use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class J9BCUtil method dumpStackMapTable.
private static void dumpStackMapTable(PrintStream out, J9ROMClassPointer romclass, J9ROMMethodPointer romMethod, long flags) throws CorruptDataException {
U32Pointer stackMapMethod = ROMHelp.getStackMapFromROMMethod(romMethod);
U16 stackMapCount;
U8Pointer stackMapData;
long mapPC = -1;
long mapType;
if (stackMapMethod.notNull()) {
stackMapData = U8Pointer.cast(stackMapMethod.add(1));
stackMapCount = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
out.println("\n StackMapTable\n Stackmaps(" + stackMapCount.intValue() + "):");
for (int i = 0; i < stackMapCount.intValue(); i++) {
mapType =;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(1);
if (mapType < 64) {
mapPC += mapType;
out.println(" pc: " + mapPC + " same");
} else if (mapType < 128) {
mapPC += (mapType - 64);
out.print(" pc: " + mapPC + " same_locals_1_stack_item: ");
stackMapData = dumpStackMapSlots(out, romclass, stackMapData, 1);
} else if (mapType < 247) {
out.println(" UNKNOWN FRAME TAG: (" + mapType + ")\n");
} else if (mapType == 247) {
long offset = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
mapPC += offset;
out.print(" pc: " + mapPC + " same_locals_1_stack_item_extended: ");
stackMapData = dumpStackMapSlots(out, romclass, stackMapData, 1);
} else if (mapType < 251) {
long offset = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
mapPC += offset;
out.println(" pc: " + mapPC + " chop " + (251 - mapType));
} else if (mapType == 251) {
long offset = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
mapPC += offset;
out.println(" pc: " + mapPC + " same_extended\n");
} else if (mapType < 255) {
long offset = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
mapPC += offset;
out.print(" pc: " + mapPC + " append: ");
stackMapData = dumpStackMapSlots(out, romclass, stackMapData, (mapType - 251));
} else if (mapType == 255) {
long offset = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
mapPC += offset;
out.print(" pc: " + mapPC + " full, local(s): ");
offset = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
stackMapData = dumpStackMapSlots(out, romclass, stackMapData, offset);
out.print(", stack: ");
offset = new U16(;
stackMapData = stackMapData.add(2);
stackMapData = dumpStackMapSlots(out, romclass, stackMapData, offset);
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class VmCheckCommand method verifyUTF8.
private boolean verifyUTF8(J9UTF8Pointer utf8) throws CorruptDataException {
if (utf8.isNull()) {
return false;
UDATA length = new UDATA(utf8.length());
U8Pointer utf8Data = utf8.dataEA();
while (length.longValue() > 0) {
// not used
U16 temp = new U16(0);
U32 lengthRead = decodeUTF8CharN(utf8Data, temp, length);
if (lengthRead.eq(0)) {
return false;
length = length.sub(lengthRead);
utf8Data = utf8Data.addOffset(lengthRead);
return true;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class TraceConfigCommand method printActiveTracePoints.
private void printActiveTracePoints(UtModuleInfoPointer modInfo, PrintStream out) throws CorruptDataException {
int count = modInfo.count().intValue();
U8Pointer active =;
String moduleName = moduleName(modInfo);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
long state =;
if (state != RastraceInternalConstants.UT_NONE || verbose) {
String stateStr = decodeTraceActivationState(state);
out.println(moduleName + "." + i + " =" + stateStr);
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class StackmapCommand method run.
* Java representation of j9dbgext.c#dbgext_stackmap function.
* @param command DDR extension command of stackmap.
* It is supposed to be "stackmap" if this method is being called.
* @param args Arguments passed to !stackmap DDR extension.
* Only one argument is expected since !stackmap expects only the address.
* @param context Current context that DDR is running on.
* @param out Print stream to write the output.
