Search in sources :

Example 16 with GalleryInfo

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class FavoritesScene method onItemClick.

public boolean onItemClick(EasyRecyclerView parent, View view, int position, long id) {
    if (mDrawerLayout != null && mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(Gravity.RIGHT)) {
        // Skip if in search mode
        if (mRecyclerView != null && mRecyclerView.isInCustomChoice()) {
            return true;
        if (mUrlBuilder == null || mHelper == null) {
            return true;
        // Local favorite position is 0, All favorite position is 1, so position - 2 is OK
        int newFavCat = position - 2;
        // Check is the same
        if (mUrlBuilder.getFavCat() == newFavCat) {
            return true;
        // Ensure outOfCustomChoiceMode to avoid error
        if (mRecyclerView != null) {
    } else {
        if (mRecyclerView != null && mRecyclerView.isInCustomChoice()) {
        } else if (mHelper != null) {
            GalleryInfo gi = mHelper.getDataAtEx(position);
            if (gi == null) {
                return true;
            Bundle args = new Bundle();
            args.putString(GalleryDetailScene.KEY_ACTION, GalleryDetailScene.ACTION_GALLERY_INFO);
            args.putParcelable(GalleryDetailScene.KEY_GALLERY_INFO, gi);
            Announcer announcer = new Announcer(GalleryDetailScene.class).setArgs(args);
            View thumb;
            if (null != (thumb = view.findViewById( {
                announcer.setTranHelper(new EnterGalleryDetailTransaction(thumb));
    return true;
Also used : Announcer(com.hippo.scene.Announcer) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) GalleryInfo( EasyRecyclerView(com.hippo.easyrecyclerview.EasyRecyclerView) ShowcaseView(com.github.amlcurran.showcaseview.ShowcaseView) View(android.view.View) RecyclerView(androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView) TextView(android.widget.TextView) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) Point( Implemented(com.hippo.annotation.Implemented)

Example 17 with GalleryInfo

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryApiParser method parse.

public static void parse(String body, List<GalleryInfo> galleryInfoList) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(body);
    JSONArray ja = jo.getJSONArray("gmetadata");
    for (int i = 0, length = ja.length(); i < length; i++) {
        JSONObject g = ja.getJSONObject(i);
        long gid = g.getLong("gid");
        GalleryInfo gi = getGalleryInfoByGid(galleryInfoList, gid);
        if (gi == null) {
        gi.title = ParserUtils.trim(g.getString("title"));
        gi.titleJpn = ParserUtils.trim(g.getString("title_jpn"));
        gi.category = EhUtils.getCategory(g.getString("category"));
        gi.thumb = EhUtils.handleThumbUrlResolution(g.getString("thumb"));
        gi.uploader = g.getString("uploader");
        gi.posted = ParserUtils.formatDate(ParserUtils.parseLong(g.getString("posted"), 0) * 1000);
        gi.rating = NumberUtils.parseFloatSafely(g.getString("rating"), 0.0f);
        // tags
        JSONArray tagJa = g.getJSONArray("tags");
        int tagLength = tagJa.length();
        String[] tags = new String[tagLength];
        for (int j = 0; j < tagLength; j++) {
            tags[j] = tagJa.getString(j);
        gi.simpleTags = tags;
        gi.pages = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(g.getString("filecount"), 0);
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) GalleryInfo(

Example 18 with GalleryInfo

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryListParser method parse.

