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Example 21 with BridgeTest

use of com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest in project liferay-faces-bridge-impl by liferay.

the class EncodeActionURLTests method encodeActionURLWithInvalidWindowStateRenderTest.

// Test is MultiRequest -- Render/Action
// Test #6.22
@BridgeTest(test = "encodeActionURLWithInvalidWindowStateRenderTest")
public String encodeActionURLWithInvalidWindowStateRenderTest(TestBean testBean) {
    // This tests that we can encode an invalid window state in an actionURL done by navigation rule.
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if (BridgeUtil.getPortletRequestPhase(facesContext) == Bridge.PortletPhase.ACTION_PHASE) {
        PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest) facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest();
        // Parameter/Mode encoded in the faces-config.xml target
        WindowState windowState = portletRequest.getWindowState();
        // Check that the parameter came along too
        String paramValue = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("param1");
        if ((windowState == null) || !windowState.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("normal")) {
            testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded the invalid window state.  The resulting request should have ignored the invalid window state and remained in 'normal' mode.");
        } else if (paramValue == null) {
            testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded a portlet action URL containing an invalid window state and parameter.  The resulting request didn't contain the expected 'param1' parameter.");
        } else if (!paramValue.equals("testValue")) {
            testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded a portlet action URL containing an invalid window state and parameter.  The resulting request contained the wrong parameter value. Expected: testValue  Received: " + paramValue);
        } else {
            testBean.setTestResult(true, "encodeActionURL correctly encoded a portlet action URL by ignoring the invalid window state and properly encoding the parameter.");
        // action Navigation result
        return "encodeActionURLWithInvalidWindowStateRenderTest";
    } else {
        if (testBean.getTestStatus()) {
            return Constants.TEST_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
Also used : WindowState(javax.portlet.WindowState) FacesContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) PortletRequest(javax.portlet.PortletRequest) BridgeTest(com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest)

Example 22 with BridgeTest

use of com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest in project liferay-faces-bridge-impl by liferay.

the class EncodeActionURLTests method encodeActionURLWithParamActionTest.

// Test is MultiRequest -- Render/Action
// Test #6.17
@BridgeTest(test = "encodeActionURLWithParamActionTest")
public String encodeActionURLWithParamActionTest(TestBean testBean) {
    // This tests that we can encode a new name=value parameter in an actionURL done by navigation rule.
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if (BridgeUtil.getPortletRequestPhase(facesContext) == Bridge.PortletPhase.ACTION_PHASE) {
        // action Navigation result
        return "encodeActionURLWithParamActionTest";
    } else {
        // Parameter encoded in the faces-config.xml target
        String paramValue = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("param1");
        if ((paramValue != null) && paramValue.equals("testValue")) {
            testBean.setTestResult(true, "encodeActionURL correctly encoded a portlet action URL containing a parameter.");
            return Constants.TEST_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            if (paramValue == null) {
                testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded a portlet action URL containing a parameter.  The resulting request didn't contain the expected 'param1' parameter.");
            } else {
                testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded a portlet action URL containing a parameter.  The resulting request contained the wrong parameter value. Expected: testValue  Received: " + paramValue);
        return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
Also used : FacesContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) BridgeTest(com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest)

Example 23 with BridgeTest

use of com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest in project liferay-faces-bridge-impl by liferay.

the class EncodeActionURLTests method encodeActionURLWithInvalidSecurityRenderTest.

// Test is MultiRequest -- Render/Action
// Test #6.24
@BridgeTest(test = "encodeActionURLWithInvalidSecurityRenderTest")
public String encodeActionURLWithInvalidSecurityRenderTest(TestBean testBean) {
    // This tests that we can encode an invalid security state in an actionURL done by navigation rule.
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if (BridgeUtil.getPortletRequestPhase(facesContext) == Bridge.PortletPhase.ACTION_PHASE) {
        PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest) facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest();
        // Check that the parameter came along too
        String paramValue = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("param1");
        if (portletRequest.isSecure()) {
            testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded an invalid portlet security state.  The resulting request wasn't in the expected 'non-secure' mode.");
            return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
        } else if (paramValue == null) {
            testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded a portlet action URL containing an invalid security state and parameter.  The resulting request didn't contain the expected 'param1' parameter.");
            return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
        } else if (!paramValue.equals("testValue")) {
            testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL incorrectly encoded a portlet action URL containing an invalid security state and parameter.  The resulting request contained the wrong parameter value. Expected: testValue  Received: " + paramValue);
            return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
        } else {
            testBean.setTestResult(true, "encodeActionURL correctly encoded a portlet action URL ontaining an invalid security state and parameter.");
        // action Navigation result
        return "encodeActionURLWithInvalidSecurityRenderTest";
    } else {
        if (testBean.getTestStatus()) {
            return Constants.TEST_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
Also used : FacesContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) PortletRequest(javax.portlet.PortletRequest) BridgeTest(com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest)

Example 24 with BridgeTest

use of com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest in project liferay-faces-bridge-impl by liferay.

the class EncodeActionURLTests method encodeActionURLDirectLinkFalseTest.