* @return void
public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
if (args.length != 1) {
try {
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
if (null == vm) {
out.println("vm can not be found.");
long address = CommandUtils.parsePointer(args[0], J9BuildFlags.env_data64);
U8Pointer pc = U8Pointer.cast(address);
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Searching for PC=%d in VM=%s...\n", pc.longValue(), vm.getHexAddress());
J9MethodPointer remoteMethod = J9JavaVMHelper.getMethodFromPC(vm, pc);
if (remoteMethod.notNull()) {
int[] stackMap = new int[MAX_STACKSLOTS_COUNT / INT_SIZE_IN_BITS];
int leftMostBitIntMask = 1 << (INT_SIZE_IN_BITS - 1);
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Found method %s !j9method %s\n", J9MethodHelper.getName(remoteMethod), remoteMethod.getHexAddress());
UDATA offsetPC = new UDATA(pc.sub(U8Pointer.cast(remoteMethod.bytecodes())));
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Relative PC = %d\n", offsetPC.longValue());
J9ClassPointer localClass = J9_CLASS_FROM_CP(remoteMethod.constantPool());
long methodIndex = new UDATA(remoteMethod.sub(localClass.ramMethods())).longValue();
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Method index is %d\n", methodIndex);
J9ROMMethodPointer localROMMethod = J9ROMCLASS_ROMMETHODS(localClass.romClass());
while (methodIndex != 0) {
localROMMethod = ROMHelp.nextROMMethod(localROMMethod);
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Using ROM method %s\n", localROMMethod.getHexAddress());
* This call will return the depth of the stack or errorcode in case of a failure.
int errorCode = StackMap.j9stackmap_StackBitsForPC(offsetPC, localClass.romClass(), localROMMethod, null, 0);
if (0 > errorCode) {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Stack map failed, error code = %d\n", errorCode);
} else {
int stackMapIndex = 0;
if (0 != errorCode) {
/* This call to j9stackmap_StackBitsForPC will fill the stackMap */
errorCode = StackMap.j9stackmap_StackBitsForPC(offsetPC, localClass.romClass(), localROMMethod, stackMap, errorCode);
int currentDescription = stackMap[stackMapIndex];
int descriptionInt = 0;
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Stack map (%d slots mapped): ", errorCode);
long bitsRemaining = errorCode % INT_SIZE_IN_BITS;
if (bitsRemaining != 0) {
descriptionInt = currentDescription << (INT_SIZE_IN_BITS - bitsRemaining);
while (errorCode != 0) {
if (bitsRemaining == 0) {
descriptionInt = currentDescription;
currentDescription = stackMap[++stackMapIndex];
bitsRemaining = INT_SIZE_IN_BITS;
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "%d", (descriptionInt & (leftMostBitIntMask)) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
descriptionInt = descriptionInt << 1;
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "\n");
} else {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Stack is empty\n");
} else {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Not found\n");
} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class VmCheckCommand method decodeUTF8CharN.
* Decode the UTF8 character.
* Decode the input UTF8 character and stores it into result.
* @param[in] input The UTF8 character
* @param[out] result buffer for unicode characters
* @param[in] bytesRemaining number of bytes remaining in input
* @return The number of UTF8 characters consumed (1,2,3) on success, 0 on
* failure
* @throws CorruptDataException
* @note Don't read more than bytesRemaining characters.
* @note If morecharacters are required to fully decode the character,
* return failure
U32 decodeUTF8CharN(U8Pointer input, /**
* not used *
U16 result, UDATA bytesRemaining) throws CorruptDataException {
U8 c;
U8Pointer cursor = input;
if (bytesRemaining.longValue() < 1) {
return new U32(0);
c =;
cursor = cursor.add(1);
if (c.eq(0x0)) {
/* illegal NUL encoding */
return new U32(0);
} else if ((c.bitAnd(0x80)).eq(0x0)) {
// *result = (U_16)c;
return new U32(1);
} else if (c.bitAnd(0xE0).eq(0xC0)) {
/* two byte encoding */
U16 unicodeC;
if ( {
return new U32(0);
unicodeC = new U16(c.bitAnd(0x1F).leftShift(6));
c =;
cursor = cursor.add(1);
unicodeC = unicodeC.add(new U16(unicodeC.add(c.bitAnd(0x3F))));
if (!c.bitAnd(0xC0).eq(0x80)) {
return new U32(0);
// *result = unicodeC;
return new U32(2);
} else if (c.bitAnd(0xF0).eq(0xE0)) {
/* three byte encoding */
U16 unicodeC;
if ( {
return new U32(0);
unicodeC = new U16(c.bitAnd(0x0F).leftShift(12));
c =;
cursor = cursor.add(1);
unicodeC = unicodeC.add(new U16(c.bitAnd(0x3F).leftShift(6)));
if (!c.bitAnd(0xC0).eq(0x80)) {
return new U32(0);
c =;
cursor = cursor.add(1);
unicodeC = unicodeC.add(new U16(c.bitAnd(0x3F)));
if (!c.bitAnd(0xC0).eq(0x80)) {
return new U32(0);
// *result = unicodeC;
return new U32(3);
} else {
return new U32(0);