public static Result parse(@NonNull String body) throws Exception {
    Result result = new Result();
    Document d = Jsoup.parse(body);
    try {
        Element ptt = d.getElementsByClass("ptt").first();
        Elements es = ptt.child(0).child(0).children();
        result.pages = Integer.parseInt(es.get(es.size() - 2).text().trim());
        Element e = es.get(es.size() - 1);
        if (e != null) {
            e = e.children().first();
            if (e != null) {
                String href = e.attr("href");
                Matcher matcher = PATTERN_NEXT_PAGE.matcher(href);
                if (matcher.find()) {
                    result.nextPage = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        result.noWatchedTags = body.contains("<p>You do not have any watched tags");
        if (body.contains("No hits found</p>")) {
            result.pages = 0;
            // noinspection unchecked
            result.galleryInfoList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
            return result;
        } else if (d.getElementsByClass("ptt").isEmpty()) {
            result.pages = 1;
        } else {
            result.pages = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    try {
        Element itg = d.getElementsByClass("itg").first();
        Elements es;
        if ("table".equalsIgnoreCase(itg.tagName())) {
            es = itg.child(0).children();
        } else {
            es = itg.children();
        List<GalleryInfo> list = new ArrayList<>(es.size());
        // First one is table header, skip it
        for (int i = 0; i < es.size(); i++) {
            GalleryInfo gi = parseGalleryInfo(es.get(i));
            if (null != gi) {
        if (list.isEmpty()) {
            throw new ParseException("No gallery", body);
        result.galleryInfoList = list;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new ParseException("Can't parse gallery list", body);
    return result;
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) GalleryInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ParseException(com.hippo.ehviewer.client.exception.ParseException) Document(org.jsoup.nodes.Document) Elements(

Example 19 with GalleryInfo

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class GalleryListParser method parseGalleryInfo.

private static GalleryInfo parseGalleryInfo(Element e) {
    GalleryInfo gi = new GalleryInfo();
    // Title, gid, token (required), tags
    Element glname = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "glname");
    if (glname != null) {
        Element a = JsoupUtils.getElementByTag(glname, "a");
        if (a == null) {
            Element parent = glname.parent();
            if (parent != null && "a".equals(parent.tagName())) {
                a = parent;
        if (a != null) {
            GalleryDetailUrlParser.Result result = GalleryDetailUrlParser.parse(a.attr("href"));
            if (result != null) {
                gi.gid = result.gid;
                gi.token = result.token;
        Element child = glname;
        Elements children = glname.children();
        while (children.size() != 0) {
            child = children.get(0);
            children = child.children();
        gi.title = child.text().trim();
        Element tbody = JsoupUtils.getElementByTag(glname, "tbody");
        if (tbody != null) {
            ArrayList<String> tags = new ArrayList<>();
            GalleryTagGroup[] groups = GalleryDetailParser.parseTagGroups(tbody.children());
            for (GalleryTagGroup group : groups) {
                for (int j = 0; j < group.size(); j++) {
                    tags.add(group.groupName + ":" + group.getTagAt(j));
            gi.simpleTags = tags.toArray(new String[tags.size()]);
    if (gi.title == null) {
        return null;
    // Category
    gi.category = EhUtils.UNKNOWN;
    Element ce = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "cn");
    if (ce == null) {
        ce = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "cs");
    if (ce != null) {
        gi.category = EhUtils.getCategory(ce.text());
    // Thumb
    Element glthumb = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "glthumb");
    if (glthumb != null) {
        Element img ="div:nth-child(1)>img").first();
        if (img != null) {
            // Thumb size
            Matcher m = PATTERN_THUMB_SIZE.matcher(img.attr("style"));
            if (m.find()) {
                gi.thumbWidth = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
                gi.thumbHeight = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
            } else {
                Log.w(TAG, "Can't parse gallery info thumb size");
                gi.thumbWidth = 0;
                gi.thumbHeight = 0;
            // Thumb url
            String url = img.attr("data-src");
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
                url = img.attr("src");
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
                url = null;
            gi.thumb = EhUtils.handleThumbUrlResolution(url);
        // Pages
        Element div ="div:nth-child(2)>div:nth-child(2)>div:nth-child(2)").first();
        if (div != null) {
            Matcher matcher = PATTERN_PAGES.matcher(div.text());
            if (matcher.find()) {
                gi.pages = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
    // Try extended and thumbnail version
    if (gi.thumb == null) {
        Element gl = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "gl1e");
        if (gl == null) {
            gl = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "gl3t");
        if (gl != null) {
            Element img = JsoupUtils.getElementByTag(gl, "img");
            if (img != null) {
                // Thumb size
                Matcher m = PATTERN_THUMB_SIZE.matcher(img.attr("style"));
                if (m.find()) {
                    gi.thumbWidth = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
                    gi.thumbHeight = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
                } else {
                    Log.w(TAG, "Can't parse gallery info thumb size");
                    gi.thumbWidth = 0;
                    gi.thumbHeight = 0;
                gi.thumb = EhUtils.handleThumbUrlResolution(img.attr("src"));
    // Posted
    gi.favoriteSlot = -2;
    Element posted = e.getElementById("posted_" + gi.gid);
    if (posted != null) {
        gi.posted = posted.text().trim();
        gi.favoriteSlot = parseFavoriteSlot(posted.attr("style"));
    if (gi.favoriteSlot == -2) {
        gi.favoriteSlot = EhDB.containLocalFavorites(gi.gid) ? -1 : -2;
    // Rating
    Element ir = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "ir");
    if (ir != null) {
        gi.rating = NumberUtils.parseFloatSafely(parseRating(ir.attr("style")), -1.0f);
        // TODO The gallery may be rated even if it doesn't has one of these classes
        gi.rated = ir.hasClass("irr") || ir.hasClass("irg") || ir.hasClass("irb");
    // Uploader and pages
    Element gl = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "glhide");
    int uploaderIndex = 0;
    int pagesIndex = 1;
    if (gl == null) {
        // For extended
        gl = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "gl3e");
        uploaderIndex = 3;
        pagesIndex = 4;
    if (gl != null) {
        Elements children = gl.children();
        if (children.size() > uploaderIndex) {
            Element a = children.get(uploaderIndex).children().first();
            if (a != null) {
                gi.uploader = a.text().trim();
        if (children.size() > pagesIndex) {
            Matcher matcher = PATTERN_PAGES.matcher(children.get(pagesIndex).text());
            if (matcher.find()) {
                gi.pages = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
    // For thumbnail
    Element gl5t = JsoupUtils.getElementByClass(e, "gl5t");
    if (gl5t != null) {
        Element div ="div:nth-child(2)>div:nth-child(2)").first();
        if (div != null) {
            Matcher matcher = PATTERN_PAGES.matcher(div.text());
            if (matcher.find()) {
                gi.pages = NumberUtils.parseIntSafely(, 0);
    return gi;
Also used : GalleryTagGroup( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Element(org.jsoup.nodes.Element) GalleryInfo( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Elements(

