use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToText method getModel.
* Retrieves information about the model.
* Returns information about a single specified language model that is available for use with the service. The
* information includes the name of the model and its minimum sampling rate in Hertz, among other things.
* @param getModelOptions the {@link GetModelOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a response type of {@link SpeechModel}
public ServiceCall<SpeechModel> getModel(GetModelOptions getModelOptions) {
Validator.notNull(getModelOptions, "getModelOptions cannot be null");
String[] pathSegments = { "v1/models" };
String[] pathParameters = { getModelOptions.modelId() };
RequestBuilder builder = RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.constructHttpUrl(getEndPoint(), pathSegments, pathParameters));
return createServiceCall(, ResponseConverterUtils.getObject(SpeechModel.class));