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Example 16 with ItemEffect

use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.

the class NPC method generateFetishPotion.

 * Example return value: ["Let's see if you don't enjoy sucking my dick after this!", AbstractItem]
 * @return NPC's speech as a reaction to giving you this potion, along with the potion itself.
public Value<String, AbstractItem> generateFetishPotion(Boolean pairedFetishesOnly) {
    // this will be the ultimately selected effect, or null if none available
    ItemEffect selectedEffect = null;
    // this will be a flavor text string paired with the effect
    String selectedEffectString;
    Map<ItemEffect, Integer> possibleEffects = new HashMap<>();
    AbstractItemType itemType = ItemType.FETISH_UNREFINED;
    Fetish currentTopFetish = null, currentBottomFetish = null;
    TFModifier currentTopModifier = null, currentBottomModifier = null;
    TFPotency currentTopPotency = null, currentBottomPotency = null, currentTopRemovePotency = null, currentBottomRemovePotency = null;
    int baseTopChance = 5, baseBottomChance = 5, baseTopRemoveChance = 0, baseBottomRemoveChance = 0;
    int currentTopChance = 0, currentBottomChance = 0, currentTopRemoveChance = 0, currentBottomRemoveChance = 0;
    int pairedFetishMultiplier = 5;
    // heavy tendency can still allow small chance giving a matched fetish, otherwise no chance at all
    int matchedFetishDecrement = 8;
    // only a modest increase in chances to matched fetish
    int matchedFetishRemoveIncrement = 1;
    // for now, keeping it simple, only modifying add chances based on desires, one increment (or decrement) per level
    int desiredFetishIncrement = 2;
    // for now, keeping it simple, only modifying add chances based on exp, one increment per level
    int expFetishIncrement = 1;
    switch(Main.getProperties().forcedFetishTendency) {
        case NEUTRAL:
            baseTopChance = 5;
            baseBottomChance = 5;
            baseTopRemoveChance = 2;
            baseBottomRemoveChance = 2;
        case BOTTOM:
            baseTopChance = 1;
            baseBottomChance = 8;
            baseTopRemoveChance = 3;
            baseBottomRemoveChance = 0;
        case BOTTOM_HEAVY:
            baseTopChance = -2;
            baseBottomChance = 10;
            baseTopRemoveChance = 4;
            baseBottomRemoveChance = -1;
        case TOP:
            baseTopChance = 8;
            baseBottomChance = 1;
            baseTopRemoveChance = 0;
            baseBottomRemoveChance = 3;
        case TOP_HEAVY:
            baseTopChance = 10;
            baseBottomChance = -2;
            baseTopRemoveChance = -1;
            baseBottomRemoveChance = 4;
    // map of top -> bottom paired fetishes; NPCs with a paired fetish will greatly favor
    // giving the player it's pair, and remove that fetish if there is a match
    Map<Fetish, Fetish> pairedFetishMap = new HashMap<>();
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_ANAL_GIVING, Fetish.FETISH_ANAL_RECEIVING);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_BREASTS_OTHERS, Fetish.FETISH_BREASTS_SELF);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_ORAL_RECEIVING, Fetish.FETISH_ORAL_GIVING);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_LEG_LOVER, Fetish.FETISH_STRUTTER);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_DOMINANT, Fetish.FETISH_SUBMISSIVE);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_CUM_STUD, Fetish.FETISH_CUM_ADDICT);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_DEFLOWERING, Fetish.FETISH_PURE_VIRGIN);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_IMPREGNATION, Fetish.FETISH_PREGNANCY);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_SEEDER, Fetish.FETISH_BROODMOTHER);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_SADIST, Fetish.FETISH_MASOCHIST);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_NON_CON_DOM, Fetish.FETISH_NON_CON_SUB);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_DENIAL, Fetish.FETISH_DENIAL_SELF);
    pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_VOYEURIST, Fetish.FETISH_EXHIBITIONIST);
    // out of the list entirely, but for now let's have them in there
    if (!pairedFetishesOnly) {
        pairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_KINK_GIVING, Fetish.FETISH_KINK_RECEIVING);
    for (Entry<Fetish, Fetish> entry : pairedFetishMap.entrySet()) {
        currentTopFetish = entry.getKey();
        currentBottomFetish = entry.getValue();
        currentTopModifier = TFModifier.valueOf("TF_MOD_" + currentTopFetish);
        currentBottomModifier = TFModifier.valueOf("TF_MOD_" + currentBottomFetish);
        currentTopPotency = TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST;
        currentBottomPotency = TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST;
        currentTopRemovePotency = TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN;
        currentBottomRemovePotency = TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN;
        currentTopChance = baseTopChance;
        currentBottomChance = baseBottomChance;
        currentTopRemoveChance = baseTopRemoveChance;
        currentBottomRemoveChance = baseBottomRemoveChance;
        // Increase base add chances based on NPC's desire levels for these fetishes
        switch(this.getFetishDesire(currentBottomFetish)) {
            case THREE_LIKE:
                currentTopChance += desiredFetishIncrement;
            case FOUR_LOVE:
                currentTopChance += desiredFetishIncrement * 2;
            case ONE_DISLIKE:
                currentTopChance -= desiredFetishIncrement;
            case ZERO_HATE:
                currentTopChance = 0;
        switch(this.getFetishDesire(currentTopFetish)) {
            case THREE_LIKE:
                currentBottomChance += desiredFetishIncrement;
            case FOUR_LOVE:
                currentBottomChance += desiredFetishIncrement * 2;
            case ONE_DISLIKE:
                currentBottomChance -= desiredFetishIncrement;
            case ZERO_HATE:
                currentBottomChance = 0;
        // Increase base add chances based on NPC's experience levels for these fetishes
        switch(this.getFetishLevel(currentBottomFetish)) {
            case ONE_AMATEUR:
                currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement;
            case TWO_EXPERIENCED:
                currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement * 2;
            case THREE_EXPERT:
                currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement * 3;
            case FOUR_MASTERFUL:
                currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement * 4;
        switch(this.getFetishLevel(currentTopFetish)) {
            case ONE_AMATEUR:
                currentBottomChance += expFetishIncrement;
            case TWO_EXPERIENCED:
                currentBottomChance += expFetishIncrement * 2;
            case THREE_EXPERT:
                currentBottomChance += expFetishIncrement * 3;
            case FOUR_MASTERFUL:
                currentBottomChance += expFetishIncrement * 4;
        // set chances if NPC has top fetish
        if (this.hasFetish(currentTopFetish)) {
            currentBottomChance *= pairedFetishMultiplier;
            currentTopChance -= matchedFetishDecrement;
            currentBottomRemoveChance = 0;
            if (!pairedFetishesOnly) {
                currentTopRemoveChance += matchedFetishRemoveIncrement;
        } else if (pairedFetishesOnly) {
            currentBottomChance = 0;
            // in paired only mode, we're only adding fetishes
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
            currentBottomRemoveChance = 0;
        // set chances if NPC has bottom fetish
        if (this.hasFetish(currentBottomFetish)) {
            currentTopChance *= pairedFetishMultiplier;
            currentBottomChance -= matchedFetishDecrement;
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
            if (!pairedFetishesOnly) {
                currentBottomRemoveChance += matchedFetishRemoveIncrement;
        } else if (pairedFetishesOnly) {
            currentTopChance = 0;
            // in paired only mode, we're only adding fetishes
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
            currentBottomRemoveChance = 0;
        // if player has positive bottom fetish desire, adjust potency level to fully add fetish, not just desire
        if ( == FetishDesire.THREE_LIKE || == FetishDesire.FOUR_LOVE) {
            currentBottomPotency = TFPotency.BOOST;
        } else if ( == FetishDesire.TWO_NEUTRAL) {
            int rand = Util.random.nextInt(100);
            // if the player is neutral, but the NPC has fetish,small chance to fully add rather than just boost desire
            if (this.hasFetish(currentTopFetish) && rand < 30) {
                currentBottomPotency = TFPotency.BOOST;
        } else {
            // if they are already less than neutral, don't remove any more
            currentBottomRemoveChance = 0;
        // prevent extraneous effects if player has bottom fetish, plus alter remove potency to drop fetish, not just desire
        if ( {
            currentBottomChance = 0;
