use of com.ichi2.anim.ActivityTransitionAnimation.Direction.START in project Anki-Android by ankidroid.
the class Media method maybeUpgrade.
public void maybeUpgrade() {
String oldpath = dir() + ".db";
File oldDbFile = new File(oldpath);
if (oldDbFile.exists()) {
mDb.execute(String.format(Locale.US, "attach \"%s\" as old", oldpath));
try {
String sql = "insert into media\n" + " select m.fname, csum, mod, ifnull((select 1 from log l2 where l2.fname=m.fname), 0) as dirty\n" + " from m\n" + " left outer join old.log l using (fname)\n" + " union\n" + " select fname, null, 0, 1 from old.log where type=" + Consts.CARD_TYPE_LRN + ";";
mDb.execute("delete from meta");
mDb.execute("insert into meta select dirMod, usn from old.meta");
} catch (Exception e) {
// if we couldn't import the old db for some reason, just start anew
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
mCol.log("failed to import old media db:" + sw.toString());
mDb.execute("detach old");
File newDbFile = new File(oldpath + ".old");
if (newDbFile.exists()) {
use of com.ichi2.anim.ActivityTransitionAnimation.Direction.START in project Anki-Android by ankidroid.
the class TemporaryModelTest method testAddDeleteTracking.
public void testAddDeleteTracking() {
// Assume you start with a 2 template model (like "Basic (and reversed)")
// Add a 3rd new template, remove the 2nd, remove the 1st, add a new now-2nd, remove 1st again
// ...and it should reduce to just removing the original 1st/2nd and adding the final as first
TemporaryModel tempModel = new TemporaryModel(new Model("{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }"));
tempModel.addTemplateChange(ADD, 3);
Object[][] expected1 = { { 3, ADD } };
// 3 templates and one change now
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected1, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected1, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 3 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
tempModel.addTemplateChange(DELETE, 2);
// 2 templates and two changes now
Object[][] expected2 = { { 3, ADD }, { 2, DELETE } };
Object[][] adjExpected2 = { { 2, ADD }, { 2, DELETE } };
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected2, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(adjExpected2, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 2, 4 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
tempModel.addTemplateChange(DELETE, 1);
// 1 template and three changes now
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 2, 1, 5 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
Object[][] expected3 = { { 3, ADD }, { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE } };
Object[][] adjExpected3 = { { 1, ADD }, { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE } };
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected3, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(adjExpected3, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
tempModel.addTemplateChange(ADD, 2);
// 2 templates and 4 changes now
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 2, 1, 5 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
Object[][] expected4 = { { 3, ADD }, { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 2, ADD } };
Object[][] adjExpected4 = { { 1, ADD }, { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 2, ADD } };
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected4, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(adjExpected4, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
// Make sure we can resurrect these changes across lifecycle
Bundle outBundle = tempModel.toBundle();
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected4, outBundle.getSerializable("mTemplateChanges"));
// This is the hard part. We will delete a template we added so everything shifts.
// The template currently at ordinal 1 was added as template 3 at the start before it slid down on the deletes
// So the first template add should be negated by this delete, and the second template add should slide down to 1
tempModel.addTemplateChange(DELETE, 1);
// 1 template and 3 changes now (the delete just cancelled out one of the adds)
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 2, 1, 5 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
Object[][] expected5 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD } };
Object[][] adjExpected5 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD } };
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected5, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(adjExpected5, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
tempModel.addTemplateChange(ADD, 2);
// 2 template and 4 changes now (the delete just cancelled out one of the adds)
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 2, 1, 5 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
Object[][] expected6 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD }, { 2, ADD } };
Object[][] adjExpected6 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD }, { 2, ADD } };
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected6, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(adjExpected6, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
tempModel.addTemplateChange(ADD, 3);
// 2 template and 4 changes now (the delete just cancelled out one of the adds)
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 2, 1, 5 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
Object[][] expected7 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD }, { 2, ADD }, { 3, ADD } };
Object[][] adjExpected7 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD }, { 2, ADD }, { 3, ADD } };
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected7, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(adjExpected7, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
tempModel.addTemplateChange(DELETE, 3);
// 1 template and 3 changes now (two deletes cancelled out adds)
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new int[] { 2, 1, 5 }, tempModel.getDeleteDbOrds(3));
Object[][] expected8 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD }, { 2, ADD } };
Object[][] adjExpected8 = { { 2, DELETE }, { 1, DELETE }, { 1, ADD }, { 2, ADD } };
assertTemplateChangesEqual(expected8, tempModel.getTemplateChanges());
assertTemplateChangesEqual(adjExpected8, tempModel.getAdjustedTemplateChanges());
use of com.ichi2.anim.ActivityTransitionAnimation.Direction.START in project Anki-Android by ankidroid.
