use of com.infinityraider.agricraft.api.v1.crop.IAgriCrop in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.
the class TileEntityCrop method spread.
public boolean spread() {
// If remote, abort.
if (this.isRemote()) {
return false;
// Fetch the seed;
final AgriSeed seed = this.getSeed();
// If don't have plant, abort.
if (seed == null) {
return false;
final IAgriPlant plant = seed.getPlant();
// If don't roll a spread event, abort.
if (plant.getSpreadChance() <= this.getRandom().nextDouble()) {
for (IAgriCrop crop : WorldHelper.getTileNeighbors(worldObj, pos, IAgriCrop.class)) {
final AgriSeed other = crop.getSeed();
if (other == null) {
if (!crop.isCrossCrop()) {
return true;
} else if (canOvertake(seed, other, this.getRandom())) {
return true;
// The spreading failed.
return false;
use of com.infinityraider.agricraft.api.v1.crop.IAgriCrop in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.
the class PlayerInteractEventHandler method vanillaSeedPlanting.
* Event handler to disable vanilla farming
@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void vanillaSeedPlanting(PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock event) {
// If not disabled, don't bother.
if (!AgriCraftConfig.disableVanillaFarming) {
// Fetch the event itemstack.
final ItemStack stack = event.getItemStack();
// If the stack is null, or otherwise invalid, who cares?
if (!StackHelper.isValid(stack)) {
// If the item in the player's hand is not a seed, who cares?
if (!AgriApi.getSeedRegistry().hasAdapter(stack)) {
// Fetch world information.
final BlockPos pos = event.getPos();
final World world = event.getWorld();
final IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
// Fetch the block at the location.
final Block block = state.getBlock();
// If clicking crop block, who cares?
if (block instanceof IAgriCrop) {
// If the item is an instance of IPlantable we need to perfom an extra check.
if (stack.getItem() instanceof IPlantable) {
// If the clicked block cannot support the given plant, then who cares?
if (!block.canSustainPlant(state, world, pos, EnumFacing.UP, (IPlantable) stack.getItem())) {
// If clicking crop tile, who cares?
if (WorldHelper.getTile(event.getWorld(), event.getPos(), IAgriCrop.class).isPresent()) {
// The player is attempting to plant a seed, which is simply unacceptable.
// We must deny this event.
// If we are on the client side we are done.
if (event.getSide().isClient()) {
// Should the server notify the player that vanilla farming has been disabled?
if (AgriCraftConfig.showDisabledVanillaFarmingWarning) {
MessageUtil.messagePlayer(event.getEntityPlayer(), ChatFormatting.GRAY + "Vanilla planting is disabled!");
use of com.infinityraider.agricraft.api.v1.crop.IAgriCrop in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.
the class MutateStrategy method executeStrategy.
public Optional<AgriSeed> executeStrategy(IAgriCrop crop, Random rand) {
// Validate the parameters.
Objects.requireNonNull(crop, "You cannot execute a mutation on a null crop!");
Objects.requireNonNull(rand, "The random passed to a mutation strategy should not be null!");
// Fetch all neighboring crop instances.
final List<IAgriCrop> neighbors = WorldHelper.getTileNeighbors(crop.getWorld(), crop.getPos(), IAgriCrop.class);
// Determine all possible parents.
final List<IAgriPlant> parents =;
// If we have less than two parents, might as well as abort.
if (parents.size() < 2) {
return Optional.empty();
// Determine the list of possible cross-over mutations.
final List<IAgriMutation> mutations = AgriApi.getMutationRegistry().stream().filter(m -> m.areParentsIn(parents)).filter(m -> crop.isFertile(m.getChild())).collect(Collectors.toList());
// If we didn't find any valid mutations, might as well as abort.
if (mutations.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
// Choose a random index in the list.
final int index = rand.nextInt(mutations.size());
// Fetch the chosen mutation from the list.
final IAgriMutation mutation = mutations.get(index);
// Determine if we should actually go through with this.
if (mutation.getChance() <= rand.nextDouble()) {
return Optional.empty();
// Calculate the stat associated with the new plant.
Optional<IAgriStat> stat = AgriApi.getStatCalculatorRegistry().valueOf(mutation).map(c -> c.calculateMutationStats(mutation, neighbors));
// Return the mutation result.
return -> new AgriSeed(mutation.getChild(), s));
use of com.infinityraider.agricraft.api.v1.crop.IAgriCrop in project AgriCraft by AgriCraft.
the class ItemClipper method onItemUse.
//this is called when you right click with this item in hand
public EnumActionResult onItemUse(ItemStack item, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing side, float hitx, float hity, float hitz) {
if (world.isRemote) {
return EnumActionResult.SUCCESS;
TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(pos);
if (te instanceof IAgriCrop) {
IAgriCrop crop = (IAgriCrop) te;
if (crop.hasSeed() && crop.getGrowthStage() > 1) {
crop.setGrowthStage(crop.getGrowthStage() - 1);
AgriSeed seed = crop.getSeed();
seed = seed.withStat(seed.getStat());
world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityItem(world, pos.getX(), pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ(), ItemClipping.getClipping(seed, 1)));
return EnumActionResult.SUCCESS;
return EnumActionResult.FAIL;
//return PASS or else no other use methods will be called (for instance "onBlockActivated" on the crops block)
return EnumActionResult.PASS;