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Example 6 with StringTokenizer

use of in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class JSPTranslator method isTypeFound.

 * @param type
 * @return
private boolean isTypeFound(String rawTypeValue, List errorTypeNames) {
    // If the translation is being loaded from disk, the model and structured document may not have been intiailized yet
    IFile file = getStructuredDocument() != null ? getFile() : (fSavedModelPath != null ? ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(fSavedModelPath) : null);
    if (file == null)
        return true;
    IProject project = file.getProject();
    IJavaProject p = JavaCore.create(project);
    if (p.exists()) {
        List types = new ArrayList();
        if (rawTypeValue.indexOf('<') > 0) {
            // JSR 14 : Generics are being used, parse them out
            try {
                StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(rawTypeValue);
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                String token = toker.nextToken("<,>/\"");
                while (token != null) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$
                    token = toker.nextToken("<,>/\"");
            } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                // StringTokenizer failure with unsupported syntax
                return true;
        } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) {
            String typeName = types.get(i).toString();
            // remove any array suffixes
            if (typeName.indexOf('[') > 0 && typeName.indexOf(']') > typeName.indexOf('[')) {
                typeName = typeName.substring(0, typeName.indexOf('['));
            // remove any "extends" prefixes (JSR 14)
            if (typeName.indexOf("extends") > 0) {
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                typeName = StringUtils.strip(typeName.substring(typeName.indexOf("extends")));
            addNameToListIfTypeNotFound(p, typeName, errorTypeNames);
    return errorTypeNames.isEmpty();
Also used : StringTokenizer( IFile(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile) IJavaProject(org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ITextRegionList(org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegionList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IProject(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) IExtensionPoint(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint)

Example 7 with StringTokenizer

use of in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class JSPTranslator method appendUseBeanToBuffer.

 * temp fix for 282295 until better mapping is in place
 * @param newText
 * @param jspReferenceRegion
private void appendUseBeanToBuffer(String newText, ITextRegionCollection jspReferenceRegion, boolean isIndirect) throws Exception {
    // java string looks like this (tokenized)
    // Type id = new Classname();\n
    // 0 1 2 3 4
    // or
    // Type id = null;\n // if there is no classname
    // 0 1 2 3
    // ----------------------
    // calculate java ranges
    // ----------------------
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(newText, " ", false);
    int i = 0;
    String[] parsedJava = new String[st.countTokens()];
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) parsedJava[i++] = st.nextToken();
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    String type = parsedJava[0] != null ? parsedJava[0] : "";
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    String id = parsedJava[1] != null ? parsedJava[1] : "";
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    String className = parsedJava.length > 4 ? parsedJava[4] : "";
    Position javaTypeRange = new Position(fOffsetInUserCode, type.length());
    Position javaIdRange = new Position(fOffsetInUserCode + type.length() + 1, id.length());
    Position javaClassRange = new Position(fOffsetInUserCode + type.length() + 1 + id.length() + 7, 0);
		 * - Check for
		 * the existence of '(' first.
    int parenPos = -1;
    if (className.length() >= 4 && (parenPos = className.indexOf('(')) >= 0) {
        int classNameLength = className.substring(0, parenPos).length();
        javaClassRange = new Position(fOffsetInUserCode + type.length() + 1 + id.length() + 7, classNameLength);
    // ---------------------
    // calculate jsp ranges
    // ---------------------
    ITextRegionList regions = jspReferenceRegion.getRegions();
    ITextRegion r = null;
    // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    String attrName = "", attrValue = "";
    int quoteOffset = 0;
    Position jspTypeRange = null;
    Position jspIdRange = null;
    Position jspClassRange = null;
    for (int j = 0; j < regions.size(); j++) {
        r = regions.get(j);
        if (r.getType() == DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) {
            attrName = jspReferenceRegion.getText(r);
            if (regions.size() > j + 2 && regions.get(j + 2).getType() == DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) {
                // get attr value
                r = regions.get(j + 2);
                attrValue = jspReferenceRegion.getText(r);
                // may have quotes
                // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                quoteOffset = (attrValue.startsWith("\"") || attrValue.startsWith("'")) ? 1 : 0;
                if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspTypeRange = new Position(jspReferenceRegion.getStartOffset(r) + quoteOffset, StringUtils.stripQuotesLeaveInsideSpace(attrValue).length());
                else if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspIdRange = new Position(jspReferenceRegion.getStartOffset(r) + quoteOffset, StringUtils.stripQuotesLeaveInsideSpace(attrValue).length());
                else if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspClassRange = new Position(jspReferenceRegion.getStartOffset(r) + quoteOffset, StringUtils.stripQuotesLeaveInsideSpace(attrValue).length());
    // put ranges in java -> jsp range map
    if (!type.equals("") && jspTypeRange != null) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        fCodeRanges.put(javaTypeRange, jspTypeRange);
        // note: don't update offsets for this map when result is built
        // they'll be updated when code ranges offsets are updated
        fUseBeanRanges.put(javaTypeRange, jspTypeRange);
        if (isIndirect)
            fIndirectRanges.put(javaTypeRange, jspTypeRange);
    if (!id.equals("") && jspIdRange != null) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        fCodeRanges.put(javaIdRange, jspIdRange);
        // note: don't update offsets for this map when result is built
        // they'll be updated when code ranges offsets are updated
        fUseBeanRanges.put(javaIdRange, jspTypeRange);
        if (isIndirect)
            fIndirectRanges.put(javaIdRange, jspTypeRange);
    if (!className.equals("") && jspClassRange != null) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        fCodeRanges.put(javaClassRange, jspClassRange);
        // note: don't update offsets for this map when result is built
        // they'll be updated when code ranges offsets are updated
        fUseBeanRanges.put(javaClassRange, jspTypeRange);
        if (isIndirect)
            fIndirectRanges.put(javaClassRange, jspTypeRange);
Also used : ITextRegionList(org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegionList) StringTokenizer( Position(org.eclipse.jface.text.Position) ITextRegion(org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegion) IExtensionPoint(org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint)

