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Example 76 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class PeopleContainer method setMaxUserLimit.

     * Sets max user limit for a People Container.
     * @param limit
     *            number of users allowed in a People Container
     * @supported.api
public void setMaxUserLimit(long limit) throws UMSException {
    String value = (new Long(limit)).toString();
    setAttribute(new Attr(MAX_USER_ATTR_NAME, value));
Also used : Attr(

Example 77 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class PersistentObject method readAttributesFromDataStore.

     * Read the attributes from data store
     * @param attrNames
     *            names of attributes to get
     * @return collection of Attr read from data store
private Collection readAttributesFromDataStore(Collection attrNames) throws UMSException {
    Collection attributes = DataLayer.getInstance().getAttributes(getPrincipal(), getGuid(), attrNames);
    if (attributes == null) {
        String[] args = { getDN() };
        throw new UMSException(i18n.getString(IUMSConstants.READ_ATTRIBUTES_ERROR, args));
    Collection foundAttributes = new ArrayList();
    if (m_attrSet == null) {
        m_attrSet = new AttrSet();
    if (m_nullAttributes == null) {
        m_nullAttributes = new ArrayList();
    Iterator iter = attributes.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Attr attr = (Attr);
    iter = attrNames.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        String attrName = (String);
        if (!foundAttributes.contains(attrName) && !m_nullAttributes.contains(attrName)) {
    return attributes;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Collection(java.util.Collection) ByteString(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString) Attr( AttrSet(

Example 78 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class PersistentObject method getACI.

     * Returns all the ACIs of this object with the given name.
     * @param name Name of the ACI to get.
     * @return collecion of ACIs of this object.
     * @throws ACIParseException in case of any error
     * @supported.api
public Collection getACI(String name) throws ACIParseException, UMSException {
    Collection acis = new ArrayList();
    Attr aciAttr = getAttribute(ACI.ACI);
    if (aciAttr != null) {
        String[] aciTexts = aciAttr.getStringValues();
        int size = aciTexts.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            ACI aci = ACI.valueOf(aciTexts[i]);
            if (aci.getName().equals(name)) {
    return acis;
Also used : ACI( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Collection(java.util.Collection) ByteString(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString) Attr(

Example 79 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class PersistentObject method replaceACI.

     * Replaces an ACI of this object
     * @param oldACI ACI to be replaced.
     * @param newACI the new ACI.
     * @throws AccessRightsException if an access rights exception occurs.
     * @throws UMSException if any error.
     * @supported.api
public void replaceACI(ACI oldACI, ACI newACI) throws AccessRightsException, UMSException {
    Attr attr = new Attr(ACI.ACI, oldACI.getACIText());
    modify(attr, ModificationType.DELETE);
    attr = new Attr(ACI.ACI, newACI.toString());
    modify(attr, ModificationType.ADD);
Also used : Attr(

Example 80 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class ManagedRole method removeMember.

     * Removes a member from the role. The change is saved to persistent
     * storage.
     * @param member
     *            member to be removed from the role
     * @exception UMSException
     *                on failure to save to persistent storage
     * @supported.api
public void removeMember(PersistentObject member) throws UMSException {
    Principal principal = getPrincipal();
    if (principal == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(i18n.getString(IUMSConstants.BAD_PRINCIPAL_HDL));
    member.modify(new Attr(MEMBER_ATTR_NAME, this.getDN()), ModificationType.DELETE);
    DataLayer.getInstance().removeAttributeValue(principal, member.getGuid(), MEMBER_ATTR_NAME, this.getDN());
Also used : Principal( Attr(


Attr ( AttrSet ( Guid (com.iplanet.ums.Guid)16 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)15 UMSException (com.iplanet.ums.UMSException)14 PersistentObject (com.iplanet.ums.PersistentObject)12 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)12 Set (java.util.Set)12 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Map (java.util.Map)9 ByteString (org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString)9 AMException ( SSOException (com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)5 AMHashMap ( Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)4 AMEntryExistsException ( AssignableDynamicGroup (com.iplanet.ums.AssignableDynamicGroup)3 CreationTemplate (com.iplanet.ums.CreationTemplate)3 EntryNotFoundException (com.iplanet.ums.EntryNotFoundException)3