use of in project by linkedin.
the class LoadBalancerClientCli method printStores.
public static String printStores(ZKConnection zkclient, String zkserver, String d2path) throws IOException, IllegalStateException, URISyntaxException, PropertyStoreException, Exception {
int serviceCount = 0;
String zkstr = "\nZKServer:" + zkserver;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Set<String> currentservices = new HashSet<String>();
Map<String, ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties>> zkServiceRegistryMap = new HashMap<String, ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties>>();
Map<String, List<String>> servicesGroupMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// zk stores
String clstoreString = zkserver + ZKFSUtil.clusterPath(d2path);
String uristoreString = zkserver + ZKFSUtil.uriPath(d2path);
ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ClusterProperties> zkClusterRegistry = (ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ClusterProperties>) getStore(zkclient, clstoreString, new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer());
ZooKeeperEphemeralStore<UriProperties> zkUriRegistry = (ZooKeeperEphemeralStore<UriProperties>) getEphemeralStore(zkclient, uristoreString, new UriPropertiesJsonSerializer(), new UriPropertiesMerger());
List<String> currentclusters =;
List<String> currenturis =;
List<String> servicesGroups = getServicesGroups(zkclient, d2path);
for (String serviceGroup : servicesGroups) {
String scstoreString = zkserver + ZKFSUtil.servicePath(d2path, serviceGroup);
ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties> zkServiceRegistry = (ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties>) getStore(zkclient, scstoreString, new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer());
zkServiceRegistryMap.put(serviceGroup, zkServiceRegistry);
List<String> services =;
servicesGroupMap.put(serviceGroup, services);
serviceCount += services.size();
sb.append(" Total Clusters:");
sb.append(" Total Services:");
sb.append(" Total URIs:");
sb.append("\nSERVICE GROUPS");
for (String serviceGroup : servicesGroupMap.keySet()) {
sb.append("\nGROUP:" + serviceGroup + " Services:" + servicesGroupMap.get(serviceGroup));
for (String cluster : currentclusters) {
int count = 0;
sb.append("\nCLUSTER '");
for (String service : currentservices) {
for (String serviceGroup : servicesGroupMap.keySet()) {
ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties> zkStorePropsForSerivceGroup = zkServiceRegistryMap.get(serviceGroup);
if (zkStorePropsForSerivceGroup != null) {
ServiceProperties serviceProps = zkStorePropsForSerivceGroup.get(service);
if (serviceProps != null) {
if (cluster.equals(serviceProps.getClusterName())) {
sb.append("\nSERVICE '" + service + "':");
sb.append(printStore(zkClusterRegistry, zkUriRegistry, zkServiceRegistryMap.get(serviceGroup), cluster, service));
if (count == 0) {
sb.append(printStore(zkClusterRegistry, zkUriRegistry, cluster));
sb.append("\nNo services were found in this cluster.");
return sb.toString();
use of in project by linkedin.
the class ZKFSTogglingLoadBalancerFactoryImpl method createLoadBalancer.
public TogglingLoadBalancer createLoadBalancer(ZKConnection zkConnection, ScheduledExecutorService executorService) {"Using d2ServicePath: " + _d2ServicePath);
ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ClusterProperties> zkClusterRegistry = createPermanentStore(zkConnection, ZKFSUtil.clusterPath(_baseZKPath), new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer());
ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties> zkServiceRegistry = createPermanentStore(zkConnection, ZKFSUtil.servicePath(_baseZKPath, _d2ServicePath), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer());
ZooKeeperEphemeralStore<UriProperties> zkUriRegistry = createEphemeralStore(zkConnection, ZKFSUtil.uriPath(_baseZKPath), new UriPropertiesJsonSerializer(), new UriPropertiesMerger(), _useNewEphemeralStoreWatcher);
FileStore<ClusterProperties> fsClusterStore = createFileStore("clusters", new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer());
FileStore<ServiceProperties> fsServiceStore = createFileStore(_d2ServicePath, new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer());
FileStore<UriProperties> fsUriStore = createFileStore("uris", new UriPropertiesJsonSerializer());
PropertyEventBus<ClusterProperties> clusterBus = new PropertyEventBusImpl<ClusterProperties>(executorService);
PropertyEventBus<ServiceProperties> serviceBus = new PropertyEventBusImpl<ServiceProperties>(executorService);
PropertyEventBus<UriProperties> uriBus = new PropertyEventBusImpl<UriProperties>(executorService);
// This ensures the filesystem store receives the events from the event bus so that
// it can keep a local backup.
