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Example 96 with HashMap

use of com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class ImportFromToImportIntention method doInvoke.

public void doInvoke(@NotNull Project project, Editor editor, PsiFile file) throws IncorrectOperationException {
    InfoHolder info = InfoHolder.collect(getElementFromEditor(editor, file));
    try {
        // we don't always qualify with module name
        String qualifier;
        // [0] is remaining import path, [1] is imported module name
        String[] relative_names = null;
        if (info.myRelativeLevel > 0) {
            relative_names = getRelativeNames(true, info);
            if (relative_names == null)
                throw new IncorrectOperationException("failed to get relative names");
            qualifier = relative_names[1];
        } else
            qualifier = info.myModuleName;
        // find all unqualified references that lead to one of our import elements
        final PyImportElement[] ielts = info.myFromImportStatement.getImportElements();
        final PyStarImportElement star_ielt = info.myFromImportStatement.getStarImportElement();
        final Map<PsiReference, PyImportElement> references = new HashMap<>();
        final List<PsiReference> star_references = new ArrayList<>();
        PsiTreeUtil.processElements(file, new PsiElementProcessor() {

            public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
                if (element instanceof PyReferenceExpression && PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PyImportElement.class) == null) {
                    PyReferenceExpression ref = (PyReferenceExpression) element;
                    if (!ref.isQualified()) {
                        ResolveResult[] resolved = ref.getReference().multiResolve(false);
                        for (ResolveResult rr : resolved) {
                            if (rr.isValidResult()) {
                                if (rr.getElement() == star_ielt)
                                for (PyImportElement ielt : ielts) {
                                    if (rr.getElement() == ielt)
                                        references.put(ref.getReference(), ielt);
                return true;
        // check that at every replacement site our topmost qualifier name is visible
        PyQualifiedExpression top_qualifier;
        PyExpression feeler = info.myModuleReference;
        do {
            // if for some crazy reason module name refers to numbers, etc, no point to continue.
            sure(feeler instanceof PyQualifiedExpression);
            top_qualifier = (PyQualifiedExpression) feeler;
            feeler = top_qualifier.getQualifier();
        } while (feeler != null);
        String top_name = top_qualifier.getName();
        Collection<PsiReference> possible_targets = references.keySet();
        if (star_references.size() > 0) {
            possible_targets = new ArrayList<>(references.keySet().size() + star_references.size());
        final Set<PsiElement> ignored = Sets.<PsiElement>newHashSet(Arrays.asList(info.myFromImportStatement.getImportElements()));
        if (top_name != null && showConflicts(project, findDefinitions(top_name, possible_targets, ignored), top_name, info.myModuleName)) {
            // got conflicts
        // add qualifiers
        PyElementGenerator generator = PyElementGenerator.getInstance(project);
        for (Map.Entry<PsiReference, PyImportElement> entry : references.entrySet()) {
            PsiElement referring_elt = entry.getKey().getElement();
            // else we won't add it
            assert referring_elt.isValid();
            ASTNode target_node = referring_elt.getNode();
            // else it won't be valid
            assert target_node != null;
            PyImportElement ielt = entry.getValue();
            if (ielt.getAsNameElement() != null) {
                // we have an alias, replace it with real name
                PyReferenceExpression refex = ielt.getImportReferenceExpression();
                // else we won't resolve to this ielt
                assert refex != null;
                String real_name = refex.getReferencedName();
                ASTNode new_qualifier = generator.createExpressionFromText(real_name).getNode();
                assert new_qualifier != null;
                //ASTNode first_under_target = target_node.getFirstChildNode();
                //if (first_under_target != null) new_qualifier.addChildren(first_under_target, null, null); // save the children if any
                target_node.getTreeParent().replaceChild(target_node, new_qualifier);
                target_node = new_qualifier;
            qualifyTarget(target_node, project, qualifier);
        for (PsiReference reference : star_references) {
            PsiElement referring_elt = reference.getElement();
            // else we won't add it
            assert referring_elt.isValid();
            ASTNode target_node = referring_elt.getNode();
            // else it won't be valid
            assert target_node != null;
            qualifyTarget(target_node, project, qualifier);
        // transform the import statement
        PyStatement new_import;
        if (info.myRelativeLevel == 0) {
            new_import = sure(generator.createFromText(LanguageLevel.getDefault(), PyImportStatement.class, "import " + info.myModuleName));
        } else {
            new_import = sure(generator.createFromText(LanguageLevel.getDefault(), PyFromImportStatement.class, "from " + relative_names[0] + " import " + relative_names[1]));
        ASTNode parent = sure(info.myFromImportStatement.getParent().getNode());
        ASTNode old_node = sure(info.myFromImportStatement.getNode());
        parent.replaceChild(old_node, sure(new_import.getNode()));
    } catch (IncorrectOperationException ignored) {
        PyUtil.showBalloon(project, PyBundle.message("QFIX.action.failed"), MessageType.WARNING);
Also used : HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap) PsiElementProcessor( ASTNode(com.intellij.lang.ASTNode) IncorrectOperationException(com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException) HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap)

