use of com.helger.phase4.attachment.WSS4JAttachment in project phase4 by phax.
the class MainVerifySignature method _verifyAndDecrypt.
private static ESuccess _verifyAndDecrypt(@Nonnull final IAS4CryptoFactory aCryptoFactory, @Nonnull final Document aSOAPDoc, @Nonnull final Locale aLocale, @Nonnull final AS4ResourceHelper aResHelper, @Nonnull final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aAttachments, @Nonnull final ErrorList aErrorList, @Nonnull final Supplier<WSSConfig> aWSSConfigSupplier) {
// Signing verification and Decryption
try {
// Convert to WSS4J attachments
final Phase4KeyStoreCallbackHandler aKeyStoreCallback = new Phase4KeyStoreCallbackHandler(aCryptoFactory);
final WSS4JAttachmentCallbackHandler aAttachmentCallbackHandler = new WSS4JAttachmentCallbackHandler(aAttachments, aResHelper);
// Resolve the WSS config here to ensure the context matches
final WSSConfig aWSSConfig = aWSSConfigSupplier.get();
// Configure RequestData needed for the check / decrypt process!
final RequestData aRequestData = new RequestData();
if (aAttachments.isNotEmpty())
// Upon success, the SOAP document contains the decrypted content
// afterwards!
final WSSecurityEngine aSecurityEngine = new WSSecurityEngine();
final WSHandlerResult aHdlRes = aSecurityEngine.processSecurityHeader(aSOAPDoc, aRequestData);
final List<WSSecurityEngineResult> aResults = aHdlRes.getResults();
// Collect all unique used certificates
final ICommonsSet<X509Certificate> aCertSet = new CommonsHashSet<>();
// Preferred certificate from BinarySecurityToken
X509Certificate aPreferredCert = null;
int nWSS4JSecurityActions = 0;
for (final WSSecurityEngineResult aResult : aResults) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("WSSecurityEngineResult: " + aResult);
final Integer aAction = (Integer) aResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION);
final int nAction = aAction != null ? aAction.intValue() : 0;
nWSS4JSecurityActions |= nAction;
final X509Certificate aCert = (X509Certificate) aResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_X509_CERTIFICATE);
if (aCert != null) {
if (nAction == WSConstants.BST && aPreferredCert == null)
aPreferredCert = aCert;
// this determines if a signature check or a decryption happened
final X509Certificate aUsedCert;
if (aCertSet.size() > 1) {
if (aPreferredCert == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Found " + aCertSet.size() + " different certificates in message. Using the first one.");
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("All gathered certificates: " + aCertSet);
aUsedCert = aCertSet.getAtIndex(0);
} else
aUsedCert = aPreferredCert;
} else if (aCertSet.size() == 1)
aUsedCert = aCertSet.getAtIndex(0);
aUsedCert = null;
// Remember in State
// Decrypting the Attachments
final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aResponseAttachments = aAttachmentCallbackHandler.getAllResponseAttachments();
for (final WSS4JAttachment aResponseAttachment : aResponseAttachments) {
// Always copy to a temporary file, so that decrypted content can be
// read more than once. By default the stream can only be read once
// Not nice, but working :)
final File aTempFile = aResHelper.createTempFile();
StreamHelper.copyInputStreamToOutputStreamAndCloseOS(aResponseAttachment.getSourceStream(), FileHelper.getBufferedOutputStream(aTempFile));
aResponseAttachment.setSourceStreamProvider(HasInputStream.multiple(() -> FileHelper.getBufferedInputStream(aTempFile)));
// Remember in State
return ESuccess.SUCCESS;
} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException | IllegalStateException | WSSecurityException ex) {
// Decryption or Signature check failed
LOGGER.error("Error processing the WSSSecurity Header", ex);
// TODO we need a way to distinct
// signature and decrypt WSSecurityException provides no such thing
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
} catch (final IOException ex) {
// Decryption or Signature check failed
LOGGER.error("IO error processing the WSSSecurity Header", ex);
return ESuccess.FAILURE;
use of com.helger.phase4.attachment.WSS4JAttachment in project phase4 by phax.
the class AS4CEFOneWayFuncTest method testAS4_TA08.
* Prerequisite:<br>
* SMSH and RMSH are configured to exchange AS4 messages according to the
* e-SENS profile (One-Way/Push MEP). Producer submits a message to the SMSH
* with payload (ex: xml document) and metadata information including a
* property element with name "MimeType" and value ("application/xml").<br>
* <br>
* Predicate: <br>
* The SMSH generates an AS4 message with the property "MimeType" present and
* set to the value specified by the producer ("application/xml").
* @throws Exception
* In case of error
public void testAS4_TA08() throws Exception {
final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aAttachments = new CommonsArrayList<>();
aAttachments.add(WSS4JAttachment.createOutgoingFileAttachment(Phase4OutgoingAttachment.builder().data(ClassPathResource.getAsFile(AS4TestConstants.ATTACHMENT_SHORTXML_XML)).mimeTypeXML().compressionGZIP().build(), s_aResMgr));
final Document aDoc = createTestSignedUserMessage(m_eSoapVersion, m_aPayload, aAttachments, s_aResMgr);
final NodeList aNL = aDoc.getElementsByTagName("eb:PartProperties");
assertEquals(1, aNL.getLength());
assertEquals("MimeType", aNL.item(0).getFirstChild().getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getTextContent());
assertEquals("application/xml", aNL.item(0).getFirstChild().getTextContent());
use of com.helger.phase4.attachment.WSS4JAttachment in project phase4 by phax.
the class AS4CEFOneWayFuncTest method testAS4_TA15.
