use of com.hp.oo.sdk.content.plugin.GlobalSessionObject in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class HttpClientService method initSessionsObjects.
private void initSessionsObjects(HttpClientInputs httpClientInputs) {
SerializableSessionObject cookieStoreSessionObject = httpClientInputs.getCookieStoreSessionObject();
if (cookieStoreSessionObject == null) {
httpClientInputs.setCookieStoreSessionObject(new SerializableSessionObject());
GlobalSessionObject globalSessionObject = httpClientInputs.getConnectionPoolSessionObject();
if (globalSessionObject == null) {
httpClientInputs.setConnectionPoolSessionObject(new GlobalSessionObject());
use of com.hp.oo.sdk.content.plugin.GlobalSessionObject in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class HttpClientAction method execute.
* This operation does an http request and a parsing of the response.
* It provides features like: http authentication, http secure, connection pool, cookies, proxy.
* To accomplish this it uses the third parties from Apache: HttpClient 4.3, HttpCore 4.3.
* It also uses the JCIFS library from the Samba for the 'NTLM' authentication.
* @param url The web address to make the request to. This must be a standard URL as specified in RFC 3986. This is a required input.
* <br>Format: scheme://domain:port/path?query_string#fragment_id.
* <br>Examples: https://[fe80::1260:4bff:fe49:42fc]:8080/my/path?key1=val1&key2=val2#my_fragment
* @param authType The type of authentication used by this operation when trying to execute the request on the target server.
* The authentication is not preemptive: a plain request not including authentication info
* will be made and only when the server responds with a 'WWW-Authenticate' header the client will
* send required headers. If the server needs no authentication but you specify one in this input
* the request will work nevertheless. Then client cannot choose the authentication method and there
* is no fallback so you have to know which one you need. If the web application and proxy use
* different authentication types, these must be specified like in the Example model.
* <br>Default value: basic. Valid values: basic, digest, ntlm, kerberos, any, anonymous, "" or a list of valid values separated by comma.
* @param preemptiveAuth If this field is 'true' authentication info will be sent in the first request.
* If this is 'false' a request with no authentication info will be made and if server responds
* with 401 and a header like WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="myRealm" only then the authentication
* info will be sent. Default value: true. Valid values: true, false
* @param username The user name used for authentication. For NTLM authentication, the required format is 'domain\\user'
* and if you only specify the 'user' it will append a dot like '.\\user' so that a local user on the
* target machine can be used. In order for all authentication schemes to work (except Kerberos) username is required.
* @param password The password used for authentication.
* @param kerberosConfFile A krb5.conf file with content similar to the one in the examples
* (where you replace CONTOSO.COM with your domain and '' with your kdc FQDN).
* This configures the Kerberos mechanism required by the Java GSS-API methods.
* <br>Format:
* @param kerberosLoginConfFile A login.conf file needed by the JAAS framework with the content similar to the one in examples
* Format:
* @param kerberosSkipPortForLookup Do not include port in the key distribution center database lookup. Default value: true. Valid values: true, false
* @param proxyHost The proxy server used to access the web site.
* @param proxyPort The proxy server port. Default value: 8080. Valid values: -1 and integer values greater than 0.
* The value '-1' indicates that the proxy port is not set and the scheme default port will be used.
* If the scheme is 'http://' and the 'proxyPort' is set to '-1' then port '80' will be used.
* @param proxyUsername The user name used when connecting to the proxy. The 'authType' input will be used to choose authentication type.
* The 'Basic' and 'Digest' proxy authentication types are supported.
* @param proxyPassword The proxy server password associated with the proxyUsername input value.
* @param trustAllRoots Specifies whether to enable weak security over SSL/TSL. A certificate is trusted even if no trusted
* certification authority issued it. Default value: false. Valid values: true, false
* @param x509HostnameVerifier Specifies the way the server hostname must match a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN)
* or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate. Set this to "allow_all" to skip any checking.
* For the value "browser_compatible" the hostname verifier works the same way as Curl and Firefox.
* The hostname must match either the first CN, or any of the subject-alts.
* A wildcard can occur in the CN, and in any of the subject-alts. The only difference
* between "browser_compatible" and "strict" is that a wildcard (such as "*")
* with "browser_compatible" matches all subdomains, including "".
