use of com.ichi2.libanki.stats.Stats.SECONDS_PER_DAY in project Anki-Android by ankidroid.
the class SchedV2Test method test_learn_dayV2.
public void test_learn_dayV2() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV2();
// add a note
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
Card c = getCard();
DeckConfig conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("new").put("delays", new JSONArray(new double[] { 1, 10, 1440, 2880 }));
// pass it
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_THREE);
// two reps to graduate, 1 more today
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() / 1000);
assertEquals(new Counts(0, 1, 0), col.getSched().counts());
c = getCard();
assertEquals(SECONDS_PER_DAY, col.getSched().nextIvl(c, BUTTON_THREE));
// answering it will place it in queue 3
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_THREE);
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + 1, c.getDue());
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_DAY_LEARN_RELEARN, c.getQueue());
// for testing, move it back a day
c.setDue(c.getDue() - 1);
assertEquals(new Counts(0, 1, 0), col.getSched().counts());
c = getCard();
// nextIvl should work
assertEquals(SECONDS_PER_DAY * 2, col.getSched().nextIvl(c, BUTTON_THREE));
// if we fail it, it should be back in the correct queue
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_ONE);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_LRN, c.getQueue());
c = getCard();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_THREE);
// simulate the passing of another two days
c.setDue(c.getDue() - 2);
// the last pass should graduate it into a review card
assertEquals(SECONDS_PER_DAY, col.getSched().nextIvl(c, BUTTON_THREE));
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_THREE);
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
// if the lapse step is tomorrow, failing it should handle the counts
// correctly
assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0, 1), col.getSched().counts());
conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("lapse").put("delays", new JSONArray(new double[] { 1440 }));
c = getCard();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_ONE);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_DAY_LEARN_RELEARN, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(new Counts(0, 0, 0), col.getSched().counts());
use of com.ichi2.libanki.stats.Stats.SECONDS_PER_DAY in project Anki-Android by ankidroid.
the class Sched method _updateCutoff.
* Daily cutoff ************************************************************* **********************************
* This function uses GregorianCalendar so as to be sensitive to leap years, daylight savings, etc.
public void _updateCutoff() {
Integer oldToday = mToday;
// days since col created
mToday = (int) ((getTime().intTime() - mCol.getCrt()) / SECONDS_PER_DAY);
// end of day cutoff
mDayCutoff = mCol.getCrt() + ((mToday + 1) * SECONDS_PER_DAY);
if (!mToday.equals(oldToday)) {
mCol.log(mToday, mDayCutoff);
// instead
for (Deck deck : mCol.getDecks().all()) {
// unbury if the day has rolled over
int unburied = mCol.get_config("lastUnburied", 0);
if (unburied < mToday) {
use of com.ichi2.libanki.stats.Stats.SECONDS_PER_DAY in project Anki-Android by ankidroid.
the class FinderTest method test_findCards.
public void test_findCards() {
Collection col = getCol();
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "dog");
note.setItem("Back", "cat");
note.addTag("monkey animal_1 * %");
long n1id = note.getId();
long firstCardId =;
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "goats are fun");
note.setItem("Back", "sheep");
note.addTag("sheep goat horse animal11");
long n2id = note.getId();
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "cat");
note.setItem("Back", "sheep");
Card catCard =;
Model m = col.getModels().current();
m = col.getModels().copy(m);
ModelManager mm = col.getModels();
JSONObject t = Models.newTemplate("Reverse");
t.put("qfmt", "{{Back}}");
t.put("afmt", "{{Front}}");
mm.addTemplateModChanged(m, t);;
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "test");
note.setItem("Back", "foo bar");
List<Long> latestCardIds = note.cids();
// tag searches
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("tag:*").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:\\*").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("tag:%").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:\\%").size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("tag:animal_1").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:animal\\_1").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("tag:donkey").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:sheep").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:sheep tag:goat").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("tag:sheep tag:monkey").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:monkey").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:sheep -tag:monkey").size());
assertEquals(4, col.findCards("-tag:sheep").size());
col.getTags().bulkAdd(col.getDb().queryLongList("select id from notes"), "foo bar");
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("tag:foo").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("tag:bar").size());
col.getTags().bulkRem(col.getDb().queryLongList("select id from notes"), "foo");
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("tag:foo").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("tag:bar").size());
// text searches
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("cat").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("cat -dog").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("cat -dog").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("are goats").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("\"are goats\"").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("\"goats are\"").size());
// card states
Card c =;
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("is:review").size());
assertEqualsArrayList((new Long[] { c.getId() }), col.findCards("is:review"));
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("is:due").size());
assertEqualsArrayList((new Long[] { c.getId() }), col.findCards("is:due"));
assertEquals(4, col.findCards("-is:due").size());
// ensure this card gets a later mod time
col.getDb().execute("update cards set mod = mod + 1 where id = ?", c.getId());
assertEqualsArrayList((new Long[] { c.getId() }), col.findCards("is:suspended"));
// nids
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("nid:54321").size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("nid:" + note.getId()).size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("nid:" + n1id + "," + n2id).size());
// templates
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("card:foo").size());
assertEquals(4, col.findCards("\"card:card 1\"").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("card:reverse").size());