// Test is SingleRequest -- Render only
// Test #6.7
@BridgeTest(test = "encodeActionURLDirectLinkFalseTest")
public String encodeActionURLDirectLinkFalseTest(TestBean testBean) {
    final String DIRECTLINK_FALSE_TEST_STRING = "/test.jsp?firstParam=value&javax.portlet.faces.DirectLink=false&anotherParam=value";
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
    String testString = externalContext.getRequestContextPath() + DIRECTLINK_FALSE_TEST_STRING;
    if (!externalContext.encodeActionURL(testString).contains("javax.portlet.faces.DirectLink")) {
        testBean.setTestResult(true, "encodeActionURL correctly returned an url string without the javax.portlet.faces.DirectLink parameter when its value was false.");
        return Constants.TEST_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL didn't return an url string without the javax.portlet.faces.DirectLink parameter when its value was false.  Test parameter: " + testString + " and encodeActionURL returned: " + externalContext.encodeActionURL(testString));
        return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
Also used : FacesContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) ExternalContext(javax.faces.context.ExternalContext) BridgeTest(com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest)

Example 25 with BridgeTest

use of com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest in project liferay-faces-bridge-impl by liferay.

the class EncodeActionURLTests method encodeActionURLJSFViewActionTest.

// Test is MultiRequest -- Render/Action
// Test #6.10
@BridgeTest(test = "encodeActionURLJSFViewActionTest")
public String encodeActionURLJSFViewActionTest(TestBean testBean) {
    // If this method is reached in the ACTION_PHASE of the portlet lifecycle then the initial render of TestPage091
    // must have rendered a form with a postback URL that correctly caused the RESTORE_VIEW phase to restore
    // viewId=multiRequestTest.xhtml (meaning, the viewId must have been encoded in a BridgeURL found in the form's
    // "action" attribute).
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if (BridgeUtil.getPortletRequestPhase(facesContext) == Bridge.PortletPhase.ACTION_PHASE) {
        // action Navigation result
        return "encodeActionURLJSFViewActionTest";
    } else // Otherwise, if this method is reached in the HEADER_PHASE of the portlet lifecycle then the bridge executed a
    // navigation-rule to viewId=multiRequestTestResultRenderCheck.xhtml in order to display the test results. This
    // verifies that the action BridgeURL created in the ACTION_PHASE correctly encoded the viewId (and if client
    // window mode is enabled, the "jsfwid" parameter as well).
        ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
        Map<String, String> requestParameterMap = externalContext.getRequestParameterMap();
        String clientWindowParam = requestParameterMap.get(ResponseStateManager.CLIENT_WINDOW_URL_PARAM);
        String customClientWindowParam = requestParameterMap.get(ClientWindowTestUtil.TCK_CUSTOM_CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM_NAME);
        if (ClientWindowTestUtil.isClientWindowEnabled(externalContext)) {
            String clientWindowId = ClientWindowTestUtil.getClientWindowId(externalContext);
            if ((clientWindowParam != null) && (clientWindowParam.length() > 0)) {
                if (clientWindowParam.equals(clientWindowId)) {
                    if (ClientWindowTestUtil.TCK_CUSTOM_CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM_VALUE.equals(customClientWindowParam)) {
                        testBean.setTestResult(true, "encodeActionURL correctly encoded the viewId in the ACTION_PHASE of the portlet " + "lifecycle and " + ResponseStateManager.CLIENT_WINDOW_URL_PARAM + " request parameter value=[" + clientWindowParam + "] is equal to ClientWindow.getId()." + "It also included the expected custom client window parameter.");
                    } else {
                        testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL returned a URL that did NOT include the request parameter name=[" + ClientWindowTestUtil.TCK_CUSTOM_CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM_NAME + "] expected value=[" + ClientWindowTestUtil.TCK_CUSTOM_CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM_VALUE + "] actual value=[" + customClientWindowParam);
                } else {
                    testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL returned a URL such that the " + ResponseStateManager.CLIENT_WINDOW_URL_PARAM + " request parameter value=[" + clientWindowParam + "] did NOT equal ClientWindow.getId()=[" + clientWindowId + "].");
            } else {
                testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL returned a URL that contained a null value for the " + ResponseStateManager.CLIENT_WINDOW_URL_PARAM + " request parameter.");
        } else {
            if (clientWindowParam == null) {
                if (customClientWindowParam == null) {
                    testBean.setTestResult(true, "encodeActionURL correctly encoded the viewId in the ACTION_PHASE of the portlet " + " lifecycle and did NOT include the " + ResponseStateManager.CLIENT_WINDOW_URL_PARAM + " and " + ClientWindowTestUtil.TCK_CUSTOM_CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM_NAME + " parameters.");
                } else {
                    testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL returned a URL that did included the request parameter name=[" + ClientWindowTestUtil.TCK_CUSTOM_CLIENT_WINDOW_PARAM_NAME + "] value=[" + customClientWindowParam);
            } else {
                testBean.setTestResult(false, "encodeActionURL returned a URL that incorrectly included the " + ResponseStateManager.CLIENT_WINDOW_URL_PARAM + " request parameter with value=[" + clientWindowParam + "] even though the client window feature is disabled.");
        if (testBean.getTestStatus()) {
            return Constants.TEST_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            return Constants.TEST_FAILED;
Also used : FacesContext(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) ExternalContext(javax.faces.context.ExternalContext) BridgeTest(com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest)


BridgeTest (com.liferay.faces.bridge.tck.annotation.BridgeTest)204 FacesContext (javax.faces.context.FacesContext)201 ExternalContext (javax.faces.context.ExternalContext)166 PortletRequest (javax.portlet.PortletRequest)40 StateAwareResponse (javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse)26 QName (javax.xml.namespace.QName)26 Bridge (javax.portlet.faces.Bridge)19 Map (java.util.Map)17 PortletContext (javax.portlet.PortletContext)10 MimeResponse (javax.portlet.MimeResponse)9 RenderRequest (javax.portlet.RenderRequest)9 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)8 Locale (java.util.Locale)8 PortletMode (javax.portlet.PortletMode)7 WindowState (javax.portlet.WindowState)7 ELResolver (javax.el.ELResolver)6 IOException ( ELContext (javax.el.ELContext)5 ViewHandler (javax.faces.application.ViewHandler)5 UIViewRoot (javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot)5