use of com.joliciel.talismane.AnnotatedText in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class RawTextProcessor method getProcessedText.
* Return processed text ready for sentence detection.
* It has sentence break and non-sentence-break annotations inherited from the
* present RawTextProcessor. Any sentence-break annotations added will
* automatically get reflected in the current RollingTextBlock.
* @return
public final AnnotatedText getProcessedText() {
int textStartPos = this.getTextProcessingStart();
int textEndPos = this.getTextProcessingEnd();
SentenceHolder prevHolder = this.getPreviousSentenceHolder();
SentenceHolder currentHolder = this.getCurrentSentenceHolder();
SentenceHolder nextHolder = this.getNextSentenceHolder();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String processedText1 = prevHolder.getProcessedText();
String processedText2 = currentHolder.getProcessedText();
String processedText3 = nextHolder.getProcessedText();
String processedText = sb.toString();
List<Annotation<RawTextMarker>> myAnnotations = this.getAnnotations(RawTextMarker.class);
List<Annotation<RawTextMarker>> hisAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();
int prevHolderOriginalIndex = prevHolder.getOriginalStartIndex();
for (Annotation<RawTextMarker> myAnnotation : myAnnotations) {
if ((myAnnotation.getStart() >= textStartPos && myAnnotation.getStart() < textEndPos) || ((myAnnotation.getEnd() >= textStartPos && myAnnotation.getEnd() < textEndPos))) {
int originalStart = prevHolderOriginalIndex + myAnnotation.getStart();
int originalEnd = prevHolderOriginalIndex + myAnnotation.getEnd();
int localStart = processedText1.length();
if (originalStart >= currentHolder.getOriginalStartIndex())
localStart += currentHolder.getIndex(originalStart);
int localEnd = processedText1.length() + currentHolder.getIndex(originalEnd);
Annotation<RawTextMarker> hisAnnotation = myAnnotation.getAnnotation(localStart, localEnd);
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("raw annotations: " + myAnnotations);
LOG.trace("processed annotations: " + hisAnnotations);
AnnotatedText processedTextBlock = new AnnotatedText(processedText, processedText1.length(), processedText1.length() + processedText2.length());
processedTextBlock.addObserver(new AnnotationObserver() {
// an observer which adds any annotations added to the
// processedTextBlock back to myself, at the correct position
public <T extends Serializable> void beforeAddAnnotations(AnnotatedText subject, List<Annotation<T>> annotations) {
int offset = textStartPos;
int length1 = prevHolder.getProcessedText().length();
int length2 = currentHolder.getProcessedText().length();
int sentence2HolderStart = currentHolder.getOriginalStartIndex();
List<Annotation<T>> newAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();
for (Annotation<T> annotation : annotations) {
int originalStart = -1;
if (annotation.getStart() < length1)
originalStart = prevHolder.getOriginalIndex(annotation.getStart());
else if (annotation.getStart() < length1 + length2)
originalStart = currentHolder.getOriginalIndex(annotation.getStart() - length1);
if (originalStart >= 0) {
int originalEnd = -1;
if (annotation.getEnd() <= length1 + length2)
originalEnd = currentHolder.getOriginalIndex(annotation.getEnd() - length1);
originalEnd = nextHolder.getOriginalIndex(annotation.getEnd() - (length1 + length2));
if (originalEnd >= 0) {
Annotation<T> newAnnotation = annotation.getAnnotation(originalStart - sentence2HolderStart + offset, originalEnd - sentence2HolderStart + offset);
if (annotation.getData() instanceof SentenceBoundary) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Annotation<SentenceBoundary> sentenceBoundary = (Annotation<SentenceBoundary>) annotation;
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("ProcessedTextBlock Annotations received: " + annotations);
LOG.trace("ProcessedTextBlock Annotations added: " + newAnnotations);
public <T extends Serializable> void afterAddAnnotations(AnnotatedText subject) {
return processedTextBlock;
use of com.joliciel.talismane.AnnotatedText in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class TalismaneAPIExamples method example2.