assertEquals(4, col.findCards("card:1").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("card:2").size());
// fields
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("front:dog").size());
assertEquals(4, col.findCards("-front:dog").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("front:sheep").size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("back:sheep").size());
assertEquals(3, col.findCards("-back:sheep").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("front:do").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("front:*").size());
// ordering
col.set_config("sortType", "noteCrt");
assertTrue(latestCardIds.contains(getLastListElement(col.findCards("front:*", new SortOrder.UseCollectionOrdering()))));
assertTrue(latestCardIds.contains(getLastListElement(col.findCards("", new SortOrder.UseCollectionOrdering()))));
col.set_config("sortType", "noteFld");
assertEquals(catCard.getId(), (long) col.findCards("", new SortOrder.UseCollectionOrdering()).get(0));
assertTrue(latestCardIds.contains(getLastListElement(col.findCards("", new SortOrder.UseCollectionOrdering()))));
col.set_config("sortType", "cardMod");
assertTrue(latestCardIds.contains(getLastListElement(col.findCards("", new SortOrder.UseCollectionOrdering()))));
assertEquals(firstCardId, (long) col.findCards("", new SortOrder.UseCollectionOrdering()).get(0));
col.set_config("sortBackwards", true);
assertTrue(latestCardIds.contains(col.findCards("", new SortOrder.UseCollectionOrdering()).get(0)));
/* TODO: Port BuiltinSortKind
col.findCards("", BuiltinSortKind.CARD_DUE, reverse=false).get(0)
col.findCards("", BuiltinSortKind.CARD_DUE, reverse=true).get(0));
// model
assertEquals(3, col.findCards("note:basic").size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("-note:basic").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("-note:foo").size());
// col
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("deck:default").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("-deck:default").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("-deck:foo").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("deck:def*").size());
assertEquals(5, col.findCards("deck:*EFAULT").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("deck:*cefault").size());
// full search
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "hello<b>world</b>");
note.setItem("Back", "abc");
// as it's the sort field, it matches
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("helloworld").size());
// assertEquals(, col.findCards("helloworld", full=true).size())2 This is commented upstream
// if we put it on the back, it won't
String note_front = note.getItem("Front");
String note_back = note.getItem("Back");
note.setItem("Front", note_back);
note.setItem("Back", note_front);
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("helloworld").size());
// Those lines are commented above
// assertEquals(, col.findCards("helloworld", full=true).size())2
// assertEquals(, col.findCards("back:helloworld", full=true).size())2
// searching for an invalid special tag should not error
// TODO: ensure the search fail
// assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> col.findCards("is:invalid").size());
// should be able to limit to parent col, no children
long id = col.getDb().queryLongScalar("select id from cards limit 1");
col.getDb().execute("update cards set did = ? where id = ?", addDeck("Default::Child"), id);;
assertEquals(7, col.findCards("deck:default").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("deck:default::child").size());
assertEquals(6, col.findCards("deck:default -deck:default::*").size());
// properties
id = col.getDb().queryLongScalar("select id from cards limit 1");
col.getDb().execute("update cards set queue=2, ivl=10, reps=20, due=30, factor=2200 where id = ?", id);
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("prop:ivl>5").size());
assertThat(col.findCards("prop:ivl<5").size(), greaterThan(1));
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("prop:ivl>=5").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("prop:ivl=9").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("prop:ivl=10").size());
assertThat(col.findCards("prop:ivl!=10").size(), greaterThan(1));
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("prop:due>0").size());
// due dates should work
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("prop:due=29").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("prop:due=30").size());
// ease factors
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("prop:ease=2.3").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("prop:ease=2.2").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("prop:ease>2").size());
assertThat(col.findCards("-prop:ease>2").size(), greaterThan(1));
// recently failed
if (!isNearCutoff(col)) {
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("rated:1:1").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("rated:1:2").size());
c = getCard();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, Consts.BUTTON_TWO);
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("rated:1:1").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("rated:1:2").size());
c = getCard();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, Consts.BUTTON_ONE);
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("rated:1:1").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("rated:1:2").size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("rated:1").size());
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("rated:0:2").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("rated:2:2").size());
// added
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("added:0").size());
col.getDb().execute("update cards set id = id - " + SECONDS_PER_DAY * 1000 + " where id = ?", id);
assertEquals(col.cardCount() - 1, col.findCards("added:1").size());
assertEquals(col.cardCount(), col.findCards("added:2").size());
} else {
Timber.w("some find tests disabled near cutoff");
// empty field
assertEquals(0, col.findCards("front:").size());
note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "");
note.setItem("Back", "abc2");
assertEquals(1, col.addNote(note));
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("front:").size());
// OR searches and nesting
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("tag:monkey or tag:sheep").size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("(tag:monkey OR tag:sheep)").size());
assertEquals(6, col.findCards("-(tag:monkey OR tag:sheep)").size());
assertEquals(2, col.findCards("tag:monkey or (tag:sheep sheep)").size());
assertEquals(1, col.findCards("tag:monkey or (tag:sheep octopus)").size());
// flag
// Todo: ensure it fails
// assertThrows(Exception.class, () -> col.findCards("flag:12"));
use of com.ichi2.libanki.stats.Stats.SECONDS_PER_DAY in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class Sched method _answerLrnCard.