Example 97 with HashMap

use of com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class RngNsDescriptor method convertElementDescriptors.

XmlElementDescriptor[] convertElementDescriptors(List<DElementPattern> patterns) {
    patterns = ContainerUtil.findAll(patterns, NamedPatternFilter.INSTANCE);
    final Map<QName, List<DElementPattern>> name2patterns = new HashMap<>();
    for (DElementPattern pattern : patterns) {
        for (QName qName : pattern.getName().listNames()) {
            List<DElementPattern> dPatterns = name2patterns.get(qName);
            if (dPatterns == null) {
                dPatterns = new ArrayList<>();
                name2patterns.put(qName, dPatterns);
            if (!dPatterns.contains(pattern))
    final List<XmlElementDescriptor> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (QName qName : name2patterns.keySet()) {
        final List<DElementPattern> patternList = name2patterns.get(qName);
        final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = findDescriptor(qName, patternList);
        if (descriptor != null) {
    return result.toArray(new XmlElementDescriptor[result.size()]);
Also used : HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) XmlElementDescriptor(com.intellij.xml.XmlElementDescriptor) AnyXmlElementDescriptor(com.intellij.xml.impl.schema.AnyXmlElementDescriptor) DElementPattern(org.kohsuke.rngom.digested.DElementPattern)

Example 98 with HashMap

use of com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap in project android by JetBrains.

the class AndroidDxWrapper method execute.

@SuppressWarnings({ "IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed" })
public static Map<AndroidCompilerMessageKind, List<String>> execute(@NotNull Module module, @NotNull IAndroidTarget target, @NotNull String outputDir, @NotNull String[] compileTargets, @NotNull String additionalVmParams, int maxHeapSize, boolean optimize) {
    BuildToolInfo buildToolInfo = target.getBuildToolInfo();
    if (buildToolInfo == null) {
        return Collections.singletonMap(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.ERROR, Collections.singletonList("No Build Tools in the Android SDK."));
    String outFile = outputDir + File.separatorChar + AndroidCommonUtils.CLASSES_FILE_NAME;
    final Map<AndroidCompilerMessageKind, List<String>> messages = new HashMap<AndroidCompilerMessageKind, List<String>>(2);
    messages.put(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.ERROR, new ArrayList<String>());
    messages.put(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.INFORMATION, new ArrayList<String>());
    messages.put(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.WARNING, new ArrayList<String>());
    String dxJarPath = buildToolInfo.getPath(BuildToolInfo.PathId.DX_JAR);
    File dxJar = new File(dxJarPath);
    if (!dxJar.isFile()) {
        messages.get(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.ERROR).add(AndroidBundle.message("android.file.not.exist.error", dxJarPath));
        return messages;
    JavaParameters parameters = new JavaParameters();
    Sdk sdk = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getSdk();
    // dex runs after simple java compilation, so JDK must be specified
    assert sdk != null;
    ParametersList programParamList = parameters.getProgramParametersList();
    programParamList.add("--optimize", Boolean.toString(optimize));
    ParametersList vmParamList = parameters.getVMParametersList();
    if (additionalVmParams.length() > 0) {
    if (!AndroidCommonUtils.hasXmxParam(vmParamList.getParameters())) {
        vmParamList.add("-Xmx" + maxHeapSize + "M");
    final PathsList classPath = parameters.getClassPath();
    // delete file to check if it will exist after dex compilation
    if (!new File(outFile).delete()) {"Cannot delete file " + outFile);
    Process process;
    try {
        GeneralCommandLine commandLine = parameters.toCommandLine();;
        process = commandLine.createProcess();
        AndroidCommonUtils.handleDexCompilationResult(process, commandLine.getCommandLineString(), outFile, messages, false);
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        messages.get(AndroidCompilerMessageKind.ERROR).add("ExecutionException: " + e.getMessage());;
        return messages;
    return messages;
Also used : BuildToolInfo( HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap) AndroidCompilerMessageKind( PathsList(com.intellij.util.PathsList) PathsList(com.intellij.util.PathsList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) FileUtilRt( Sdk(com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.Sdk) ExecutionException(com.intellij.execution.ExecutionException) File(

