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Example 76 with SPLStream

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class PythonFunctionalOperatorsTest method testValues.

 * Test that specific values in Python
 * make their way into SPL correctly
 * when returning as a tuple.
 * @throws Exception
public void testValues() throws Exception {
    Topology topology = new Topology("testValues");
    SPLStream pysrc = SPL.invokeSource(topology, "", null, ALL_PYTHON_TYPES_SCHEMA);
    StreamSchema sparseSchema = Type.Factory.getStreamSchema("tuple<int32 a, int32 b, int32 c, int32 d, int32 e>");
    Tester tester = topology.getTester();
    Condition<Long> expectedCount = tester.tupleCount(pysrc, 1);
    Condition<List<Tuple>> outTuples = tester.tupleContents(pysrc);
    SPLStream pysparse = SPL.invokeSource(topology, "", null, sparseSchema);
    SPLStream pysparsemap = SPL.invokeOperator("", pysparse, sparseSchema.extend("int32", "f"), null);
    Condition<Long> expectedCountSparse = tester.tupleCount(pysparse, 1);
    Condition<List<Tuple>> sparseTupleOut = tester.tupleContents(pysparse);
    Condition<Long> expectedCountSparseMap = tester.tupleCount(pysparsemap, 1);
    Condition<List<Tuple>> sparseTupleMapOut = tester.tupleContents(pysparsemap);
    // getConfig().put(ContextProperties.TRACING_LEVEL, TraceLevel.DEBUG);
    complete(tester, expectedCount.and(expectedCountSparse, expectedCountSparseMap), 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    Tuple r1 = outTuples.getResult().get(0);
    // signed integers
    // 23, -2525, 3252352, -2624565653,
    assertEquals(r1.getByte("i8"), 23);
    assertEquals(r1.getShort("i16"), -2525);
    assertEquals(r1.getInt("i32"), 3252352);
    assertEquals(r1.getLong("i64"), -2624565653L);
    // unsigned int
    // 72, 6873, 43665588, 357568872
    assertEquals(r1.getString("u8"), "72");
    assertEquals(r1.getString("u16"), "6873");
    assertEquals(r1.getString("u32"), "43665588");
    assertEquals(r1.getString("u64"), "357568872");
    // floats
    // 4367.34, -87657525334.22
    assertEquals(r1.getFloat("f32"), 4367.34f, 0.1);
    assertEquals(r1.getDouble("f64"), -87657525334.22d, 0.1);
    // rstring, Unicode data
    assertEquals("⡍⠔⠙⠖ ⡊ ⠙⠕⠝⠰⠞ ⠍⠑⠁⠝ ⠞⠕ ⠎⠁⠹ ⠹⠁⠞ ⡊ ⠅⠝⠪⠂ ⠕⠋ ⠍⠹", r1.getString("r"));
    // complex(-23.0, 325.38), complex(-35346.234, 952524.93)
    assertEquals(((Complex) r1.getObject("c32")).getReal(), -23.0, 0.1);
    assertEquals(((Complex) r1.getObject("c32")).getImaginary(), 325.38, 0.1);
    assertEquals(((Complex) r1.getObject("c64")).getReal(), -35346.234, 0.1);
    assertEquals(((Complex) r1.getObject("c64")).getImaginary(), 952524.93, 0.1);
    assertEquals(r1.getBigDecimal("d32"), new BigDecimal("3.459876E72"));
    assertEquals(r1.getBigDecimal("d64"), new BigDecimal("4.515716038731674E-307"));
    assertEquals(r1.getBigDecimal("d128"), new BigDecimal("1.085059319410602846995696978141388E+5922"));
    // Timestamp Timestamp(781959759, 9320, 76)
    assertEquals(781959759L, r1.getTimestamp("ts").getSeconds());
    assertEquals(9320, r1.getTimestamp("ts").getNanoseconds());
    assertEquals(76, r1.getTimestamp("ts").getMachineId());
    // ["a", "Streams!", "2H₂ + O₂ ⇌ 2H₂O, R = 4.7 kΩ, ⌀ 200 mm"]
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<RString> lr = (List<RString>) r1.getObject("lr");
        assertEquals(3, lr.size());