            currentBottomRemovePotency = TFPotency.DRAIN;
        // if player has positive top fetish desire, adjust potency level to fully add fetish, not just desire
        if ( == FetishDesire.THREE_LIKE || == FetishDesire.FOUR_LOVE) {
            currentTopPotency = TFPotency.BOOST;
        } else if ( == FetishDesire.TWO_NEUTRAL) {
            int rand = Util.random.nextInt(100);
            // if the player is neutral, but the NPC has paired fetish,small chance to fully add rather than just boost desire
            if (this.hasFetish(currentBottomFetish) && rand < 30) {
                currentTopPotency = TFPotency.BOOST;
        } else {
            // if they are already less than neutral, don't remove any more
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
        // prevent extraneous effects if player has top fetish, plus alter remove potency to drop fetish, not just desire
        if ( {
            currentTopChance = 0;
            currentTopRemovePotency = TFPotency.DRAIN;
        // some settings and status combinations can create negative values, so let's zero those out
        if (currentTopChance < 0) {
            currentTopChance = 0;
        if (currentBottomChance < 0) {
            currentBottomChance = 0;
        if (currentTopRemoveChance < 0) {
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
        if (currentBottomRemoveChance < 0) {
            currentBottomRemoveChance = 0;
        if (currentTopChance > 0) {
            possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.NONE, currentTopModifier, currentTopPotency, 1), currentTopChance);
        if (currentTopRemoveChance > 0) {
            possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.NONE, currentTopModifier, currentTopRemovePotency, 1), currentTopRemoveChance);
        if (currentBottomChance > 0) {
            possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.NONE, currentBottomModifier, currentBottomPotency, 1), currentBottomChance);
        if (currentBottomRemoveChance > 0) {
            possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.NONE, currentBottomModifier, currentBottomRemovePotency, 1), currentBottomRemoveChance);
    // map of unpaired fetish -> boolean stating whether it wants to be shared, or hoarded
    // currently, all unpaired fetishes seem like they are something the owner would want to share,
    // but setting the second argument to false will cause the NPC to instead have an aversion to
    // giving the player the same fetish
    Map<Fetish, Boolean> unpairedFetishMap = new HashMap<>();
    unpairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_BIMBO, true);
    unpairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_CROSS_DRESSER, true);
    unpairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_INCEST, true);
    unpairedFetishMap.put(Fetish.FETISH_MASTURBATION, true);
    for (Entry<Fetish, Boolean> entry : unpairedFetishMap.entrySet()) {
        currentTopFetish = entry.getKey();
        Boolean wantsToShare = entry.getValue();
        currentTopModifier = TFModifier.valueOf("TF_MOD_" + currentTopFetish);
        currentTopPotency = TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST;
        currentTopRemovePotency = TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN;
        currentTopChance = baseTopChance;
        currentTopRemoveChance = baseTopRemoveChance;
        if (wantsToShare) {
            // Increase base add chances based on NPC's experience levels for this fetishes
            switch(this.getFetishDesire(currentTopFetish)) {
                case THREE_LIKE:
                    currentTopChance += desiredFetishIncrement;
                case FOUR_LOVE:
                    currentTopChance += desiredFetishIncrement * 2;
                case ONE_DISLIKE:
                    currentTopChance -= desiredFetishIncrement;
                case ZERO_HATE:
                    currentTopChance = 0;
            // Increase base add chances based on NPC's experience levels for this fetishes
            switch(this.getFetishLevel(currentTopFetish)) {
                case ONE_AMATEUR:
                    currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement;
                case TWO_EXPERIENCED:
                    currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement * 2;
                case THREE_EXPERT:
                    currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement * 3;
                case FOUR_MASTERFUL:
                    currentTopChance += expFetishIncrement * 4;
        // set chances if NPC has top fetish
        if (this.hasFetish(currentTopFetish)) {
            if (wantsToShare) {
                currentTopChance *= pairedFetishMultiplier;
                currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
            } else if (pairedFetishesOnly) {
                currentTopChance = 0;
            } else {
                currentTopChance -= matchedFetishDecrement;
                currentTopRemoveChance += matchedFetishRemoveIncrement;
        } else if (pairedFetishesOnly && wantsToShare) {
            currentTopChance = 0;
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
        // if player has positive top fetish desire, adjust potency level to fully add fetish, not just desire
        if ( == FetishDesire.THREE_LIKE || == FetishDesire.FOUR_LOVE) {
            currentTopPotency = TFPotency.BOOST;
        } else if ( == FetishDesire.TWO_NEUTRAL) {
            int rand = Util.random.nextInt(100);
            // if the player is neutral, but the NPC has paired fetish,small chance to fully add rather than just boost desire
            if (wantsToShare && this.hasFetish(currentBottomFetish) && rand < 30) {
                currentTopPotency = TFPotency.BOOST;
        } else {
            // if they are already less than neutral, don't remove any more
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
        // prevent extraneous effects if player has top fetish, plus alter remove potency to drop fetish, not just desire
        if ( {
            currentTopChance = 0;
            currentTopRemovePotency = TFPotency.DRAIN;
        // some setting and status combos can result in negative values, so let's zero those out
        if (currentTopChance < 0) {
            currentTopChance = 0;
        if (currentTopRemoveChance < 0) {
            currentTopRemoveChance = 0;
        if (currentTopChance > 0) {
            possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.NONE, currentTopModifier, currentTopPotency, 1), currentTopChance);
        if (currentTopRemoveChance > 0) {
            possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.NONE, currentTopModifier, currentTopRemovePotency, 1), currentTopRemoveChance);
    // randomly select from possible effects
    int total = 0;
    for (Entry<ItemEffect, Integer> entry : possibleEffects.entrySet()) {
        total += entry.getValue();
    // no valid options found
    if (total == 0) {
        return null;
    int count = Util.random.nextInt(total) + 1;
    total = 0;
    for (Entry<ItemEffect, Integer> entry : possibleEffects.entrySet()) {
        if (total < count && total + entry.getValue() >= count) {
            selectedEffect = entry.getKey();
        total += entry.getValue();
    // no fetish to add, so we have nothing to return
    if (selectedEffect == null) {
        return null;
    // Let's figure out what flavor text string to pair with our selected effect
    // I'm VERY uncertain that you'll like any of this flavor text at all, so please feel free to modify as you see fit
    // Some of it I do like, but mostly I just wanted to be sure there were unique placeholder values for every current fetish
    // Also, simply removing/commenting out an entry will cause the fetish in question to go to the default, if you'd like
    // to get rid of one of my placeholders without having to write your own replacement
    Map<TFModifier, String> fetishAddFlavorText = new HashMap<>(), fetishRemoveFlavorText = new HashMap<>();
    String defaultFetishAddFlavorText = "Why not expand your horizons a bit, eh?";
    String defaultFetishRemoveFlavorText = "Maybe you should cool down a bit about the more extreme stuff, eh?.";
    // body part