the class DBTest method testDBCorruption.
public void testDBCorruption() throws Exception {
String storagePath = CollectionHelper.getDefaultAnkiDroidDirectory(getTestContext());
File illFatedDBFile = new File(storagePath, "illFatedDB.anki2");
// Make sure we have clean state to start with
Assert.assertFalse("database exists already", illFatedDBFile.exists());
TestDB illFatedDB = new TestDB(illFatedDBFile.getCanonicalPath());
Assert.assertFalse("database should not be corrupt yet", illFatedDB.mDatabaseIsCorrupt);
// Scribble in it
byte[] b = new byte[1024];
new Random().nextBytes(b);
FileOutputStream illFatedDBFileStream = new FileOutputStream(illFatedDBFile);
illFatedDBFileStream.write(b, 0, 1024);
// Try to do something
try {
illFatedDB.execute("CREATE TABLE test_table (test_column INTEGER NOT NULL);");"There should have been a corruption exception");
} catch (SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException e) {
// do nothing, it is expected
Assert.assertTrue("database corruption not detected", illFatedDB.mDatabaseIsCorrupt);
// our handler avoids deleting databases, in contrast with default handler
Assert.assertTrue("database incorrectly deleted on corruption", illFatedDBFile.exists());
use of com.ichi2.anim.ActivityTransitionAnimation.Direction.START in project Anki-Android by Ramblurr.
the class Reviewer method onCreate.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Remove the status bar and title bar
if (mPrefFullscreenReview) {
getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
// Do not hide the title bar in Honeycomb, since it contains the action bar.
if (AnkiDroidApp.SDK_VERSION <= 11) {
mChangeBorderStyle = Themes.getTheme() == Themes.THEME_ANDROID_LIGHT || Themes.getTheme() == Themes.THEME_ANDROID_DARK;
// The hardware buttons should control the music volume while reviewing.
Collection col = AnkiDroidApp.getCol();
if (col == null) {
} else {
mSched = col.getSched();
mCollectionFilename = col.getPath();
mBaseUrl = Utils.getBaseUrl(col.getMedia().getDir());
if (mNightMode) {
mCurrentBackgroundColor = Themes.getNightModeCardBackground(this);
} else {
mCurrentBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE;
mUseQuickUpdate = shouldUseQuickUpdate();
try {
String[] title = mSched.getCol().getDecks().current().getString("name").split("::");
AnkiDroidApp.getCompat().setTitle(this, title[title.length - 1], mInvertedColors);
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
AnkiDroidApp.getCompat().setSubtitle(this, "", mInvertedColors);
if (mPrefTextSelection) {
// Load the template for the card
try {
mCardTemplate = Utils.convertStreamToString(getAssets().open("card_template.html"));
} catch (IOException e) {
// Initialize text-to-speech. This is an asynchronous operation.
if (mSpeakText) {
// Get last whiteboard state
if (mPrefWhiteboard && mCurrentCard != null && MetaDB.getWhiteboardState(this, mCurrentCard.getDid()) == 1) {
mShowWhiteboard = true;
// Load the first card and start reviewing. Uses the answer card
// task to load a card, but since we send null
// as the card to answer, no card will be answered.
DeckTask.launchDeckTask(DeckTask.TASK_TYPE_ANSWER_CARD, mAnswerCardHandler, new DeckTask.TaskData(mSched, null, 0));
// Since we aren't actually answering a card, decrement the rep count
mSched.setReps(mSched.getReps() - 1);
use of com.ichi2.anim.ActivityTransitionAnimation.Direction.START in project Anki-Android by Ramblurr.
the class BasicTextFieldController method createTranslateButton.
// Here is all the functionality to provide translations
private void createTranslateButton(LinearLayout layoutTool, LayoutParams ps) {
Button btnTranslate = new Button(mActivity);
btnTranslate.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String source = mEditText.getText().toString();
// Checks and warnings
if (source.length() == 0) {
if (source.contains(" ")) {
// Pick from two translation sources
PickStringDialogFragment fragment = new PickStringDialogFragment();
ArrayList<String> translationSources = new ArrayList<String>();
fragment.setOnclickListener(new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
if (which == 0) {
} else if (which == 1) {
fragment.setTitle(gtxt(R.string.multimedia_editor_trans_pick_translation_source));, "pick.translation.source");
layoutTool.addView(btnTranslate, ps);
// flow continues in Start Translation with...