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Example 6 with Server

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class TestRemoteCall method createServer.

public static void createServer() {
    serverApp = new SimpleApplication() {

        public void simpleInitApp() {
    try {
        Server server = Network.createServer(5110);
        ObjectStore store = new ObjectStore(server);
        store.exposeObject("access", new ServerAccessImpl());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
Also used : ObjectStore( Server( SimpleApplication( IOException(

Example 7 with Server

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class Network method connectToServer.

     *  Creates a Client that communicates with the specified host and and separate TCP and UDP ports
     *  using both reliable and fast transports.  
     *  @param gameName This is the name that identifies the game.  This must match
     *                  the target server's name or this client will be turned away.
     *  @param version  This is a game-specific verison that helps detect when out-of-date
     *                  clients have connected to an incompatible server.  This must match
     *                  the server's version of this client will be turned away.
     *  @param hostPort  The remote TCP port on the server to which this client should
     *                  send reliable messages. 
     *  @param remoteUdpPort  The remote UDP port on the server to which this client should
     *                  send 'fast'/unreliable messages.   Set to -1 if 'fast' traffic should 
     *                  go over TCP.  This will completely disable UDP traffic for this
     *                  client.
public static Client connectToServer(String gameName, int version, String host, int hostPort, int remoteUdpPort) throws IOException {
    InetAddress remoteAddress = InetAddress.getByName(host);
    UdpConnector fast = remoteUdpPort == -1 ? null : new UdpConnector(remoteAddress, remoteUdpPort);
    SocketConnector reliable = new SocketConnector(remoteAddress, hostPort);
    return new DefaultClient(gameName, version, reliable, fast, new TcpConnectorFactory(remoteAddress));
Also used : UdpConnector( DefaultClient( InetAddress( SocketConnector( TcpConnectorFactory(

Example 8 with Server

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class Network method createServer.

     *  Creates a named and versioned Server that will utilize both reliable and fast
     *  transports to communicate with clients.  The specified port
     *  will be used for both TCP and UDP communication.
     *  @param gameName This is the name that identifies the game.  Connecting clients
     *                  must use this name or be turned away.
     *  @param version  This is a game-specific verison that helps detect when out-of-date
     *                  clients have connected to an incompatible server.
     *  @param tcpPort  The port upon which the TCP hosting will listen for new connections.
     *  @param udpPort  The port upon which the UDP hosting will listen for new 'fast' UDP 
     *                  messages.  Set to -1 if 'fast' traffic should go over TCP.  This will
     *                  completely disable UDP traffic for this server.
public static Server createServer(String gameName, int version, int tcpPort, int udpPort) throws IOException {
    UdpKernel fast = udpPort == -1 ? null : new UdpKernel(udpPort);
    SelectorKernel reliable = new SelectorKernel(tcpPort);
    return new DefaultServer(gameName, version, reliable, fast);
Also used : DefaultServer( SelectorKernel( UdpKernel(

Example 9 with Server

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class DefaultClient method start.

public void start() {
    if (isRunning)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Client is already started.");
    // connectors that we have
    for (ConnectorAdapter ca : channels) {
        if (ca == null)
    // Send our connection message with a generated ID until
    // we get one back from the server.  We'll hash time in
    // millis and time in nanos.
    // This is used to match the TCP and UDP endpoints up on the
    // other end since they may take different routes to get there.
    // Behind NAT, many game clients may be coming over the same
    // IP address from the server's perspective and they may have
    // their UDP ports mapped all over the place.
    // Since currentTimeMillis() is absolute time and nano time
    // is roughtly related to system start time, adding these two
    // together should be plenty unique for our purposes.  It wouldn't
    // hurt to reconcile with IP on the server side, though.
    long tempId = System.currentTimeMillis() + System.nanoTime();
    // Set it true here so we can send some messages.
    isRunning = true;
    ClientRegistrationMessage reg;
    reg = new ClientRegistrationMessage();
    send(CH_RELIABLE, reg, false);
    // Send registration messages to any other configured
    // connectors
    reg = new ClientRegistrationMessage();
    for (int ch = CH_UNRELIABLE; ch < channels.size(); ch++) {
        if (channels.get(ch) == null)
        send(ch, reg, false);
Also used : ClientRegistrationMessage(

Example 10 with Server

use of in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.

the class KernelAdapter method dispatch.

     *  Note on threading for those writing their own server 
     *  or adapter implementations.  The rule that a single connection be 
     *  processed by only one thread at a time is more about ensuring that
     *  the messages are delivered in the order that they are received
     *  than for any user-code safety.  99% of the time the user code should
     *  be writing for multithreaded access anyway.
     *  <p>The issue with the messages is that if a an implementation is
     *  using a general thread pool then it would be possible for a 
     *  naive implementation to have one thread grab an Envelope from
     *  connection 1's and another grab the next Envelope.  Since an Envelope
     *  may contain several messages, delivering the second thread's messages
     *  before or during the first's would be really confusing and hard
     *  to code for in user code.</p>
     *  <p>And that's why this note is here.  DefaultServer does a rudimentary
     *  per-connection locking but it couldn't possibly guard against
     *  out of order Envelope processing.</p>    
protected void dispatch(Endpoint p, Message m) {
    // here.
    if (m instanceof ClientRegistrationMessage) {
        server.registerClient(this, p, (ClientRegistrationMessage) m);
    try {
        HostedConnection source = getConnection(p);
        if (source == null) {
            if (reliable) {
                // If it's a reliable connection then it's slightly more
                // concerning but this can happen all the time for a UDP endpoint.
                log.log(Level.WARNING, "Recieved message from unconnected endpoint:" + p + "  message:" + m);
        messageDispatcher.messageReceived(source, m);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        reportError(p, m, e);
Also used : HostedConnection( ClientRegistrationMessage(


Server ( ClientRegistrationMessage ( IOException ( HostedConnection ( Endpoint ( SimpleApplication ( DefaultClient ( DefaultServer ( TcpConnectorFactory ( Kernel ( KernelException ( SelectorKernel ( SocketConnector ( UdpConnector ( UdpKernel ( ChannelInfoMessage ( ObjectStore ( SerializerRegistration ( SessionDataDelegator ( InetAddress (