Search in sources :

Example 6 with DBAccessHelper

use of in project JamsMusicPlayer by psaravan.

the class AsyncAddToQueueTask method assignCursor.

//Retrieves and assigns the cursor based on the set of song(s) that are being enqueued.
private void assignCursor() {
    DBAccessHelper dbHelper = new DBAccessHelper(mContext);
    if (mEnqueueType.equals("SONG")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled()) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + "=" + "'" + mAlbumName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE + "=" + "'" + mSongTitle + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + "=" + "'" + mAlbumName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE + "=" + "'" + mSongTitle + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, null, selection, null, null, null, DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE + " ASC");
        mPlayingNext = mSongTitle;
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("ARTIST")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled()) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, null, selection, null, null, null, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + " ASC" + ", " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_TRACK_NUMBER + "*1 ASC");
        mPlayingNext = mArtistName;
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("ALBUM")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled()) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + "=" + "'" + mAlbumName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + "=" + "'" + mAlbumName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, null, selection, null, null, null, DBAccessHelper.SONG_TRACK_NUMBER + "*1 ASC");
        mPlayingNext = mAlbumName;
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("ALBUM_BY_ALBUM_ARTIST")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled()) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mAlbumArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + "=" + "'" + mAlbumName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mAlbumArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + "=" + "'" + mAlbumName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, null, selection, null, null, null, DBAccessHelper.SONG_TRACK_NUMBER + "*1 ASC");
        mPlayingNext = mAlbumName;
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("ALBUM_ARTIST")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled()) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mAlbumArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM_ARTIST + "=" + "'" + mAlbumArtistName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, null, selection, null, null, null, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + " ASC, " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_TRACK_NUMBER + "*1 ASC");
        mPlayingNext = mAlbumArtistName;
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("TOP_25_PLAYED")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled() == false) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getTop25PlayedTracks(selection);
        mPlayingNext = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.the_top_25_played_tracks);
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("RECENTLY_ADDED")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled() == false) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getRecentlyAddedSongs(selection);
        mPlayingNext = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.the_most_recently_added_songs);
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("TOP_RATED")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled() == false) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getTopRatedSongs(selection);
        mPlayingNext = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.the_top_rated_songs);
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("RECENTLY_PLAYED")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled() == false) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getRecentlyPlayedSongs(selection);
        mPlayingNext = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.the_most_recently_played_songs);
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("PLAYLIST")) {
    /* String selection = " AND " + DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_PLAYLISTS_NAME + "." 
            				 + DBAccessHelper.PLAYLIST_ID + "=" + "'" + mPlaylistId + "'";
            if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled()) {
            	mCursor = dbHelper.getAllSongsInPlaylistSearchable(selection);
            } else {
            	mCursor = dbHelper.getLocalSongsInPlaylistSearchable(selection);
            mPlayingNext = mPlaylistName;*/
    } else if (mEnqueueType.equals("GENRE")) {
        String selection = null;
        if (mApp.isGooglePlayMusicEnabled()) {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_GENRE + "=" + "'" + mGenreName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'";
        } else {
            selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_GENRE + "=" + "'" + mGenreName + "'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.BLACKLIST_STATUS + "=" + "'FALSE'" + " AND " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'";
        mCursor = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase().query(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, null, selection, null, null, null, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM + " ASC, " + DBAccessHelper.SONG_TRACK_NUMBER + "*1 ASC");
        mPlayingNext = mGenreName;
Also used : DBAccessHelper(

Example 7 with DBAccessHelper

use of in project JamsMusicPlayer by psaravan.

the class AsyncAutoGetAlbumArtTask method doInBackground.

protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
    //First, we'll go through all the songs in the music library DB and get their attributes.
    dbHelper = new DBAccessHelper(mContext);
    String selection = DBAccessHelper.SONG_SOURCE + "<>" + "'GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC'";
    String[] projection = { DBAccessHelper._ID, DBAccessHelper.SONG_FILE_PATH, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ALBUM, DBAccessHelper.SONG_ARTIST, DBAccessHelper.SONG_TITLE };
    Cursor cursor = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase().query(DBAccessHelper.MUSIC_LIBRARY_TABLE, projection, selection, null, null, null, null);
    if (cursor.getCount() != 0) {
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    } else {
        //The user doesn't have any music so let's get outta here.
        return null;
    //Now that we have the attributes of the songs, we'll go through them each and check for missing covers.
    for (int i = 0; i < dataURIsList.size(); i++) {
        try {
            file = new File(dataURIsList.get(i));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        audioFile = null;
        try {
            audioFile =;
        } catch (CannotReadException e2) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IOException e2) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (TagException e2) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (ReadOnlyFileException e2) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (InvalidAudioFrameException e2) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Tag tag = audioFile.getTag();
        //Set the destination directory for the xml file.
        File SDCardRoot = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
        File xmlFile = new File(SDCardRoot, "albumArt.xml");
        if (tag != null) {
            String title = tag.getFirst(FieldKey.TITLE);
            String checkingMessage = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.checking_if) + " " + title + " " + mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.has_album_art) + ".";
            currentProgress = currentProgress + 1;
            String[] checkingProgressParams = { checkingMessage, "" + currentProgress };
            List<Artwork> artworkList = tag.getArtworkList();
            if (artworkList.size() == 0) {
                //Since the file doesn't have any album artwork, we'll have to download it.
                //Get the artist and album name of the file we're working with.
                String artist = tag.getFirst(FieldKey.ARTIST);
                String album = tag.getFirst(FieldKey.ALBUM);
                //Update the progress dialog.
                String message = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.downloading_artwork_for) + " " + title;
                String[] progressParams = { message, "" + currentProgress };
                //Remove any unacceptable characters.
                if (artist.contains("#")) {
                    artist = artist.replace("#", "");
                if (artist.contains("$")) {
                    artist = artist.replace("$", "");
                if (artist.contains("@")) {
                    artist = artist.replace("@", "");
                if (album.contains("#")) {
                    album = album.replace("#", "");
                if (album.contains("$")) {
                    album = album.replace("$", "");
                if (album.contains("@")) {
                    album = album.replace("@", "");
                //Replace any spaces in the artist and album fields with "%20".
                if (artist.contains(" ")) {
                    artist = artist.replace(" ", "%20");
                if (album.contains(" ")) {
                    album = album.replace(" ", "%20");
                //Construct the url for the HTTP request.
                URL url = null;
                try {
                    url = new URL("" + artist + "+" + album + "&entity=album");
                } catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                String xml = null;
                try {
                    //Create a new HTTP connection.
                    HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                    //Check if albumArt.xml already exists and delete it.
                    if (xmlFile.exists()) {
                    //Create the OuputStream that will be used to store the downloaded data into the file.
                    FileOutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(xmlFile);
                    //Create the InputStream that will read the data from the HTTP connection.
                    InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();
                    //Total size of target file.
                    int totalSize = urlConnection.getContentLength();
                    //Temp variable that stores the number of downloaded bytes.
                    int downloadedSize = 0;
                    //Create a buffer to store the downloaded bytes.
                    buffer = new byte[1024];
                    int bufferLength = 0;
                    //Now read through the buffer and write the contents to the file.
                    while ((bufferLength = > 0) {
                        fileOutput.write(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
                        downloadedSize += bufferLength;
                    //Close the File Output Stream.
                } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                    //TODO Auto-generated method stub
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                //Load the XML file into a String variable for local use.
                String xmlAsString = null;
                try {
                    xmlAsString = FileUtils.readFileToString(xmlFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                //Extract the albumArt parameter from the XML file.
                artworkURL = StringUtils.substringBetween(xmlAsString, "\"artworkUrl100\":\"", "\",");
                if (artworkURL == null) {
                    //Check and see if a lower resolution image available.
                    artworkURL = StringUtils.substringBetween(xmlAsString, "\"artworkUrl60\":\"", "\",");
                    if (artworkURL == null) {
                    //Can't do anything about that here.
                    } else {
                        //Replace "100x100" with "600x600" to retrieve larger album art images.
                        artworkURL = artworkURL.replace("100x100", "600x600");
                } else {
                    //Replace "100x100" with "600x600" to retrieve larger album art images.
                    artworkURL = artworkURL.replace("100x100", "600x600");
                //If no URL has been found, there's no point in continuing.
                if (artworkURL != null) {
                    artworkBitmap = null;
                    artworkBitmap = mApp.getImageLoader().loadImageSync(artworkURL);
                    File artworkFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/artwork.jpg");
                    //Save the artwork.
                    try {
                        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(artworkFile);
                        artworkBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, out);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } finally {
                        Artwork artwork = null;
                        try {
                            artwork = ArtworkFactory.createArtworkFromFile(artworkFile);
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                            setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                            setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                        } catch (Error e) {
                            setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                        if (artwork != null) {
                            try {
                                //Remove the current artwork field and recreate it.
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                                setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                            } catch (Error e) {
                                setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                            try {
                            } catch (CannotWriteException e) {
                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                                setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                            } catch (Error e) {
                                setArtworkAsFile(artworkFile, dataURIsList.get(i));
                        //Delete the temporary files that we stored during the fetching process.
                        if (artworkFile.exists()) {
                        if (xmlFile.exists()) {
                        //Set the files to null to help clean up memory.
                        artworkBitmap = null;
                        audioFile = null;
                        tag = null;
                        xmlFile = null;
                        artworkFile = null;
    audioFile = null;
    file = null;
    return null;
Also used : CannotWriteException( MalformedURLException( Artwork(org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.Artwork) CannotReadException( DBAccessHelper( InputStream( InvalidAudioFrameException( IOException( Cursor(android.database.Cursor) ReadOnlyFileException( CannotReadException( CannotWriteException( MalformedURLException( IOException( TagException(org.jaudiotagger.tag.TagException) InvalidAudioFrameException( URL( HttpURLConnection( TagException(org.jaudiotagger.tag.TagException) FileOutputStream( ReadOnlyFileException( Tag(org.jaudiotagger.tag.Tag) AudioFile( File(

