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Example 6 with FileIOError

use of in project ph-commons by phax.

the class AbstractDAO method checkFileAccess.

 * Check the access to the passed file using the specified mode. If the access
 * is not provided, a {@link DAOException} is thrown. If everything is good,
 * this method returns without a comment.
 * @param aFile
 *        The file to check. May not be <code>null</code>.
 * @param eMode
 *        The access mode. May not be <code>null</code>.
 * @throws DAOException
 *         If the requested access mode cannot be provided.
protected static void checkFileAccess(@Nonnull final File aFile, @Nonnull final EMode eMode) throws DAOException {
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(aFile, "File");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(eMode, "Mode");
    final String sFilename = aFile.toString();
    if (aFile.exists()) {
        // file exist -> must be a file!
        if (!aFile.isFile())
            throw new DAOException("The passed filename '" + sFilename + "' is not a file - maybe a directory or a symlink? Path is '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
        switch(eMode) {
            case READ:
                // Check for read-rights
                if (!aFile.canRead())
                    throw new DAOException("Read access rights from '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' are missing.");
            case WRITE:
                // Check for write-rights
                if (!aFile.canWrite())
                    throw new DAOException("Write access rights to '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' are missing");
    } else {
        // Ensure the parent directory is present
        final File aParentDir = aFile.getParentFile();
        if (aParentDir != null) {
            final FileIOError aError = FileOperationManager.INSTANCE.createDirRecursiveIfNotExisting(aParentDir);
            if (aError.isFailure())
                throw new DAOException("Failed to create parent directory '" + aParentDir + "' of '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "': " + aError);
Also used : FileIOError( File(

Example 7 with FileIOError

use of in project ph-schematron by phax.

the class SchematronValidationMojo method _performValidation.

 * @param aSch
 *        Schematron resource to apply on validation artefacts
 * @param aXMLDirectory
 *        XML directory to be scanned
 * @param aXMLIncludes
 *        XML include mask - may be <code>null</code> or empty
 * @param aXMLExcludes
 *        XML exclude mask - may be <code>null</code> or empty
 * @param aSVRLDirectory
 *        SVRL directory to write to (maybe <code>null</code> in which case
 *        the SVRL is not written)
 * @param bExpectSuccess
 *        <code>true</code> if this is a positive validation,
 *        <code>false</code> if error is expected
 * @param aErrorMessages
 *        The list of collected error messages (only used if fail-fast is
 *        disabled)
 * @throws MojoExecutionException
 *         Internal error
 * @throws MojoFailureException
 *         Validation error
private void _performValidation(@Nonnull final ISchematronResource aSch, @Nonnull final File aXMLDirectory, @Nullable final String[] aXMLIncludes, @Nullable final String[] aXMLExcludes, @Nullable final File aSVRLDirectory, final boolean bExpectSuccess, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<String> aErrorMessages) throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
    final DirectoryScanner aScanner = new DirectoryScanner();
    if (ArrayHelper.isNotEmpty(aXMLIncludes))
    if (ArrayHelper.isNotEmpty(aXMLExcludes))
    final String[] aXMLFilenames = aScanner.getIncludedFiles();
    if (aXMLFilenames != null) {
        for (final String sXMLFilename : aXMLFilenames) {
            final File aXMLFile = new File(aXMLDirectory, sXMLFilename);
            // Validate XML file
            getLog().info("Validating XML file '" + aXMLFile.getPath() + "' against Schematron rules from '" + m_aSchematronFile + "' expecting " + (bExpectSuccess ? "success" : "failure"));
            try {
                final SchematronOutputType aSOT = aSch.applySchematronValidationToSVRL(TransformSourceFactory.create(aXMLFile));
                if (aSVRLDirectory != null) {
                    // Save SVRL
                    final File aSVRLFile = new File(aSVRLDirectory, sXMLFilename + ".svrl");
                    final FileIOError aIOErr = FileOperationManager.INSTANCE.createDirRecursiveIfNotExisting(aSVRLFile.getParentFile());
                    if (aIOErr.isFailure())
                        getLog().error("Failed to create parent directory of '" + aSVRLFile.getAbsolutePath() + "': " + aIOErr.toString());
                    if (new SVRLMarshaller().write(aSOT, aSVRLFile).isSuccess())
                        getLog().info("Successfully saved SVRL file '" + aSVRLFile.getPath() + "'");
                        getLog().error("Error saving SVRL file '" + aSVRLFile.getPath() + "'");
                // Failed asserts and Successful reports
                final ICommonsList<AbstractSVRLMessage> aSVRLErrors = SVRLHelper.getAllFailedAssertionsAndSuccessfulReports(aSOT);
                if (bExpectSuccess) {
                    // No failed assertions expected
                    if (aSVRLErrors.isNotEmpty()) {
                        final String sMessage = aSVRLErrors.size() + " failed Schematron assertions for XML file '" + aXMLFile.getPath() + "'";
                        aSVRLErrors.forEach(x -> getLog().error(x.getAsResourceError(aXMLFile.getPath()).getAsString(Locale.US)));
                        if (m_bFailFast)
                            throw new MojoFailureException(sMessage);
                } else {
                    // At least one failed assertions expected
                    if (aSVRLErrors.isEmpty()) {
                        final String sMessage = "No failed Schematron assertions for erroneous XML file '" + aXMLFile.getPath() + "'";
                        if (m_bFailFast)
                            throw new MojoFailureException(sMessage);
            } catch (final MojoExecutionException | MojoFailureException up) {
                throw up;
            } catch (final Exception ex) {
                final String sMessage = "Exception validating XML '" + aXMLFile.getPath() + "' against Schematron rules from '" + m_aSchematronFile + "'";
                getLog().error(sMessage, ex);
                throw new MojoExecutionException(sMessage, ex);
Also used : MojoExecutionException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException) MojoFailureException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException) SVRLMarshaller(com.helger.schematron.svrl.SVRLMarshaller) AbstractSVRLMessage(com.helger.schematron.svrl.AbstractSVRLMessage) MojoExecutionException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException) MojoFailureException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException) SchematronOutputType(com.helger.schematron.svrl.jaxb.SchematronOutputType) FileIOError( DirectoryScanner(org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner) File(

