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Example 26 with Shape

use of in project jochre by urieli.

the class OriginalShapeLetterAssigner method onGuessSequence.

public void onGuessSequence(LetterSequence letterSequence) {
    stillValid = true;
    ShapeSequence shapeSequence = letterSequence.getUnderlyingShapeSequence();
    Shape previousOriginalShape = null;
    List<ShapeInSequence> subsequenceForPrevOriginalShape = new ArrayList<ShapeInSequence>();
    for (ShapeInSequence shapeInSequence : shapeSequence) {
        // cases that are possible:
        // 1) shapeInSequence is 1-to-1 with an original shape (A from original shape A)
        // 2) shapeInSequence shares an original shape with previous (B from original shape AB)
        // 3) shapeInSequence shares an original shape with next (A from original shape AB)
        // 4) shapeInSequence shares an original shape with previous and next (B from original shape ABC)
        // 5) shapeInSequence has two original shapes (A from original shapes |A A|)
        // 6) shapeInSequence has 3 original shapes (A from original shapes |A * A|)
        // 7) shapeInSequence shares with previous and has 2+ original shapes (A from |A A|B)
        // 8) shapeInSequence shares with next and has 2+ original shapes (B from A|B B|)
        // So, when we reach a new original shape,
        // either it coincides with a previous shape border, or it doesn't
        List<Shape> originalShapes = shapeInSequence.getOriginalShapes();
        for (Shape nextOriginalShape : originalShapes) {
            if (!nextOriginalShape.equals(previousOriginalShape)) {
                // new original shape, we need to populate the letters of the previous one
                if (previousOriginalShape != null)
                    this.assignLetter(previousOriginalShape, subsequenceForPrevOriginalShape);
                previousOriginalShape = nextOriginalShape;
                subsequenceForPrevOriginalShape = new ArrayList<ShapeInSequence>();
    // next original shape
    // next underlying shape sequence shape
    if (previousOriginalShape != null)
        this.assignLetter(previousOriginalShape, subsequenceForPrevOriginalShape);
Also used : Shape( ShapeSequence(com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.ShapeSequence) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ShapeInSequence(com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.ShapeInSequence)

Example 27 with Shape

use of in project jochre by urieli.

the class OriginalShapeLetterAssigner method assignLetter.

void assignLetter(Shape originalShape, List<ShapeInSequence> subsequenceForOriginalShape) {
    String guessedLetter = "";
    for (ShapeInSequence shapeInSubSequence : subsequenceForOriginalShape) {
        if (shapeInSubSequence.getOriginalShapes().size() == 1) {
            // if this subsequence shape has only one original shape,
            // we can go ahead and add the subsequence shape's letter to the original shape
            guessedLetter += shapeInSubSequence.getShape().getOriginalGuess();
        } else {
            // the subsequence shape has multiple original shapes, so its letter has to be
            // split among all of them (these original shapes were joined into a single new shape)
            int j = 0;
            int myIndex = -1;
            for (Shape myOriginalShape : shapeInSubSequence.getOriginalShapes()) {
                if (myOriginalShape.equals(originalShape)) {
                    myIndex = j;
            if (myIndex == 0) {
                // the original shape starts this subsequence shape
                if (shapeInSubSequence.getShape().getOriginalGuess().length() > 0)
                    guessedLetter += "|" + shapeInSubSequence.getShape().getOriginalGuess();
            } else if (myIndex == shapeInSubSequence.getOriginalShapes().size() - 1) {
                // the original shape ends this subsequence shape
                if (shapeInSubSequence.getShape().getOriginalGuess().length() > 0)
                    guessedLetter += shapeInSubSequence.getShape().getOriginalGuess() + "|";
            } else {
            // the original shape is in the middle of this subsequence shape
            // nothing to do here, since we leave these blank
        // if more than one, where is the original shape in this subsequence's original shapes
    // only one original shape for this subsequence shape, or more?
    // next shape in subsequence for this original shape
    if (currentImage.getImageStatus().equals(ImageStatus.AUTO_NEW))
    if (save);
    if (evaluate && stillValid) {
        if (letterValidator == null) {
            throw new JochreException("Cannot evaluate without a letter validator.");
        String realLetter = originalShape.getLetter();
        String realLetterForCheck = realLetter.replace("|", "");
        if (letterValidator.validate(realLetterForCheck)) {
            if (guessedLetter.startsWith("|") && guessedLetter.length() == 3 && realLetter.equals("" + guessedLetter.charAt(1))) {
                // the guessed letter is the first half of a split dual letter, and is the same as a real letter
                this.incrementFScore(realLetter, realLetter);
            } else if (guessedLetter.endsWith("|") && guessedLetter.length() == 3 && realLetter.equals("" + guessedLetter.charAt(1))) {
                // the guessed letter is the second half of a split dual letter, and is the same as a real letter
                this.incrementFScore(realLetter, realLetter);
            } else if (realLetter.startsWith("|") && realLetter.length() == 3 && guessedLetter.equals("" + realLetter.charAt(1))) {
                // the real letter is the first half of a split dual letter, and we correctly guessed the first letter of the two
                this.incrementFScore(realLetter, realLetter);
            } else if (realLetter.endsWith("|") && realLetter.length() == 3 && guessedLetter.equals("" + realLetter.charAt(1))) {
                // the real letter is the second half of a split dual letter, and we correctly guessed the second letter of the two
                this.incrementFScore(realLetter, realLetter);
            } else {
                this.incrementFScore(realLetter, guessedLetter);
                if (realLetter.equals(guessedLetter))
                    hasError = true;
        } else {
            // check if there are any invalid characters
            String prevChar = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < realLetterForCheck.length(); i++) {
                String nextChar = "" + realLetterForCheck.charAt(i);
                if (letterValidator.validate(nextChar)) {
                // do nothing
                } else if (letterValidator.validate(prevChar + nextChar)) {
                // do nothing
                } else {
                    stillValid = false;
                prevChar = nextChar;
            if (stillValid) {
                this.incrementFScore(realLetter, guessedLetter);
Also used : Shape( JochreException(com.joliciel.jochre.utils.JochreException) ShapeInSequence(com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.ShapeInSequence)

