use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToText method createLanguageModel.
* Create a custom language model.
* <p>Creates a new custom language model for a specified base model. The custom language model
* can be used only with the base model for which it is created. The model is owned by the
* instance of the service whose credentials are used to create it.
* <p>You can create a maximum of 1024 custom language models per owning credentials. The service
* returns an error if you attempt to create more than 1024 models. You do not lose any models,
* but you cannot create any more until your model count is below the limit.
* <p>**Important:** Effective 15 March 2022, previous-generation models for all languages other
* than Arabic and Japanese are deprecated. The deprecated models remain available until 15
* September 2022, when they will be removed from the service and the documentation. You must
* migrate to the equivalent next-generation model by the end of service date. For more
* information, see [Migrating to next-generation
* models](
* <p>**See also:** * [Create a custom language
* model](
* * [Language support for
* customization](
* @param createLanguageModelOptions the {@link CreateLanguageModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link LanguageModel}
public ServiceCall<LanguageModel> createLanguageModel(CreateLanguageModelOptions createLanguageModelOptions) {, "createLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
RequestBuilder builder =, "/v1/customizations"));
Map<String, String> sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "createLanguageModel");
for (Entry<String, String> header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
final JsonObject contentJson = new JsonObject();
contentJson.addProperty("base_model_name", createLanguageModelOptions.baseModelName());
if (createLanguageModelOptions.dialect() != null) {
contentJson.addProperty("dialect", createLanguageModelOptions.dialect());
if (createLanguageModelOptions.description() != null) {
contentJson.addProperty("description", createLanguageModelOptions.description());
ResponseConverter<LanguageModel> responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getValue(new<LanguageModel>() {
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToText method getLanguageModel.
* Get a custom language model.
* <p>Gets information about a specified custom language model. You must use credentials for the
* instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
* <p>**See also:** * [Listing custom language
* models](
* * [Language support for
* customization](
* @param getLanguageModelOptions the {@link GetLanguageModelOptions} containing the options for
* the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link LanguageModel}
public ServiceCall<LanguageModel> getLanguageModel(GetLanguageModelOptions getLanguageModelOptions) {, "getLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
Map<String, String> pathParamsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", getLanguageModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder = RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}", pathParamsMap));
Map<String, String> sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getLanguageModel");
for (Entry<String, String> header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter<LanguageModel> responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getValue(new<LanguageModel>() {
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToText method trainLanguageModel.
* Train a custom language model.
* <p>Initiates the training of a custom language model with new resources such as corpora,
* grammars, and custom words. After adding, modifying, or deleting resources for a custom
* language model, use this method to begin the actual training of the model on the latest data.
* You can specify whether the custom language model is to be trained with all words from its
* words resource or only with words that were added or modified by the user directly. You must
* use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to train it.
* <p>The training method is asynchronous. It can take on the order of minutes to complete
* depending on the amount of data on which the service is being trained and the current load on
* the service. The method returns an HTTP 200 response code to indicate that the training process
* has begun.
* <p>You can monitor the status of the training by using the [Get a custom language
* model](#getlanguagemodel) method to poll the model's status. Use a loop to check the status
* every 10 seconds. The method returns a `LanguageModel` object that includes `status` and
* `progress` fields. A status of `available` means that the custom model is trained and ready to
* use. The service cannot accept subsequent training requests or requests to add new resources
* until the existing request completes.
* <p>**See also:** * [Train the custom language
* model](
* * [Language support for
* customization](
* <p>### Training failures
* <p>Training can fail to start for the following reasons: * The service is currently handling
* another request for the custom model, such as another training request or a request to add a
* corpus or grammar to the model. * No training data have been added to the custom model. * The
* custom model contains one or more invalid corpora, grammars, or words (for example, a custom
* word has an invalid sounds-like pronunciation). You can correct the invalid resources or set
* the `strict` parameter to `false` to exclude the invalid resources from the training. The model
* must contain at least one valid resource for training to succeed.
