use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient in project by linkedin.
the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method testMediumTrafficHighLatency100Clients.
@Test(groups = { "small", "back-end" })
public void testMediumTrafficHighLatency100Clients() {
Map<String, Object> myMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Long timeInterval = 5000L;
TestClock clock = new TestClock();
myMap.put(PropertyKeys.CLOCK, clock);
Map<String, String> degraderProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_HIGH_ERROR_RATE, "0.5");
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_LOW_ERROR_RATE, "0.2");
DegraderImpl.Config degraderConfig = DegraderConfigFactory.toDegraderConfig(degraderProperties);
double qps = 7.3;
//test Strategy V3
List<TrackerClient> clients = createTrackerClient(100, clock, degraderConfig);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig config = DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.createHttpConfigFromMap(myMap);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3 strategyV3 = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3(config, "DegraderLoadBalancerTest", null);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter strategy = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter(strategyV3);
testDegraderLoadBalancerSimulator(strategy, clock, timeInterval, clients, qps, degraderConfig);
//test Strategy V2
clients = createTrackerClient(100, clock, degraderConfig);
config = DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.createHttpConfigFromMap(myMap);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV2_1 strategyV2 = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV2_1(config, "DegraderLoadBalancerTest", null);
strategy = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter(strategyV2);
testDegraderLoadBalancerSimulator(strategy, clock, timeInterval, clients, qps, degraderConfig);
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient in project by linkedin.
the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method testMediumTrafficHighLatency10Clients.
@Test(groups = { "small", "back-end" })
public void testMediumTrafficHighLatency10Clients() {
Map<String, Object> myMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Long timeInterval = 5000L;
TestClock clock = new TestClock();
myMap.put(PropertyKeys.CLOCK, clock);
Map<String, String> degraderProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_HIGH_ERROR_RATE, "0.5");
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_LOW_ERROR_RATE, "0.2");
DegraderImpl.Config degraderConfig = DegraderConfigFactory.toDegraderConfig(degraderProperties);
double qps = 6.3;
//test Strategy V3
List<TrackerClient> clients = createTrackerClient(10, clock, degraderConfig);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig config = DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.createHttpConfigFromMap(myMap);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3 strategyV3 = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3(config, "DegraderLoadBalancerTest", null);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter strategy = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter(strategyV3);
testDegraderLoadBalancerSimulator(strategy, clock, timeInterval, clients, qps, degraderConfig);
//test Strategy V2
clients = createTrackerClient(10, clock, degraderConfig);
config = DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.createHttpConfigFromMap(myMap);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV2_1 strategyV2 = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV2_1(config, "DegraderLoadBalancerTest", null);
strategy = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter(strategyV2);
testDegraderLoadBalancerSimulator(strategy, clock, timeInterval, clients, qps, degraderConfig);
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient in project by linkedin.
the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method testDegraderLoadBalancerSimulator.
private void testDegraderLoadBalancerSimulator(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter adapter, TestClock clock, long timeInterval, List<TrackerClient> clients, double qps, DegraderImpl.Config degraderConfig) {
long clusterGenerationId = 1;
double overrideDropRate = 0.0;
//simulate latency 4000 ms
//1st round we use LOAD_BALANCING strategy. Since we have a high latency we will decrease the number of points
//from 100 to 80 (transmissionRate * points per weight).
TrackerClient resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 80, true, 0.0, 4000, false, false);
//2nd round drop rate should be increased by DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_UP
overrideDropRate += DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_UP;
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 80, false, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//3rd round. We alternate back to LOAD_BALANCING strategy and we drop the points even more
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 39, true, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//4th round. The drop rate should be increased again like 2nd round
overrideDropRate += DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_UP;
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 39, false, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//5th round. Alternate to changing hash ring again.
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, true, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//6th round. Same as 5th round, we'll increase the drop rate
overrideDropRate += DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_UP;
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, false, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//7th round. The # of point in hashring is at the minimum so we can't decrease it further. At this point the client
//is in recovery mode. But since we can't change the hashring anymore, we'll always in CALL_DROPPING mode
//so the next strategy is expected to be LOAD_BALANCING mode.
overrideDropRate += DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_UP;
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, false, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//8th round. We'll increase the drop rate to the max.
overrideDropRate += DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_UP;
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, false, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//9th round, now we'll simulate as if there still a call even though we drop 100% of all request to get
//tracker client. The assumption is there's some thread that still holds tracker client and we want
//to make sure we can handle the request and we can't degrade the cluster even further.
