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Example 96 with PrivateKey

use of com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey in project universa by UniversaBlockchain.

the class ContractsService method createRevocation.

 * Implementing revoking procedure.
 * <br><br>
 * Service create temp contract with given contract in revoking items and return it.
 * That temp contract should be send to Universa and given contract will be revoked.
 * <br><br>
 * @param c is contract should revoked be
 * @param keys is keys from owner of c
 * @return working contract that should be register in the Universa to finish procedure.
public static synchronized Contract createRevocation(Contract c, PrivateKey... keys) {
    Contract tc = new Contract();
    Contract.Definition cd = tc.getDefinition();
    // by default, transactions expire in 30 days
    SimpleRole issuerRole = new SimpleRole("issuer");
    for (PrivateKey k : keys) {
        KeyRecord kr = new KeyRecord(k.getPublicKey());
    tc.createRole("owner", issuerRole);
    tc.createRole("creator", issuerRole);
    if (!tc.getRevokingItems().contains(c)) {
        Binder data = tc.getDefinition().getData();
        List<Binder> actions = data.getOrCreateList("actions");
        actions.add(Binder.fromKeysValues("action", "remove", "id", c.getId()));
    return tc;
Also used : Binder( PrivateKey(com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey) SimpleRole(com.icodici.universa.contract.roles.SimpleRole)

Example 97 with PrivateKey

use of com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey in project universa by UniversaBlockchain.

the class ContractsService method createShareContract.

 * Creates a share contract for given keys.
 * The service creates a simple share contract with issuer, creator and owner roles;
 * with change_owner permission for owner, revoke permissions for owner and issuer and split_join permission for owner.
 * Split_join permission has by default following params: 1 for min_value, 1 for min_unit, "amount" for field_name,
 * "state.origin" for join_match_fields.
 * By default expires at time is set to 60 months from now.
 * @param issuerKeys is issuer private keys.
 * @param ownerKeys is owner public keys.
 * @param amount is maximum shares number.
 * @return signed and sealed contract, ready for register.
public static synchronized Contract createShareContract(Set<PrivateKey> issuerKeys, Set<PublicKey> ownerKeys, String amount) {
    Contract shareContract = new Contract();
    Contract.Definition cd = shareContract.getDefinition();
    Binder data = new Binder();
    data.set("name", "Default share name");
    data.set("currency_code", "DSH");
    data.set("currency_name", "Default share name");
    data.set("description", "Default share description.");
    SimpleRole issuerRole = new SimpleRole("issuer");
    for (PrivateKey k : issuerKeys) {
        KeyRecord kr = new KeyRecord(k.getPublicKey());
    SimpleRole ownerRole = new SimpleRole("owner");
    for (PublicKey k : ownerKeys) {
        KeyRecord kr = new KeyRecord(k);
    shareContract.createRole("issuer", issuerRole);
    shareContract.createRole("creator", issuerRole);
    shareContract.createRole("owner", ownerRole);
    shareContract.getStateData().set("amount", amount);
    ChangeOwnerPermission changeOwnerPerm = new ChangeOwnerPermission(ownerRole);
    Binder params = new Binder();
    params.set("min_value", 1);
    params.set("min_unit", 1);
    params.set("field_name", "amount");
    List<String> listFields = new ArrayList<>();
    params.set("join_match_fields", listFields);
    SplitJoinPermission splitJoinPerm = new SplitJoinPermission(ownerRole, params);
    RevokePermission revokePerm1 = new RevokePermission(ownerRole);
    RevokePermission revokePerm2 = new RevokePermission(issuerRole);
    return shareContract;
Also used : PrivateKey(com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey) PublicKey(com.icodici.crypto.PublicKey) Binder( SimpleRole(com.icodici.universa.contract.roles.SimpleRole)

Example 98 with PrivateKey

use of com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey in project universa by UniversaBlockchain.

the class TransactionPack method setContract.

 * Add contract that already includes all its subItems, referenced items and keys. It will be added as a contract
 * per transaction, while its subItems will be added to subItems if not already included and refrenced items and keys too.
 * <p>
 * This is extremely important that the contract is properly sealed as well as its possibly new items, revoking
 * items and referenced items have binary image attached. <b>Do not ever seal the approved contract</b>:
 * it will break it's id and cancel the approval blockchain, so the new state will not be approved.
 * If it was done by mistake, reload the packed contract to continue.
 * @param c is a contract to append to the list of transactions.
public void setContract(Contract c) {
    if (contract != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("the contract is already added");
    contract = c;
    packedBinary = null;
    for (PrivateKey key : c.getKeysToSignWith()) addKeys(key.getPublicKey());
Also used : PrivateKey(com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey)

Example 99 with PrivateKey

use of com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey in project universa by UniversaBlockchain.

the class SimpleRole method initWithRecords.

private void initWithRecords(@NonNull Collection records) {
    records.forEach(x -> {
        KeyRecord kr = null;
        AnonymousId anonId = null;
        if (x instanceof KeyRecord)
            kr = (KeyRecord) x;
        else if (x instanceof PublicKey)
            kr = new KeyRecord((PublicKey) x);
        else if (x instanceof AnonymousId)
            anonId = (AnonymousId) x;
        else if (x instanceof PrivateKey)
            kr = new KeyRecord(((PrivateKey) x).getPublicKey());
        else if (x instanceof KeyAddress)
            keyAddresses.add((KeyAddress) x);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cant create KeyRecord from " + x);
        if (anonId != null)
        else if (kr != null)
            keyRecords.put(kr.getPublicKey(), kr);
Also used : KeyRecord(com.icodici.universa.contract.KeyRecord) PrivateKey(com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey) PublicKey(com.icodici.crypto.PublicKey) KeyAddress(com.icodici.crypto.KeyAddress) AnonymousId(com.icodici.universa.contract.AnonymousId)

Example 100 with PrivateKey

use of com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey in project universa by UniversaBlockchain.

the class ContractTest method checkAnonymizingRole.

public void checkAnonymizingRole() throws Exception {
    PrivateKey key = new PrivateKey(;
    Contract contract = createCoin100apiv3();
    sealCheckTrace(contract, true);
    Contract anonPublishedContract = new Contract(contract.getLastSealedBinary());
Also used : PrivateKey(com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey) Test(org.junit.Test)


PrivateKey (com.icodici.crypto.PrivateKey)168 Test (org.junit.Test)122 PublicKey (com.icodici.crypto.PublicKey)76 SimpleRole (com.icodici.universa.contract.roles.SimpleRole)29 Contract (com.icodici.universa.contract.Contract)24 Binder ( IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)14 ListRole (com.icodici.universa.contract.roles.ListRole)12 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)11 Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)9 File ( KeyAddress (com.icodici.crypto.KeyAddress)7 KeyRecord (com.icodici.universa.contract.KeyRecord)7 Role (com.icodici.universa.contract.roles.Role)7 Semaphore (java.util.concurrent.Semaphore)7 RoleLink (com.icodici.universa.contract.roles.RoleLink)5 TimeoutException (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException)5 Decimal (com.icodici.universa.Decimal)4 HashId (com.icodici.universa.HashId)4