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ANAL_GIVING, "You're going to love doing it in the ass after this.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ANAL_GIVING, "Maybe you should cool down a bit about fucking people in the ass.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ANAL_RECEIVING, "You're going to love taking it in the ass after this.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ANAL_RECEIVING, "Maybe you should cool down a bit about getting fucked in the ass.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BREASTS_OTHERS, "Don't you just love a nice pair of tits?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BREASTS_OTHERS, "You're way too into breasts.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BREASTS_SELF, "Wouldn't you love to put your breasts to good use?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BREASTS_SELF, "You're way too into your breasts.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ORAL_GIVING, "That beautiful mouth of yours is about to get a lot more use");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ORAL_GIVING, "You don't really need to suck every cock you come across, do you?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ORAL_RECEIVING, "Don't you just love getting head?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_ORAL_RECEIVING, "Not everyone enjoys getting fucked in the face, you know.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_VAGINAL_GIVING, "Nothing quite compares to fucking a wet pussy, right?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_VAGINAL_GIVING, "There's more to sex than just pussy. Expand your horizons a bit.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_VAGINAL_RECEIVING, "When it comes down to it, you just want to get fucked in the pussy, right?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_VAGINAL_RECEIVING, "There's more to sex than just pussy. Expand your horizons a bit.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_LEG_LOVER, "A nice pair of stems makes all the difference, right?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_LEG_LOVER, "Maybe focus a bit more on what's above the waist -- or at least around the hips?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_STRUTTER, "You've got legs that don't quit -- you really ought to use them");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_STRUTTER, "Maybe focus a bit more on what's above your waist -- or at least around the hips?");
    // Behavioral
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DOMINANT, "Don't you think you deserve to be the one in charge?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DOMINANT, "You're really not as intimidating as you think.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_SUBMISSIVE, "Give in to it, and admit that you want nothing more than to be my plaything.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_SUBMISSIVE, "Sometimes it's nice to get what you want too, right?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_CUM_STUD, "Nothing really compares to filling a juicy hole hole with your seed, right?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_CUM_STUD, "Sex should be about the journey, not the destination.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_CUM_ADDICT, "I know a dirty little cum dumpster when I see one.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_CUM_ADDICT, "You can be more than a receptacle for other people's jizz if you want, you know.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DEFLOWERING, "There's something special about being the first to the party, right?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DEFLOWERING, "Trust me, it's a lot more fun when they have a bit of experience.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_PURE_VIRGIN, "You should treasure whatever innocence you have left while it lasts.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_PURE_VIRGIN, "Fuck virginity. You'll have a lot more fun doing it than having it.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_IMPREGNATION, "A stud like you really ought to be breeding as many bitches as you can");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_IMPREGNATION, "Get over yourself. No one wants to have your baby.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_PREGNANCY, "Being fucked is nice, but being bred is better, isn't it?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_PREGNANCY, "Being knocked up is a bit of a drag, don't you think?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_SEEDER, "You ought to be making babies, and lots of them.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_SEEDER, "You don't really need more mouths to feed, do you?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BROODMOTHER, "You ought to be making babies, and lots of them.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BROODMOTHER, "You don't really need more mouths to feed, do you?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_SADIST, "Isn't it nice when you hurt them and they beg for more?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_SADIST, "Not everyone likes being your punching bag.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_MASOCHIST, "It's time for you to embrace the pain. You'll thank me later.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_MASOCHIST, "You should really take better care of yourself.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_NON_CON_DOM, "When they beg for you to stop it just drives you crazy, doesn't it?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_NON_CON_DOM, "Most of the time, no really means no.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_NON_CON_SUB, "Every time you say 'no' I can see 'fuck me harder' in your eyes.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_NON_CON_SUB, "You really can get off without being forced to, believe it or not.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DENIAL, "The only thing better than coming is telling your partner they can't, right?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DENIAL, "If they're willing to fuck you, at least let them come once in a while.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DENIAL_SELF, "Where's the fun in coming right away? Wouldn't you rather savor the experience?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_DENIAL_SELF, "What's the point if you aren't getting off?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_VOYEURIST, "Sometimes it's just fun to watch, isn't it?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_VOYEURIST, "Privacy is a thing worth respecting.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_EXHIBITIONIST, "You've got it -- you should flaunt it");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_EXHIBITIONIST, "Not everyone wants to see what you've got to offer.");
    // Behavioral unpaired
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BIMBO, "I think it's time you embraced your inner braindead slut.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_BIMBO, "Maybe have just a little self respect?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_CROSS_DRESSER, "You should wear what you want, and enjoy it.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_CROSS_DRESSER, "It wouldn't kill you to be a bit more reserved.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_MASTURBATION, "Nobody knows your body quite like you do, right?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_MASTURBATION, "Maybe you should think getting your hands on someone else's junk once in a while?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_INCEST, "You know it wouldn't be a taboo if it wasn't at least a little bit fun.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_INCEST, "You what? Gross.");
    // Behavioral transformative
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_TRANSFORMATION_GIVING, "You strike me as someone who should be an agent of change.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_TRANSFORMATION_GIVING, "You should really just let people be who they are.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_TRANSFORMATION_RECEIVING, "Don't you just love becoming something new?");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_TRANSFORMATION_RECEIVING, "I think you're good just as you are.");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_KINK_GIVING, "You're into so many interesting things -- you really should share them with others.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_KINK_GIVING, "Just let people enjoy what they enjoy, okay?");
    fetishAddFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_KINK_RECEIVING, "You strike me as someone who would really enjoy trying new things.");
    fetishRemoveFlavorText.put(TFModifier.TF_MOD_FETISH_KINK_RECEIVING, "I think you're already excitable enough as it is.");
    if (selectedEffect.getPotency() == TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST || selectedEffect.getPotency() == TFPotency.BOOST) {
        // default for adding a fetish, just in case a fetish is somehow selected without a string defined in the lookup
        selectedEffectString = defaultFetishAddFlavorText;
        if (fetishAddFlavorText.get(selectedEffect.getSecondaryModifier()) != null) {
            selectedEffectString = fetishAddFlavorText.get(selectedEffect.getSecondaryModifier());
    } else {
        // default for removing a fetish, just in case a fetish is somehow selected without a string defined in the lookup
        selectedEffectString = defaultFetishRemoveFlavorText;
        if (fetishRemoveFlavorText.get(selectedEffect.getSecondaryModifier()) != null) {
            selectedEffectString = fetishRemoveFlavorText.get(selectedEffect.getSecondaryModifier());
    // finally, build and return our fetish potion
    List<ItemEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>();
    return new Value<>(selectedEffectString, EnchantingUtils.craftItem(AbstractItemType.generateItem(itemType), effects));
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AbstractItemType( TFModifier( Fetish( TFPotency( ListValue(com.lilithsthrone.utils.Util.ListValue) Value(com.lilithsthrone.utils.Util.Value) ItemEffect(