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, false, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//10th round, now we'll simulate as if there's no call because we dropped all request
//even though we are in LOAD_BALANCING mode and this tracker client is in recovery mode and there's no call
//so the hashring doesn't change so we go back to reducing the drop rate to 0.8 and that means the next
//strategy is LOAD_BALANCE
overrideDropRate -= DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_DOWN;
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, 0.0, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, false, overrideDropRate, 4000, false, false);
//11th round, this time we'll simulate the latency is now 1000 ms (so it's within low and high watermark). Drop rate
//should stay the same and everything else should stay the same
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, false, overrideDropRate, 1000, false, false);
//we'll simulate the client dying one by one until all the clients are gone
int numberOfClients = clients.size();
HashSet<URI> uris = new HashSet<URI>();
HashSet<URI> removedUris = new HashSet<URI>();
for (TrackerClient client : clients) {
LinkedList<TrackerClient> removedClients = new LinkedList<TrackerClient>();
//loadBalancing strategy will always be picked because there is no hash ring changes
boolean isLoadBalancingStrategyTurn = true;
for (int i = numberOfClients; i > 0; i--) {
TrackerClient removed = clients.remove(0);
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, isLoadBalancingStrategyTurn, overrideDropRate, 1000, false, false);
if (i == 1) {
} else {
//the override drop rate is 0.8)
if (resultTC != null) {
assertEquals(removedUris.size(), numberOfClients);
assertEquals(removedClients.size(), numberOfClients);
//we'll simulate the client start reviving one by one until all clients are back up again
for (int i = numberOfClients; i > 0; i--) {
TrackerClient added = removedClients.remove(0);
//we have to create a new client. The old client has a degraded DegraderImpl. And in production enviroment
//when a new client join a cluster, it should be in good state. This means there should be 100 points
//in the hash ring for this client
TrackerClient newClient = new TrackerClient(added.getUri(), getDefaultPartitionData(1d), new TestLoadBalancerClient(added.getUri()), clock, degraderConfig);
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 100, isLoadBalancingStrategyTurn, overrideDropRate, 1000, false, false);
if (resultTC != null) {
//the number of points because there is no hash ring changes
for (overrideDropRate -= DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_DOWN; overrideDropRate >= 0; overrideDropRate -= DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_STEP_DOWN) {
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 100, false, overrideDropRate, 300, false, false);
//we should have recovered fully by this time
overrideDropRate = 0.0;
resultTC = simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 100, false, overrideDropRate, 300, false, false);
//simulate the increase of certain error (connect exception, closedChannelException) rate will cause degradation.
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 80, true, 0.0, 300, false, true);
//switching to call dropping strategy
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 80, false, 0.0, 300, false, true);
//continue the degradation
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 39, true, 0.0, 300, false, true);
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 39, false, 0.0, 300, false, true);
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, true, 0.0, 300, false, true);
//now let's remove all the error and see how the cluster recover but we have to wait until next round because
//this round is CALL_DROP strategy
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 1, false, 0.0, 300, false, false);
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 39, true, 0.0, 300, false, false);
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 39, false, 0.0, 300, false, false);
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 80, true, 0.0, 300, false, false);
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 80, false, 0.0, 300, false, false);
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 100, true, 0.0, 300, false, false);
//make sure if we have error that is not from CONNECT_EXCEPTION or CLOSED_CHANNEL_EXCEPTION we don't degrade
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 100, false, 0.0, 300, true, false);
//since there's no change in hash ring due to error NOT of CONNECT_EXCEPTION or CLOSED_CHANNEL_EXCEPTION,
//the strategy won't change to CALL_DROPPING
simulateAndTestOneInterval(timeInterval, clock, qps, clients, adapter, clusterGenerationId, 100, false, 0.0, 300, true, false);
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient in project by linkedin.
the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method testOneTrackerClient.
@Test(groups = { "small", "back-end" })
public void testOneTrackerClient() throws URISyntaxException {
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3 strategy = getStrategy();
List<TrackerClient> clients = new ArrayList<TrackerClient>();
URI uri1 = URI.create("");
clients.add(getClient(uri1, new TestClock()));
// should always get the only client in the list
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
assertEquals(getTrackerClient(strategy, null, new RequestContext(), 0, clients), clients.get(0));
use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient in project by linkedin.
the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method testRandom.
@Test(groups = { "small", "back-end" })
public void testRandom() throws URISyntaxException {
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3 strategy = getStrategy();
List<TrackerClient> clients = new ArrayList<TrackerClient>();
URI uri1 = URI.create("");
URI uri2 = URI.create("");
clients.add(getClient(uri1, new TestClock()));
clients.add(getClient(uri2, new TestClock()));
// since cluster call count is 0, we will default to random
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
TrackerClient client = getTrackerClient(strategy, null, new RequestContext(), 0, clients);