Example 28 with Shape

use of in project jochre by urieli.

the class SimpleLetterFScoreObserver method onGuessLetter.

public void onGuessLetter(ShapeInSequence shapeInSequence, String bestGuess) {
    if (stillValid) {
        Shape shape = shapeInSequence.getShape();
        String realLetter = shape.getLetter();
        if (letterValidator.validate(realLetter)) {
            if (realLetter.length() == 0)
                realLetter = "■";
            else if (!jochreSession.getLinguistics().getValidLetters().contains(realLetter)) {
                if (realLetter.contains("|"))
                    realLetter = "□" + realLetter;
                    realLetter = "■" + realLetter;
            if (bestGuess.length() == 0)
                bestGuess = "■";
            else if (!jochreSession.getLinguistics().getValidLetters().contains(bestGuess))
                if (bestGuess.contains("|"))
                    bestGuess = "□" + bestGuess;
                    bestGuess = "■" + bestGuess;
            fScoreCalculator.increment(realLetter, bestGuess);
            if (!realLetter.equals(bestGuess))
                hasError = true;
        } else {
            stillValid = false;
Also used : Shape(

Example 29 with Shape

use of in project jochre by urieli.

the class JochreMergeEventStream method hasNext.

public boolean hasNext() {
    while (mergeCandidate == null && group != null) {
        if (shapeIndex < group.getShapes().size() - 1) {
            Shape shape1 = group.getShapes().get(shapeIndex);
            Shape shape2 = group.getShapes().get(shapeIndex + 1);
            ShapePair shapePair = new ShapePair(shape1, shape2);
            double widthRatio = (double) shapePair.getWidth() / (double) shapePair.getXHeight();
            double distanceRatio = (double) shapePair.getInnerDistance() / (double) shapePair.getXHeight();
            if (widthRatio <= maxWidthRatio && distanceRatio <= maxDistanceRatio) {
                mergeCandidate = shapePair;
            } else {
                mergeCandidate = null;
        } else {
            group = null;
            shapeIndex = 0;
            if (groupReader.hasNext())
                group =;
    if (mergeCandidate == null) {
        LOG.debug("aboveRatioCount: " + aboveRatioCount);
        LOG.debug("belowRatioCount: " + belowRatioCount);
        LOG.debug("yesCount: " + yesCount);
        LOG.debug("noCount: " + noCount);
    return mergeCandidate != null;
Also used : Shape(

Example 30 with Shape

use of in project jochre by urieli.

the class LetterByLetterBoundaryDetector method findBoundaries.

