use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class JavaPrimitive method invokeJavaPrimitive.
* Invoke an SPL Java primitive operator with an arbitrary number
* of input and output ports.
* <BR>
* Each input stream or window in {@code inputs} results in
* a input port for the operator with the input port index
* matching the position of the input in {@code inputs}.
* If {@code inputs} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any input ports.
* <BR>
* Each SPL schema in {@code outputSchemas} an output port
* for the operator with the output port index
* matching the position of the schema in {@code outputSchemas}.
* If {@code outputSchemas} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any output ports.
* @param te Reference to Topology the operator will be in.
* @param opClass Class of the operator to be invoked.
* @param inputs Input streams to be connected to the operator. May be {@code null} if no input streams are required.
* @param outputSchemas Schemas of the output streams. May be {@code null} if no output streams are required.
* @param params
* Parameters for the SPL Java Primitive operator, ignored if {@code null}.
* @return List of {@code SPLStream} instances that represent the outputs of the operator.
public static List<SPLStream> invokeJavaPrimitive(TopologyElement te, Class<? extends Operator> opClass, List<? extends SPLInput> inputs, List<StreamSchema> outputSchemas, Map<String, ? extends Object> params) {
BOperatorInvocation op = te.builder().addOperator(getInvocationName(opClass), opClass, params);
SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(op, JavaPrimitive.class);
if (inputs != null && !inputs.isEmpty()) {
for (SPLInput input : inputs) SPL.connectInputToOperator(input, op);
if (outputSchemas == null || outputSchemas.isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyList();
List<SPLStream> streams = new ArrayList<>(outputSchemas.size());
for (StreamSchema outputSchema : outputSchemas) streams.add(new SPLStreamImpl(te, op.addOutput(outputSchema)));
return streams;
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class SPL method invokeOperator.
* Invoke an SPL operator with an arbitrary number
* of input and output ports.
* <BR>
* Each input stream or window in {@code inputs} results in
* a input port for the operator with the input port index
* matching the position of the input in {@code inputs}.
* If {@code inputs} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any input ports.
* <BR>
* Each SPL schema in {@code outputSchemas} an output port
* for the operator with the output port index
* matching the position of the schema in {@code outputSchemas}.
* If {@code outputSchemas} is {@code null} or empty then the operator will not
* have any output ports.
* @param te Reference to Topology the operator will be in.
* @param name Name for the operator invocation.
* @param kind
* SPL kind of the operator to be invoked.
* @param inputs Input streams to be connected to the operator. May be {@code null} if no input streams are required.
* @param outputSchemas Schemas of the output streams. May be {@code null} if no output streams are required.
* @param params
* Parameters for the SPL Java Primitive operator, ignored if {@code null}.
* @return List of {@code SPLStream} instances that represent the outputs of the operator.
public static List<SPLStream> invokeOperator(TopologyElement te, String name, String kind, List<? extends SPLInput> inputs, List<StreamSchema> outputSchemas, Map<String, ? extends Object> params) {
BOperatorInvocation op = te.builder().addSPLOperator(name, kind, params);
SourceInfo.setSourceInfo(op, SPL.class);
if (inputs != null && !inputs.isEmpty()) {
for (SPLInput input : inputs) SPL.connectInputToOperator(input, op);
if (outputSchemas == null || outputSchemas.isEmpty())
return Collections.emptyList();
List<SPLStream> streams = new ArrayList<>(outputSchemas.size());
for (StreamSchema outputSchema : outputSchemas) streams.add(new SPLStreamImpl(te, op.addOutput(outputSchema)));
return streams;
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class SPLOperatorsTest method testOpParams.
* Test we can invoke an SPL operator with various parameter types.
