use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToText method trainAcousticModel.
* Train a custom acoustic model.
* <p>Initiates the training of a custom acoustic model with new or changed audio resources. After
* adding or deleting audio resources for a custom acoustic model, use this method to begin the
* actual training of the model on the latest audio data. The custom acoustic model does not
* reflect its changed data until you train it. You must use credentials for the instance of the
* service that owns a model to train it.
* <p>The training method is asynchronous. Training time depends on the cumulative amount of audio
* data that the custom acoustic model contains and the current load on the service. When you
* train or retrain a model, the service uses all of the model's audio data in the training.
* Training a custom acoustic model takes approximately as long as the length of its cumulative
* audio data. For example, it takes approximately 2 hours to train a model that contains a total
* of 2 hours of audio. The method returns an HTTP 200 response code to indicate that the training
* process has begun.
* <p>You can monitor the status of the training by using the [Get a custom acoustic
* model](#getacousticmodel) method to poll the model's status. Use a loop to check the status
* once a minute. The method returns an `AcousticModel` object that includes `status` and
* `progress` fields. A status of `available` indicates that the custom model is trained and ready
* to use. The service cannot train a model while it is handling another request for the model.
* The service cannot accept subsequent training requests, or requests to add new audio resources,
* until the existing training request completes.
* <p>You can use the optional `custom_language_model_id` parameter to specify the GUID of a
* separately created custom language model that is to be used during training. Train with a
* custom language model if you have verbatim transcriptions of the audio files that you have
* added to the custom model or you have either corpora (text files) or a list of words that are
* relevant to the contents of the audio files. For training to succeed, both of the custom models
* must be based on the same version of the same base model, and the custom language model must be
* fully trained and available.
* <p>**Note:** Acoustic model customization is supported only for use with previous-generation
* models. It is not supported for next-generation models.
* <p>**See also:** * [Train the custom acoustic
* model](
* * [Using custom acoustic and custom language models
* together](
* <p>### Training failures
* <p>Training can fail to start for the following reasons: * The service is currently handling
* another request for the custom model, such as another training request or a request to add
* audio resources to the model. * The custom model contains less than 10 minutes or more than 200
* hours of audio data. * You passed a custom language model with the `custom_language_model_id`
* query parameter that is not in the available state. A custom language model must be fully
* trained and available to be used to train a custom acoustic model. * You passed an incompatible
* custom language model with the `custom_language_model_id` query parameter. Both custom models
* must be based on the same version of the same base model. * The custom model contains one or
* more invalid audio resources. You can correct the invalid audio resources or set the `strict`
* parameter to `false` to exclude the invalid resources from the training. The model must contain
* at least one valid resource for training to succeed.
* @param trainAcousticModelOptions the {@link TrainAcousticModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link TrainingResponse}
public ServiceCall<TrainingResponse> trainAcousticModel(TrainAcousticModelOptions trainAcousticModelOptions) {, "trainAcousticModelOptions cannot be null");
Map<String, String> pathParamsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", trainAcousticModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =, "/v1/acoustic_customizations/{customization_id}/train", pathParamsMap));
Map<String, String> sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "trainAcousticModel");
for (Entry<String, String> header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (trainAcousticModelOptions.customLanguageModelId() != null) {
builder.query("custom_language_model_id", String.valueOf(trainAcousticModelOptions.customLanguageModelId()));
ResponseConverter<TrainingResponse> responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getValue(new<TrainingResponse>() {
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToText method getCorpus.
* Get a corpus.
* <p>Gets information about a corpus from a custom language model. The information includes the
* name, status, and total number of words for the corpus. _For custom models that are based on
* previous-generation models_, it also includes the number of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words from
* the corpus. You must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list
* its corpora.
* <p>**See also:** [Listing corpora for a custom language
* model](
* @param getCorpusOptions the {@link GetCorpusOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link Corpus}
public ServiceCall<Corpus> getCorpus(GetCorpusOptions getCorpusOptions) {, "getCorpusOptions cannot be null");
Map<String, String> pathParamsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", getCorpusOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("corpus_name", getCorpusOptions.corpusName());
RequestBuilder builder = RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/corpora/{corpus_name}", pathParamsMap));
Map<String, String> sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getCorpus");
for (Entry<String, String> header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter<Corpus> responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getValue(new<Corpus>() {
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);