Example 17 with ItemEffect

use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.

the class NPC method generateTransformativePotion.

 * Example return value: ["Let's give you bigger breasts!", AbstractItem]
 * @return NPC's speech as a reaction to giving you this potion, along with the potion itself.
public Value<String, AbstractItem> generateTransformativePotion() {
    /* TODO
		 * Body Size
		 * Muscle mass
		 * Penis modifiers
		 * Vagina modifiers
		 * Throat modifiers
    int numberOfTransformations = ? 2 + Util.random.nextInt(7) : 1 + Util.random.nextInt(4);
    List<ItemEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>();
    AbstractItemType itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_HUMAN;
    String reaction = "Time to transform you!";
    String raceName = "human";
    if (Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.HUMAN) {
        if (getPreferredBody().getGender().isFeminine()) {
            raceName = getPreferredBody().getGender().getName() + " " + getPreferredBody().getSubspecies().getSingularFemaleName();
        } else {
            raceName = getPreferredBody().getGender().getName() + " " + getPreferredBody().getSubspecies().getSingularMaleName();
        switch(getPreferredBody().getRace()) {
            case CAT_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_CAT_MORPH;
                reaction = "Time to turn you into a cute little " + raceName + "!";
            case DOG_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_DOG_MORPH;
                reaction = "Time to turn you into an excitable little " + raceName + "!";
            case HARPY:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_HARPY;
                reaction = "Time to turn you into a hot little " + raceName + "!";
            case HORSE_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_HORSE_MORPH;
                if (getPreferredBody().getGender().isFeminine()) {
                    reaction = "Time to turn you into my little mare!";
                } else {
                    reaction = "Time to turn you into my very own stallion!";
            case REINDEER_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_REINDEER_MORPH;
                if (getPreferredBody().getGender().isFeminine()) {
                    reaction = "Time to turn you into my little doe!";
                } else {
                    reaction = "Time to turn you into my very own buck!";
            case SQUIRREL_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_SQUIRREL_MORPH;
                reaction = "Time to turn you into a cute little " + raceName + "!";
            case WOLF_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_WOLF_MORPH;
                reaction = "Time to turn you into a " + raceName + "!";
            case ALLIGATOR_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_ALLIGATOR_MORPH;
                reaction = "Time to turn you into a " + raceName + "!";
            case COW_MORPH:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_COW_MORPH;
            case ANGEL:
            case DEMON:
            case IMP:
            case HUMAN:
            case SLIME:
                itemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_HUMAN;
    AbstractItemType genitalsItemType = itemType;
    boolean skipGenitalsTF = false;
    if (Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference == FurryPreference.HUMAN || Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference == FurryPreference.MINIMUM) {
        genitalsItemType = ItemType.RACE_INGREDIENT_HUMAN;
        boolean vaginaSet = false;
        boolean penisSet = false;
        if (( == getPreferredBody().getVagina().getType()) || (getPreferredBody().getVagina().getType() != VaginaType.NONE && {
            vaginaSet = true;
        if (( == getPreferredBody().getPenis().getType()) || (getPreferredBody().getPenis().getType() != PenisType.NONE && {
            penisSet = true;
        skipGenitalsTF = vaginaSet && penisSet;
    Map<ItemEffect, String> possibleEffects = new HashMap<>();
    if (!skipGenitalsTF) {
        // Sexual transformations:
        boolean removingVagina = false;
        boolean addingVagina = false;
        boolean removingPenis = false;
        boolean addingPenis = false;
        if (! {
            // Vagina cannot be transformed if pregnant, so skip this
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getVagina().getType()) {
                if (getPreferredBody().getVagina().getType() == VaginaType.NONE) {
                    if ( > 1) {
                        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(genitalsItemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_VAGINA, TFModifier.TF_MOD_CAPACITY, TFPotency.DRAIN, 1), "Let's get to work on getting rid of that little cunt of yours!");
                        removingVagina = true;
                    } else {
                        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(genitalsItemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_VAGINA, TFModifier.REMOVAL, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Let's get rid of that tight little cunt of yours!");
                        removingVagina = true;
                } else if ((Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.HUMAN && Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.MINIMUM) || getPreferredBody().getVagina().getType() == VaginaType.HUMAN) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(genitalsItemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_VAGINA, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Let's give you a nice " + getPreferredBody().getVagina().getName(, false) + "!");
                    addingVagina = true;
        if ( != getPreferredBody().getPenis().getType()) {
            if (getPreferredBody().getPenis().getType() == PenisType.NONE) {
                if ( > 1) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(genitalsItemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_PENIS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.DRAIN, 1), "Let's get to work on getting rid of that cock of yours!");
                    removingPenis = true;
                } else {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(genitalsItemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_PENIS, TFModifier.REMOVAL, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Let's get rid of that pathetic little cock of yours!");
                    removingPenis = true;
            } else if ((Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.HUMAN && Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.MINIMUM) || getPreferredBody().getPenis().getType() == PenisType.HUMAN) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(genitalsItemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_PENIS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Let's give you a nice " + getPreferredBody().getPenis().getName(, false) + "!");
                addingPenis = true;
        if (!possibleEffects.isEmpty()) {
            String s = "";
            if (possibleEffects.size() > 1) {
                if (removingVagina) {
                    s += "Let's get to work on getting rid of that cunt of yours,";
                    if (removingPenis) {
                        s += " and I thinking it's also time to say goodbye to your pathetic cock as well!";
                    } else if (addingPenis) {
                        s += " and give you a nice cock instead!";
                } else if (addingVagina) {
                    s += "Let's give you a " + getPreferredBody().getVagina().getName(, false) + ",";
                    if (removingPenis) {
                        s += " and I think I'll get rid of your pathetic cock at the same time!";
                    } else if (addingPenis) {
                        s += " and a nice cock as well!";
            for (Entry<ItemEffect, String> entry : possibleEffects.entrySet()) {
                if (possibleEffects.size() == 1) {
                    s = entry.getValue();
            return new Value<>(s, EnchantingUtils.craftItem(AbstractItemType.generateItem(itemType), effects));
    // All minor part transformations:
    if (Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.HUMAN) {
        if (possibleEffects.isEmpty() || Math.random() > 0.33f) {
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getAntenna().getType()) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_ANTENNA, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
            if (Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.MINIMUM) {
                if ( != getPreferredBody().getAss().getType()) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_ASS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
