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Example 26 with Column

use of com.helger.genericode.v10.Column in project molgenis-emx2 by molgenis.

the class TableSort method sortTableByDependency.

public static void sortTableByDependency(List<TableMetadata> tableList) {
    ArrayList<TableMetadata> result = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<TableMetadata> todo = new ArrayList<>(tableList);
    // ensure deterministic order
    todo.sort(new Comparator<TableMetadata>() {

        public int compare(TableMetadata o1, TableMetadata o2) {
            return o1.getTableName().compareTo(o2.getTableName());
    while (!todo.isEmpty()) {
        int size = todo.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < todo.size(); i++) {
            TableMetadata current = todo.get(i);
            boolean depends = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < todo.size(); j++) {
                if (current.getInherit() != null && current.getImportSchema() == null && todo.get(j).equals(current.getInheritedTable())) {
                    depends = true;
            if (!depends)
                for (Column c : current.getColumns()) {
                    if (c.getRefTableName() != null && !c.isRefback()) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < todo.size(); j++) {
                            if (i != j && (todo.get(j).getTableName().equals(c.getRefTableName()))) {
                                depends = true;
            if (!depends) {
        // check for circular relationship
        if (size == todo.size()) {
            throw new MolgenisException("circular dependency error: following tables have circular dependency: " +",")));
Also used : TableMetadata(org.molgenis.emx2.TableMetadata) Column(org.molgenis.emx2.Column) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MolgenisException(org.molgenis.emx2.MolgenisException)

Example 27 with Column

use of com.helger.genericode.v10.Column in project molgenis-emx2 by molgenis.

the class EvaluateExpressionsTest method testCheckValidationColumnsSuccess.

public void testCheckValidationColumnsSuccess() {
    Collection<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
    Column column1 = new Column("columnName1");
    Column column2 = new Column("columnName2");
Also used : Column(org.molgenis.emx2.Column) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 28 with Column

use of com.helger.genericode.v10.Column in project molgenis-emx2 by molgenis.

the class EvaluateExpressionsTest method testCheckValidationSuccess.

public void testCheckValidationSuccess() {
    Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
    Collection<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
    String validation = "true && true";
    Column column = new Column("name");
    checkValidation(values, columns);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Column(org.molgenis.emx2.Column) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 29 with Column

use of com.helger.genericode.v10.Column in project molgenis-emx2 by molgenis.

the class EvaluateExpressionsTest method testCheckValidationInvalidExpression.

public void testCheckValidationInvalidExpression() {
    Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>();
    Collection<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
    String validation = "this is very invalid";
    Column column = new Column("name");
    try {
        checkValidation(values, columns);
    } catch (MolgenisException exception) {
        assertEquals("Cannot execute expression: this is very invalid", exception.getMessage());
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Column(org.molgenis.emx2.Column) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MolgenisException(org.molgenis.emx2.MolgenisException) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 30 with Column

use of com.helger.genericode.v10.Column in project molgenis-emx2 by molgenis.

the class SqlColumnRefArrayExecutor method createReferenceExistsCheck.

 * trigger on this column to check if foreign key exists. Might be composite key, i.e., list of
 * columns
private static void createReferenceExistsCheck(DSLContext jooq, Column column) {
    String schemaName = column.getSchema().getName();
    Name thisTable = name(schemaName, column.getTable().getTableName());
    Name toTable = name(column.getRefSchema(), column.getRefTableName());
    String functionName = getReferenceExistsCheckName(column);
    List<Reference> references = column.getReferences();
    String fromColumns = -> name(r.getName()).toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
    String toColumns = -> name(r.getRefTo()).toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
    String errorColumns = -> "COALESCE(error_row." + name(r.getRefTo()).toString() + ",'NULL')").collect(Collectors.joining("||','||"));
    String exceptFilter = -> {
        if (r.isOverlappingRef()) {
            return name(r.getRefTo()) + " = NEW." + name(r.getName());
        } else {
            return name(r.getRefTo()) + " = ANY (NEW." + name(r.getName()) + ")";
    }).collect(Collectors.joining(" AND "));
    String unnestRefs = -> {
        // can be overlapping with non_array reference
        if (r.isOverlappingRef()) {
            return "NEW." + name(r.getName()) + " AS " + name(r.getRefTo());
        } else {
            return "UNNEST(NEW." + name(r.getName()) + ") AS " + name(r.getRefTo());
    String nonRefLinkFieldsAreNotNull = -> !r.isOverlapping()).map(r2 -> "error_row." + name(r2.getRefTo()) + " IS NOT NULL ").collect(Collectors.joining(" OR "));
    jooq.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {0}() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ " + "\nDECLARE error_row RECORD;" + "\nBEGIN" + "\n\tFOR error_row IN SELECT {1} EXCEPT SELECT {2} FROM {3} WHERE {10} LOOP" + // exclude if only refLink fields are set
    "\n\t\tIF {11} THEN" + "\n\t\t\tRAISE EXCEPTION USING ERRCODE='23503', MESSAGE = 'insert or update on table \"'||{9}||'\" violates foreign key (ref_array) constraint'" + " , DETAIL = 'Key ('||{6}||')=('|| {5} ||') is not present in table \"'||{7}||'\", column(s)('||{8}||')';" + "\n\t\tEND IF;" + "\n\tEND LOOP;" + "\n\tRETURN NEW;" + "\nEND; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;", // 0
    name(schemaName, functionName), // 1
    keyword(unnestRefs), // 2
    keyword(toColumns), // 3
    toTable, // 4
    thisTable, // 5
    keyword(errorColumns), // 6
    inline(fromColumns), // 7
    inline(column.getRefTableName()), // 8
    inline(toColumns), // 9
    inline(column.getTableName()), // 10
    keyword(exceptFilter), // 11
    // add the trigger
    jooq.execute("CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER {0} " + "\n\tAFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OF {1} ON {2} FROM {3}" + "\n\tDEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE " + "\n\tFOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE {4}()", name(functionName), keyword(fromColumns), thisTable, toTable, name(column.getTable().getSchema().getName(), functionName));
Also used : Column(org.molgenis.emx2.Column) SqlColumnExecutor.validateColumn(org.molgenis.emx2.sql.SqlColumnExecutor.validateColumn) List(java.util.List) DSL(org.jooq.impl.DSL) Name(org.jooq.Name) Collection(java.util.Collection) Reference(org.molgenis.emx2.Reference) DSLContext(org.jooq.DSLContext) Collectors( Reference(org.molgenis.emx2.Reference) Name(org.jooq.Name)


org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Column (org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Column)21 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)11 Column (org.molgenis.emx2.Column)11 org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Bigint (org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Bigint)10 org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Smallint (org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Smallint)10 Column ( List (java.util.List)9 Family ( org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Tinyint (org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Tinyint)8 Test (org.junit.Test)8 org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Table (org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Table)7 MolgenisException (org.molgenis.emx2.MolgenisException)6 Map (java.util.Map)4 org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Enum (org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Enum)4 org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Integer (org.jaxdb.www.ddlx_0_5.xLygluGCXAA.$Integer)4 SqlColumnExecutor.validateColumn (org.molgenis.emx2.sql.SqlColumnExecutor.validateColumn)4 Cell ( ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)3 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)3