Example 99 with HashMap

use of com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap in project android by JetBrains.

the class SubtagsProcessingUtil method registerClassNameSubtags.

private static void registerClassNameSubtags(XmlTag tag, Map<String, PsiClass> classMap, Type type, SubtagProcessor subtagProcessor) {
    final Set<String> allAllowedTags = new HashSet<>();
    final Map<String, String> class2Name = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, PsiClass> entry : classMap.entrySet()) {
        final String tagName = entry.getKey();
        final PsiClass aClass = entry.getValue();
        if (!AndroidUtils.isAbstract(aClass)) {
            final String qName = aClass.getQualifiedName();
            final String prevTagName = class2Name.get(qName);
            if (prevTagName == null || tagName.indexOf('.') == -1) {
                class2Name.put(qName, tagName);
    registerSubtags(tag, allAllowedTags, class2Name.values(), type, subtagProcessor);
Also used : HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap) PsiClass(com.intellij.psi.PsiClass) HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 100 with HashMap

use of com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap in project android by JetBrains.

the class AttributeDefinitionsImpl method addAttrsFromFile.

private void addAttrsFromFile(XmlFile file) {
    Map<StyleableDefinitionImpl, String[]> parentMap = new HashMap<>();
    final XmlDocument document = file.getDocument();
    if (document == null)
    final XmlTag rootTag = document.getRootTag();
    if (rootTag == null || !TAG_RESOURCES.equals(rootTag.getName()))
    String attrGroup = null;
    for (XmlTag tag : rootTag.getSubTags()) {
        String tagName = tag.getName();
        if (TAG_ATTR.equals(tagName)) {
            AttributeDefinition def = parseAttrTag(tag, null);
            // Sets group for attribute, for example: sets "Button Styles" group for "buttonStyleSmall" attribute
            if (def != null) {
        } else if (TAG_DECLARE_STYLEABLE.equals(tagName)) {
            StyleableDefinitionImpl def = parseDeclareStyleableTag(tag, parentMap);
            // Only "Theme" Styleable has attribute groups
            if (def != null && def.getName().equals("Theme")) {
        } else if (TAG_EAT_COMMENT.equals(tagName)) {
            // The framework attribute file follows a special convention where related attributes are grouped together,
            // and there is always a set of comments that indicate these sections which look like this:
            //     <!-- =========== -->
            //     <!-- Text styles -->
            //     <!-- =========== -->
            //     <eat-comment />
            // These section headers are always immediately followed by an <eat-comment>,
            // so to identify these we just look for <eat-comments>, and then we look for the comment within the block that isn't ascii art.
            String newAttrGroup = getCommentBeforeEatComment(tag);
            // We identify these by looking at the line length; category comments are short, and descriptive comments are longer
            if (newAttrGroup != null && newAttrGroup.length() <= ATTR_GROUP_MAX_CHARACTERS) {
                attrGroup = newAttrGroup;
    for (Map.Entry<StyleableDefinitionImpl, String[]> entry : parentMap.entrySet()) {
        StyleableDefinitionImpl definition = entry.getKey();
        String[] parentNames = entry.getValue();
        for (String parentName : parentNames) {
            StyleableDefinitionImpl parent = getStyleableByName(parentName);
            if (parent != null) {
            } else {
      "Found tag with unknown parent: " + parentName);
Also used : HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap) XmlDocument(com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlDocument) HashMap(com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) XmlTag(com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag)


HashMap (com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap)118 NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)23 VirtualFile (com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile)22 File ( Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)18 Map (java.util.Map)17 Module (com.intellij.openapi.module.Module)15 Project (com.intellij.openapi.project.Project)15 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 PsiElement (com.intellij.psi.PsiElement)11 HashSet (com.intellij.util.containers.HashSet)10 List (java.util.List)9 IncorrectOperationException (com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException)8 IOException ( Pair (com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair)6 GlobalSearchScope ( SearchScope ( Logger (com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger)5 PsiFile (com.intellij.psi.PsiFile)5 UsageInfo (com.intellij.usageView.UsageInfo)5