* Default value: strict. Valid values: strict,browser_compatible,allow_all
* @param trustKeystore The pathname of the Java TrustStore file. This contains certificates from other parties
* that you expect to communicate with, or from Certificate Authorities that you trust to
* identify other parties. If the protocol (specified by the 'url') is not 'https' or if
* trustAllRoots is 'true' this input is ignored. Default value: <OO_Home>/java/lib/security/cacerts. Format: Java KeyStore (JKS)
* @param trustPassword The password associated with the TrustStore file. If trustAllRoots is false and trustKeystore is empty,
* trustPassword default will be supplied. Default value: changeit
* @param keystore The pathname of the Java KeyStore file. You only need this if the server requires client authentication.
* If the protocol (specified by the 'url') is not 'https' or if trustAllRoots is 'true' this input is ignored.
* <br>Default value: <OO_Home>/java/lib/security/cacerts. Format: Java KeyStore (JKS)
* @param keystorePassword The password associated with the KeyStore file. If trustAllRoots is false and keystore
* is empty, keystorePassword default will be supplied. Default value: changeit
* @param connectTimeout The time to wait for a connection to be established, in seconds.
* A timeout value of '0' represents an infinite timeout. Default value: 0
* @param socketTimeout The timeout for waiting for data (a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets),
* in seconds. A socketTimeout value of '0' represents an infinite timeout. Default value: 0.
* @param useCookies Specifies whether to enable cookie tracking or not. Cookies are stored between consecutive calls
* in a serializable session object therefore they will be available on a branch level.
* If you specify a non-boolean value, the default value is used. Default value: true. Valid values: true, false
* @param keepAlive Specifies whether to create a shared connection that will be used in subsequent calls.
* If keepAlive is false, the already open connection will be used and after execution it will close it.
* The operation will use a connection pool stored in a GlobalSessionObject that will be available throughout
* the execution (the flow and subflows, between parallel split lanes). Default value: true. Valid values: true, false.
* @param connectionsMaxPerRoute The maximum limit of connections on a per route basis.
* The default will create no more than 2 concurrent connections per given route. Default value: 2
* @param connectionsMaxTotal The maximum limit of connections in total.
* The default will create no more than 2 concurrent connections in total. Default value: 20
* @param headers The list containing the headers to use for the request separated by new line (CRLF).
* The header name - value pair will be separated by ":". Format: According to HTTP standard for headers (RFC 2616).
* Examples: Accept:text/plain
* @param responseCharacterSet The character encoding to be used for the HTTP response.
* If responseCharacterSet is empty, the charset from the 'Content-Type' HTTP response header will be used.
* If responseCharacterSet is empty and the charset from the HTTP response Content-Type header is empty,
* the default value will be used. You should not use this for method=HEAD or OPTIONS. Default value: ISO-8859-1
* @param destinationFile The absolute path of a file on disk where to save the entity returned by the response.
* 'returnResult' will no longer be populated with the entity if this is specified.
* You should not use this for method=HEAD or OPTIONS. Example: C:\temp\destinationFile.txt
* @param followRedirects Specifies whether the HTTP client automatically follows redirects.
* Redirects explicitly prohibited by the HTTP specification as requiring user intervention
* will not be followed (redirects on POST and PUT requests that are converted to GET requests).
* If you specify a non-boolean value, the default value is used. Default value: true. Valid values: true, false
* @param queryParams The list containing query parameters to append to the URL. The names and the values must not
* be URL encoded unless you specify "queryParamsAreURLEncoded"=true because if they are encoded
* and "queryParamsAreURLEncoded"=false they will get double encoded.
* The separator between name-value pairs is "&". The query name will be separated from query
* value by "=". Note that you need to URL encode at least "&" to "%26" and "=" to "%3D" and
* set "queryParamsAreURLEncoded"="true" if you leave the other special URL characters un-encoded
* they will be encoded by the HTTP Client. Examples: parameterName1=parameterValue1¶meterName2=parameterValue2;
* @param queryParamsAreURLEncoded Specifies whether to encode (according to the url encoding standard) the queryParams.
* If you set "queryParamsAreURLEncoded"=true and you have invalid characters in 'queryParams'
* they will get encoded anyway. If "queryParamsAreURLEncoded"=false all characters will be encoded.