* Similar to example1, but begins with filtering and sentence detection.
public static void example2(String sessionId) throws Exception {
String text = "Les gens qui voient de travers pensent que les bancs verts qu'on voit sur les trottoirs " + "sont faits pour les impotents ou les ventripotents. " + "Mais c'est une absurdité, car, à la vérité, ils sont là, c'est notoire, " + "pour accueillir quelque temps les amours débutants.";
RawText rawText = new RawText(text, true, sessionId);
// issues (e.g. replace " with ")
for (RawTextAnnotator filter : TalismaneSession.get(sessionId).getTextAnnotators()) {
// retrieve the processed text after filters have been applied
AnnotatedText processedText = rawText.getProcessedText();
// detect sentences
SentenceDetector sentenceDetector = SentenceDetector.getInstance(sessionId);
// the detected sentences can be retrieved directly from the raw text
// this allows annotations made on the sentences to get reflected in the
// raw text
List<Sentence> sentences = rawText.getDetectedSentences();
for (Sentence sentence : sentences) {
// assignment for a given word)
for (SentenceAnnotator annotator : TalismaneSession.get(sessionId).getSentenceAnnotators()) {
// tokenise the text
Tokeniser tokeniser = Tokeniser.getInstance(sessionId);
TokenSequence tokenSequence = tokeniser.tokeniseSentence(sentence);
// pos-tag the token sequence
PosTagger posTagger = PosTaggers.getPosTagger(sessionId);
PosTagSequence posTagSequence = posTagger.tagSentence(tokenSequence);
// parse the pos-tag sequence
Parser parser = Parsers.getParser(sessionId);
ParseConfiguration parseConfiguration = parser.parseSentence(posTagSequence);
ParseTree parseTree = new ParseTree(parseConfiguration, true);
use of com.joliciel.talismane.AnnotatedText in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class RawTextTest method testGetDetectedSentences.
public void testGetDetectedSentences() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("config.file", "src/test/resources/test.conf");
final Config config = ConfigFactory.load();
final String sessionId = "test";
String[] labels = new String[0];
String text = "Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.";
RawText textBlock = new RawText(text, true, sessionId);
// we add a sentence break annotation to the raw text (as if it was
// added by a filter)
System.out.println("we add a sentence break annotation (as if it was added by a filter)");
List<Annotation<RawTextSentenceBreakMarker>> sentenceBreaks = new ArrayList<>();
sentenceBreaks.add(new Annotation<>("Sentence 1".length(), "Sentence 1<sent/>".length(), new RawTextSentenceBreakMarker("me"), labels));
List<Annotation<RawTextSkipMarker>> skips = new ArrayList<>();
skips.add(new Annotation<>("Sentence 1".length(), "Sentence 1<sent/>".length(), new RawTextSkipMarker("me"), labels));
System.out.println("textBlock text: " + textBlock.getText());
System.out.println("textBlock annotations: " + textBlock.getAnnotations().toString());
AnnotatedText processedTextBlock = textBlock.getProcessedText();
assertEquals("Sentence 1 Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.", processedTextBlock.getText());
// add sentence boundaries to the processed text (as if they were added
// by a sentence detector)
System.out.println("add sentence boundaries to the processed text (as if they were added by a sentence detector)");
List<Annotation<SentenceBoundary>> sentenceBoundaries = new ArrayList<>();
sentenceBoundaries.add(new Annotation<>("Sentence 1".length(), "Sentence 1 Sentence 2.".length(), new SentenceBoundary(), labels));
sentenceBoundaries.add(new Annotation<>("Sentence 1 Sentence 2.".length(), "Sentence 1 Sentence 2. Sentence 3.".length(), new SentenceBoundary(), labels));
assertEquals("Sentence 1 Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.", processedTextBlock.getText());
System.out.println("textBlock text: " + textBlock.getText());
System.out.println("textBlock annotations: " + textBlock.getAnnotations().toString());
// ensure that the sentence boundary annotations in the original text
// are in the right place
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.", textBlock.getText());
sentenceBoundaries = textBlock.getAnnotations(SentenceBoundary.class);