Example 8 with StringTokenizer

use of in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class JSPTranslator method translateXMLNode.

 * translates the various XMLJSP type nodes
 * @param regions
 *            the regions of the XMLNode
protected void translateXMLNode(ITextRegionCollection container, Iterator regions) {
    // contents must be valid XHTML, translate escaped CDATA into what it
    // really is...
    ITextRegion r = null;
    if (regions.hasNext()) {
        r = (ITextRegion);
        // < > comes in as this
        if (r.getType() == DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_NAME || r.getType() == DOMJSPRegionContexts.JSP_DIRECTIVE_NAME) {
            String fullTagName = container.getText(r);
            if (fullTagName.indexOf(':') > -1 && !fullTagName.startsWith(JSP_PREFIX)) {
                // it
                addTaglibVariables(fullTagName, container, -1);
            // may
            // be a
            // custom
            // tag
            // $NON-NLS-1$
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fullTagName, ":.", false);
            if (// $NON-NLS-1$
            st.hasMoreTokens() && st.nextToken().equals("jsp")) {
                if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String jspTagName = st.nextToken();
                    if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspTagName.equals("scriptlet")) {
                    } else if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspTagName.equals("expression")) {
                    } else if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspTagName.equals("declaration")) {
                    } else if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspTagName.equals("directive")) {
                        if (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                            String directiveName = st.nextToken();
                            if (directiveName.equals("taglib")) {
                                // $NON-NLS-1$
                                while (r != null && regions.hasNext() && !r.getType().equals(DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) {
                                    r = (ITextRegion);
                                    if (container.getText(r).equals(JSP11Namespace.ATTR_NAME_PREFIX)) {
                                        String prefix = getAttributeValue(r, regions);
                                        if (prefix != null) {
                            } else if (directiveName.equals("include")) {
                                // $NON-NLS-1$
                                // $NON-NLS-1$
                                String fileLocation = "";
                                // include directive
                                while (r != null && regions.hasNext() && !r.getType().equals(DOMRegionContext.XML_TAG_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) {
                                    r = (ITextRegion);
                                fileLocation = getAttributeValue(r, regions);
                                if (fileLocation != null)
                            } else if (directiveName.equals("page")) {
                                // setCurrentNode(getCurrentNode().getNext());
                                if (getCurrentNode() != null) {
                                    // 'regions' contain the attrs
                                    translatePageDirectiveAttributes(regions, getCurrentNode());
                            } else if (directiveName.equals("tag")) {
                                // $NON-NLS-1$
                                translatePageDirectiveAttributes(regions, getCurrentNode());
                            } else if (directiveName.equals("variable")) {
                                // $NON-NLS-1$
                    } else if (jspTagName.equals("include")) {
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        // <jsp:include page="filename") />
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        checkAttributeValueContainer(regions, "page");
                    } else if (jspTagName.equals("forward")) {
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        checkAttributeValueContainer(regions, "page");
                    } else if (jspTagName.equals("param")) {
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        checkAttributeValueContainer(regions, "value");
                    } else if (jspTagName.equals("setProperty")) {
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        checkAttributeValueContainer(regions, "value");
                    } else if (// $NON-NLS-1$
                    jspTagName.equals("useBean")) {
                        // $NON-NLS-1$
                        checkAttributeValueContainer(regions, "name");
                        // advanceNextNode(); // get the content
                        if (getCurrentNode() != null) {
                            // 'regions'
            } else {
                checkAllAttributeValueContainers(container, regions);
Also used : StringTokenizer( ITextRegion(org.eclipse.wst.sse.core.internal.provisional.text.ITextRegion)

Example 9 with StringTokenizer

use of in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class PathHelper method convertToRelative.