* But the ' ' (space) character will be encoded as + if queryParamsAreURLEncoded is either true or false.
* Also %20 will be encoded as + if "queryParamsAreURLEncoded"=true.
* If you specify a non-boolean value, the default value is used.
* Default value: false. Valid values: true, false
* @param queryParamsAreFormEncoded Specifies whether to encode the queryParams in the form request format or not.
* This format is the default format used by the apache http client library.
* If queryParamsAreFormEncoded=true then all characters will be encoded based on the queryParamsAreURLEncoded
* input. If queryParamsAreFormEncoded=false all reserved characters are not encoded no matter of
* queryParamsAreURLEncoded input. The only exceptions are for ' ' (space) character which is encoded as %20 in both
* cases of queryParamsAreURLEncoded input and + (plus) which is encoded as %20 if queryParamsAreURLEncoded=true
* and not encoded if queryParamsAreURLEncoded=false. If the special characters are already encoded
* and queryParamsAreURLEncoded=true then they will be transformed into their original format.
* For example: %40 will be @, %2B will be +. But %20 (space) will not be transformed.
* The list of reserved chars is: ;/?:@&=+,$
* Default value: true. Valid values: true, false
* Example: query=test te%20@st will be encoded in query=test%20te%20@st
* @param formParams This input needs to be given in form encoded format and will set the entity to be sent in the request.
* It will also set the content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
* This should only be used with method=POST. Note that you need to URL encode at
* least "&" to "%26" and "=" to "%3D" and set "queryParamsAreURLEncoded"="true" if you leave the
* other special URL characters un-encoded they will be encoded by the HTTP Client.
* <br>Examples: input1=value1&input2=value2. (The client will send: input1=value1&in+put+2=val+u%0A+e2)
* @param formParamsAreURLEncoded formParams will be encoding (according to the url encoding standard) if this is 'true'.
* If you set "formParamsAreURLEncoded"=true and you have invalid characters in 'formParams'
* they will get encoded anyway. This should only be used with method=POST.
* Default value: false. Valid values: true, false
* @param sourceFile The absolute path of a file on disk from where to read the entity for the http request.
* This will be read using 'requestCharacterSet' or 'contentType' input (see below).
* This should not be provided for method=GET, HEAD, TRACE. Examples: C:\temp\sourceFile.txt
* @param body The string to include in body for HTTP POST operation. If both sourceFile and body will be provided,
* the body input has priority over sourceFile. This should not be provided for method=GET, HEAD, TRACE
* @param contentType The content type that should be set in the request header, representing the MIME-type of the
* data in the message body. Default value: text/plain. Examples: "text/html", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
* @param requestCharacterSet The character encoding to be used for the HTTP request body.
* If contentType is empty, the requestCharacterSet will use the default value.
* If contentType will include charset (ex.: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"),
* the requestCharacterSet value will overwrite the charset value from contentType input.
* This should not be provided for method=GET, HEAD, TRACE. Default value: ISO-8859-1
* @param multipartBodies This is a name=textValue list of pairs separated by "&". This will also take into account
* the "contentType" and "charset" inputs. The request entity will be like:
* <br>Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name1"
* <br>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
* <br>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
* <br>
* <br>textvalue1
* <br>Examples: name1=textvalue1&name2=textvalue2
* @param multipartBodiesContentType Each entity from the multipart entity has a content-type header.
* You can only specify it once for all the parts and it is the only way to change
* the characterSet of the encoding. Default value: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
* Examples: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
* @param multipartFiles This is a list of name=filePath pairs. This will also take into account the "contentType"
* and "charset" inputs. The request entity will be like:
* <br>Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name3"; filename="readme.txt"
* <br>Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8
* <br>Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary the text in readme.txt
* <br>Examples: name3=c:\temp\readme.txt&name4=c:\temp\
* @param multipartFilesContentType Each entity from the multipart entity has a content-type header. You can only specify it once for all parts.
* Default value: application/octet-stream. Examples: image/png,text/plain
* @param multipartValuesAreURLEncoded You need to set this to 'true' if the bodies may contain the "&" and "="
* separators and you also need to URL encode them so that "&" becomes %26 and "=" becomes %3D
* (using the URL Encoder operation on each value or by a simple replace). Default value: false
* @param chunkedRequestEntity Data is sent in a series of "chunks". It uses the Transfer-Encoding HTTP header in place
* of the Content-Length header.Generally it is recommended to let HttpClient choose the
* most appropriate transfer encoding based on the properties of the HTTP message being transferred.
