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Example 36 with DDRInteractiveCommandException

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class MonitorsCommand method objectCommand.

 * See {@link MonitorsCommand#helpCommand(String[], PrintStream)} for
 * function documentation
 * @param args
 *            command args
 * @param out
 *            the output stream
private void objectCommand(String[] args, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
    FilterOptions filter = FilterOptions.defaultOption();
    try {
        J9ObjectPointer object = null;
        if (args.length < 2) {
            out.println("This command takes one address \"!monitors object <J9Object address>\"");
        long objectAddr = Long.decode(args[1]);
        object = J9ObjectPointer.cast(objectAddr);
        ObjectMonitor objMonitor = ObjectMonitor.fromJ9Object(object);
        if (null == objMonitor) {
            out.printf("No corresponding monitor was found for %s\n", object.getHexAddress());
        } else {
            writeObjectMonitor(filter, objMonitor, out);
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
Also used : DDRInteractiveCommandException( CorruptDataException( J9ObjectPointer( ObjectMonitor(

Example 37 with DDRInteractiveCommandException

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class MonitorsCommand method j9threadCommand.

 * See {@link MonitorsCommand#helpCommand(String[], PrintStream)} for
 * function documentation
 * @param args
 *            command args
 * @param out
 *            the output stream
 * @throws DDRInteractiveCommandException
private void j9threadCommand(String[] args, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
    if (args.length < 2) {
        out.println("This command takes one address argument: \"!monitors j9thread <address>\"");
    try {
        long address = CommandUtils.parsePointer(args[1], J9BuildFlags.env_data64);
        VoidPointer ptr = VoidPointer.cast(address);
        J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
        J9VMThreadPointer mainThread = vm.mainThread();
        if (mainThread.isNull() || mainThread.osThread().isNull() || mainThread.osThread().library().isNull()) {
            throw new CorruptDataException("Cannot locate thread library");
        J9ThreadLibraryPointer lib = mainThread.osThread().library();
        J9PoolPointer pool = lib.thread_pool();
        Pool<J9ThreadPointer> threadPool = Pool.fromJ9Pool(pool, J9ThreadPointer.class);
        SlotIterator<J9ThreadPointer> poolIterator = threadPool.iterator();
        J9ThreadPointer osThreadPtr = null;
        while (poolIterator.hasNext()) {
            if (ptr.equals( {
                osThreadPtr = J9ThreadPointer.cast(ptr);
        if (null == osThreadPtr) {
            throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(String.format("Could not find any j9thread at address %s\n", ptr.getHexAddress()));
        // Is there an associated J9VMThread?
        J9VMThreadPointer vmThread = J9ThreadHelper.getVMThread(osThreadPtr);
        // Step 1: Print the general info for the VM and native threads:
        out.println(String.format("%s\t%s\t// %s", osThreadPtr.formatShortInteractive(), vmThread.notNull() ? vmThread.formatShortInteractive() : "<none>", vmThread.notNull() ? J9VMThreadHelper.getName(vmThread) : "[osthread]"));
        printMonitorsForJ9Thread(out, vm, osThreadPtr);
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
Also used : J9ThreadPointer( J9PoolPointer( VoidPointer( J9VMThreadPointer( DDRInteractiveCommandException( J9JavaVMPointer( CorruptDataException( J9ThreadLibraryPointer(

Example 38 with DDRInteractiveCommandException

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class MonitorsCommand method tableCommand.

 * See {@link MonitorsCommand#helpCommand(String[], PrintStream)} for
 * function documentation
 * @param args
 *            command args
 * @param out
 *            the output stream
 * @throws DDRInteractiveCommandException
private void tableCommand(String[] args, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
    FilterOptions filter = FilterOptions.defaultOption();
    if (args.length > 2) {
        filter = FilterOptions.parseOption(args[2]);
    } else if (args.length == 2) {
        out.println("No filter specified, defaulting to 'active' monitors.");
    } else if (args.length < 2) {
        out.println("This command takes one address argument: \"!monitors table <address>\"");
    try {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        long address = CommandUtils.parsePointer(args[1], J9BuildFlags.env_data64);
        VoidPointer ptr = VoidPointer.cast(address);
        MonitorTableListIterator iterator = new MonitorTableListIterator();
        boolean foundTable = false;
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            J9ObjectMonitorPointer objectMonitorPointer =;
            MonitorTable currentMonitorTable = iterator.currentMonitorTable();
            if (currentMonitorTable.getMonitorTableListEntryPointer().equals(ptr)) {
                tablePrintHelper(filter, builder, objectMonitorPointer);
                foundTable = true;
        if (false == foundTable) {
            out.append(String.format("Could not find any J9MonitorTableListEntryPointer at address %s\n", ptr.getHexAddress()));
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
Also used : VoidPointer( DDRInteractiveCommandException( J9ObjectMonitorPointer( CorruptDataException( MonitorTableListIterator( MonitorTable(

Example 39 with DDRInteractiveCommandException

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class RamClassSummaryCommand method run.

public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
    try {
        J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
        ClassSummaryHelper classSummaryHelper = new ClassSummaryHelper(preferredOrder);
        ClassSegmentIterator classSegmentIterator = new ClassSegmentIterator(vm.classMemorySegments());
        while (classSegmentIterator.hasNext()) {
            J9ClassPointer classPointer = (J9ClassPointer);
            ClassWalker classWalker = new RamClassWalker(classPointer, context);
            LinearDumper linearDumper = new LinearDumper();
            J9ClassRegionNode allRegionsNode = linearDumper.getAllRegions(classWalker);
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
Also used : ClassSegmentIterator( J9ClassRegionNode( J9ClassPointer( LinearDumper( DDRInteractiveCommandException( J9JavaVMPointer( ClassSummaryHelper( ClassWalker( RamClassWalker( RamClassWalker( CorruptDataException(

Example 40 with DDRInteractiveCommandException

use of in project openj9 by eclipse.

the class MethodForNameCommand method run.

public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
    try {
        if (args.length == 1) {
            String name = args[0];
            CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, String.format("Searching for methods named '%s' in VM=%s...\n", name, J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer()).getHexAddress()));
            int count = dbgGetMethodsForName(out, name);
            CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, String.format("Found %d method(s) named %s\n", count, name));
        } else {
            throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(command + ": too " + (args.length < 1 ? "few" : "many") + " arguments. Expected 1");
    } catch (CorruptDataException e) {
        throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
Also used : DDRInteractiveCommandException( CorruptDataException(


DDRInteractiveCommandException ( CorruptDataException ( J9JavaVMPointer ( J9ClassPointer ( J9ObjectPointer ( J9VMThreadPointer ( J9ROMClassPointer ( ClassWalker ( LinearDumper ( ClassSegmentIterator ( UDATAPointer ( J9MethodPointer ( J9PoolPointer ( UDATA ( PatternString ( ROMClassesIterator ( VoidPointer ( RomClassWalker ( MonitorTable ( MonitorTableListIterator (