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Example 6 with MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController

use of in project OpenAttestation by OpenAttestation.

the class AssetTagCertBO method mapAssetTagCertToHost.

     * This function would be used to associate a asset tag certificate with the host for which it is 
     * provisioned for.  It does not require you know the ID of the host you are associating to.  
     * Here you are giving the hash of the cert to the code and letting it find a matching host
     * @param atagObj
     * @return true if host was found, false if not
public boolean mapAssetTagCertToHost(AssetTagCertAssociateRequest atagObj) throws CryptographyException {
    boolean result = false;
    AssetTagCertAssociateRequest request = new AssetTagCertAssociateRequest();
    if (atagObj.getSha1OfAssetCert() != null) {
        log.debug("trying to associate tag to existing host using " + Hex.encodeHexString(atagObj.getSha1OfAssetCert()));
        //List<MwAssetTagCertificate> atagCerts = My.jpa().mwAssetTagCertificate().findAssetTagCertificateBySha1Hash(atagObj.getSha1OfAssetCert());
        MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController mwAssetTagCertificateJpaController = new MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController(getEntityManagerFactory());
        List<MwAssetTagCertificate> atagCerts = mwAssetTagCertificateJpaController.findAssetTagCertificateBySha1Hash(atagObj.getSha1OfAssetCert());
        // List<MwAssetTagCertificate> atagCerts = My.jpa().mwAssetTagCertificate().findAssetTagCertificatesByHostUUID("494cb5dc-a3e1-4e46-9b52-e694349b1654");
        if (atagCerts.isEmpty()) {
            log.error("mapAssetTagCertToHost: The asset tag certificate does not exist");
            throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_INVALID_ASSET_TAG_CERTIFICATE_HASH);
        } else if (atagCerts.size() > 1) {
            log.error("mapAssetTagCertToHost: There were multiple matches for the specified hash");
            throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_INVALID_ASSET_TAG_CERTIFICATE_HASH);
        } else {
            MwAssetTagCertificate atagCert = atagCerts.get(0);
            String uuid = atagCert.getUuid().toLowerCase().trim();
            log.debug("searching using " + uuid);
            //TblHosts tblHost = My.jpa().mwHosts().findByHwUUID(uuid);
            TblHostsJpaController tblHostsJpaController = new TblHostsJpaController(getEntityManagerFactory());
            TblHosts tblHost = tblHostsJpaController.findByHwUUID(uuid);
            if (tblHost != null) {
                log.debug("found host matching uuid of cert, going to assoicate with host id = " + tblHost.getId());
                result = mapAssetTagCertToHostById(request);
            } else {
                log.debug("found no matching uuid of cert");
                result = false;
    return result;
Also used : TblHostsJpaController( TblHosts( MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController( MwAssetTagCertificate( ASException( AssetTagCertAssociateRequest(

Example 7 with MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController

use of in project OpenAttestation by OpenAttestation.

the class AssetTagCertBO method mapAssetTagCertToHostById.

     * This function would be used to associate a asset tag certificate with the host for which it is 
     * provisioned for.  It requires you know the ID of the host it is to be associated with 
     * @param atagObj
     * @return 
public boolean mapAssetTagCertToHostById(AssetTagCertAssociateRequest atagObj) {
    boolean result;
    // Before we map the asset tag cert to the host, we first need to unmap any associations if it already exists
    try {
        log.debug("Successfully unmapped the asset tag certificate assocation with host {}. ", atagObj.getHostID());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("Error during unmap of asset tag cert from host with id {}. {}", atagObj.getHostID(), ex.getMessage());
    try {
        // Find the asset tag certificate for the specified Sha256Hash value
        if (atagObj.getSha1OfAssetCert() != null) {
            //List<MwAssetTagCertificate> atagCerts = My.jpa().mwAssetTagCertificate().findAssetTagCertificateBySha1Hash(atagObj.getSha1OfAssetCert());
            MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController mwAssetTagCertificateJpaController = new MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController(getEntityManagerFactory());
            List<MwAssetTagCertificate> atagCerts = mwAssetTagCertificateJpaController.findAssetTagCertificateBySha1Hash(atagObj.getSha1OfAssetCert());
            // List<MwAssetTagCertificate> atagCerts = My.jpa().mwAssetTagCertificate().findAssetTagCertificatesByHostUUID("494cb5dc-a3e1-4e46-9b52-e694349b1654");
            if (atagCerts.isEmpty()) {
                log.error("mapAssetTagCertToHostById: The asset tag certificate does not exist");
                throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_INVALID_ASSET_TAG_CERTIFICATE_HASH);
            } else if (atagCerts.size() > 1) {
                log.error("mapAssetTagCertToHostById: There were multiple matches for the specified hash");
                throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_INVALID_ASSET_TAG_CERTIFICATE_HASH);
            } else {
                // Now that we have the asset tag identified, let us update the entry with the host ID for which it has
                // to be associated.
                MwAssetTagCertificate atagCert = atagCerts.get(0);
                // Now that the mapping is done, we need to calculate what the expected PCR value should be and put it in
                // the PCREvent column.
                Sha1Digest tag = Sha1Digest.digestOf(atagCert.getCertificate());
                log.debug("mapAssetTagCertToHostById : Sha1 Hash of the certificate with UUID {} is {}.", atagCert.getUuid(), tag.toString());
                Sha1Digest expectedHash = Sha1Digest.ZERO.extend(tag);
                log.debug("mapAssetTagCertToHostById : Final expected PCR for the certificate with UUID {} is {}.", atagCert.getUuid(), expectedHash.toString());
                MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController asert_tag = new MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController(getEntityManagerFactory());
                result = true;
        } else {
            log.error("Sha1Hash for the asset tag is not specified.");
            throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_INVALID_ASSET_TAG_CERTIFICATE_HASH);
    } catch (ASException ase) {
        log.error("Error during mapping of host to the asset tag certificate. Error Details - {}:{}.", ase.getErrorCode(), ase.getErrorMessage());
        throw ase;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        log.error("Unexpected error during mapping of host by id to the asset tag certificate. Error Details - {}.", ex.getMessage());
        throw new ASException(ex);
    return result;
Also used : Sha1Digest( MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController( ASException( ApiException( CryptographyException( SignatureException( IOException( KeyManagementException( CertificateException( NoSuchAlgorithmException( MwAssetTagCertificate( ASException(


ASException ( MwAssetTagCertificateJpaController ( MwAssetTagCertificate ( ApiException ( CryptographyException ( IOException ( KeyManagementException ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ( SignatureException ( CertificateException ( AssetTagCertAssociateRequest ( Sha1Digest ( TblHostsJpaController ( TblHosts ( X509AttributeCertificate ( UUID (