use of com.joliciel.jochre.JochreSession in project jochre by urieli.
the class ShapeImplTest method testGetBrightnessTotalsBySectorWithSquareBigger.
public void testGetBrightnessTotalsBySectorWithSquareBigger() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("config.file", "src/test/resources/test.conf");
Config config = ConfigFactory.load();
JochreSession jochreSession = new JochreSession(config);
Shape shape = new Shape(jochreSession);
final int top = 0;
final int bottom = 5;
final int left = 0;
final int right = 4;
int[] pixels = new int[] { // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245 };
ImagePixelGrabber pixelGrabber = new ImagePixelGrabberMock(pixels, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
final GroupOfShapes group = mock(GroupOfShapes.class);
final RowOfShapes row = mock(RowOfShapes.class);
final Paragraph paragraph = mock(Paragraph.class);
final JochreImage image = mock(JochreImage.class);
final BufferedImage shapeImage = mock(BufferedImage.class);
double[][] totals = shape.getBrightnessBySection(6, 8, 0.5, 0.5, SectionBrightnessMeasurementMethod.RAW);
for (int y = 0; y < shape.getHeight(); y++) {
String pixelsStr = "";
for (int x = -1; x < shape.getWidth(); x++) {
pixelsStr += shape.getPixelInShape(x, y) + ",";
LOG.debug("Brightness totals by sector:");
for (int y = 0; y < totals[0].length; y++) {
String brightnessTotalsStr = "";
for (int x = 0; x < totals.length; x++) {
brightnessTotalsStr += totals[x][y] + ",";
for (int y = 0; y < totals[0].length; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < totals.length; x++) {
double expected = 160.0 / 16.0;
if (x < 1)
expected = 0.0;
else if (y < 1)
expected = 0.0;
else if (y > 6)
expected = 0.0;
assertEquals("For x=" + x + ",y=" + y + " expected " + expected + " but was " + totals[x][y], expected, totals[x][y], 0.1);
use of com.joliciel.jochre.JochreSession in project jochre by urieli.
the class ShapeImplTest method testGetWidth.
public void testGetWidth() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("config.file", "src/test/resources/test.conf");
Config config = ConfigFactory.load();
JochreSession jochreSession = new JochreSession(config);
Shape shape = new Shape(jochreSession);
assertEquals(31, shape.getWidth());
use of com.joliciel.jochre.JochreSession in project jochre by urieli.
the class ShapeImplTest method getVerticalCounts.
public void getVerticalCounts() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("config.file", "src/test/resources/test.conf");
Config config = ConfigFactory.load();
JochreSession jochreSession = new JochreSession(config);
final int threshold = 100;
final int width = 8;
final int height = 8;
int[] pixels = { // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 1
0, // row 1
1, // row 1
0, // row 1
0, // row 1
0, // row 1
0, // row 1
0, // row 1
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
1, // row 2
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
1, // row 2
1, // row 3
0, // row 3
0, // row 3
1, // row 3
1, // row 3
1, // row 3
0, // row 3
0, // row 3
1, // row 4
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 5
0, // row 5
1, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
1, // row 6
1, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 7
0, // row 7
0, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
0, // row 7
0, // row 7
0, // row 7
0 };
SourceImage sourceImage = new SourceImageMock(pixels, height, width, jochreSession);
Shape shape = new Shape(sourceImage, jochreSession);
int[] verticalCounts = shape.getVerticalCounts();
for (int i = 0; i < verticalCounts.length; i++) {
switch(i) {
case 0:
assertEquals(0 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
case 1:
assertEquals(3 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
case 2:
assertEquals(3 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
case 3:
assertEquals(4 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
case 4:
assertEquals(2 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
case 5:
assertEquals(1 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
case 6:
assertEquals(2 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
case 7:
assertEquals(3 * 255, verticalCounts[i]);
assertEquals(shape.getWidth(), verticalCounts.length);
use of com.joliciel.jochre.JochreSession in project jochre by urieli.
the class ShapeImplTest method testGetBrightnessTotalsBySectorWithSquareSmaller.
