use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class DumpSegregatedStatsCommand method run.
public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
if (!GCExtensions.isSegregatedHeap()) {
out.append("Only valid for a segregated heap\n");
try {
/* Get the region pool */
MM_GCExtensionsPointer extensions = GCExtensions.getGCExtensionsPointer();
MM_RealtimeGCPointer realtimeGC = MM_RealtimeGCPointer.cast(extensions._globalCollector());
MM_RegionPoolSegregatedPointer regionPool = realtimeGC._memoryPool()._regionPool();
/* Get the size classes */
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
J9VMGCSizeClassesPointer sizeClasses = vm.realtimeSizeClasses();
long countTotal = 0;
long countAvailableSmallTotal = 0;
long countFullSmallTotal = 0;
long darkMatterBytesTotal = 0;
long allocCacheBytesTotal = 0;
/* arrayOffset is the total offset into a two dimensional array. Used to walk the
* the array linearly */
long arrayOffset = J9Consts.J9VMGC_SIZECLASSES_MIN_SMALL * MM_RegionPoolSegregated.NUM_DEFRAG_BUCKETS;
out.append("sizeClass | full | available | total | free cell count | dark | cache\n");
for (long sizeClassIndex = J9Consts.J9VMGC_SIZECLASSES_MIN_SMALL; sizeClassIndex <= J9Consts.J9VMGC_SIZECLASSES_MAX_SMALL; sizeClassIndex++) {
/* Print the sizeclass */
UDATA cellSize = sizeClasses.smallCellSizesEA().at(sizeClassIndex);
out.format("%2d: %5d | ", sizeClassIndex, cellSize.longValue());
MM_HeapRegionListPointer heapRegionQueue = MM_HeapRegionListPointer.cast(regionPool._smallFullRegionsEA().at(sizeClassIndex));
long countSmall = getTotalRegions(heapRegionQueue);
countFullSmallTotal += countSmall;
/* Print the number of full regions of this size class */
out.format("%4d | ", countSmall);
/* The number of free cells of this sizeclass */
long freeCellCount = 0;
for (long i = 0; i < MM_RegionPoolSegregated.NUM_DEFRAG_BUCKETS; i++) {
long count = 0;
MM_LockingHeapRegionQueuePointer heapRegionList = MM_LockingHeapRegionQueuePointer.cast(regionPool._smallAvailableRegionsEA().add(arrayOffset).at(0));
for (long j = 0; j < regionPool._splitAvailableListSplitCount().longValue(); j++) {
count += getTotalRegions(heapRegionList);
freeCellCount += getFreeCellCount(heapRegionList);
heapRegionList = heapRegionList.add(1);
/* increment to the next list */
arrayOffset += 1;
countSmall += count;
countAvailableSmallTotal += count;
/* Print the number of available regions in this defrag bucket */
out.format("%4d ", count);
countTotal += countSmall;
/* Print the total number of regions of this size class, and the number of free cells */
out.format("| %5d | %15d |", countSmall, freeCellCount);
/* Print the percentage of darkmatter in this region */
long darkMatterCellCount = regionPool._darkMatterCellCountEA().at(sizeClassIndex).longValue();
darkMatterBytesTotal += darkMatterCellCount * cellSize.longValue();
out.format("%%%3d | ", countSmall == 0 ? 0 : darkMatterCellCount / (countSmall * cellSize.longValue()));
/* Calculate the number of bytes in allocation caches */
long allocCacheSize = 0;
J9VMThreadPointer mainThread = vm.mainThread();
if (mainThread.notNull()) {
J9VMThreadPointer threadCursor = vm.mainThread();
do {
J9VMGCSegregatedAllocationCacheEntryPointer cache = threadCursor.segregatedAllocationCache();
cache = cache.add(sizeClassIndex);
allocCacheSize += - cache.current().longValue();
threadCursor = threadCursor.linkNext();
} while (!threadCursor.eq(mainThread));
out.format("%5d\n", allocCacheSize);
allocCacheBytesTotal += allocCacheSize;
long regionSize = extensions.heap()._heapRegionManager()._regionSize().longValue();
out.format("region size %d\n", regionSize);
long arrayletLeafSize = extensions._omrVM()._arrayletLeafSize().longValue();
out.format("arraylet leaf size %d\n", arrayletLeafSize);
out.format("small total (full, available) region count %d (%d, %d)\n", countTotal, countFullSmallTotal, countAvailableSmallTotal);
long countFullArraylet = getTotalRegions(regionPool._arrayletFullRegions());
long countAvailArraylet = getTotalRegions(regionPool._arrayletAvailableRegions());
long countTotalArraylet = countFullArraylet + countAvailArraylet;
countTotal += countTotalArraylet;
out.format("arraylet total (full, available) region count %d (%d %d)\n", countTotalArraylet, countFullArraylet, countAvailArraylet);
long countLarge = getTotalRegions(regionPool._largeFullRegions());
countTotal += countLarge;
out.format("large full region count %d\n", countLarge);
long countFree = getTotalRegions(regionPool._singleFreeList());
countTotal += countFree;
out.format("free region count %d\n", countFree);
long countMultiFree = getTotalRegions(regionPool._multiFreeList());
countTotal += countMultiFree;
out.format("multiFree region count %d\n", countMultiFree);
long countCoalesce = getTotalRegions(regionPool._coalesceFreeList());
countTotal += countCoalesce;
out.format("coalesce region count %d\n", countCoalesce);
long heapSize = countTotal * regionSize;
out.format("total region count %d, total heap size %d \n", countTotal, heapSize);
out.format("dark matter total bytes %d (%2.2f%% of heap)\n", darkMatterBytesTotal, 100.0 * darkMatterBytesTotal / heapSize);
out.format("allocation cache total bytes %d (%2.2f%% of heap)\n", allocCacheBytesTotal, 100.0 * allocCacheBytesTotal / heapSize);
} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class DumpSegregatedStatsCommand method getFreeCellCount.
