use of com.ichi2.libanki.utils.Time in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedTest method test_timingV1.
public void test_timingV1() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV1();
// add a few review cards, due today
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "num" + i);
Card c =;
// fail the first one
Card c = col.getSched().getCard();
// set a a fail delay of 4 seconds
DeckConfig conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("lapse").getJSONArray("delays").put(0, 1 / 15.0);
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 1);
// the next card should be another review
c = col.getSched().getCard();
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
/* TODO time
// but if we wait for a few seconds, the failed card should come back
orig_time = time.time;
def adjusted_time():
return orig_time() + 5;
time.time = adjusted_time;
c = col.getSched().getCard();
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_LRN, c.getQueue());
time.time = orig_time;
use of com.ichi2.libanki.utils.Time in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class ReviewerTest method jsTime4ShouldBeBlankIfButtonUnavailable.
public void jsTime4ShouldBeBlankIfButtonUnavailable() {
// #6623 - easy should be blank when displaying a card with 3 buttons (after displaying a review)
Note firstNote = addNoteUsingBasicModel("Hello", "World");
addNoteUsingBasicModel("Hello", "World2");
Reviewer reviewer = startReviewer();
JavaScriptFunction javaScriptFunction = reviewer.javaScriptFunction();
// The answer needs to be displayed to be able to get the time.
assertThat("4 buttons should be displayed", reviewer.getAnswerButtonCount(), is(4));
String nextTime = javaScriptFunction.ankiGetNextTime4();
assertThat(nextTime, not(isEmptyString()));
// Display the next answer
if (schedVersion == 1) {
assertThat("The 4th button should not be visible", reviewer.getAnswerButtonCount(), is(3));
String learnTime = javaScriptFunction.ankiGetNextTime4();
assertThat("If the 4th button is not visible, there should be no time4 in JS", learnTime, isEmptyString());
use of com.ichi2.libanki.utils.Time in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedV2Test method test_learnV2.
public void test_learnV2() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV2();
// add a note
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
note.setItem("Back", "two");
// set as a learn card and rebuild queues
col.getDb().execute("update cards set queue=0, type=0");
// sched.getCard should return it, since it's due in the past
Card c = col.getSched().getCard();
DeckConfig conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("new").put("delays", new JSONArray(new double[] { 0.5, 3, 10 }));
// fail it
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 1);
// it should have three reps left to graduation
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// it should be due in 30 seconds
long t = Math.round(c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime());
assertThat(t, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(25L)));
assertThat(t, is(lessThanOrEqualTo(40L)));
// pass it once
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
// it should be due in 3 minutes
long dueIn = c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime();
assertThat(dueIn, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(178L)));
assertThat(dueIn, is(lessThanOrEqualTo((long) (180 * 1.25))));
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// check log is accurate
Cursor log = col.getDb().getDatabase().query("select * from revlog order by id desc");
assertEquals(3, log.getInt(3));
assertEquals(-180, log.getInt(4));
assertEquals(-30, log.getInt(5));
// pass again
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
// it should be due in 10 minutes
dueIn = c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime();
assertThat(dueIn, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(599L)));
assertThat(dueIn, is(lessThanOrEqualTo((long) (600 * 1.25))));
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// the next pass should graduate the card
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_LRN, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_LRN, c.getType());
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 3);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
// should be due tomorrow, with an interval of 1
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + 1, c.getDue());
assertEquals(1, c.getIvl());
// or normal removal
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 4);
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertTrue(checkRevIvl(col, c, 4));
// revlog should have been updated each time
assertEquals(5, col.getDb().queryScalar("select count() from revlog where type = 0"));
use of com.ichi2.libanki.utils.Time in project AnkiChinaAndroid by ankichinateam.
the class SchedV2Test method test_preview.
public void test_preview() throws Exception {
// add cards
Collection col = getColV2();
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
Card c =;
Card orig = c.clone();
Note note2 = col.newNote();
note2.setItem("Front", "two");
// cram deck
long did = col.getDecks().newDyn("Cram");
Deck cram = col.getDecks().get(did);
cram.put("resched", false);
// grab the first card
c = col.getSched().getCard();
assertEquals(2, col.getSched().answerButtons(c));
assertEquals(600, col.getSched().nextIvl(c, 1));
assertEquals(0, col.getSched().nextIvl(c, 2));
// failing it will push its due time back
long due = c.getDue();
col.getSched().answerCard(c, 1);
assertNotEquals(c.getDue(), due);
// the other card should come next
Card c2 = col.getSched().getCard();
assertNotEquals(c2.getId(), c.getId());
// passing it will remove it
col.getSched().answerCard(c2, 2);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_NEW, c2.getQueue());
assertEquals(0, c2.getReps());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_NEW, c2.getType());
// the other card should appear again
c = col.getSched().getCard();
assertEquals(orig.getId(), c.getId());
// emptying the filtered deck should restore card
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_NEW, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(0, c.getReps());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_NEW, c.getType());
use of com.ichi2.libanki.utils.Time in project Anki-Android by ankidroid.
the class SchedV2Test method test_learnV2.
public void test_learnV2() throws Exception {
Collection col = getColV2();
// add a note
Note note = col.newNote();
note.setItem("Front", "one");
note.setItem("Back", "two");
// set as a learn card and rebuild queues
col.getDb().execute("update cards set queue=0, type=0");
// sched.getCard should return it, since it's due in the past
Card c = getCard();
DeckConfig conf = col.getSched()._cardConf(c);
conf.getJSONObject("new").put("delays", new JSONArray(new double[] { 0.5, 3, 10 }));
// fail it
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_ONE);
// it should have three reps left to graduation
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(3, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// it should be due in 30 seconds
long t = Math.round(c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime());
assertThat(t, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(25L)));
assertThat(t, is(lessThanOrEqualTo(40L)));
// pass it once
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_THREE);
// it should be due in 3 minutes
long dueIn = c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime();
assertThat(dueIn, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(178L)));
assertThat(dueIn, is(lessThanOrEqualTo((long) (180 * 1.25))));
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(2, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// check log is accurate
Cursor log = col.getDb().getDatabase().query("select * from revlog order by id desc");
assertEquals(3, log.getInt(3));
assertEquals(-180, log.getInt(4));
assertEquals(-30, log.getInt(5));
// pass again
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_THREE);
// it should be due in 10 minutes
dueIn = c.getDue() - col.getTime().intTime();
assertThat(dueIn, is(greaterThanOrEqualTo(599L)));
assertThat(dueIn, is(lessThanOrEqualTo((long) (600 * 1.25))));
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() % 1000);
assertEquals(1, c.getLeft() / 1000);
// the next pass should graduate the card
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_LRN, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_LRN, c.getType());
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_THREE);
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
// should be due tomorrow, with an interval of 1
assertEquals(col.getSched().getToday() + 1, c.getDue());
assertEquals(1, c.getIvl());
// or normal removal
col.getSched().answerCard(c, BUTTON_FOUR);
assertEquals(CARD_TYPE_REV, c.getType());
assertEquals(QUEUE_TYPE_REV, c.getQueue());
assertTrue(checkRevIvl(col, c, 4));
// revlog should have been updated each time
assertEquals(5, col.getDb().queryScalar("select count() from revlog where type = 0"));