assertEquals(2, sentenceBoundaries.size());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>".length(), sentenceBoundaries.get(0).getStart());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2.".length(), sentenceBoundaries.get(0).getEnd());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2.".length(), sentenceBoundaries.get(1).getStart());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2. Sentence 3.".length(), sentenceBoundaries.get(1).getEnd());
List<Sentence> sentences = textBlock.getDetectedSentences();
System.out.println("sentences: " + sentences.toString());
assertEquals(4, sentences.size());
assertEquals("Sentence 1", sentences.get(0).getText());
assertEquals("".length(), sentences.get(0).getOriginalIndex(0));
assertEquals("Sentence 2.", sentences.get(1).getText());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>".length(), sentences.get(1).getOriginalIndex(0));
assertEquals("Sentence 3.", sentences.get(2).getText());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2. ".length(), sentences.get(2).getOriginalIndex(0));
assertEquals("Sentence 4.", sentences.get(3).getText());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2. Sentence 3. ".length(), sentences.get(3).getOriginalIndex(0));
// test that sentence annotations get added to the original raw text
Sentence sentence4 = sentences.get(3);
List<Annotation<String>> annotations = new ArrayList<>();
annotations.add(new Annotation<String>("Sentence ".length(), "Sentence 4".length(), "four", labels));
annotations = textBlock.getAnnotations(String.class);
assertEquals(1, annotations.size());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence ".length(), annotations.get(0).getStart());
assertEquals("Sentence 1<sent/>Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4".length(), annotations.get(0).getEnd());
use of com.joliciel.talismane.AnnotatedText in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class RegexMarkerFilterTest method testApply.
public void testApply() throws Exception {
RawTextRegexAnnotator filter = new RawTextRegexAnnotator(RawTextMarkType.SKIP, "<skip>.*?</skip>", 0, 1000);
AnnotatedText text = new AnnotatedText("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>mal à le croire.<skip>skip me</skip>");
List<Annotation<RawTextSkipMarker>> skips = text.getAnnotations(RawTextSkipMarker.class);
assertEquals(2, skips.size());
int i = 0;
for (Annotation<RawTextSkipMarker> skip : skips) {
if (i == 0) {
assertEquals("J'ai du ".length(), skip.getStart());
assertEquals("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>".length(), skip.getEnd());
} else if (i == 2) {
assertEquals("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>mal à le croire.".length(), skip.getStart());
assertEquals("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>mal à le croire.<skip>skip me</skip>".length(), skip.getEnd());
use of com.joliciel.talismane.AnnotatedText in project talismane by joliciel-informatique.
the class RegexMarkerFilterTest method testTag.
public void testTag() throws Exception {
RawTextRegexAnnotator filter = new RawTextRegexAnnotator(RawTextMarkType.TAG, "<skip>(.*?)</skip>", 0, 1000);
filter.setAttribute(new StringAttribute("TAG1", "x"));
AnnotatedText text = new AnnotatedText("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>mal à le croire.<skip>skip this</skip>");
List<Annotation<StringAttribute>> attributes = text.getAnnotations(StringAttribute.class);
assertEquals(2, attributes.size());
int i = 0;
for (Annotation<StringAttribute> attribute : attributes) {
if (i == 0) {
assertEquals("J'ai du ".length(), attribute.getStart());
assertEquals("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>".length(), attribute.getEnd());
assertEquals("TAG1", attribute.getData().getKey());
assertEquals("x", attribute.getData().getValue());
} else if (i == 1) {
assertEquals("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>mal à le croire.".length(), attribute.getStart());
assertEquals("J'ai du <skip>skip me</skip>mal à le croire.<skip>skip this</skip>".length(), attribute.getEnd());
assertEquals("TAG1", attribute.getData().getKey());
assertEquals("x", attribute.getData().getValue());