                if ( != getPreferredBody().getBreast().getType()) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_BREASTS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getEar().getType()) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_EARS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getEye().getType()) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_EYES, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getHair().getType()) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_HAIR, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getHorn().getType()) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_HORNS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getTail().getType()) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_TAIL, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
            if ( != getPreferredBody().getWing().getType()) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_WINGS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
        // Leg & Arm transformations:
        if (Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference != FurryPreference.MINIMUM) {
            if (possibleEffects.isEmpty()) {
                if ( != getPreferredBody().getArm().getType()) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_ARMS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
                if ( != getPreferredBody().getLeg().getType()) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_LEGS, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
        // Face & Skin transformations:
        if (Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference == FurryPreference.NORMAL || Main.getProperties().forcedTFPreference == FurryPreference.MAXIMUM) {
            if (possibleEffects.isEmpty()) {
                if ( != getPreferredBody().getSkin().getType()) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_SKIN, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
                if ( != getPreferredBody().getFace().getType()) {
                    possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_FACE, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), reaction);
    // 50% chance of type TF:
    if (Math.random() < 0.5f && !possibleEffects.isEmpty()) {
        List<ItemEffect> keysAsArray = new ArrayList<>(possibleEffects.keySet());
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTransformations; i++) {
            if (!keysAsArray.isEmpty()) {
                ItemEffect e = keysAsArray.get(Util.random.nextInt(keysAsArray.size()));
        return new Value<>(reaction, EnchantingUtils.craftItem(AbstractItemType.generateItem(itemType), effects));
    // Cum production:
    if (getPreferredBody().getPenis().getType() != PenisType.NONE && < getPreferredBody().getPenis().getTesticle().getRawCumProductionValue()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_CUM, TFModifier.TF_MOD_WETNESS, TFPotency.MAJOR_BOOST, 1), "Mmm! You're gonna make lots of cum for me!");
    // Femininity:
    if ( < getPreferredBody().getFemininity() && Femininity.valueOf( != Femininity.valueOf(getPreferredBody().getFemininity())) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_CORE, TFModifier.TF_MOD_FEMININITY, TFPotency.MAJOR_BOOST, 1), "I'm gonna need you to be more feminine!");
    } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getFemininity() && Femininity.valueOf( != Femininity.valueOf(getPreferredBody().getFemininity())) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_CORE, TFModifier.TF_MOD_FEMININITY, TFPotency.MAJOR_DRAIN, 1), "I'm gonna need you to be more of a man!");
    // Height:
    if ( < getPreferredBody().getHeightValue() && (getPreferredBody().getHeightValue() - > 5)) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_CORE, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.BOOST, 1), "Let's make you a little taller!");
    } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getHeightValue() && ( - getPreferredBody().getHeightValue() > 5)) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_CORE, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.DRAIN, 1), "Let's make you a little shorter!");
    // Breast size:
    if ( < getPreferredBody().getBreast().getSize().getMeasurement()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_BREASTS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Your breasts need to be bigger!");
    } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getBreast().getSize().getMeasurement()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_BREASTS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN, 1), "Your breasts are too big!");
    // Ass size:
    if ( < getPreferredBody().getAss().getAssSize().getValue()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_ASS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Your ass needs to be bigger");
    } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getAss().getAssSize().getValue()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_ASS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN, 1), "Your ass is too big!");
    // Hip size:
    if ( < getPreferredBody().getAss().getHipSize().getValue()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_ASS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE_SECONDARY, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Your hips need to be wider!");
    } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getAss().getHipSize().getValue()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_ASS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE_SECONDARY, TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN, 1), "Your hips are too wide!");
    if ( != PenisType.NONE && getPreferredBody().getPenis().getType() != PenisType.NONE) {
        // Penis size:
        if ( < getPreferredBody().getPenis().getRawSizeValue()) {
            if (getPreferredBody().getPenis().getRawSizeValue() - > 5) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_PENIS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.BOOST, 1), "Your cock needs to be a lot bigger!");
            } else {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_PENIS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Your cock needs to be a little bigger!");
        } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getPenis().getRawSizeValue()) {
            if ( - getPreferredBody().getPenis().getRawSizeValue() > 5) {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_PENIS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.DRAIN, 1), "Your cock needs to be a lot smaller!");
            } else {
                possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_PENIS, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN, 1), "Your cock needs to be a little smaller!");
    if ( != VaginaType.NONE && getPreferredBody().getVagina().getType() != VaginaType.NONE) {
        // Vagina wetness:
        if ( < getPreferredBody().getVagina().getOrificeVagina().getWetness( {
            possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_VAGINA, TFModifier.TF_MOD_WETNESS, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Your pussy isn't wet enough!");
    // Hair length:
    if ( < getPreferredBody().getHair().getRawLengthValue() && (getPreferredBody().getHair().getRawLengthValue() - > 5)) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_HAIR, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.BOOST, 1), "Your [] " + ( ? "are" : "is") + " too short!");
    } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getHair().getRawLengthValue() && ( - getPreferredBody().getHair().getRawLengthValue() > 5)) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_HAIR, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.DRAIN, 1), "Your [] " + ( ? "are" : "is") + " too long!");
    // Lip size:
    if ( < getPreferredBody().getFace().getMouth().getLipSize().getValue()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_FACE, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 1), "Your [pc.lips] are too small!");
    } else if ( > getPreferredBody().getFace().getMouth().getLipSize().getValue()) {
        possibleEffects.put(new ItemEffect(itemType.getEnchantmentEffect(), TFModifier.TF_FACE, TFModifier.TF_MOD_SIZE, TFPotency.MINOR_DRAIN, 1), "Your [pc.lips] are too big!");
    if (possibleEffects.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    // List<ItemEffect> keysAsArray = new ArrayList<>(possibleEffects.keySet());
    // ItemEffect effect = keysAsArray.get(Util.random.nextInt(keysAsArray.size()));
    // for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTransformations; i++) {
    // if (!keysAsArray.isEmpty()) {
    // ItemEffect e = keysAsArray.get(Util.random.nextInt(keysAsArray.size()));
    // effects.add(e);
    // keysAsArray.remove(e);
    // }
    // }
    // return new Value<>(
    // possibleEffects.get(effect),
    // EnchantingUtils.craftItem(AbstractItemType.generateItem(itemType), effects));
    List<ItemEffect> keysAsArray = new ArrayList<>(possibleEffects.keySet());
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTransformations; i++) {
        if (!keysAsArray.isEmpty()) {
            ItemEffect e = keysAsArray.get(Util.random.nextInt(keysAsArray.size()));
    return new Value<>(possibleEffects.get(effects.get(0)), EnchantingUtils.craftItem(AbstractItemType.generateItem(itemType), effects));
Also used : AbstractItemType( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ListValue(com.lilithsthrone.utils.Util.ListValue) Value(com.lilithsthrone.utils.Util.Value) ItemEffect(