Example 8 with DBAccessHelper

use of in project JamsMusicPlayer by psaravan.

the class Common method onCreate.

public void onCreate() {
    //Application context.
    mContext = getApplicationContext();
    mSharedPreferences = this.getSharedPreferences("", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    //Init the database.
    mDBAccessHelper = new DBAccessHelper(mContext);
    //Playback kickstarter.
    mPlaybackKickstarter = new PlaybackKickstarter(this.getApplicationContext());
    mPicasso = new Picasso.Builder(mContext).build();
    mImageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
    mImageLoaderConfiguration = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(getApplicationContext()).memoryCache(new WeakMemoryCache()).memoryCacheSizePercentage(13).imageDownloader(new ByteArrayUniversalImageLoader(mContext)).build();
    //Init DisplayImageOptions.
    //Log the user into Google Play Music only if the account is currently set up and active.
    if (mSharedPreferences.getBoolean("GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC_ENABLED", false) == true) {
        //Create a temp WebView to retrieve the user agent string.
        String userAgentString = "";
        if (mSharedPreferences.getBoolean("GOT_USER_AGENT", false) == false) {
            WebView webView = new WebView(getApplicationContext());
            userAgentString = webView.getSettings().getUserAgentString();
            mSharedPreferences.edit().putBoolean("GOT_USER_AGENT", true).commit();
            mSharedPreferences.edit().putString("USER_AGENT", userAgentString).commit();
            webView = null;
        String accountName = mSharedPreferences.getString("GOOGLE_PLAY_MUSIC_ACCOUNT", "");
        //Authenticate with Google.
        AsyncGoogleMusicAuthenticationTask task = new AsyncGoogleMusicAuthenticationTask(mContext, false, accountName);
Also used : PlaybackKickstarter( DBAccessHelper( WeakMemoryCache(com.nostra13.universalimageloader.cache.memory.impl.WeakMemoryCache) AsyncGoogleMusicAuthenticationTask( WebView(android.webkit.WebView) ImageLoaderConfiguration(com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.ImageLoaderConfiguration)


DBAccessHelper ( Cursor (android.database.Cursor)4 File ( ContentValues (android.content.ContentValues)2 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 AudioFile ( CannotReadException ( CannotWriteException ( InvalidAudioFrameException ( ReadOnlyFileException ( Tag (org.jaudiotagger.tag.Tag)2 TagException (org.jaudiotagger.tag.TagException)2 ActionBar ( Tab ( BitmapFactory ( SpannableString (android.text.SpannableString)1 TypedValue (android.util.TypedValue)1 View (android.view.View)1 WebView (android.webkit.WebView)1