Example 8 with FileIOError

use of in project phase4 by phax.

the class AS4ResourceHelper method close.

public void close() {
    // close only once
    if (!m_aInClose.getAndSet(true)) {
        // Close all closeables before deleting files, because the closables might
        // be the files to be deleted :)
        final ICommonsList<Closeable> aCloseables = m_aRWLock.writeLockedGet(() -> {
            final ICommonsList<Closeable> ret = m_aCloseables.getClone();
            return ret;
        if (aCloseables.isNotEmpty()) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Closing " + aCloseables.size() + " " + CAS4.LIB_NAME + " stream handles");
            for (final Closeable aCloseable : aCloseables) StreamHelper.close(aCloseable);
        // Get and delete all temp files
        final ICommonsList<File> aFiles = m_aRWLock.writeLockedGet(() -> {
            final ICommonsList<File> ret = m_aTempFiles.getClone();
            return ret;
        if (aFiles.isNotEmpty()) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("Deleting " + aFiles.size() + " temporary " + CAS4.LIB_NAME + " files");
            for (final File aFile : aFiles) {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOGGER.debug("Deleting temporary file '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
                final FileIOError aError = AS4IOHelper.getFileOperationManager().deleteFileIfExisting(aFile);
                if (aError.isFailure())
                    LOGGER.warn("  Failed to delete temporary " + CAS4.LIB_NAME + " file " + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + aError.toString());
Also used : FileIOError( Closeable( File(

Example 9 with FileIOError

use of in project ph-commons by phax.

the class AbstractSimpleDAO method getSafeFile.

protected final File getSafeFile(@Nonnull final String sFilename, @Nonnull final EMode eMode) throws DAOException {
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(sFilename, "Filename");
    ValueEnforcer.notNull(eMode, "Mode");
    final File aFile = m_aIO.getFile(sFilename);
    if (aFile.exists()) {
        // file exist -> must be a file!
        if (!aFile.isFile())
            throw new DAOException("The passed filename '" + sFilename + "' is not a file - maybe a directory? Path is '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
        switch(eMode) {
            case READ:
                // Check for read-rights
                if (!aFile.canRead())
                    throw new DAOException("The DAO of class " + getClass().getName() + " has no access rights to read from '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
            case WRITE:
                // Check for write-rights
                if (!aFile.canWrite())
                    throw new DAOException("The DAO of class " + getClass().getName() + " has no access rights to write to '" + aFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
    } else {
        // Ensure the parent directory is present
        final File aParentDir = aFile.getParentFile();
        if (aParentDir != null) {
            final FileIOError aError = FileOperationManager.INSTANCE.createDirRecursiveIfNotExisting(aParentDir);
            if (aError.isFailure())
                throw new DAOException("The DAO of class " + getClass().getName() + " failed to create parent directory '" + aParentDir + "': " + aError);
    return aFile;
Also used : DAOException(com.helger.dao.DAOException) FileIOError( File( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 10 with FileIOError

use of in project ph-commons by phax.

the class AbstractWALDAO method _writeToFile.