* It is possible, however, to inform HttpClient that chunk coding is preferred by setting this input to "true".
* Please note that HttpClient will use this flag as a hint only.
* This value will be ignored when using HTTP protocol versions that do not support chunk coding, such as HTTP/1.0.
* This setting is ignored for multipart post entities.
* @param method The HTTP method used. This is a required input.
* @param httpClientCookieSession the session object that holds the cookies if the useCookies input is true.
* @param httpClientPoolingConnectionManager the GlobalSessionObject that holds the http client pooling connection manager.
* @return a map containing the output of the operation. Keys present in the map are:
* <br><br><b>returnResult</b> - This will contain the response entity (unless 'destinationFile' is specified).
* In case of an error this output will contain the error message.
* <br><b>exception</b> - In case of success response, this result is empty. In case of failure response,
* this result contains the java stack trace of the runtime exception.
* <br><b>statusCode</b> - The HTTP status code.
* <br><i>Format</i>: <br>1xx (Informational - Request received, continuing process),
* <br>2xx (Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted),
* <br>3xx (Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request),
* <br>4xx (Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled),
* <br>5xx Server Error - The server failed to fulfil an apparently valid request)
* <br>Examples: 200, 404
* <br><br><b>finalLocation</b> - The final location after redirects. Format: URL
* <br><b>responseHeaders</b> - The list containing the headers of the response message, separated by newline.
* Format: This is conforming to HTTP standard for headers (RFC 2616).
* <br><b>protocolVersion</b> - The HTTP protocol version. Examples: HTTP/1.1
* <br><b>reasonPhrase</b> - The reason phrase from the origin HTTP response. This depends on the status code and are according to RFC 1945 and RFC 2048
* <br>Examples: (HTTP 1.0): OK, Created, Accepted, No Content, Moved Permanently, Moved Temporarily, Not Modified, Bad Request,
* Unauthorized, Forbidden, Not Found, Internal Server Error, Not Implemented, Bad Gateway,
* Service Unavailable Values (HTTP 1.1): Continue, Temporary Redirect, Method Not Allowed,
* Conflict, Precondition Failed, Request Too Long, Request-URI Too Long, Unsupported Media Type,
* Multiple Choices, See Other, Use Proxy, Payment Required, Not Acceptable, Proxy Authentication Required,
* Request Timeout, Switching Protocols, Non Authoritative Information, Reset Content, Partial Content,
* Gateway Timeout, Http Version Not Supported, Gone, Length Required, Requested Range Not Satisfiable, Expectation Failed
* <p/>
* <br><br><b>returnCode</b> - The returnCode of the operation: 0 for success, -1 for failure.
@Action(name = "Http Client", outputs = { @Output(EXCEPTION), @Output(STATUS_CODE), @Output(FINAL_LOCATION), @Output(RESPONSE_HEADERS), @Output(PROTOCOL_VERSION), @Output(REASON_PHRASE), @Output(RETURN_CODE), @Output(RETURN_RESULT) }, responses = { @Response(text = SUCCESS, field = RETURN_CODE, value = ReturnCodes.SUCCESS, matchType = MatchType.COMPARE_EQUAL, responseType = ResponseType.RESOLVED), @Response(text = FAILURE, field = RETURN_CODE, value = ReturnCodes.FAILURE, matchType = MatchType.COMPARE_EQUAL, responseType = ResponseType.ERROR) })