TogglingPublisher<ClusterProperties> clusterToggle = _factory.createClusterToggle(zkClusterRegistry, fsClusterStore, clusterBus);
TogglingPublisher<ServiceProperties> serviceToggle = _factory.createServiceToggle(zkServiceRegistry, fsServiceStore, serviceBus);
TogglingPublisher<UriProperties> uriToggle = _factory.createUriToggle(zkUriRegistry, fsUriStore, uriBus);
SimpleLoadBalancerState state = new SimpleLoadBalancerState(executorService, uriBus, clusterBus, serviceBus, _clientFactories, _loadBalancerStrategyFactories, _sslContext, _sslParameters, _isSSLEnabled, _clientServicesConfig);
SimpleLoadBalancer balancer = new SimpleLoadBalancer(state, _lbTimeout, _lbTimeoutUnit);
TogglingLoadBalancer togLB = _factory.createBalancer(balancer, state, clusterToggle, serviceToggle, uriToggle);
togLB.start(new Callback<None>() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
_log.warn("Failed to run start on the TogglingLoadBalancer, may not have registered " + "SimpleLoadBalancer and State with JMX.");
public void onSuccess(None result) {"Registered SimpleLoadBalancer and State with JMX.");
return togLB;
use of in project by linkedin.
the class D2Config method configure.
public int configure() throws Exception {
// original map derived from properties file
Map<String, Object> clusterServiceConfiguration = merge(_clusterServiceConfigurations);
// map of clusterName -> cluster configuration
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> clusters = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
// map of serviceName -> service configuration
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> services = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
// Ugly. But this is a map of service groups, so it needs to reflect multiple services maps.
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> serviceVariants = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>();
// temporary mapping from cluster name to services map, to aid in create cluster variants and
// service groups.
Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> clusterToServiceMapping = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>>();
int status;
// temporary mapping from cluster name to the list of colo variants it has.
Map<String, List<String>> variantToVariantsMapping = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// temporary mapping from cluster name to coloVariant ClusterNames list.
Map<String, List<String>> clusterToColoClustersMapping = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// mapping from regular cluster name to the list of containing services
// which will be added as children of the regular cluster znode.
Map<String, List<String>> regularClusterToServicesMapping = new HashMap<>();"basePath: " + _basePath);"clusterDefaults: " + _clusterDefaults);"serviceDefaults: " + _serviceDefaults);
final String defaultColo = (String) _clusterDefaults.remove(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_COLO);
// Solution 2 is the approach taken below.
for (String clusterName : clusterServiceConfiguration.keySet()) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> clusterConfig = (Map<String, Object>) clusterServiceConfiguration.get(clusterName);
clusterConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, clusterName);
final Object servicesProperty = clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.SERVICES);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Map<String, Object>> servicesConfigs = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) servicesProperty;
final Object clusterVariantProperty = clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_VARIANTS);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Map<String, Object>> clusterVariantConfig = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) clusterVariantProperty;
final Object coloVariantsProperty = clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.COLO_VARIANTS);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> coloVariants = (List<String>) coloVariantsProperty;
final String masterColo = (String) clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.MASTER_COLO);
final String enableSymlinkString = (String) clusterConfig.remove(PropertyKeys.ENABLE_SYMLINK);
final boolean enableSymlink;
regularClusterToServicesMapping.put(clusterName, servicesConfigs.keySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toList()));
if (enableSymlinkString != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(enableSymlinkString)) {
enableSymlink = true;
} else {
enableSymlink = false;
// do some sanity check for partitions if any
// Moving handling of partitionProperties before any coloVariant manipulations
final Object partitionPropertiesProperty = clusterConfig.get(PropertyKeys.PARTITION_PROPERTIES);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> partitionProperties = (Map<String, Object>) partitionPropertiesProperty;
if (partitionProperties != null) {
status = handlePartitionProperties(partitionProperties, clusterConfig, clusterName);
if (status != 0) {
return status;
Map<String, String> clusterProperties = new HashMap<>();
if (coloVariants != null && coloVariants.size() > 0 && !(coloVariants.size() == 1 && coloVariants.contains(""))) {
clusterProperties.put(PropertyKeys.COLO_VARIANTS, String.join(LIST_SEPARATOR, coloVariants));
if (masterColo != null && !masterColo.equals("")) {
clusterProperties.put(PropertyKeys.MASTER_COLO, masterColo);
if (clusterVariantConfig != null && clusterVariantConfig.size() > 0) {
clusterProperties.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_VARIANTS, String.join(LIST_SEPARATOR, clusterVariantConfig.keySet()));
clusterConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_PROPERTIES, clusterProperties);
// lots of if/else.
if (coloVariants == null || (coloVariants.size() == 1 && coloVariants.contains(""))) {
coloVariants = Collections.singletonList("");
} else {
// one of the peer colos, if applicable.
if (!coloVariants.contains(defaultColo)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The default colo: " + defaultColo + " is not one of the peer colos = " + coloVariants);
if (masterColo != null && !coloVariants.contains(masterColo) && !enableSymlink) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The master colo: " + masterColo + " is not one of the peer colos = " + coloVariants);
boolean defaultServicesCreated = false;
for (String colo : coloVariants) {
// the coloClusterName will be equal to the original cluster name if colo is the empty string
String coloClusterName = D2Utils.addSuffixToBaseName(clusterName, colo);
// coloServicesConfigs are the set of d2 services in this cluster in this colo
// for the regular cluster case I could avoid creation of a new HashMap for both coloServicesConfig
// and coloServiceConfig, as an optimization at the expense of simplicity.
