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Example 16 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class ComplianceServicesImpl method verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup.

     * Method which verifies if the <code>roleDN</code> corresponds to an
     * admin role. If true the <code>memberOf</code> and
     * <code>adminRole</code> attributes of each member/user are set to the
     * corresponding administration <code>groupDN</code> and administration
     * <code>groupRDN</code> respectively. Each of the members/users are also
     * added to the corresponding admin group.
     * @param token
     *            single sign on token.
     * @param membersGuid
     *            Guid array of members to be operated on.
     * @param roleDN
     *            distinguished name of the role.
     * @exception AMException
     *                if unsuccessful in adding the members to the corresponding
     *                admin group. As a result of which the memberOf and
     *                adminRole attributes are also not updated.
protected void verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup(SSOToken token, Guid[] membersGuid, String roleDN) throws AMException {
    // Obtain the group corresponding to roleDN
    DN dn = DN.valueOf(roleDN);
    String groupName = getGroupFromRoleDN(dn);
    if (groupName != null) {
        // roleDN corresponds to an admin role
        String orgDN = dn.parent().toString();
        String groupDN = NamingAttributeManager.getNamingAttribute(AMObject.GROUP) + "=" + groupName + ",ou=Groups," + orgDN;
        String groupRDN = NamingAttributeManager.getNamingAttribute(AMObject.GROUP) + "=" + groupName;
        try {
            // Add the members to corresponding group.
            AssignableDynamicGroup group = (AssignableDynamicGroup) UMSObject.getObject(token, new Guid(groupDN));
            Attr[] attrs = new Attr[1];
            attrs[0] = new Attr("adminrole", groupRDN);
            AttrSet attrSet = new AttrSet(attrs);
            int numMembers = membersGuid.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++) {
                addAttributesToEntry(token, membersGuid[i].getDn(), attrSet);
        } catch (EntryNotFoundException ex) {
            debug.error("Compliance.verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup: " + "Admin groups are missing");
        } catch (UMSException ue) {
            debug.error("Compliance." + "verifyAndLinkRoleToGroup(): ", ue);
            throw new AMException(AMSDKBundle.getString("771"), "771");
Also used : UMSException(com.iplanet.ums.UMSException) EntryNotFoundException(com.iplanet.ums.EntryNotFoundException) AMException( DN(org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DN) Guid(com.iplanet.ums.Guid) AssignableDynamicGroup(com.iplanet.ums.AssignableDynamicGroup) Attr( AttrSet(

Example 17 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class CommonUtils method mapToAttrSet.

     * Method to convert a Map to AttrSet.
     * @param map
     *            a map contaning attribute names as keys and a Set of attribute
     *            values corresponding to each map key.
     * @param byteValues
     *            if true then values are bytes otherwise strings
     * @return an AttrSet having the contents of the supplied map
protected static AttrSet mapToAttrSet(Map map, boolean byteValues) {
    AttrSet attrSet = new AttrSet();
    if (map == null) {
        return attrSet;
    if (!byteValues) {
        Iterator itr = map.keySet().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            String attrName = (;
            Set set = (Set) (map.get(attrName));
            String[] attrValues = (set == null) ? null : (String[]) set.toArray(new String[set.size()]);
            if (attrValues != null) {
                attrSet.replace(new Attr(attrName, attrValues));
    } else {
        Iterator itr = map.keySet().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            String attrName = (;
            byte[][] attrValues = (byte[][]) (map.get(attrName));
            if (attrValues != null) {
                attrSet.replace(new Attr(attrName, attrValues));
    return attrSet;
Also used : AttrSet( Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Attr( AttrSet(

Example 18 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class PCMappingTable method getPCMappingTable.

     * Gets the PCMappingTable associated with the given organization
     * @param org
     *            organization to be managed
     * @return PCMappingTable associated with the given organization
     * @exception UMSException
     *                Failure
public static PCMappingTable getPCMappingTable(Organization org) throws UMSException {
    PersistentObject po = null;
    SearchResults results = org.getChildren("ou=" + MAPPINGTABLE_ENTRYNAME, null);
    if (results.hasMoreElements()) {
        po =;
    } else {
        // Create an entry to store the mapping table if it is
        // not already existed.
        // Right now, we store the mapping table as an entry right under
        // the organization.
        po = new PersistentObject();
        po.setAttribute(new Attr("objectclass", new String[] { "top", "extensibleobject" }));
        po.setAttribute(new Attr("ou", MAPPINGTABLE_ENTRYNAME));
        // org.getPrincipal(), "ou", org.getGuid() );
        Guid guid = new Guid("ou=" + MAPPINGTABLE_ENTRYNAME + "," + org.getGuid().getDn());
    PCMappingTable mt = new PCMappingTable(org.getPrincipal(), po.getGuid());
    return mt;
Also used : Attr(

Example 19 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class PCMappingTable method getAttrSetFromFilter.