private void testOpParams(String testName, OpParamAdder opParamAdder) throws Exception {
Topology topology = new Topology(testName);
opParamAdder.init(topology, getConfig());
// getConfig().put(ContextProperties.KEEP_ARTIFACTS, true);
StreamSchema schema = Type.Factory.getStreamSchema("tuple<" + "rstring r" + ", ustring u" + ", boolean b" + ", int8 i8, int16 i16, int32 i32, int64 i64" + ", uint8 ui8, uint16 ui16, uint32 ui32, uint64 ui64" + ", float32 f32, float64 f64" + " >");
Random rand = new Random();
String r = "test X\tY\"Lit\nerals\\nX\\tY " + rand.nextInt();
opParamAdder.put("r", r);
String u = "test X\tY\"Lit\nerals\\nX\\tY " + rand.nextInt();
opParamAdder.put("u", SPL.createValue(u, MetaType.USTRING));
boolean b = rand.nextBoolean();
opParamAdder.put("b", b);
byte i8 = (byte) rand.nextInt();
short i16 = (short) rand.nextInt();
int i32 = rand.nextInt();
long i64 = rand.nextLong();
opParamAdder.put("i8", i8);
opParamAdder.put("i16", i16);
opParamAdder.put("i32", i32);
opParamAdder.put("i64", i64);
// 255 => -1
byte ui8 = (byte) 0xFF;
// 65534 => -2
short ui16 = (short) 0xFFFE;
// 4294967293 => -3
int ui32 = 0xFFFFFFFD;
// 18446744073709551612 => -4
opParamAdder.put("ui8", SPL.createValue(ui8, MetaType.UINT8));
opParamAdder.put("ui16", SPL.createValue(ui16, MetaType.UINT16));
opParamAdder.put("ui32", SPL.createValue(ui32, MetaType.UINT32));
opParamAdder.put("ui64", SPL.createValue(ui64, MetaType.UINT64));
float f32 = rand.nextFloat();
double f64 = rand.nextDouble();
opParamAdder.put("f32", f32);
opParamAdder.put("f64", f64);
SPL.addToolkit(topology, new File(getTestRoot(), "spl/testtk"));
SPLStream paramTuple = SPL.invokeSource(topology, "testgen::TypeLiteralTester", opParamAdder.getParams(), schema);
// paramTuple.print();
// paramTuple.filter(new AllowAll<Tuple>());
Tester tester = topology.getTester();
Condition<Long> expectedCount = tester.tupleCount(paramTuple, 1);
MostRecent<Tuple> mr = tester.splHandler(paramTuple, new MostRecent<Tuple>());
// getConfig().put(ContextProperties.KEEP_ARTIFACTS, true);
complete(tester, expectedCount, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertTrue(expectedCount.toString(), expectedCount.valid());
Tuple tuple = mr.getMostRecentTuple();
// System.out.println("tuple: " + tuple);
assertEquals(r, tuple.getString("r"));
assertEquals(u, tuple.getString("u"));
assertEquals(i8, tuple.getByte("i8"));
assertEquals(i16, tuple.getShort("i16"));
assertEquals(i32, tuple.getInt("i32"));
assertEquals(i64, tuple.getLong("i64"));
assertEquals(ui8, tuple.getByte("ui8"));
assertEquals(ui16, tuple.getShort("ui16"));
assertEquals(ui32, tuple.getInt("ui32"));
assertEquals(ui64, tuple.getLong("ui64"));
assertEquals(f32, tuple.getFloat("f32"), 0.001);
assertEquals(f64, tuple.getDouble("f64"), 0.001);
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class StreamImpl method union.
public TStream<T> union(Set<TStream<T>> others) {
if (others.isEmpty())
return this;
Set<TStream<T>> allStreams = new HashSet<>();
// Check we don't have just a single stream.
if (allStreams.size() == 1)
return this;
List<TStream<T>> sourceStreams = new ArrayList<>();
StreamSchema schema = output().schema();
Type tupleType = getTupleType();
// Unwrap all streams so that we do not add the same stream twice
// in multiple unions or explicitly and in a union.
Set<BOutput> outputs = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sourceStreams.size(); i++) {
TStream<T> s = sourceStreams.get(i);
// E..g TStream<String>.
if (!schema.equals(s.output().schema())) {
if (s.getTupleClass() != null) {
// This stream has the direct schema!
schema = s.output().schema();
assert getTupleClass() == null;
tupleType = s.getTupleClass();
if (i != 0) {
// Didn't discover it first
// reset to go through the list
// again. Note this assumes there
// are just two options for the schema
// generic or direct
// to get back to 0.
i = -1;
} else {
assert tupleType instanceof Class;
s = s.asType((Class<T>) tupleType);
assert s.output().schema().equals(schema);
sourceStreams.set(i, s);
BOutput unionOutput = builder().addUnion(outputs);
return new StreamImpl<T>(this, unionOutput, tupleType);
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class StreamImpl method _parallel.
private TStream<T> _parallel(Supplier<Integer> width, Function<T, ?> keyer) {
if (width == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("width");
Integer widthVal;
if (width.get() != null)
widthVal = width.get();
else if (width instanceof SubmissionParameter<?>)
widthVal = ((SubmissionParameter<Integer>) width).getDefaultValue();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal width Supplier: width.get() returns null.");
if (widthVal != null && widthVal <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parallel width must be greater than or equal to 1.");
BOutput toBeParallelized = output();
boolean isPartitioned = false;
if (keyer != null) {
final ToIntFunction<T> hasher = new KeyFunctionHasher<>(keyer);
BOperatorInvocation hashAdder = JavaFunctional.addFunctionalOperator(this, "HashAdder", HashAdder.class, hasher);
// hashAdder.json().put("routing", routing.toString());
BInputPort ip = connectTo(hashAdder, true, null);
StreamSchema hashSchema = ip.port().getStreamSchema().extend("int32", "__spl_hash");
toBeParallelized = hashAdder.addOutput(hashSchema);
isPartitioned = true;
BOutput parallelOutput = builder().parallel(toBeParallelized, width);
if (isPartitioned) {
parallelOutput.json().put("partitioned", true);
JSONArray partitionKeys = new JSONArray();
parallelOutput.json().put("partitionedKeys", partitionKeys);
// Add hash remover
StreamImpl<T> parallelStream = new StreamImpl<T>(this, parallelOutput, getTupleType());
BOperatorInvocation hashRemover = builder().addOperator(HashRemover.class, null);
BInputPort pip = parallelStream.connectTo(hashRemover, true, null);
parallelOutput = hashRemover.addOutput(pip.port().getStreamSchema().remove("__spl_hash"));
return addMatchingStream(parallelOutput);