Example 18 with ItemEffect

use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.

the class EnchantmentDialogue method inventoryView.

private static String inventoryView() {
    ItemEffect effect = new ItemEffect(ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect(), primaryMod, secondaryMod, potency, limit);
    // Primary mods:
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='padding-bottom:0;'>");
    for (TFModifier tfMod : ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getPrimaryModifiers()) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon " + tfMod.getRarity().getName() + "' style='width:11.5%;'>" + "<div class='modifier-icon-content'>" + tfMod.getSVGString() + "</div>" + "<div class='overlay' id='MOD_PRIMARY_" + tfMod.hashCode() + "'></div>" + "</div>");
    for (int i = 32; i > ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getPrimaryModifiers().size(); i--) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon empty' style='width:11.5%;'></div>");
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-full-width'>" + "<div class='container-half-width' style='width:78%; margin:0 1%; text-align:center; line-height:100vh;'>" + "<h5 style='margin:0; padding:0;'>Primary Modifier</h5>" + "</div>" + "<div class='container-half-width' style='width:18%; margin:0 1%;'>");
    if (primaryMod != null) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon " + primaryMod.getRarity().getName() + "' style='width:100%; margin:0;'>" + "<div class='modifier-icon-content'>" + primaryMod.getSVGString() + "</div>" + "<div class='overlay' id='MOD_PRIMARY_ENCHANTING'></div>" + "</div>");
    } else {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon empty' style='width:30%; margin:0 1%;'>" + "<div class='overlay' style='cursor:default;' id='MOD_PRIMARY_ENCHANTING'></div>" + "</div>");
    // Secondary mods:
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='padding-bottom:0;'>");
    for (TFModifier tfMod : ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getSecondaryModifiers(primaryMod)) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon " + tfMod.getRarity().getName() + "' style='width:11.5%;'>" + "<div class='modifier-icon-content'>" + tfMod.getSVGString() + "</div>" + "<div class='overlay' id='MOD_SECONDARY_" + tfMod.hashCode() + "'></div>" + "</div>");
    for (int i = 32; i > ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getSecondaryModifiers(primaryMod).size(); i--) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon empty' style='width:11.5%;'></div>");
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-full-width'>" + "<div class='container-half-width' style='width:18%; margin:0 1%;'>");
    if (secondaryMod != null) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon " + secondaryMod.getRarity().getName() + "' style='width:100%; margin:0;'>" + "<div class='modifier-icon-content'>" + secondaryMod.getSVGString() + "</div>" + "<div class='overlay' id='MOD_SECONDARY_ENCHANTING'></div>" + "</div>");
    } else {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='modifier-icon empty' style='width:30%; margin:0 1%;'>" + "<div class='overlay' style='cursor:default;' id='MOD_SECONDARY_ENCHANTING'></div>" + "</div>");
    inventorySB.append("</div>" + "<div class='container-half-width' style='width:78%; margin:0 1%; text-align:center; line-height:100vh;'>" + "<h5 style='margin:0; padding:0;'>Secondary Modifier</h5>" + "</div>" + "</div>");
    // Potency:
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-full-width' style='text-align:center; padding:8px 0; margin-top:0;'>");
    for (TFPotency potency : TFPotency.values()) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='normal-button" + (ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getPotencyModifiers(primaryMod, secondaryMod).contains(potency) ? "" : " disabled") + (EnchantmentDialogue.potency == potency ? " selected" : "") + "' id='POTENCY_" + potency + "'" + " style='" + (EnchantmentDialogue.potency == potency ? "color:" + potency.getColour().toWebHexString() + ";" : "") + " margin:0 1%; width:14%;'>" + potency.getName() + "</div>");
    // Limits:
    int ingredientLimit = ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getLimits(primaryMod, secondaryMod);
    if (ingredientLimit != 0) {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='container-full-width' style='text-align:center; padding:8px 0; margin-top:0;'>" + "<div style='float:left; width:14.6%; margin:0 1%; padding:0;'>" + "<div class='normal-button" + (limit == 0 ? " disabled" : "") + "' id='LIMIT_MINIMUM' style='width:100%;'>Limit Min.</div>" + "</div>" + "<div style='float:left; width:14.6%; margin:0 1%; padding:0;'>" + "<div class='normal-button" + (limit == 0 ? " disabled" : "") + "' id='LIMIT_DECREASE_LARGE' style='width:100%;'>Limit--</div>" + "</div>" + "<div style='float:left; width:14.6%; margin:0 1%; padding:0;'>" + "<div class='normal-button" + (limit == 0 ? " disabled" : "") + "' id='LIMIT_DECREASE' style='width:100%;'>Limit-</div>" + "</div>" + "<div style='float:left; width:14.6%; margin:0 1%; padding:0;'>" + "<div class='normal-button" + (limit == ingredientLimit ? " disabled" : "") + "' id='LIMIT_INCREASE' style='width:100%;'>Limit+</div>" + "</div>" + "<div style='float:left; width:14.6%; margin:0 1%; padding:0;'>" + "<div class='normal-button" + (limit == ingredientLimit ? " disabled" : "") + "' id='LIMIT_INCREASE_LARGE' style='width:100%;'>Limit++</div>" + "</div>" + "<div style='float:left; width:14.6%; margin:0 1%; padding:0;'>" + "<div class='normal-button" + (limit == ingredientLimit ? " disabled" : "") + "' id='LIMIT_MAXIMUM' style='width:100%;'>Limit Max.</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>");