     * Gets the attribute set correspondent to the filter string. Only accepts
     * filter string with the following format:
     * <PRE>
     * &ltfilter&gt ::= &ltand&gt | &ltitem&gt &ltand&gt ::= '(' '&'
     * &ltitemlist&gt ')' &ltitemlist&gt ::= &ltitem&gt | &ltitem&gt
     * &ltitemlist&gt &ltitem&gt ::= '(' &ltattr&gt '=' &ltvalue&gt ')'
     * </PRE>
     * @param filter
     *            filter string to parse
     * @return the attribute set correspondent to the filter string
private AttrSet getAttrSetFromFilter(String filter) {
    AttrSet attrSet = new AttrSet();
    String f = filter;
    if (f.startsWith("(") && f.endsWith(")")) {
        f = f.substring(1, f.length() - 1);
    if (f.startsWith("|") || f.startsWith("!")) {
        // TODO: should throw an exception: invalid pc filter
        return null;
    if (f.startsWith("&")) {
        int level = 0;
        int start = 0;
        int end = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < f.length(); i++) {
            if (f.charAt(i) == '(') {
                if (level == 0) {
                    start = i;
            if (f.charAt(i) == ')') {
                if (level == 0) {
                    end = i;
                    String subf = f.substring(start, end + 1);
                    if (subf.startsWith("(") && subf.endsWith(")")) {
                        subf = subf.substring(1, subf.length() - 1);
                    int idx = subf.indexOf('=');
                    if (idx == -1) {
                        return null;
                    String type = subf.substring(0, idx).trim();
                    String value = subf.substring(idx + 1).trim();
                    attrSet.add(new Attr(type, value));
    } else {
        int idx = f.indexOf('=');
        if (idx == -1) {
            return null;
        String type = f.substring(0, idx).trim();
        String value = f.substring(idx + 1).trim();
        attrSet.add(new Attr(type, value));
    return attrSet;
Also used : Attr( AttrSet(

Example 20 with Attr

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class PCMappingTable method getPeopleContainer.

     * Gets People Container associated with the user
     * @param user
     *            user object to look up
     * @return guid identifying People Container associated with the user, null
     *         if no match found and default has not been set
     * @exception UMSException
     *                Failure
public String getPeopleContainer(User user) throws UMSException {
    PersistentObject po = UMSObject.getObject(_principal, _mappingGuid);
    AttrSet attrSet = po.getAttrSet();
    String defaultPC = getDefault(attrSet);
    for (int j = 0; j < ATTRNAMESTOSKIP.length; j++) {
    Enumeration e1 = attrSet.getAttributes();
    while (e1.hasMoreElements()) {
        Attr attr = (Attr) e1.nextElement();
        String guid = attr.getName();
        String[] filters = attr.getStringValues();
        for (int j = 0; j < filters.length; j++) {
            AttrSet filterAttrSet = getAttrSetFromFilter(filters[j]);
            // loop through filterAttrSet and compare each one to the
            // user's AttrSet
            Enumeration e2 = filterAttrSet.getAttributes();
            while (e2.hasMoreElements()) {
                Attr filterAttr = (Attr) e2.nextElement();
                Attr userAttr = user.getAttribute(filterAttr.getName());
                if (userAttr != null) {
                    String[] filterAttrValues = filterAttr.getStringValues();
                    for (int i = 0; i < filterAttrValues.length; i++) {
                        if (userAttr.contains(filterAttrValues[i])) {
                            return guid;
    return defaultPC;
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) Attr( AttrSet(


Attr ( AttrSet ( Guid (com.iplanet.ums.Guid)16 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)15 UMSException (com.iplanet.ums.UMSException)14 PersistentObject (com.iplanet.ums.PersistentObject)12 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)12 Set (java.util.Set)12 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Map (java.util.Map)9 ByteString (org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString)9 AMException ( SSOException (com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)5 AMHashMap ( Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)4 AMEntryExistsException ( AssignableDynamicGroup (com.iplanet.ums.AssignableDynamicGroup)3 CreationTemplate (com.iplanet.ums.CreationTemplate)3 EntryNotFoundException (com.iplanet.ums.EntryNotFoundException)3