public void testGetBrightnessTotalsBySectorWithSquareSmaller() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("config.file", "src/test/resources/test.conf");
Config config = ConfigFactory.load();
JochreSession jochreSession = new JochreSession(config);
Shape shape = new Shape(jochreSession);
final int top = 0;
final int bottom = 5;
final int left = 0;
final int right = 2;
int[] pixels = new int[] { // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245, // row
245 };
ImagePixelGrabber pixelGrabber = new ImagePixelGrabberMock(pixels, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1);
final GroupOfShapes group = mock(GroupOfShapes.class);
final RowOfShapes row = mock(RowOfShapes.class);
final Paragraph paragraph = mock(Paragraph.class);
final JochreImage image = mock(JochreImage.class);
final BufferedImage shapeImage = mock(BufferedImage.class);
double[][] totals = shape.getBrightnessBySection(6, 8, 0.5, 0.5, SectionBrightnessMeasurementMethod.RAW);
for (int y = 0; y < shape.getHeight(); y++) {
String pixelsStr = "";
for (int x = -1; x < shape.getWidth(); x++) {
pixelsStr += shape.getPixelInShape(x, y) + ",";
LOG.debug("Brightness totals by sector:");
for (int y = 0; y < totals[0].length; y++) {
String brightnessTotalsStr = "";
for (int x = 0; x < totals.length; x++) {
brightnessTotalsStr += totals[x][y] + ",";
for (int y = 0; y < totals[0].length; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < totals.length; x++) {
double expected = 120.0 / 12.0;
if (x < 3)
expected = 0.0;
else if (y < 1)
expected = 0.0;
else if (y > 6)
expected = 0.0;
assertEquals("For x=" + x + ",y=" + y + " expected " + expected + " but was " + totals[x][y], expected, totals[x][y], 0.1);
use of com.joliciel.jochre.JochreSession in project jochre by urieli.
the class ShapeImplTest method testGetOutline.
public void testGetOutline() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("config.file", "src/test/resources/test.conf");
Config config = ConfigFactory.load();
JochreSession jochreSession = new JochreSession(config);
final int threshold = 100;
final int width = 8;
final int height = 8;
int[] pixels = { // row 0
0, // row 0
1, // row 0
1, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
1, // row 0
1, // row 0
1, // row 1
0, // row 1
1, // row 1
1, // row 1
1, // row 1
0, // row 1
1, // row 1
1, // row 1
1, // row 2
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
1, // row 2
1, // row 2
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
1, // row 2
1, // row 3
0, // row 3
0, // row 3
1, // row 3
1, // row 3
0, // row 3
1, // row 3
1, // row 3
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 4
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
1, // row 5
1, // row 5
1, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
1, // row 6
1, // row 6
1, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
0, // row 7
0, // row 7
0 };
SourceImage sourceImage = new SourceImageMock(pixels, height, width, jochreSession);
Shape shape = new Shape(sourceImage, jochreSession);
BitSet outline = shape.getOutline(threshold);
int[] outlinePixels = { // row 0
0, // row 0
1, // row 0
1, // row 0
0, // row 0
0, // row 0
1, // row 0
1, // row 0
1, // row 1
0, // row 1
1, // row 1
0, // row 1
1, // row 1
0, // row 1
1, // row 1
0, // row 1
1, // row 2
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
1, // row 2
1, // row 2
0, // row 2
0, // row 2
1, // row 2
1, // row 3
0, // row 3
0, // row 3
1, // row 3
1, // row 3
0, // row 3
1, // row 3
1, // row 3
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
0, // row 4
1, // row 4
1, // row 4
0, // row 4
1, // row 4
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 5
1, // row 5
0, // row 5
1, // row 5
0, // row 5
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
1, // row 6
0, // row 6
1, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 6
0, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
1, // row 7
0, // row 7
0, // row 7
0 };
for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
assertEquals("x = " + x + ",y = " + y, outlinePixels[y * 8 + x] == 1, outline.get(y * 8 + x));