public Map<String, String> execute(@Param(value = HttpClientInputs.URL, required = true) String url, @Param(HttpClientInputs.TLS_VERSION) String tlsVersion, @Param(HttpClientInputs.ALLOWED_CYPHERS) String allowedCyphers, @Param(HttpClientInputs.AUTH_TYPE) String authType, @Param(HttpClientInputs.PREEMPTIVE_AUTH) String preemptiveAuth, @Param(HttpClientInputs.USERNAME) String username, @Param(HttpClientInputs.PASSWORD) String password, @Param(HttpClientInputs.KERBEROS_CONFIG_FILE) String kerberosConfFile, @Param(HttpClientInputs.KERBEROS_LOGIN_CONFIG_FILE) String kerberosLoginConfFile, @Param(HttpClientInputs.KERBEROS_SKIP_PORT_CHECK) String kerberosSkipPortForLookup, @Param(HttpClientInputs.PROXY_HOST) String proxyHost, @Param(HttpClientInputs.PROXY_PORT) String proxyPort, @Param(HttpClientInputs.PROXY_USERNAME) String proxyUsername, @Param(HttpClientInputs.PROXY_PASSWORD) String proxyPassword, @Param(HttpClientInputs.TRUST_ALL_ROOTS) String trustAllRoots, @Param(HttpClientInputs.X509_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER) String x509HostnameVerifier, @Param(HttpClientInputs.TRUST_KEYSTORE) String trustKeystore, @Param(HttpClientInputs.TRUST_PASSWORD) String trustPassword, @Param(HttpClientInputs.KEYSTORE) String keystore, @Param(HttpClientInputs.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD) String keystorePassword, @Param(HttpClientInputs.CONNECT_TIMEOUT) String connectTimeout, @Param(HttpClientInputs.SOCKET_TIMEOUT) String socketTimeout, @Param(HttpClientInputs.EXECUTION_TIMEOUT) String executionTimeout, @Param(HttpClientInputs.USE_COOKIES) String useCookies, @Param(HttpClientInputs.KEEP_ALIVE) String keepAlive, @Param(HttpClientInputs.CONNECTIONS_MAX_PER_ROUTE) String connectionsMaxPerRoute, @Param(HttpClientInputs.CONNECTIONS_MAX_TOTAL) String connectionsMaxTotal, @Param(HttpClientInputs.HEADERS) String headers, @Param(HttpClientInputs.RESPONSE_CHARACTER_SET) String responseCharacterSet, @Param(HttpClientInputs.DESTINATION_FILE) String destinationFile, @Param(HttpClientInputs.FOLLOW_REDIRECTS) String followRedirects, @Param(HttpClientInputs.QUERY_PARAMS) String queryParams, @Param(HttpClientInputs.QUERY_PARAMS_ARE_URLENCODED) String queryParamsAreURLEncoded, @Param(HttpClientInputs.QUERY_PARAMS_ARE_FORM_ENCODED) String queryParamsAreFormEncoded, @Param(HttpClientInputs.FORM_PARAMS) String formParams, @Param(HttpClientInputs.FORM_PARAMS_ARE_URLENCODED) String formParamsAreURLEncoded, @Param(HttpClientInputs.SOURCE_FILE) String sourceFile, @Param(HttpClientInputs.BODY) String body, @Param(HttpClientInputs.CONTENT_TYPE) String contentType, @Param(HttpClientInputs.REQUEST_CHARACTER_SET) String requestCharacterSet, @Param(HttpClientInputs.MULTIPART_BODIES) String multipartBodies, @Param(HttpClientInputs.MULTIPART_BODIES_CONTENT_TYPE) String multipartBodiesContentType, @Param(HttpClientInputs.MULTIPART_FILES) String multipartFiles, @Param(HttpClientInputs.MULTIPART_FILES_CONTENT_TYPE) String multipartFilesContentType, @Param(HttpClientInputs.MULTIPART_VALUES_ARE_URLENCODED) String multipartValuesAreURLEncoded, @Param(HttpClientInputs.CHUNKED_REQUEST_ENTITY) String chunkedRequestEntity, @Param(value = HttpClientInputs.METHOD, required = true) String method, @Param(HttpClientInputs.SESSION_COOKIES) SerializableSessionObject httpClientCookieSession, @Param(HttpClientInputs.SESSION_CONNECTION_POOL) GlobalSessionObject httpClientPoolingConnectionManager) {
HttpClientInputs httpClientInputs = new HttpClientInputs();
httpClientInputs.setAuthType(defaultIfEmpty(authType, BASIC_AUTH));
httpClientInputs.setTrustKeystore(defaultIfEmpty(trustKeystore, DEFAULT_JAVA_KEYSTORE));
httpClientInputs.setTrustPassword(defaultIfEmpty(trustPassword, CHANGEIT));
httpClientInputs.setKeystore(defaultIfEmpty(keystore, DEFAULT_JAVA_KEYSTORE));
httpClientInputs.setKeystorePassword(defaultIfEmpty(keystorePassword, CHANGEIT));
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(executionTimeout)) {
} else {
List<String> exceptions = validateInputs(httpClientInputs);
if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
String errorMessage = StringUtilities.join(exceptions, NEW_LINE);
return exceptionResult(errorMessage, new Exception(errorMessage));
if (!isEmpty(tlsVersion)) {
if (tlsVersion.toUpperCase().contains(TLSv12.toUpperCase()) && tlsVersion.split(",").length > 1) {
try {
return new HttpClientService().execute(httpClientInputs);
} catch (Exception e) {