 * Convert to relative url based on base
public static String convertToRelative(String input, String base) {
    // tokenize the strings
    StringTokenizer inputTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input, FORWARD_SLASH);
    StringTokenizer baseTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(base, FORWARD_SLASH);
    // $NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
    String token1 = "", token2 = "";
    // Go through until equls
    while (true) {
        if (!inputTokenizer.hasMoreTokens() || !baseTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
        token1 = baseTokenizer.nextToken();
        token2 = inputTokenizer.nextToken();
        if (!token1.equals(token2))
    // now generate the backs
    // $NON-NLS-1$
    String output = "";
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(output);
    while (baseTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
    // generate the rest
    while (inputTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
    output = sb.toString();
    return output;
Also used : StringTokenizer(

Example 10 with StringTokenizer

use of in project webtools.sourceediting by eclipse.

the class ProjectDescription method restoreReferences.

 * Restores any saved reference tables
private void restoreReferences() {
    final boolean notifyOnRestoration = true;
    if (TaglibIndex.ENABLED) {
        // resources first
        // now build path
        // ================ test reload time ========================
        boolean restored = false;
        File savedState = new File(fSaveStateFilename);
        if (savedState.exists() && !requestedRefresh()) {
            Reader reader = null;
            try {
                time0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                reader = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(savedState)), "UTF-16");
                // use a string buffer temporarily to reduce string
                // creation
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                char[] array = new char[2048];
                int charsRead = 0;
                while ((charsRead = != -1) {
                    if (charsRead > 0) {
                        buffer.append(array, 0, charsRead);
                IDocument doc = new org.eclipse.jface.text.Document();
                int lines = doc.getNumberOfLines();
                if (lines > 0) {
                    IRegion line = doc.getLineInformation(0);
                    String lineText = doc.get(line.getOffset(), line.getLength());
                    JarRecord libraryRecord = null;
                    if (SAVE_FORMAT_VERSION.equals(lineText.trim())) {
                        IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
                        for (int i = 1; i < lines && !fBuildPathIsDirty; i++) {
                            line = doc.getLineInformation(i);
                            lineText = doc.get(line.getOffset(), line.getLength());
                            // $NON-NLS-1$
                            StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(lineText, "|");
                            if (toker.hasMoreTokens()) {
                                String tokenType = toker.nextToken();
                                if ("JAR".equalsIgnoreCase(tokenType)) {
                                    // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                    boolean has11TLD = Boolean.valueOf(toker.nextToken()).booleanValue();
                                    boolean exported = Boolean.valueOf(toker.nextToken()).booleanValue();
                                    // make the rest the libraryLocation
                                    String libraryLocation = toker.nextToken();
                                    while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) {
                                        // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                        libraryLocation = libraryLocation + "|" + toker.nextToken();
                                    libraryLocation = libraryLocation.trim();
                                    if (libraryRecord != null && notifyOnRestoration) {
                                        TaglibIndex.getInstance().addDelta(new TaglibIndexDelta(fProject, libraryRecord, ITaglibIndexDelta.ADDED));
                                    // Create a new JarRecord
                                    libraryRecord = createJARRecord(libraryLocation);
                                    libraryRecord.has11TLD = has11TLD;
                                    libraryRecord.isExported = exported;
                                    // Add a URLRecord for the 1.1 TLD
                                    if (has11TLD) {
                                        InputStream contents = JarUtilities.getInputStream(libraryLocation, JarUtilities.JSP11_TAGLIB);
                                        if (contents != null) {
                                            TaglibInfo info = extractInfo(libraryLocation, contents);
                                            if (info != null && info.uri != null && info.uri.length() > 0) {
                                                URLRecord urlRecord = new URLRecord();
                                       = info;
                                                urlRecord.isExported = exported;
                                                urlRecord.baseLocation = libraryLocation;
                                                try {
                                                    // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                                    urlRecord.url = new URL("jar:file:" + libraryLocation + "!/" + JarUtilities.JSP11_TAGLIB);
                                                    fClasspathReferences.put(urlRecord.getURI(), urlRecord);
                                                    if (_debugIndexCreation)
                                                        // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                                        Logger.log(Logger.INFO, "created record for " + urlRecord.getURI() + "@" + urlRecord.getURL());
                                                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
														 * don't record this
														 * URI
                                            try {
