use of com.helger.web.fileupload.IFileItem in project ph-web by phax.
the class ServletFileUploadTest method testEmptyFile.
* This is what the browser does if you submit the form without choosing a
* file.
* @throws FileUploadException
* In case of error
public void testEmptyFile() throws FileUploadException {
final List<IFileItem> fileItems = parseUpload("-----1234\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"\"\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "-----1234--\r\n");
assertEquals(1, fileItems.size());
final IFileItem file = fileItems.get(0);
assertEquals("", file.getString());
assertEquals("", file.getName());
use of com.helger.web.fileupload.IFileItem in project ph-web by phax.
the class SizesFuncTest method testFileSizeLimit.
* Checks, whether limiting the file size works.
* @throws FileUploadException
* In case of error
public void testFileSizeLimit() throws FileUploadException {
final String request = "-----1234\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"\"\r\n" + "Content-Type: text/whatever\r\n" + "\r\n" + "This is the content of the file\n" + "\r\n" + "-----1234--\r\n";
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory(10240));
HttpServletRequest req = new MockHttpServletRequest().setContent(request.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)).setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);
List<IFileItem> fileItems = upload.parseRequest(req);
assertEquals(1, fileItems.size());
IFileItem item = fileItems.get(0);
assertEquals("This is the content of the file\n", new String(item.directGet(), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII));
upload = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory(10240));
req = new MockHttpServletRequest().setContent(request.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)).setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);
fileItems = upload.parseRequest(req);
assertEquals(1, fileItems.size());
item = fileItems.get(0);
assertEquals("This is the content of the file\n", new String(item.directGet(), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII));
upload = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory(10240));
req = new MockHttpServletRequest().setContent(request.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)).setContentType(CONTENT_TYPE);
try {
fail("Expected exception.");
} catch (final FileSizeLimitExceededException e) {
assertEquals(30, e.getPermittedSize());
use of com.helger.web.fileupload.IFileItem in project ph-web by phax.
the class SizesFuncTest method testFileUpload.
* Runs a test with varying file sizes.
* @throws IOException
* In case of error
* @throws FileUploadException
* In case of error
public void testFileUpload() throws IOException, FileUploadException {
try (final NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream baos = new NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream()) {
int add = 16;
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16384; i += add) {
if (++add == 32) {
add = 16;
final String header = "-----1234\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field" + (num++) + "\"\r\n" + "\r\n";
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
baos.write((byte) j);
final ICommonsList<IFileItem> fileItems = parseUpload(baos.toByteArray());
final Iterator<IFileItem> fileIter = fileItems.iterator();
add = 16;
num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16384; i += add) {
if (++add == 32) {
add = 16;
final IFileItem item =;
assertEquals("field" + (num++), item.getFieldName());
final byte[] bytes = item.directGet();
assertEquals(i, bytes.length);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
assertEquals((byte) j, bytes[j]);
use of com.helger.web.fileupload.IFileItem in project ph-web by phax.
the class RequestMultipartHelper method handleMultipartFormData.
* Parse the provided servlet request as multipart, if the Content-Type starts
* with <code>multipart/form-data</code>.
* @param aHttpRequest
* Source HTTP request from which multipart/form-data (aka file
* uploads) should be extracted.
* @param aConsumer
* A consumer that takes either {@link IFileItem} or
* {@link IFileItem}[] or {@link String} or {@link String}[].
* @return {@link EChange#CHANGED} if something was added
public static EChange handleMultipartFormData(@Nonnull final HttpServletRequest aHttpRequest, @Nonnull final BiConsumer<String, Object> aConsumer) {
if (aHttpRequest instanceof MockHttpServletRequest) {
// UnsupportedOperationExceptions
return EChange.UNCHANGED;
if (!RequestHelper.isMultipartFormDataContent(aHttpRequest)) {
// It's not a multipart request
return EChange.UNCHANGED;
// It is a multipart request!
// Note: this handles only POST parameters!
boolean bAddedFileUploadItems = false;
try {
// Setup the ServletFileUpload....
final ServletFileUpload aUpload = new ServletFileUpload(PROVIDER.getFileItemFactory());
final IProgressListener aProgressListener = ProgressListenerProvider.getProgressListener();
if (aProgressListener != null)
ServletHelper.setRequestCharacterEncoding(aHttpRequest, CWeb.CHARSET_REQUEST_OBJ);
// Group all items with the same name together
final ICommonsMap<String, ICommonsList<String>> aFormFields = new CommonsHashMap<>();
final ICommonsMap<String, ICommonsList<IFileItem>> aFormFiles = new CommonsHashMap<>();
final ICommonsList<IFileItem> aFileItems = aUpload.parseRequest(aHttpRequest);
for (final IFileItem aFileItem : aFileItems) {
if (aFileItem.isFormField()) {
// We need to explicitly use the charset, as by default only the
// charset from the content type is used!