* Count the number of free cells in the MM_HeapRegionDescriptorSegregatedPointer freelist
* @throws CorruptDataException
public long getFreeCellCount(MM_HeapRegionDescriptorSegregatedPointer heapRegionDescriptor) throws CorruptDataException {
/* TODO assumes a small region */
MM_MemoryPoolAggregatedCellListPointer memoryPoolACL = heapRegionDescriptor._memoryPoolACL();
GCHeapLinkedFreeHeader heapLinkedFreeHeader = GCHeapLinkedFreeHeader.fromLinkedFreeHeaderPointer(memoryPoolACL._freeListHead());
/* Get the size classes */
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
J9VMGCSizeClassesPointer sizeClasses = vm.realtimeSizeClasses();
UDATA sizeClassIndex = heapRegionDescriptor._sizeClass();
long cellSize = sizeClasses.smallCellSizesEA().at(sizeClassIndex).longValue();
long freeCellCount = 0;
while (heapLinkedFreeHeader.getHeader().notNull()) {
freeCellCount += heapLinkedFreeHeader.getSize().longValue() / cellSize;
heapLinkedFreeHeader = heapLinkedFreeHeader.getNext();
return freeCellCount;
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class FindMethodFromPcCommand method run.
public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
try {
long address = CommandUtils.parsePointer(args[0], J9BuildFlags.env_data64);
U8Pointer pc = U8Pointer.cast(address);
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
if (pc.isNull()) {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "bad or missing PC\n");
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Searching for PC=%s in VM=%s...\n", pc.getHexAddress(), vm.getHexAddress());
J9MethodPointer result = J9JavaVMHelper.getMethodFromPC(vm, pc);
if (!result.isNull()) {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "!j9method %s %s\n", result.getHexAddress(), J9MethodHelper.getName(result));
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Bytecode PC offset = %s\n", pc.sub(result.bytecodes()).getHexValue());
} else {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Not found\n");
} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class ClassForNameCommand method run.
public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
if (args.length == 0) {
try {
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
ClassSegmentIterator iterator = new ClassSegmentIterator(vm.classMemorySegments());
int hitCount = 0;
String searchClassName = args[0];
PatternString pattern = new PatternString(searchClassName);
out.println(String.format("Searching for classes named '%1$s' in VM=%2$s", searchClassName, Long.toHexString(vm.getAddress())));
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
J9ClassPointer classPointer = (J9ClassPointer);
String javaName = J9ClassHelper.getJavaName(classPointer);
if (pattern.isMatch(javaName)) {
String hexString = classPointer.getHexAddress();
out.println(String.format("!j9class %1$s named %2$s", hexString, javaName));
out.println(String.format("Found %1$d class(es) named %2$s", hitCount, searchClassName));
} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);
use of in project openj9 by eclipse.
the class LocalMapCommand method run.
public void run(String command, String[] args, Context context, PrintStream out) throws DDRInteractiveCommandException {
try {
if (args.length != 1) {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "bad or missing PC\n");
J9JavaVMPointer vm = J9RASHelper.getVM(DataType.getJ9RASPointer());
long address = CommandUtils.parsePointer(args[0], J9BuildFlags.env_data64);
U8Pointer pc = U8Pointer.cast(address);
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Searching for PC=%d in VM=%s...\n", pc.longValue(), vm.getHexAddress());
J9MethodPointer localMethod = J9JavaVMHelper.getMethodFromPC(vm, pc);
if (localMethod.notNull()) {
int[] localMap = new int[65536 / 32];
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Found method %s !j9method %s\n", J9MethodHelper.getName(localMethod), localMethod.getHexAddress());
UDATA offsetPC = new UDATA(pc.sub(U8Pointer.cast(localMethod.bytecodes())));
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Relative PC = %d\n", offsetPC.longValue());
J9ClassPointer localClass = J9_CLASS_FROM_CP(localMethod.constantPool());
long methodIndex = new UDATA(localMethod.sub(localClass.ramMethods())).longValue();
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Method index is %d\n", methodIndex);
J9ROMMethodPointer localROMMethod = J9ROMCLASS_ROMMETHODS(localClass.romClass());
while (methodIndex != 0) {
localROMMethod = ROMHelp.nextROMMethod(localROMMethod);
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Using ROM method %s\n", localROMMethod.getHexAddress());
U16 tempCount = localROMMethod.tempCount();
U8 argCount = localROMMethod.argCount();
long localCount = tempCount.add(argCount).longValue();
if (localCount > 0) {
int errorCode = LocalMap.j9localmap_LocalBitsForPC(localROMMethod, offsetPC, localMap);
if (errorCode != 0) {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Local map failed, error code = %d\n", errorCode);
} else {
int currentDescription = localMap[(int) ((localCount + 31) / 32)];
long descriptionLong = 0;
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Local map (%d slots mapped): local %d --> ", localCount, localCount - 1);
long bitsRemaining = localCount % 32;
if (bitsRemaining != 0) {
descriptionLong = currentDescription << (32 - bitsRemaining);
while (localCount != 0) {
if (bitsRemaining == 0) {
descriptionLong = currentDescription;
bitsRemaining = 32;
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "%d", (descriptionLong & (1 << 32)) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
descriptionLong = descriptionLong << 1;
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, " <-- local 0\n");
} else {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "No locals to map\n");
} else {
CommandUtils.dbgPrint(out, "Not found\n");
} catch (CorruptDataException e) {
throw new DDRInteractiveCommandException(e);