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the class SpeechToTextTest method testListWords.
* Test list words.
* @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
* @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
public void testListWords() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
String id = "foo";
String wordsAsStr = getStringFromInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/speech_to_text/words.json"));
JsonObject words = new JsonParser().parse(wordsAsStr).getAsJsonObject();
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, HttpMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).setBody(wordsAsStr));
ListWordsOptions listOptions = new ListWordsOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).build();
Words result = service.listWords(listOptions).execute();
final RecordedRequest request = server.takeRequest();
assertEquals("GET", request.getMethod());
assertEquals(String.format(PATH_WORDS, id), request.getPath());
assertEquals(words.get("words"), GSON.toJsonTree(result.getWords()));
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the class SpeechToTextTest method testListWordsSort.
* Test list words with sort order alphabetical.
* @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
* @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
public void testListWordsSort() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
String id = "foo";
String wordsAsStr = getStringFromInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/speech_to_text/words.json"));
JsonObject words = new JsonParser().parse(wordsAsStr).getAsJsonObject();
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, HttpMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).setBody(wordsAsStr));
ListWordsOptions listOptions = new ListWordsOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).sort(ListWordsOptions.Sort.ALPHABETICAL).build();
Words result = service.listWords(listOptions).execute();
final RecordedRequest request = server.takeRequest();
assertEquals("GET", request.getMethod());
assertEquals(String.format(PATH_WORDS, id) + "?sort=alphabetical", request.getPath());
assertEquals(words.get("words"), GSON.toJsonTree(result.getWords()));
use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToTextTest method testListWordsTypeSort.
* Test list words with word type all and sort order alphabetical.
* @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
* @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
public void testListWordsTypeSort() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
String id = "foo";
String wordsAsStr = getStringFromInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/speech_to_text/words.json"));
JsonObject words = new JsonParser().parse(wordsAsStr).getAsJsonObject();
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().addHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, HttpMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).setBody(wordsAsStr));
ListWordsOptions listOptions = new ListWordsOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).sort(ListWordsOptions.Sort.ALPHABETICAL).wordType(ListWordsOptions.WordType.ALL).build();
Words result = service.listWords(listOptions).execute();
final RecordedRequest request = server.takeRequest();
assertEquals("GET", request.getMethod());
assertEquals(String.format(PATH_WORDS, id) + "?word_type=all&sort=alphabetical", request.getPath());
assertEquals(words.get("words"), GSON.toJsonTree(result.getWords()));
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the class TextToSpeech method getWord.
* Queries details about a word in a custom voice model.
* Returns the translation for a single word from the custom model with the specified `customization_id`. The output
* shows the translation as it is defined in the model. You must use credentials for the instance of the service that
* owns a model to query information about its words. **Note:** This method is currently a beta release.
* @param getWordOptions the {@link GetWordOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a response type of {@link Translation}
public ServiceCall<Translation> getWord(GetWordOptions getWordOptions) {
Validator.notNull(getWordOptions, "getWordOptions cannot be null");
String[] pathSegments = { "v1/customizations", "words" };
String[] pathParameters = { getWordOptions.customizationId(), getWordOptions.word() };
RequestBuilder builder = RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.constructHttpUrl(getEndPoint(), pathSegments, pathParameters));
return createServiceCall(, ResponseConverterUtils.getObject(Translation.class));
use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class TextToSpeech method getVoiceModel.
* Queries the contents of a custom voice model.
* Lists all information about the custom voice model with the specified `customization_id`. In addition to metadata
* such as the name and description of the voice model, the output includes the words in the model and their
* translations as defined in the model. To see just the metadata for a voice model, use the `GET /v1/customizations`
* method. You must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
* **Note:** This method is currently a beta release.
* @param getVoiceModelOptions the {@link GetVoiceModelOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a response type of {@link VoiceModel}
public ServiceCall<VoiceModel> getVoiceModel(GetVoiceModelOptions getVoiceModelOptions) {
Validator.notNull(getVoiceModelOptions, "getVoiceModelOptions cannot be null");
String[] pathSegments = { "v1/customizations" };
String[] pathParameters = { getVoiceModelOptions.customizationId() };
RequestBuilder builder = RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.constructHttpUrl(getEndPoint(), pathSegments, pathParameters));
return createServiceCall(, ResponseConverterUtils.getObject(VoiceModel.class));