* @param trainLanguageModelOptions the {@link TrainLanguageModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link TrainingResponse}
public ServiceCall<TrainingResponse> trainLanguageModel(TrainLanguageModelOptions trainLanguageModelOptions) {, "trainLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
Map<String, String> pathParamsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", trainLanguageModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =, "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/train", pathParamsMap));
Map<String, String> sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "trainLanguageModel");
for (Entry<String, String> header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (trainLanguageModelOptions.wordTypeToAdd() != null) {
builder.query("word_type_to_add", String.valueOf(trainLanguageModelOptions.wordTypeToAdd()));
if (trainLanguageModelOptions.customizationWeight() != null) {
builder.query("customization_weight", String.valueOf(trainLanguageModelOptions.customizationWeight()));
ResponseConverter<TrainingResponse> responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getValue(new<TrainingResponse>() {
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class CustomizationExample method main.
* The main method.
* @param args the arguments
* @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
Authenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator("<iam_api_key>");
SpeechToText service = new SpeechToText(authenticator);
// Create language model
CreateLanguageModelOptions createOptions = new CreateLanguageModelOptions.Builder().name("IEEE-permanent").baseModelName("en-US_BroadbandModel").description("My customization").build();
LanguageModel myModel = service.createLanguageModel(createOptions).execute().getResult();
String id = myModel.getCustomizationId();
try {
// Add a corpus file to the model
AddCorpusOptions addOptions = new AddCorpusOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).corpusName("corpus-1").corpusFile(new File(CORPUS_FILE)).allowOverwrite(false).build();
// Get corpus status
GetCorpusOptions getOptions = new GetCorpusOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).corpusName("corpus-1").build();
for (int x = 0; x < 30 && !service.getCorpus(getOptions).execute().getResult().getStatus().equals(Corpus.Status.ANALYZED); x++) {
// Get all corpora
ListCorporaOptions listCorporaOptions = new ListCorporaOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).build();
Corpora corpora = service.listCorpora(listCorporaOptions).execute().getResult();
// Get specific corpus
Corpus corpus = service.getCorpus(getOptions).execute().getResult();
// Now add some user words to the custom model
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("IEEE").word("IEEE").displayAs("IEEE").addSoundsLike("I. triple E.").build()).execute();
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("hhonors").word("hhonors").displayAs("IEEE").addSoundsLike("H. honors").addSoundsLike("Hilton honors").build()).execute();
// Display all words in the words resource (OOVs from the corpus and
// new words just added) in ascending alphabetical order
ListWordsOptions listWordsAlphabeticalOptions = new ListWordsOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordType(ListWordsOptions.WordType.ALL).build();
Words words = service.listWords(listWordsAlphabeticalOptions).execute().getResult();
System.out.println("\nASCENDING ALPHABETICAL ORDER:");
// Then display all words in the words resource in descending order
// by count
ListWordsOptions listWordsCountOptions = new ListWordsOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordType(ListWordsOptions.WordType.ALL).sort("-" + ListWordsOptions.Sort.COUNT).build();
words = service.listWords(listWordsCountOptions).execute().getResult();
System.out.println("\nDESCENDING ORDER BY COUNT:");
// Now start training of the model
TrainLanguageModelOptions trainOptions = new TrainLanguageModelOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordTypeToAdd(TrainLanguageModelOptions.WordTypeToAdd.ALL).build();
for (int x = 0; x < 30 && !myModel.getStatus().equals(LanguageModel.Status.AVAILABLE); x++) {
GetLanguageModelOptions getLanguageModelOptions = new GetLanguageModelOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).build();
myModel = service.getLanguageModel(getLanguageModelOptions).execute().getResult();
File audio = new File(AUDIO_FILE);
RecognizeOptions recognizeOptionsWithModel = new RecognizeOptions.Builder().model(RecognizeOptions.Model.EN_US_BROADBANDMODEL).customizationId(id).audio(audio).contentType(HttpMediaType.AUDIO_WAV).build();
RecognizeOptions recognizeOptionsWithoutModel = new RecognizeOptions.Builder().model(RecognizeOptions.Model.EN_US_BROADBANDMODEL).audio(audio).contentType(HttpMediaType.AUDIO_WAV).build();
// First decode WITHOUT the custom model
SpeechRecognitionResults transcript = service.recognize(recognizeOptionsWithoutModel).execute().getResult();
// Now decode with the custom model
transcript = service.recognize(recognizeOptionsWithModel).execute().getResult();
} finally {
DeleteLanguageModelOptions deleteOptions = new DeleteLanguageModelOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).build();
use of in project java-sdk by watson-developer-cloud.
