use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class VmCheckCommand method checkJ9ROMClassSanity.
* Based on vmchk/checkromclasses.c r1.5
* J9ROMClass sanity:
* SRP check:
* Ensure J9ROMClass->interfaces SRP is in the same segment if J9ROMClass->interfaceCount != 0.
* Ensure J9ROMClass->romMethods SRP is in the same segment if J9ROMClass->romMethodCount != 0.
* Ensure J9ROMClass->romFields SRP is in the same segment if J9ROMClass->romFieldCount != 0.
* Ensure J9ROMClass->innerClasses SRP is in the same segment if J9ROMClass->innerClasseCount != 0.
* Ensure cpShapeDescription in the same segment.
* Ensure all SRPs are in range on 64 bit platforms (including className, superclassName, and outerClassName).
* ConstantPool count check:
* Ensure ramConstantPoolCount <= romConstantPoolCount
private void checkJ9ROMClassSanity(J9JavaVMPointer vm, PrintStream out) throws CorruptDataException {
reportMessage(out, "Checking ROM classes");
// Stolen from RootScaner.scanClasses()
// GCClassLoaderIterator gcClassLoaderIterator =
// GCClassLoaderIterator.from();
GCSegmentIterator segmentIterator = GCSegmentIterator.fromJ9MemorySegmentList(vm.classMemorySegments(), J9MemorySegment.MEMORY_TYPE_RAM_CLASS);
int count = 0;
while (segmentIterator.hasNext()) {
J9MemorySegmentPointer segment =;
GCClassHeapIterator classHeapIterator = GCClassHeapIterator.fromJ9MemorySegment(segment);
while (classHeapIterator.hasNext()) {
J9ClassPointer clazz =;
verifyJ9ROMClass(out, vm, clazz);
reportMessage(out, "Checking %d ROM classes done", count);