Set<String> otherTls = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(tlsVersion.split(",")));
String tls12 = "";
for (String protocol : otherTls) {
if (protocol.toUpperCase().equals(TLSv12.toUpperCase()))
tls12 = protocol;
httpClientInputs.setTlsVersion(otherTls.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", ""));
httpClientInputs.setCookieStoreSessionObject(new SerializableSessionObject());
httpClientInputs.setConnectionPoolSessionObject(new GlobalSessionObject());
try {
return new HttpClientService().execute(httpClientInputs);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return exceptionResult(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} else {
try {
return new HttpClientService().execute(httpClientInputs);
} catch (Exception e) {
return exceptionResult(e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
try {
return new HttpClientService().execute(httpClientInputs);
} catch (Exception e) {
return exceptionResult(e.getMessage(), e);
use of com.hp.oo.sdk.content.plugin.GlobalSessionObject in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class ConnectionManagerBuilderTest method buildConnectionManagerNewConnectionManager1.
public void buildConnectionManagerNewConnectionManager1() {
GlobalSessionObject holder = new GlobalSessionObject();
final Map<String, PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager> connectionManagerMap = new HashMap();
connectionManagerMap.put("key1:key2", connectionManagerMock);
holder.setResource(new SessionResource() {
public Object get() {
return connectionManagerMap;
public void release() {
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new ConnectionManagerBuilder().setConnectionManagerMapKey("key1", "key2").setSslsf(sslConnectionSocketFactoryMock).setConnectionPoolHolder(holder).buildConnectionManager();
assertEquals(connectionManagerMock, connectionManager);
use of com.hp.oo.sdk.content.plugin.GlobalSessionObject in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class CounterProcessor method init.
public void init(String to, String from, String by, boolean reset, GlobalSessionObject<Map<String, Object>> session) throws CounterImplException {
* If the session resource is not ini
if (session.get() == null) {
session.setResource(new CounterSessionResource(new HashMap<String, Object>()));
Map<String, Object> sessionMap = session.get();
try {
start = Long.parseLong(from.trim());
end = Long.parseLong(to.trim());
if (by == null || by.length() == 0)
increment = 1;
try {
increment = Integer.parseInt(by);
} catch (Exception e) {
increment = 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CounterImplException("Start or end is not a long integer, or by is not an integer.\nfrom: " + from + "\nto: " + to + "\nby:" + by);
try {
index = (Integer) sessionMap.get(INDEX);
} catch (Exception e) {
index = 0;
if (index == 0 && initialized(session)) {
sessionMap.put(INDEX, 0);
// ok, now push data into context
if (!initialized(session)) {
sessionMap.put(INDEX, 0);
// pull data from context
this.index = (Integer) sessionMap.get(INDEX);
use of com.hp.oo.sdk.content.plugin.GlobalSessionObject in project cs-actions by CloudSlang.
the class SQLQueryLOBTest method executeSuccessNoMore.
public void executeSuccessNoMore() throws Exception {
final String aKey = "akey";
final GlobalSessionObject<Map<String, Object>> globalSessionObject = new GlobalSessionObject<>();
final Map<String, Object> stringMap = new HashMap<>();
stringMap.put(aKey, aKey);
globalSessionObject.setResource(new SQLSessionResource(stringMap));
final Map<String, String> resultMap = sqlQueryLOB.execute("1", MSSQL_DB_TYPE, "username", "Password", "someInstance", "123", "db", AUTH_SQL, EMPTY, EMPTY, "something", "true", EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, CONCUR_READ_ONLY, globalSessionObject);
assertThat(resultMap.get(RETURN_CODE), is(NO_MORE));
assertThat(resultMap.get(RETURN_RESULT), is(DBResponseNames.NO_MORE));