the class SpeechToTextIT method testCreateLanguageModel.
* Test create language model.
* <p>Takes a long time to the point of timing out on Travis sometimes, so we'll just run locally.
* @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception
* @throws FileNotFoundException the file not found exception
public void testCreateLanguageModel() throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException {
CreateLanguageModelOptions createOptions = new CreateLanguageModelOptions.Builder().name("java-sdk-temporary").baseModelName(EN_BROADBAND16K).description("Temporary custom model for testing the Java SDK").build();
LanguageModel myModel = service.createLanguageModel(createOptions).execute().getResult();
String id = myModel.getCustomizationId();
try {
// Add a corpus file to the model
AddCorpusOptions addOptions = new AddCorpusOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).corpusName("corpus-1").corpusFile(new File(String.format(SPEECH_RESOURCE, "corpus1.txt"))).allowOverwrite(false).build();
// Get corpus status
GetCorpusOptions getOptions = new GetCorpusOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).corpusName("corpus-1").build();
for (int x = 0; x < 30 && !service.getCorpus(getOptions).execute().getResult().getStatus().equals(Corpus.Status.ANALYZED); x++) {
// Add the corpus file to the model again and allow overwrite
AddCorpusOptions addOptionsWithOverwrite = new AddCorpusOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).corpusName("corpus-1").corpusFile(new File(String.format(SPEECH_RESOURCE, "corpus1.txt"))).allowOverwrite(true).build();
// Get corpus status
for (int x = 0; x < 30 && !service.getCorpus(getOptions).execute().getResult().getStatus().equals(Corpus.Status.ANALYZED); x++) {
// Get corpora
ListCorporaOptions listCorporaOptions = new ListCorporaOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).build();
Corpora corpora = service.listCorpora(listCorporaOptions).execute().getResult();
assertTrue(corpora.getCorpora().size() == 1);
// Now add some user words to the custom model
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("IEEE").word("IEEE").displayAs("IEEE").addSoundsLike("I. triple E.").build()).execute().getResult();
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("hhonors").word("hhonors").displayAs("IEEE").addSoundsLike("H. honors").addSoundsLike("Hilton honors").build()).execute().getResult();
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("aaa").word("aaa").displayAs("aaa").addSoundsLike("aaa").addSoundsLike("bbb").build()).execute().getResult();
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("bbb").word("bbb").addSoundsLike("aaa").addSoundsLike("bbb").build()).execute().getResult();
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("ccc").word("ccc").displayAs("ccc").build()).execute().getResult();
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("ddd").word("ddd").build()).execute().getResult();
service.addWord(new AddWordOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordName("eee").word("eee").build()).execute().getResult();
// Display all words in the words resource (coming from OOVs from the corpus add
// and the new
// words just added)
ListWordsOptions listWordsOptions = new ListWordsOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).wordType(ListWordsOptions.WordType.ALL).build();
Words words = service.listWords(listWordsOptions).execute().getResult();
} finally {
DeleteLanguageModelOptions deleteOptions = new DeleteLanguageModelOptions.Builder().customizationId(id).build();