    // Effect:
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-full-width' style='text-align:center; padding:8px 0; margin-top:0;'>");
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='width:28%; margin:0 1%;'>" + "<b style='color:" + ingredient.getRelatedEssence().getColour().toWebHexString() + ";'>Effect to be added:</b>" + "</div>");
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='width:48%; margin:0 1%;'>");
    int i = 0;
    if (effect.getEffectsDescription(, != null) {
        if (i > 0) {
        for (String s : effect.getEffectsDescription(, {
            inventorySB.append("<b>" + Util.capitaliseSentence(s) + "</b>");
    } else {
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='width:18%; margin:0 1%;'>");
    if (effects.size() >= ingredient.getEnchantmentLimit() || ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getEffectsDescription(primaryMod, secondaryMod, potency, limit,, == null || ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getEffectsDescription(primaryMod, secondaryMod, potency, limit,, {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='normal-button disabled' style='width:100%; margin:auto 0;'>" + "<b>Add</b> | " + UtilText.formatAsEssencesUncoloured(effect.getCost(), "b", false) + "<div class='overlay no-pointer' id='ENCHANT_ADD_BUTTON_DISABLED'></div>" + "</div>");
    } else {
        inventorySB.append("<div class='normal-button' style='width:100%; margin:auto 0;'>" + "<b style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_GOOD.toWebHexString() + ";'>Add</b> | " + UtilText.formatAsEssences(effect.getCost(), "b", false) + "<div class='overlay' id='ENCHANT_ADD_BUTTON'></div>" + "</div>");
    // Item crafting:
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-full-width' style='text-align:center; padding:8px 0; margin-top:0;'>");
    int count = 1;
    if (ingredient instanceof AbstractItem) {
        count = ingredient);
    } else if (ingredient instanceof AbstractClothing) {
        count = ingredient);
    } else if (ingredient instanceof AbstractWeapon) {
        count = ingredient);
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='width:18%; margin:0 1%; text-align:center;'>");
    inventorySB.append("<b>Input</b>" + "<div class='enchanting-ingredient " + ingredient.getRarity().getName() + "'>" + "<div class='enchanting-ingredient-content'>" + ingredient.getSVGString() + "</div>" + "<div class='overlay' id='INGREDIENT_ENCHANTING'></div>" + "<div class='enchanting-ingredient-count'><b>x" + count + "</b></div>" + "</div>");
    // Effects:
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='width:58%; margin:0 1%;'>");
    inventorySB.append("<b>Effects (</b>" + (effects.size() >= ingredient.getEnchantmentLimit() ? "<b style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_BAD.toWebHexString() + ";'>" : "<b>") + "" + effects.size() + "/" + ingredient.getEnchantmentLimit() + "</b><b>)</b></br>" + "<b>" + Util.capitaliseSentence(EnchantingUtils.getPotionName(ingredient, effects)) + "</b> | Cost: " + UtilText.formatAsEssences(EnchantingUtils.getCost(ingredient, effects), "b", false));
    if (effects.isEmpty()) {
        inventorySB.append("</br><span style='color:" + Colour.TEXT_GREY.toWebHexString() + ";'>No effects added</span>");
    } else {
        i = 0;
        for (ItemEffect ie : effects) {
            for (String s : ie.getEffectsDescription(, {
                inventorySB.append("<div class='container-full-width' style='background:" + RenderingEngine.getEntryBackgroundColour(i % 2 == 0) + "; width:98%; margin:0 1%; padding:2px;'>" + Util.capitaliseSentence(s) + (ingredient.getEffects().size() > i && ingredient.getEffects().get(i).equals(ie) ? "<div class='normal-button' style='width:64px; height:22px; line-height:22px; font-size:16px; margin:0; padding:0 0 0 4px; float:right; text-align:left;'>" + "<b style='color:" + Colour.GENERIC_BAD.toWebHexString() + ";'>X</b> " + UtilText.formatAsEssences(ie.getCost(), "b", false) + "<div class='overlay' id='DELETE_EFFECT_" + i + "'></div></div>" : "<div class='normal-button' id='DELETE_EFFECT_" + i + "'" + " style='width:22px; height:22px; line-height:22px; font-size:16px; margin:0; padding:0; float:right; color:" + Colour.GENERIC_BAD.toWebHexString() + ";'><b>X</b></div>") + "</div>");
    inventorySB.append("<div class='container-half-width' style='width:18%; margin:0 1%; text-align:center;'>");
    inventorySB.append("<b>Output</b>" + "<div class='enchanting-ingredient " + ingredient.getEnchantmentItemType(effects).getRarity().getName() + "'>" + "<div class='enchanting-ingredient-content'>" + EnchantingUtils.getSVGString(ingredient, effects) + "</div>" + "<div class='overlay' id='OUTPUT_ENCHANTING'></div>" + "</div>");
    return inventorySB.toString();
Also used : TFModifier( TFPotency( AbstractClothing( ItemEffect( AbstractItem( AbstractWeapon(