                                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                                Logger.log(Logger.ERROR_DEBUG, null, e);
                                    fClasspathJars.put(libraryLocation, libraryRecord);
                                } else if ("URL".equalsIgnoreCase(tokenType) && libraryRecord != null) {
                                    // $NON-NLS-1$
                                    // relies on a previously declared JAR record
                                    boolean exported = Boolean.valueOf(toker.nextToken()).booleanValue();
                                    // make the rest the URL
                                    String urlString = toker.nextToken();
                                    while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) {
                                        // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                                        urlString = urlString + "|" + toker.nextToken();
                                    urlString = urlString.trim();
                                    // Append a URLrecord
                                    URLRecord urlRecord = new URLRecord();
                                    urlRecord.url = new URL(urlString);
                                    urlRecord.isExported = exported;
                                    urlRecord.baseLocation = libraryRecord.location.toString();
                                    InputStream tldStream = JarUtilities.getInputStream(urlRecord.url);
                                    if (tldStream != null) {
                                        TaglibInfo info = extractInfo(urlRecord.url.toString(), tldStream);
                                        if (info != null) {
                                   = info;
                                        try {
                                        } catch (IOException e) {
                                            Logger.log(Logger.ERROR_DEBUG, null, e);
                                        if (urlRecord.getURI() != null && urlRecord.getURI().length() > 0) {
                                            fClasspathReferences.put(urlRecord.getURI(), urlRecord);
                                } else if (BUILDPATH_PROJECT.equalsIgnoreCase(tokenType)) {
                                    String projectName = toker.nextToken();
                                    if (Path.ROOT.isValidSegment(projectName)) {
                                        IProject project = workspaceRoot.getProject(projectName);
                                        /* do not check if "open" here */
                                        if (project != null) {
                                } else // last since they occur once
                                if (BUILDPATH_DIRTY.equalsIgnoreCase(tokenType)) {
                                    fBuildPathIsDirty = Boolean.valueOf(toker.nextToken()).booleanValue();
                                } else if (BUILDPATH_ENTRIES.equalsIgnoreCase(tokenType)) {
                                    fBuildPathEntryCount = Integer.valueOf(toker.nextToken()).intValue();
                            if (libraryRecord != null && notifyOnRestoration) {
                                TaglibIndex.getInstance().addDelta(new TaglibIndexDelta(fProject, libraryRecord, ITaglibIndexDelta.ADDED));
                        restored = true;
                    } else {
                        // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
                        Logger.log(Logger.INFO_DEBUG, "Tag Library Index: different cache format found, was \"" + lineText + "\", supports \"" + SAVE_FORMAT_VERSION + "\", reindexing build path");
                if (_debugIndexTime)
                    // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    Logger.log(Logger.INFO, "time spent reloading " + fProject.getName() + " build path: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time0));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                restored = false;
                if (_debugIndexTime)
                    // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    Logger.log(Logger.INFO, "failure reloading " + fProject.getName() + " build path index", e);
            } finally {
                if (reader != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        Logger.log(Logger.ERROR_DEBUG, null, e);
        if (!restored) {
Also used : MalformedURLException( Reader( InputStreamReader( Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) IDocument(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) IRegion(org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion) URL( BufferedInputStream( InputStreamReader( BufferedInputStream( ByteArrayInputStream( ZipInputStream( FileInputStream( InputStream( IOException( FileInputStream( IProject(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject) CoreException(org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException) ZipException( FileNotFoundException( JavaModelException(org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException) MalformedURLException( IOException( StringTokenizer( IWorkspaceRoot(org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot) ZipFile( IFile(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile) File( IDocument(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument)


StringTokenizer ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 List (java.util.List)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 IDOMAttr (org.eclipse.wst.xml.core.internal.provisional.document.IDOMAttr)4 Attr (org.w3c.dom.Attr)4 Set (java.util.Set)3 Point ( XSDSimpleTypeDefinition (org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSimpleTypeDefinition)3 InputStream ( Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)2 IFile (org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile)2 IProject (org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject)2 IConfigurationElement (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement)2 IExtensionPoint (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionPoint)2 IStatus (org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus)2 Status (org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status)2 CompoundCommand (org.eclipse.gef.commands.CompoundCommand)2 IDocument (org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument)2