use of com.intellij.openapi.editor.SoftWrap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class VisualLineFragmentsIterator method init.
private void init(EditorView view, int startOffset, int startLogicalLine, int currentOrPrevWrapIndex, int nextFoldingIndex, @Nullable Runnable quickEvaluationListener) {
myQuickEvaluationListener = quickEvaluationListener;
myView = view;
EditorImpl editor = view.getEditor();
myDocument = editor.getDocument();
FoldingModelEx foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel();
FoldRegion[] regions = foldingModel.fetchTopLevel();
myRegions = regions == null ? FoldRegion.EMPTY_ARRAY : regions;
SoftWrapModelImpl softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel();
List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = softWrapModel.getRegisteredSoftWraps();
SoftWrap currentOrPrevWrap = currentOrPrevWrapIndex < 0 || currentOrPrevWrapIndex >= softWraps.size() ? null : softWraps.get(currentOrPrevWrapIndex);
SoftWrap followingWrap = (currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1) < 0 || (currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1) >= softWraps.size() ? null : softWraps.get(currentOrPrevWrapIndex + 1);
myVisualLineStartOffset = mySegmentStartOffset = startOffset;
myCurrentFoldRegionIndex = nextFoldingIndex;
myCurrentEndLogicalLine = startLogicalLine;
myCurrentX = myView.getInsets().left;
if (mySegmentStartOffset == 0) {
myCurrentX += myView.getPrefixTextWidthInPixels();
} else if (currentOrPrevWrap != null && mySegmentStartOffset == currentOrPrevWrap.getStart()) {
myCurrentX += currentOrPrevWrap.getIndentInPixels();
myCurrentVisualColumn = currentOrPrevWrap.getIndentInColumns();
myNextWrapOffset = followingWrap == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : followingWrap.getStart();