Example 19 with ItemEffect

use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.

the class AbstractClothing method getDescription.

public String getDescription() {
    descriptionSB.append("<p>" + getTypeDescription() + "</p>");
    // Physical resistance
    descriptionSB.append("<p>" + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "They" : "It") + " provide" + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "" : "s") + " <b>" + getClothingType().getPhysicalResistance() + "</b> <b style='color: " + Attribute.RESISTANCE_PHYSICAL.getColour().toWebHexString() + ";'> " + Attribute.RESISTANCE_PHYSICAL.getName() + "</b>.</p>");
    if (enchantmentKnown) {
        if (!this.getEffects().isEmpty()) {
            for (ItemEffect e : this.getEffects()) {
                if (e.getPrimaryModifier() != TFModifier.CLOTHING_ATTRIBUTE) {
                    for (String s : e.getEffectsDescription(, {
                        descriptionSB.append("</br>" + s);
            for (Entry<Attribute, Integer> entry : this.getAttributeModifiers().entrySet()) {
                descriptionSB.append("</br>" + (entry.getValue() < 0 ? "[style.boldBad(" + entry.getValue() + ")] " : "[style.boldGood(+" + entry.getValue() + ")] ") + "<b style='color:" + entry.getKey().getColour().toWebHexString() + ";'>" + Util.capitaliseSentence(entry.getKey().getName()) + "</b>");
        } else {
        descriptionSB.append("<p>" + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "They" : "It") + " " + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "have" : "has") + " a value of " + UtilText.formatAsMoney(getValue()) + ".");
    } else {
        descriptionSB.append("</br>" + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "They" : "It") + " " + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "have" : "has") + " an <b>unknown value</b>!");
    if (getClothingType().getClothingSet() != null)
        descriptionSB.append("<p>" + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "They" : "It") + " " + (getClothingType().isPlural() ? "are" : "is") + " part of the <b style='color:" + Colour.RARITY_EPIC.toWebHexString() + ";'>" + getClothingType().getClothingSet().getName() + "</b> set." + "</p>");
    return descriptionSB.toString();
Also used : Attribute( ItemEffect(

Example 20 with ItemEffect

use of in project liliths-throne-public by Innoxia.

the class Vicky method dailyReset.

public void dailyReset() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        this.addWeapon(AbstractWeaponType.generateWeapon(WeaponType.OFFHAND_CHAOS_RARE), false);
        this.addWeapon(AbstractWeaponType.generateWeapon(WeaponType.MELEE_CHAOS_RARE), false);
    this.addWeapon(AbstractWeaponType.generateWeapon(WeaponType.OFFHAND_CHAOS_EPIC), false);
    this.addWeapon(AbstractWeaponType.generateWeapon(WeaponType.MELEE_CHAOS_EPIC), false);
    AbstractItem ingredient = AbstractItemType.generateItem(availableIngredients[Util.random.nextInt(availableIngredients.length)]);
    TFModifier primaryMod = TFModifier.getTFRacialBodyPartsList().get(Util.random.nextInt(TFModifier.getTFRacialBodyPartsList().size()));
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        if (ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect().getEffectsDescription(primaryMod, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 0,, != null) {
            this.addItem(EnchantingUtils.craftItem(ingredient, Util.newArrayListOfValues(new ListValue<>(new ItemEffect(ingredient.getEnchantmentEffect(), primaryMod, TFModifier.NONE, TFPotency.MINOR_BOOST, 0)))), false);
        ingredient = AbstractItemType.generateItem(availableIngredients[Util.random.nextInt(availableIngredients.length)]);
        primaryMod = TFModifier.getTFRacialBodyPartsList().get(Util.random.nextInt(TFModifier.getTFRacialBodyPartsList().size()));
    if ( {
        for (AbstractItemType itemType : ItemType.essences) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 20 + Util.random.nextInt(11); i++) {
                this.addItem(AbstractItemType.generateItem(itemType), false);
Also used : TFModifier( AbstractItemType( ItemEffect( AbstractItem(


ItemEffect ( AbstractItem ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 TFModifier ( AbstractItemType ( Attribute ( AbstractClothing ( Fetish ( AbstractClothingType ( TFPotency ( Colour (com.lilithsthrone.utils.Colour)4 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 AbstractWeapon ( StatusEffect ( ListValue (com.lilithsthrone.utils.Util.ListValue)2 Value (com.lilithsthrone.utils.Util.Value)2 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)2 TooltipUpdateThread (com.lilithsthrone.controller.TooltipUpdateThread)1 EnchantmentEventListener (com.lilithsthrone.controller.eventListeners.EnchantmentEventListener)1 InventorySelectedItemEventListener (com.lilithsthrone.controller.eventListeners.InventorySelectedItemEventListener)1