* @param ease 1=no, 2=yes, 3=remove
protected void _answerLrnCard(@NonNull Card card, @Consts.BUTTON_TYPE int ease) {
JSONObject conf = _lrnConf(card);
@Consts.CARD_TYPE int type;
if (card.getODid() != 0 && !card.getWasNew()) {
} else if (card.getType() == Consts.CARD_TYPE_REV) {
type = Consts.CARD_TYPE_REV;
} else {
type = Consts.CARD_TYPE_NEW;
boolean leaving = false;
// lrnCount was decremented once when card was fetched
int lastLeft = card.getLeft();
// immediate graduate?
if (ease == Consts.BUTTON_THREE) {
_rescheduleAsRev(card, conf, true);
leaving = true;
// graduation time?
} else if (ease == Consts.BUTTON_TWO && (card.getLeft() % 1000) - 1 <= 0) {
_rescheduleAsRev(card, conf, false);
leaving = true;
} else {
// one step towards graduation
if (ease == Consts.BUTTON_TWO) {
// decrement real left count and recalculate left today
int left = (card.getLeft() % 1000) - 1;
card.setLeft(_leftToday(conf.getJSONArray("delays"), left) * 1000 + left);
// failed
} else {
boolean resched = _resched(card);
if (conf.has("mult") && resched) {
// review that's lapsed
card.setIvl(Math.max(Math.max(1, (int) (card.getIvl() * conf.getDouble("mult"))), conf.getInt("minInt")));
} else {
// new card; no ivl adjustment
// pass
if (resched && card.getODid() != 0) {
card.setODue(mToday + 1);
int delay = _delayForGrade(conf, card.getLeft());
if (card.getDue() < getTime().intTime()) {
// not collapsed; add some randomness
delay *= Utils.randomFloatInRange(1f, 1.25f);
card.setDue(getTime().intTime() + delay);
// due today?
if (card.getDue() < mDayCutoff) {
mLrnCount += card.getLeft() / 1000;
// if the queue is not empty and there's nothing else to do, make
// sure we don't put it at the head of the queue and end up showing
// it twice in a row
if (!mLrnQueue.isEmpty() && revCount() == 0 && newCount() == 0) {
long smallestDue = mLrnQueue.getFirstDue();
card.setDue(Math.max(card.getDue(), smallestDue + 1));
_sortIntoLrn(card.getDue(), card.getId());
} else {
// the card is due in one or more days, so we need to use the day learn queue
long ahead = ((card.getDue() - mDayCutoff) / SECONDS_PER_DAY) + 1;
card.setDue(mToday + ahead);
_logLrn(card, ease, conf, leaving, type, lastLeft);
use of com.ichi2.libanki.stats.Stats.SECONDS_PER_DAY in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class Sched method _rescheduleLapse.
protected int _rescheduleLapse(@NonNull Card card) {
JSONObject conf;
conf = _lapseConf(card);
if (_resched(card)) {
card.setLapses(card.getLapses() + 1);
card.setIvl(_nextLapseIvl(card, conf));
card.setFactor(Math.max(1300, card.getFactor() - 200));
card.setDue(mToday + card.getIvl());
// if it's a filtered deck, update odue as well
if (card.getODid() != 0) {
// if suspended as a leech, nothing to do
int delay = 0;
if (_checkLeech(card, conf) && card.getQueue() == Consts.QUEUE_TYPE_SUSPENDED) {
return delay;
// if no relearning steps, nothing to do
if (conf.getJSONArray("delays").length() == 0) {
return delay;
// record rev due date for later
if (card.getODue() == 0) {
delay = _delayForGrade(conf, 0);
card.setDue(delay + getTime().intTime());
// queue 1
if (card.getDue() < mDayCutoff) {
mLrnCount += card.getLeft() / 1000;
_sortIntoLrn(card.getDue(), card.getId());
} else {
// day learn queue
long ahead = ((card.getDue() - mDayCutoff) / SECONDS_PER_DAY) + 1;
card.setDue(mToday + ahead);
return delay;