use of com.helger.as2lib.crypto.MIC in project as2-lib by phax.
the class AS2SenderModule method receiveSyncMDN.
* @param aMsg
* AS2Message
* @param aHttpClient
* URLConnection
* @param aOriginalMIC
* mic value from original msg
* @param aIncomingDumper
* Incoming dumper. May be <code>null</code>.
* @param aResHelper
* Resource helper
* @throws AS2Exception
* in case of an error
* @throws IOException
* in case of an IO error
protected void receiveSyncMDN(@Nonnull final AS2Message aMsg, @Nonnull final AS2HttpClient aHttpClient, @Nonnull final MIC aOriginalMIC, @Nullable final IHTTPIncomingDumper aIncomingDumper, @Nonnull final AS2ResourceHelper aResHelper) throws AS2Exception, IOException {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Receiving synchronous MDN for message" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
try {
// Create a MessageMDN and copy HTTP headers
final IMessageMDN aMDN = new AS2MessageMDN(aMsg);
// Bug in ph-commons 9.1.3 in addAllHeaders!
// Receive the MDN data
final InputStream aConnIS = aHttpClient.getInputStream();
final NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream aMDNStream = new NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream();
// Retrieve the whole MDN content
StreamHelper.copyByteStream().from(aConnIS).closeFrom(true).to(aMDNStream).closeTo(true).limit(StringParser.parseLong(aMDN.getHeader(CHttpHeader.CONTENT_LENGTH), -1)).build();
// Dump collected message
if (aIncomingDumper != null)
aIncomingDumper.dumpIncomingRequest(aMDN.headers().getAllHeaderLines(true), aMDNStream.getBufferOrCopy(), aMDN);
if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
// Debug print the whole MDN stream
LOGGER.trace("Retrieved MDN stream data:\n" + aMDNStream.getAsString(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1));
final MimeBodyPart aPart = new MimeBodyPart(AS2HttpHelper.getAsInternetHeaders(aMDN.headers()), aMDNStream.getBufferOrCopy());
// get the MDN partnership info
// Set the appropriate key store aliases
// Update the partnership
getSession().getPartnershipFactory().updatePartnership(aMDN, false);
final ICertificateFactory aCertFactory = getSession().getCertificateFactory();
final X509Certificate aSenderCert = aCertFactory.getCertificate(aMDN, ECertificatePartnershipType.SENDER);
boolean bUseCertificateInBodyPart;
final ETriState eUseCertificateInBodyPart = aMsg.partnership().getVerifyUseCertificateInBodyPart();
if (eUseCertificateInBodyPart.isDefined()) {
// Use per partnership
bUseCertificateInBodyPart = eUseCertificateInBodyPart.getAsBooleanValue();
} else {
// Use global value
bUseCertificateInBodyPart = getSession().isCryptoVerifyUseCertificateInBodyPart();
AS2Helper.parseMDN(aMsg, aSenderCert, bUseCertificateInBodyPart, m_aVerificationCertificateConsumer, aResHelper);
try {
getSession().getMessageProcessor().handle(IProcessorStorageModule.DO_STOREMDN, aMsg, null);
} catch (final AS2ComponentNotFoundException | AS2NoModuleException ex) {
// No message processor found
// Or no module found in message processor
final String sDisposition = aMDN.attrs().getAsString(AS2MessageMDN.MDNA_DISPOSITION);
if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())"Received synchronous AS2 MDN [" + sDisposition + "]" + aMsg.getLoggingText());
// Asynch MDN 2007-03-12
// Verify if the original mic is equal to the mic in returned MDN
final String sReturnMIC = aMDN.attrs().getAsString(AS2MessageMDN.MDNA_MIC);
final MIC aReturnMIC = MIC.parse(sReturnMIC);
// Catch ReturnMIC == null in case the attribute is simply missing
final boolean bMICMatch = aOriginalMIC != null && aReturnMIC != null && aReturnMIC.equals(aOriginalMIC);
if (bMICMatch) {
// MIC was matched - all good
m_aMICMatchingHandler.onMICMatch(aMsg, sReturnMIC);
} else {
// file was sent completely but the returned mic was not matched,
m_aMICMatchingHandler.onMICMismatch(aMsg, aOriginalMIC == null ? null : aOriginalMIC.getAsAS2String(), sReturnMIC);
if (m_aIncomingMDNCallback != null)
m_aIncomingMDNCallback.onIncomingMDN(true, aMDN, aMDN.getHeader(CHttpHeader.AS2_FROM), aMDN.getHeader(CHttpHeader.AS2_TO), sDisposition, aMDN.attrs().getAsString(AS2MessageMDN.MDNA_MIC), aMDN.attrs().getAsString(AS2MessageMDN.MDNA_ORIG_MESSAGEID), aMDN.attrs().getAsBoolean(AS2Message.ATTRIBUTE_RECEIVED_SIGNED, false), bMICMatch);
DispositionType.createFromString(sDisposition).validate(aMsg, aMDN.getText());
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
throw WrappedAS2Exception.wrap(ex).setSourceMsg(aMsg);