Example 20 with GalleryInfo

use of in project EhViewer by seven332.

the class DownloadService method handleIntent.

private void handleIntent(Intent intent) {
    String action = null;
    if (intent != null) {
        action = intent.getAction();
    if (ACTION_START.equals(action)) {
        GalleryInfo gi = intent.getParcelableExtra(KEY_GALLERY_INFO);
        String label = intent.getStringExtra(KEY_LABEL);
        if (gi != null && mDownloadManager != null) {
            mDownloadManager.startDownload(gi, label);
    } else if (ACTION_START_RANGE.equals(action)) {
        LongList gidList = intent.getParcelableExtra(KEY_GID_LIST);
        if (gidList != null && mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_START_ALL.equals(action)) {
        if (mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_STOP.equals(action)) {
        long gid = intent.getLongExtra(KEY_GID, -1);
        if (gid != -1 && mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_STOP_CURRENT.equals(action)) {
        if (mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_STOP_RANGE.equals(action)) {
        LongList gidList = intent.getParcelableExtra(KEY_GID_LIST);
        if (gidList != null && mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_STOP_ALL.equals(action)) {
        if (mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_DELETE.equals(action)) {
        long gid = intent.getLongExtra(KEY_GID, -1);
        if (gid != -1 && mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_DELETE_RANGE.equals(action)) {
        LongList gidList = intent.getParcelableExtra(KEY_GID_LIST);
        if (gidList != null && mDownloadManager != null) {
    } else if (ACTION_CLEAR.equals(action)) {
Also used : GalleryInfo( LongList(com.hippo.yorozuya.collect.LongList)


GalleryInfo ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 AlertDialog ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)5 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)5 View (android.view.View)5 TextView (android.widget.TextView)5 Activity ( Context (android.content.Context)4 DialogInterface (android.content.DialogInterface)4 Intent (android.content.Intent)4 RecyclerView (androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView)4 DownloadInfo (com.hippo.ehviewer.dao.DownloadInfo)4 MainActivity (com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity)4 Point ( Drawable ( AdapterView (android.widget.AdapterView)3 ListView (android.widget.ListView)3 EhApplication (com.hippo.ehviewer.EhApplication)3 EhDB (com.hippo.ehviewer.EhDB)3