use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class MqttStreamsTest method testConfigParams.
public void testConfigParams() throws Exception {
Topology top = new Topology("testConfigParams");
MsgGenerator mgen = new MsgGenerator(top.getName());
String clientId = newPubClientId(top.getName());
String topicVal = getMqttTopics()[0];
Supplier<String> topic = new Value<String>(topicVal);
List<Message> msgs = createMsgs(mgen, null);
// Test more config properties to be sure we don't blow up
Map<String, Object> config = createConfig(clientId);
config.put("defaultQOS", 1);
config.put("keepAliveInterval", 20);
config.put("commandTimeoutMsec", 30000L);
config.put("reconnectDelayMsec", 5000L);
config.put("receiveBufferSize", 10);
config.put("reconnectionBound", 20);
config.put("retain", false);
config.put("userID", System.getProperty(""));
config.put("password", "foobar");
config.put("trustStore", "/tmp/no-such-trustStore");
config.put("trustStorePassword", "woohoo");
config.put("keyStore", "/tmp/no-such-keyStore");
config.put("keyStorePassword", "woohoo");
MqttStreams mqtt = new MqttStreams(top, config);
Map<String, Object> pcfg = mqtt.getConfig();
for (String s : config.keySet()) assertEquals("property " + s, config.get(s), pcfg.get(s));
TStream<Message> msgsToPublish = top.constants(msgs).modify(new InitialDelay<Message>(PUB_DELAY_MSEC));
TSink sink = mqtt.publish(msgsToPublish, topic);
TStream<Message> rcvdMsgs = mqtt.subscribe(topic);
// for validation...
// bundle construction fails for unrecognized or incorrectly typed SPL op params
File actBundle = (File) StreamsContextFactory.getStreamsContext(StreamsContext.Type.BUNDLE).submit(top, getConfig()).get(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
System.out.println("bundle " + actBundle.getAbsolutePath());
assertTrue(actBundle != null);
assertTrue(sink != null);
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class MqttStreamsTest method testMsgImplProducer.
public void testMsgImplProducer() throws Exception {
Topology top = new Topology("testMsgImplProducer");
MsgGenerator mgen = new MsgGenerator(top.getName());
String subClientId = newSubClientId(top.getName());
String pubClientId = newPubClientId(top.getName());
String topicVal = getMqttTopics()[0];
Supplier<String> topic = new Value<String>(topicVal);
List<Message> msgs = createMsgs(mgen, null);
List<String> expectedAsString = mapList(modifyList(msgs, setTopic(topicVal)), msgToJSONStringFunc());
// Test producer that takes TStream<SimpleMessage> and an explicit topic.
MqttStreams producer = new MqttStreams(top, createConfig(pubClientId));
MqttStreams consumer = new MqttStreams(top, createConfig(subClientId));
TStream<Message> msgsToPublish = top.constants(msgs).modify(new InitialDelay<Message>(PUB_DELAY_MSEC));
TSink sink = producer.publish(msgsToPublish, topic);
TStream<Message> rcvdMsgs = consumer.subscribe(topic);
// for validation...
// just our msgs
rcvdMsgs = selectMsgs(rcvdMsgs, mgen.pattern());
TStream<String> rcvdAsString = rcvdMsgs.transform(msgToJSONStringFunc());
if (testBuildOnly(top))
completeAndValidate(subClientId, top, rcvdAsString, SEC_TIMEOUT, expectedAsString.toArray(new String[0]));
assertTrue(sink != null);
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class PublishSubscribeJsonPythonTest method testPublishJsonFlatMap.
* Json Subscribe feeding a flat map
public void testPublishJsonFlatMap() throws Exception {
Random r = new Random();
final Topology t = new Topology();
JSONObject j1 = new JSONObject();
j1.put("a", r.nextLong());
j1.put("b", "Hello:" + r.nextInt(200));
JSONObject j2 = new JSONObject();
j2.put("a", r.nextLong());
j2.put("b", "Goodbye:" + r.nextInt(200));
JSONObject j3 = new JSONObject();
j3.put("a", r.nextLong());
j3.put("b", "So long:" + r.nextInt(200));
String s1a = j1.get("a").toString();
String s1b = j1.get("b").toString();
String s2a = j2.get("a").toString();
String s2b = j2.get("b").toString();
String s3a = j3.get("a").toString();
String s3b = j3.get("b").toString();
includePythonApp(t, "", "json_flatmap_string::json_flatmap_str");
TStream<JSONObject> source = t.constants(Arrays.asList(j1, j2, j3));
source = addStartupDelay(source).asType(JSONObject.class);
TStream<String> subscribe = t.subscribe("pytest/json/flatmap/result", String.class);
completeAndValidate(subscribe, 60, s1a, s1b, s2a, s2b, s3a, s3b);
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class PublishSubscribeJsonPythonTest method testPublishJsonMap.
* Json Subscribe feeding a map
public void testPublishJsonMap() throws Exception {
Random r = new Random();
final Topology t = new Topology();
JSONObject j1 = new JSONObject();
j1.put("a", r.nextLong());
j1.put("b", "Hello:" + r.nextInt(200));
JSONObject j2 = new JSONObject();
j2.put("a", r.nextLong());
j2.put("b", "Goodbye:" + r.nextInt(200));
JSONObject j3 = new JSONObject();
j3.put("a", r.nextLong());
j3.put("b", "So long:" + r.nextInt(200));
String s1 = "R" + j1.get("a") + "X" + j1.get("b") + "X" + (((Long) j1.get("a")) + 235L);
String s2 = "R" + j2.get("a") + "X" + j2.get("b") + "X" + (((Long) j2.get("a")) + 235L);
String s3 = "R" + j3.get("a") + "X" + j3.get("b") + "X" + (((Long) j3.get("a")) + 235L);
includePythonApp(t, "", "json_map_json::json_map_json");
TStream<JSONObject> source = t.constants(Arrays.asList(j1, j2, j3));
source = addStartupDelay(source).asType(JSONObject.class);
TStream<JSONObject> subscribe = t.subscribe("pytest/json/map/result", JSONObject.class);
TStream<String> asString = subscribe.transform(j -> "R" + j.get("a") + "X" + j.get("b") + "X" + j.get("c"));
completeAndValidate(asString, 30, s1, s2, s3);
use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.
the class PublishSubscribeTopicNames method testWildcardHash2TopicName.
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testWildcardHash2TopicName() throws Exception {
final Topology t = new Topology();
t.strings().publish("#", true);