        assertEquals("a", lr.get(0).getString());
        assertEquals("Streams!", lr.get(1).getString());
        assertEquals("2H₂ + O₂ ⇌ 2H₂O, R = 4.7 kΩ, ⌀ 200 mm", lr.get(2).getString());
    // [345,-4578],
        int[] li32 = (int[]) r1.getObject("li32");
        assertEquals(2, li32.length);
        assertEquals(345, li32[0]);
        assertEquals(-4578, li32[1]);
    // [9983, -4647787587, 0]
        long[] li64 = (long[]) r1.getObject("li64");
        assertEquals(3, li64.length);
        assertEquals(9983L, li64[0]);
        assertEquals(-4647787587L, li64[1]);
        assertEquals(0L, li64[2]);
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Integer> lui32 = (List<Integer>) r1.getObject("lui32");
        assertEquals(1, lui32.size());
        assertEquals("87346", Integer.toUnsignedString(lui32.get(0)));
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Long> lui64 = (List<Long>) r1.getObject("lui64");
        assertEquals(2, lui64.size());
        assertEquals("45433674", Long.toUnsignedString(lui64.get(0)));
        assertEquals("41876984848", Long.toUnsignedString(lui64.get(1)));
    // 4.269986E+05, -8.072285E+02 -6.917091E-08 7.735085E8
        float[] li32 = (float[]) r1.getObject("lf32");
        assertEquals(4, li32.length);
        assertEquals(4.269986E+05f, li32[0], 0.1);
        assertEquals(-8.072285E+02f, li32[1], 0.1);
        assertEquals(-6.917091E-08f, li32[2], 0.1);
        assertEquals(7.735085E8f, li32[3], 0.1);
        double[] lf64 = (double[]) r1.getObject("lf64");
        assertEquals(1, lf64.length);
        assertEquals(765.46477e19, lf64[0], 0.1);
        boolean[] lb = (boolean[]) r1.getObject("lb");
        assertEquals(3, lb.length);
        Map<?, ?> mri32 = r1.getMap("mri32");
        assertEquals(2, mri32.size());
        System.out.println("mri32:" + mri32);
        assertTrue(mri32.containsKey(new RString("abc")));
        assertTrue(mri32.containsKey(new RString("многоязычных")));
        assertEquals(35320, mri32.get(new RString("abc")));
        assertEquals(-236325, mri32.get(new RString("многоязычных")));
    // Sparse tuple handling - source
    assertEquals(1, sparseTupleOut.getResult().size());
    Tuple st = sparseTupleOut.getResult().get(0);
    // set by op
    assertEquals(37, st.getInt("a"));
    // default as None in tuple
    assertEquals(0, st.getInt("b"));
    // default as None in tuple
    assertEquals(0, st.getInt("c"));
    // set by op
    assertEquals(-46, st.getInt("d"));
    // default as no value (short tuple)
    assertEquals(0, st.getInt("e"));
    // Sparse tuple handling - map
    assertEquals(1, sparseTupleMapOut.getResult().size());
    Tuple stm = sparseTupleMapOut.getResult().get(0);
    // set by op
    assertEquals(37 + 81, stm.getInt("a"));
    // set by op
    assertEquals(23, stm.getInt("b"));
    // default as None in tuple
    assertEquals(0, stm.getInt("c"));
    // default to matching input
    assertEquals(-46, stm.getInt("d"));
    // set by op
    assertEquals(34, stm.getInt("e"));
    // default as no value (short tuple)
    assertEquals(0, stm.getInt("f"));
Also used : Tester( Topology( TestTopology( StreamSchema( SPLStream( BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) List(java.util.List) RString( Map(java.util.Map) OutputTuple( Tuple( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 77 with SPLStream