public List<ShapeSequence> findBoundaries(GroupOfShapes group) {
    // find the possible shape sequences that make up this group
    ShapeSequence emptySequence = new ShapeSequence();
    PriorityQueue<ShapeSequence> heap = new PriorityQueue<ShapeSequence>();
    for (Shape shape : group.getShapes()) {
        PriorityQueue<ShapeSequence> previousHeap = heap;
        heap = new PriorityQueue<ShapeSequence>();
        // check if shape is wide enough to bother with
        double widthRatio = (double) shape.getWidth() / (double) shape.getXHeight();
        double heightRatio = (double) shape.getHeight() / (double) shape.getXHeight();
        // Splitting/merging shapes as required
        List<ShapeSequence> splitSequences = null;
        if (this.shapeSplitter != null && widthRatio >= minWidthRatioForSplit && heightRatio >= minHeightRatioForSplit) {
            splitSequences = shapeSplitter.split(shape);
        } else {
            // create a sequence containing only this shape
            ShapeSequence singleShapeSequence = new ShapeSequence();
            splitSequences = new ArrayList<ShapeSequence>();
        // limit the breadth to K
        int maxSequences = previousHeap.size() > this.beamWidth ? this.beamWidth : previousHeap.size();
        for (int j = 0; j < maxSequences; j++) {
            ShapeSequence history = previousHeap.poll();
            for (ShapeSequence splitSequence : splitSequences) {
                ShapeInSequence previousShapeInSequence = null;
                Shape previousShape = null;
                if (history.size() > 0) {
                    previousShapeInSequence = history.get(history.size() - 1);
                    previousShape = previousShapeInSequence.getShape();
                ShapeInSequence firstShapeInSequence = splitSequence.get(0);
                Shape firstShape = firstShapeInSequence.getShape();
                double mergeProb = 0;
                if (this.shapeMerger != null && previousShape != null) {
                    ShapePair mergeCandidate = new ShapePair(previousShape, shape);
                    double mergeCandidateWidthRatio = 0;
                    double mergeCandidateDistanceRatio = 0;
                    mergeCandidateWidthRatio = (double) mergeCandidate.getWidth() / (double) mergeCandidate.getXHeight();
                    mergeCandidateDistanceRatio = (double) mergeCandidate.getInnerDistance() / (double) mergeCandidate.getXHeight();
                    if (mergeCandidateWidthRatio <= maxWidthRatioForMerge && mergeCandidateDistanceRatio <= maxDistanceRatioForMerge) {
                        mergeProb = shapeMerger.checkMerge(previousShape, firstShape);
                if (mergeProb > 0) {
                    Shape mergedShape = shapeMerger.merge(previousShape, firstShape);
                    ShapeSequence mergedSequence = new ShapeSequence(history);
                    mergedSequence.remove(mergedSequence.size() - 1);
                    List<Shape> originalShapesForMerge = new ArrayList<Shape>();
                    mergedSequence.addShape(mergedShape, originalShapesForMerge);
                    boolean isFirstShape = true;
                    for (ShapeInSequence splitShape : splitSequence) {
                        if (!isFirstShape)
                        isFirstShape = false;
                    Decision mergeDecision = new Decision(, mergeProb);
                    for (Decision splitDecision : splitSequence.getDecisions()) mergedSequence.addDecision(splitDecision);
                if (mergeProb < 1) {
                    ShapeSequence totalSequence = new ShapeSequence(history);
                    if (mergeProb > 0) {
                        Decision mergeDecision = new Decision(, 1 - mergeProb);
                    for (Decision splitDecision : splitSequence.getDecisions()) totalSequence.addDecision(splitDecision);
                    for (ShapeInSequence splitShape : splitSequence) {
        // next split sequence for this shape
    // next history from previous heap
    // next shape in group
    List<ShapeSequence> result = new ArrayList<ShapeSequence>();
    for (int i = 0; i < this.beamWidth; i++) {
        if (heap.isEmpty())
        ShapeSequence nextSequence = heap.poll();
    return result;
Also used : Shape( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PriorityQueue(java.util.PriorityQueue) Decision(com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.Decision)


Shape ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)22 GroupOfShapes ( JochreImage ( Paragraph ( RowOfShapes ( Decision (com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.Decision)8 Test (org.junit.Test)8 JochreSession (com.joliciel.jochre.JochreSession)7 JochrePage (com.joliciel.jochre.doc.JochrePage)7 Config (com.typesafe.config.Config)7 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)7 JochreDocument (com.joliciel.jochre.doc.JochreDocument)6 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)6 ShapeInSequence (com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.ShapeInSequence)5 ShapeSequence (com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.ShapeSequence)5 GraphicsDao ( RuntimeEnvironment (com.joliciel.talismane.machineLearning.features.RuntimeEnvironment)5 SplitFeature (com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.features.SplitFeature)4 JochreException (com.joliciel.jochre.utils.JochreException)4