 * The main method for writing the new data to a file. This method may only be
 * called within a write lock!
 * @return {@link ESuccess} and never <code>null</code>.
private ESuccess _writeToFile() {
    // Build the filename to write to
    final String sFilename = m_aFilenameProvider.get();
    if (sFilename == null) {
        // We're not operating on a file! Required for testing
        if (!isSilentMode())
            if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
      "The DAO of class " + getClass().getName() + " cannot write to a file");
        return ESuccess.FAILURE;
    // Check for a filename change before writing
    if (!sFilename.equals(m_sPreviousFilename)) {
        onFilenameChange(m_sPreviousFilename, sFilename);
        m_sPreviousFilename = sFilename;
    if (!isSilentMode())
        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())
  "Trying to write WAL DAO file '" + sFilename + "'");
    File aFileNew = null;
    IMicroDocument aDoc = null;
    final String sFilenameNew = _getFilenameNew(sFilename);
    final String sFilenamePrev = _getFilenamePrev(sFilename);
    try {
        // Get the file handle
        aFileNew = getSafeFile(sFilenameNew, EMode.WRITE);
        final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted();
        // Create XML document to write
        aDoc = createWriteData();
        if (aDoc == null)
            throw new DAOException("Failed to create data to write to file");
        // Generic modification
        // Get the output stream
        final OutputStream aOS = FileHelper.getOutputStream(aFileNew);
        if (aOS == null) {
            // Logger warning already emitted
            throw new DAOException("Failed to open output stream for '" + aFileNew.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
        // Write to file (closes the OS)
        final IXMLWriterSettings aXWS = getXMLWriterSettings();
        if (MicroWriter.writeToStream(aDoc, aOS, aXWS).isFailure())
            throw new DAOException("Failed to write DAO XML data to file");
        // Rename existing file to old
        FileIOError aIOError;
        boolean bRenamedToPrev = false;
        if (m_aIO.existsFile(sFilename)) {
            aIOError = m_aIO.renameFile(sFilename, sFilenamePrev);
            bRenamedToPrev = true;
        } else
            aIOError = new FileIOError(EFileIOOperation.RENAME_FILE, EFileIOErrorCode.NO_ERROR);
        if (aIOError.isSuccess()) {
            // Rename new file to final
            aIOError = m_aIO.renameFile(sFilenameNew, sFilename);
            if (aIOError.isSuccess()) {
                // Finally delete old file
                aIOError = m_aIO.deleteFileIfExisting(sFilenamePrev);
            } else {
                // -> Revert original rename to stay as consistent as possible
                if (bRenamedToPrev)
                    m_aIO.renameFile(sFilenamePrev, sFilename);
        if (aIOError.isFailure())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Error on rename(existing-old)/rename(new-existing)/delete(old): " + aIOError);
        // Update stats etc.
        m_aLastWriteDT = PDTFactory.getCurrentLocalDateTime();
        return ESuccess.SUCCESS;
    } catch (final DAOException | RuntimeException ex) {
        final String sErrorFilename = aFileNew != null ? aFileNew.getAbsolutePath() : sFilename;
        if (LOGGER.isErrorEnabled())
            LOGGER.error("The DAO of class " + getClass().getName() + " failed to write the DAO data to '" + sErrorFilename + "'", ex);
        triggerExceptionHandlersWrite(ex, sErrorFilename, aDoc);
        return ESuccess.FAILURE;
Also used : DAOException(com.helger.dao.DAOException) IXMLWriterSettings(com.helger.xml.serialize.write.IXMLWriterSettings) FileIOError( DataOutputStream( OutputStream( PDTToString(com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTToString) IMicroDocument(com.helger.xml.microdom.IMicroDocument) File( StopWatch(com.helger.commons.timing.StopWatch) MustBeLocked(com.helger.commons.annotation.MustBeLocked) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) SuppressFBWarnings(edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings)


FileIOError ( File ( Nonnull (javax.annotation.Nonnull)3 MustBeLocked (com.helger.commons.annotation.MustBeLocked)2 DAOException (com.helger.dao.DAOException)2 Closeable ( IOException ( AS2Exception (com.helger.as2lib.exception.AS2Exception)1 WrappedAS2Exception (com.helger.as2lib.exception.WrappedAS2Exception)1 IMessage (com.helger.as2lib.message.IMessage)1 CompositeParameters (com.helger.as2lib.params.CompositeParameters)1 DateParameters (com.helger.as2lib.params.DateParameters)1 MessageParameters (com.helger.as2lib.params.MessageParameters)1 PDTToString (com.helger.commons.datetime.PDTToString)1 StopWatch (com.helger.commons.timing.StopWatch)1 AbstractSVRLMessage (com.helger.schematron.svrl.AbstractSVRLMessage)1 SVRLMarshaller (com.helger.schematron.svrl.SVRLMarshaller)1 SchematronOutputType (com.helger.schematron.svrl.jaxb.SchematronOutputType)1 IMicroDocument (com.helger.xml.microdom.IMicroDocument)1 IXMLWriterSettings (com.helger.xml.serialize.write.IXMLWriterSettings)1