use of com.intellij.dupLocator.util.PsiFragment in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class TreeHasherBase method computeElementHash.
protected TreeHashResult computeElementHash(@NotNull PsiElement root, PsiFragment upper, NodeSpecificHasher hasher) {
if (myForIndexing) {
return TreeHashingUtils.computeElementHashForIndexing(this, myCallBack, root, upper, hasher);
final List<PsiElement> children = hasher.getNodeChildren(root);
final int size = children.size();
final int[] childHashes = new int[size];
final int[] childCosts = new int[size];
final PsiFragment fragment = buildFragment(hasher, root, getCost(root));
if (upper != null) {
if (size == 0 && !(root instanceof LeafElement)) {
// contains only whitespaces and other unmeaning children
return new TreeHashResult(0, hasher.getNodeCost(root), fragment);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final TreeHashResult res = this.hash(children.get(i), fragment, hasher);
childHashes[i] = res.getHash();
childCosts[i] = res.getCost();
final int c = hasher.getNodeCost(root) + AbstractTreeHasher.vector(childCosts);
final int h1 = hasher.getNodeHash(root);
final int discardCost = getDiscardCost(root);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (childCosts[i] <= discardCost && ignoreChildHash(children.get(i))) {
childHashes[i] = 0;
int h = h1 + AbstractTreeHasher.vector(childHashes);
if (shouldBeAnonymized(root, (NodeSpecificHasherBase) hasher)) {
h = 0;
if (myCallBack != null) {
myCallBack.add(h, c, fragment);
return new TreeHashResult(h, c, fragment);