this, name FROM " + mapName).iterator();
SqlRow row =;
assertEquals(1, (int) row.getObject(0));
assertInstanceOf(GenericRecord.class, row.getObject(1));
assertEquals("foo", row.getObject(2));
use of com.hazelcast.sql.SqlRow in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class BetweenOperatorIntegrationTest method checkSuccessOrFailure.
protected void checkSuccessOrFailure(String sql, Tuple2<List<SqlRow>, HazelcastSqlException> expectedOutcome, Object... params) {
try {
List<SqlRow> rows = execute(sql, params);
assertEquals(expectedOutcome.f0().size(), rows.size());
List<SqlRow> expectedResultsList = expectedOutcome.f0();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
SqlColumnType expectedType = expectedResultsList.get(i).getMetadata().getColumn(0).getType();
SqlColumnType actualType = rows.get(i).getMetadata().getColumn(0).getType();
assertEquals(expectedType, actualType);
Object actualObject = rows.get(i).getObject(0);
Object expectedObject = expectedResultsList.get(i).getObject(0);
assertEquals(expectedObject, actualObject);
} catch (HazelcastSqlException e) {
// Expected :At line 1, column [5]5: ...
// Actual :At line 1, column [6]5: ...
// To overcome this ^ we are comparing substrings like
// "Parameter at position 1 must be of $1 type, but $2 was found (consider adding an explicit CAST)"
// Expected :The Jet SQL job failed: Execution on a member failed: com.hazelcast.jet.JetException: Exception in ProcessorTasklet{06bd-fcd0-9e82-0001/Project(IMap[])#1}: com.hazelcast.sql.impl.QueryException: ...
// Actual :The Jet SQL job failed: Execution on a member failed: com.hazelcast.jet.JetException: Exception in ProcessorTasklet{06bd-fcd0-9e83-0001/Project(IMap[])#1}: com.hazelcast.sql.impl.QueryException: ...
// To overcome this ^ we are comparing substrings like
// "Cannot compare two OBJECT values, because left operand has class$ObjectHolder type and right operand has class java.lang.String type
int startIndex = e.getMessage().indexOf("Parameter");
if (startIndex == -1) {
startIndex = e.getMessage().indexOf("Cannot compare");
assertEquals(expectedOutcome.f1().getMessage().substring(startIndex), e.getMessage().substring(startIndex));