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class SPLJavaPrimitiveTest method testIncompatVmArgs.

@Test(expected = java.lang.Exception.class)
public void testIncompatVmArgs() throws Exception {
    // incompat args only happens with SPL code
    skipVersion("vmargs", 4, 2);
    // the SPL compiler catches/enforces that all fused Java ops
    // have the same vmArgs.  Since this java op invocation
    // specifies a vmArg value and it's fused with other
    // (functional) Java ops, expect it to fail with CDISP0789E.
    Topology t = new Topology("testIncompatVmArgs");
    SPL.addToolkit(t, new File(getTestRoot(), "spl/testtk"));
    // getConfig().put(ContextProperties.KEEP_ARTIFACTS, true);
    SPLStream spl = SPLStreams.stringToSPLStream(t.strings("hello"));
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
    params.put("vmArg", "-DXYZZY");
    SPLStream splResult = JavaPrimitive.invokeJavaPrimitive(testjava.NoOpJavaPrimitive.class, spl, SPLSchemas.STRING, params);
    TStream<String> result = splResult.toStringStream();
    completeAndValidate(result, 1, "Shouldn't get anything");
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Topology( TestTopology( File( SPLStream( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 78 with SPLStream

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class SPLParallelTest method testBroadcast.

public void testBroadcast() throws Exception {
    Topology topology = newTopology();
    TStream<String> values = topology.strings("UDP-B", "@parallel-B", "Done-B");
    StreamSchema schema ="tuple<rstring x>");
    SPLStream vs = SPLStreams.convertStream(values, (s, o) -> {
        o.setString(0, s);
        return o;
    }, schema);
    vs = vs.parallel(() -> 3, Routing.BROADCAST);
    SPLStream r = vs.filter(new AllowAll<>()).endParallel();
    TStream<String> rs = SPLStreams.toStringStream(r);
    Tester tester = topology.getTester();
    Condition<Long> expectedCount = tester.tupleCount(r, 9);
    Condition<List<String>> content = tester.stringContentsUnordered(rs, "UDP-B", "@parallel-B", "Done-B", "UDP-B", "@parallel-B", "Done-B", "UDP-B", "@parallel-B", "Done-B");
    assertTrue(complete(tester, expectedCount, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
Also used : Tester( AllowAll( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) List(java.util.List) Topology( TestTopology( StreamSchema( SPLStream( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 79 with SPLStream

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class SPLParallelTest method unsupportedRouting.

private void unsupportedRouting(Routing routing) {
    Topology topology = newTopology();
    TStream<String> a = topology.strings("A");
    SPLStream as = SPLStreams.stringToSPLStream(a);
    as = as.parallel(() -> 3, routing);
Also used : Topology( TestTopology( SPLStream(

Example 80 with SPLStream

use of in project streamsx.topology by IBMStreams.

the class ConditionTest method testSPLContentsBad.

public void testSPLContentsBad() throws Exception {
    final Topology topology = new Topology();
    TStream<String> source = topology.strings("A", "B", "C", "D");
    StreamSchema schema = SPLSchemas.STRING.extend("int32", "id");
    SPLStream tested = SPLStreams.convertStream(source, (s, t) -> {
        t.setString(0, s);
        t.setInt(1, s.charAt(0));
        return t;
    }, schema);
    ExpectedTuples expected = new ExpectedTuples(schema);
    int id = "A".charAt(0);
    expected.addAsTuple(new RString("A"), id);
    expected.addAsTuple(new RString("B"), ++id);
    expected.addAsTuple(new RString("C"), 1241241);
    expected.addAsTuple(new RString("D"), ++id);
    Condition<List<Tuple>> contents = expected.contents(tested);
    boolean passed = complete(topology.getTester(), contents, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    assertFalse(contents.toString(), contents.valid());
Also used : ExpectedTuples( RString( List(java.util.List) Topology( TestTopology( RString( StreamSchema( SPLStream( Test(org.junit.Test)


SPLStream ( Topology ( Test (org.junit.Test)56 TestTopology ( Tester ( List (java.util.List)38 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)33 StreamSchema ( OutputTuple ( Tuple ( Map (java.util.Map)17 TStream ( SPL ( Condition ( TimeUnit (java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)14 Constants ( KafkaSPLStreamsUtils ( StreamsContext ( Type ( StreamsContextFactory (