aFormFields.computeIfAbsent(aFileItem.getFieldName(), k -> new CommonsArrayList<>()).add(aFileItem.getString(CWeb.CHARSET_REQUEST_OBJ));
} else
aFormFiles.computeIfAbsent(aFileItem.getFieldName(), k -> new CommonsArrayList<>()).add(aFileItem);
// set all form fields
for (final Map.Entry<String, ICommonsList<String>> aEntry : aFormFields.entrySet()) {
// Convert list of String to value (String or String[])
final ICommonsList<String> aValues = aEntry.getValue();
final Object aValue = aValues.size() == 1 ? aValues.getFirst() : ArrayHelper.newArray(aValues, String.class);
aConsumer.accept(aEntry.getKey(), aValue);
// name)
for (final Map.Entry<String, ICommonsList<IFileItem>> aEntry : aFormFiles.entrySet()) {
// Convert list of String to value (IFileItem or IFileItem[])
final ICommonsList<IFileItem> aValues = aEntry.getValue();
final Object aValue = aValues.size() == 1 ? aValues.getFirst() : ArrayHelper.newArray(aValues, IFileItem.class);
aConsumer.accept(aEntry.getKey(), aValue);
// Parsing complex file upload succeeded -> do not use standard scan for
// parameters
bAddedFileUploadItems = true;
} catch (final FileUploadException ex) {
if (!StreamHelper.isKnownEOFException(ex.getCause()))
LOGGER.error("Error parsing multipart request content", ex);
} catch (final RuntimeException ex) {
LOGGER.error("Error parsing multipart request content", ex);
return EChange.valueOf(bAddedFileUploadItems);
use of com.helger.web.fileupload.IFileItem in project peppol-practical by phax.
the class PagePublicToolsSMPSML method _deleteSMPfromSML.
private void _deleteSMPfromSML(@Nonnull final WebPageExecutionContext aWPEC, @Nonnull final FormErrorList aFormErrors) {
final HCNodeList aNodeList = aWPEC.getNodeList();
final Locale aDisplayLocale = aWPEC.getDisplayLocale();
final ISMLConfigurationManager aSMLConfigurationMgr = PPMetaManager.getSMLConfigurationMgr();
final String sSMLID = aWPEC.params().getAsString(FIELD_SML_ID);
final ISMLConfiguration aSMLInfo = aSMLConfigurationMgr.getSMLInfoOfID(sSMLID);
final String sSMPID = aWPEC.params().getAsString(FIELD_SMP_ID);
final IFileItem aKeyStoreFile = aWPEC.params().getAsFileItem(FIELD_KEYSTORE);
final String sKeyStorePassword = aWPEC.params().getAsString(FIELD_KEYSTORE_PW);
if (aSMLInfo == null)
aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_SML_ID, "A valid SML must be selected!");
if (StringHelper.hasNoText(sSMPID))
aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_SMP_ID, "A non-empty SMP ID must be provided!");
else if (!RegExHelper.stringMatchesPattern(CPPApp.PATTERN_SMP_ID, sSMPID))
aFormErrors.addFieldError(FIELD_SMP_ID, "The provided SMP ID contains invalid characters. It must match the following regular expression: " + CPPApp.PATTERN_SMP_ID);
final SSLSocketFactory aSocketFactory = _loadKeyStoreAndCreateSSLSocketFactory(EKeyStoreType.JKS, SECURITY_PROVIDER, aKeyStoreFile, sKeyStorePassword, aFormErrors, aDisplayLocale);
if (aFormErrors.isEmpty()) {
try {
final ManageServiceMetadataServiceCaller aCaller = _create(aSMLInfo.getSMLInfo(), aSocketFactory);
final String sMsg = "Successfully deleted SMP '" + sSMPID + "' from the SML '" + aSMLInfo.getManagementServiceURL() + "'.";;
AuditHelper.onAuditExecuteSuccess("smp-sml-delete", sSMPID, aSMLInfo.getManagementServiceURL());
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final String sMsg = "Error deleting SMP '" + sSMPID + "' from the SML '" + aSMLInfo.getManagementServiceURL() + "'.";
aNodeList.addChild(error(sMsg).addChild(AppCommonUI.getTechnicalDetailsUI(ex, true)));
AuditHelper.onAuditExecuteFailure("smp-sml-delete", sSMPID, aSMLInfo.getManagementServiceURL(), ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage());
} else