* Prerequisite:<br>
* SMSH and RMSH are configured to exchange AS4 messages according to the
* e-SENS profile (One-Way/Push MEP). SMSH sends an AS4 User Message with a
* compressed payload to the RMSH.<br>
* <br>
* Predicate: <br>
* The RMSH delivers the message with decompressed payload to the consumer.
* @throws Exception
* In case of error
public void testAS4_TA15() throws Exception {
final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aAttachments = new CommonsArrayList<>();
aAttachments.add(WSS4JAttachment.createOutgoingFileAttachment(Phase4OutgoingAttachment.builder().data(ClassPathResource.getAsFile(AS4TestConstants.ATTACHMENT_SHORTXML_XML)).mimeTypeXML().compressionGZIP().build(), s_aResMgr));
final Document aDoc = createTestSignedUserMessage(m_eSoapVersion, m_aPayload, aAttachments, s_aResMgr);
final AS4MimeMessage aMsg = MimeMessageCreator.generateMimeMessage(m_eSoapVersion, aDoc, aAttachments);
sendMimeMessage(new HttpMimeMessageEntity(aMsg), true, null);
// How to check message if it is decompressed hmm?
use of com.helger.phase4.attachment.WSS4JAttachment in project phase4 by phax.
the class AS4CEFOneWayFuncTest method testAS4_TA18.
* Prerequisite:<br>
* eSENS_TA13<br>
* Simulated SMSH sends a signed AS4 User Message with a signed then
* compressed payload to the RMSH.<br>
* <br>
* Predicate: <br>
* The SMSH receives a WS-Security SOAP Fault.
* @throws Exception
* In case of error
public void testAS4_TA18() throws Exception {
// signed then compressed
// Should return an error because the uncompressed attachment was signed and
// not the compressed one
ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aAttachments = new CommonsArrayList<>();
aAttachments.add(WSS4JAttachment.createOutgoingFileAttachment(Phase4OutgoingAttachment.builder().data(ClassPathResource.getAsFile(AS4TestConstants.ATTACHMENT_SHORTXML_XML)).mimeTypeXML().build(), s_aResMgr));
final Document aDoc = createTestSignedUserMessage(m_eSoapVersion, m_aPayload, aAttachments, s_aResMgr);
aAttachments = new CommonsArrayList<>();
aAttachments.add(WSS4JAttachment.createOutgoingFileAttachment(Phase4OutgoingAttachment.builder().data(ClassPathResource.getAsFile(AS4TestConstants.ATTACHMENT_SHORTXML_XML)).mimeTypeXML().compressionGZIP().build(), s_aResMgr));
final AS4MimeMessage aMsg = MimeMessageCreator.generateMimeMessage(m_eSoapVersion, aDoc, aAttachments);
sendMimeMessage(new HttpMimeMessageEntity(aMsg), false, EEbmsError.EBMS_VALUE_INCONSISTENT.getErrorCode());
use of com.helger.phase4.attachment.WSS4JAttachment in project phase4 by phax.
the class MockMessages method testUserMessageNotSignedNotPModeConform.
public static Document testUserMessageNotSignedNotPModeConform(@Nonnull final ESoapVersion eSOAPVersion, @Nullable final Node aPayload, @Nullable final ICommonsList<WSS4JAttachment> aAttachments) {
// Add properties
final ICommonsList<Ebms3Property> aEbms3Properties = AS4TestConstants.getEBMSProperties();
final Ebms3MessageInfo aEbms3MessageInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3MessageInfo();
final Ebms3PayloadInfo aEbms3PayloadInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3PayloadInfo(aPayload != null, aAttachments);
final Ebms3CollaborationInfo aEbms3CollaborationInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3CollaborationInfo(sPModeID + "x", DEFAULT_AGREEMENT, AS4TestConstants.TEST_SERVICE_TYPE, AS4TestConstants.TEST_SERVICE, MockMessageProcessorCheckingStreamsSPI.ACTION_FAILURE, AS4TestConstants.TEST_CONVERSATION_ID);
final Ebms3PartyInfo aEbms3PartyInfo = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3PartyInfo(CAS4.DEFAULT_INITIATOR_URL, "testt", CAS4.DEFAULT_RESPONDER_URL, "testt");
final Ebms3MessageProperties aEbms3MessageProperties = MessageHelperMethods.createEbms3MessageProperties(aEbms3Properties);
final AS4UserMessage aDoc = AS4UserMessage.create(aEbms3MessageInfo, aEbms3PayloadInfo, aEbms3CollaborationInfo, aEbms3PartyInfo, aEbms3MessageProperties, eSOAPVersion).setMustUnderstand(true);
return aDoc.getAsSoapDocument(aPayload);