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> coloServicesConfigs = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
// Only create the default services once, and only when we have an empty colo string or the
// colo matches the default colo.
boolean createDefaultServices = (defaultServicesCreated == false) ? shouldCreateDefaultServices(colo, defaultColo) : false;
for (String serviceName : servicesConfigs.keySet()) {
// "resource" level config
Map<String, Object> serviceConfig = servicesConfigs.get(serviceName);
// There are some cases where we may not want to create colo variants of a particular service
// We can't remove properties from the serviceConfig here because we might need to loop
// over it multiple times.
String createColoVariants = (String) serviceConfig.get(PropertyKeys.HAS_COLO_VARIANTS);
boolean createColoVariantsForService = shouldCreateColoVariantsForService(colo, createColoVariants);
String coloServiceName = serviceName;
final boolean defaultRoutingToMasterColo = serviceConfig.containsKey(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_ROUTING) && PropertyKeys.MASTER_SUFFIX.equals(serviceConfig.get(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_ROUTING));
// any colo variants of that serviceName.
if (createColoVariantsForService) {
coloServiceName = D2Utils.addSuffixToBaseName(serviceName, colo);
final Object transportClientProperty = serviceConfig.get(PropertyKeys.TRANSPORT_CLIENT_PROPERTIES);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> transportClientConfig = (Map<String, Object>) transportClientProperty;
serviceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.TRANSPORT_CLIENT_PROPERTIES, transportClientConfig);
Map<String, Object> coloServiceConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(serviceConfig);
// so it does not have to know about what are the default services.
if (createDefaultServices && !defaultServicesCreated) {
// create the Master version of this service.
if (masterColo != null && createColoVariantsForService) {
// we need to create a "Master" version of this service to point to the current Master
// Cluster. Why not just use the original service name? We will point the original
// service name at the local cluster, as well as to make it explicit that requests
// sent to this service might cross colos, if the master is located in another colo.
Map<String, Object> masterServiceConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(serviceConfig);
String masterServiceName = serviceName + PropertyKeys.MASTER_SUFFIX;
String masterClusterName;
if (enableSymlink) {
masterClusterName = D2Utils.getSymlinkNameForMaster(clusterName);
} else {
masterClusterName = D2Utils.addSuffixToBaseName(clusterName, masterColo);
masterServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, masterClusterName);
masterServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.SERVICE_NAME, masterServiceName);
masterServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.IS_MASTER_SERVICE, "true");
coloServicesConfigs.put(masterServiceName, masterServiceConfig);
// this block will handle:
// the colo-agnostic service -> colo-specific default cluster mapping (fooService -> FooCluster-WestCoast)
// the colo-agnostic service -> colo-agnostic cluster mapping (fooService -> FooCluster)
// the latter only being done for regular clusters, the former only being done for clusters
// that have coloVariants specified.
Map<String, Object> regularServiceConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(serviceConfig);
if (createColoVariantsForService) {
// we set isDefaultService flag only if it is a multi-colo aware service.
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.IS_DEFAULT_SERVICE, "true");
if (defaultRoutingToMasterColo) {
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.DEFAULT_ROUTING_TO_MASTER, "true");
final String defaultColoClusterName = clusterNameWithRouting(clusterName, colo, defaultColo, masterColo, defaultRoutingToMasterColo, enableSymlink);
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, defaultColoClusterName);
regularServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.SERVICE_NAME, serviceName);
coloServicesConfigs.put(serviceName, regularServiceConfig);
if (!serviceName.equals(coloServiceName)) {
// this block will handle:
// the colo-specific service-> colo-specific cluster mapping (fooService-WestCoast -> FooCluster-WestCoast,
// fooService-EastCoast -> FooCluster-EastCoast)
coloServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, coloClusterName);
coloServiceConfig.put(PropertyKeys.SERVICE_NAME, coloServiceName);
coloServicesConfigs.put(coloServiceName, coloServiceConfig);
// end for each service
status = addServicesToServicesMap(coloServicesConfigs, services, coloClusterName);
if (status != NO_ERROR_EXIT_CODE) {
return status;
// Now that we've created colo-specific service to colo-specific cluster mappings, we now need
// to actually create those colo-specific clusters.
Map<String, Object> coloClusterConfig = clusterConfig;
if (!clusterName.equals(coloClusterName)) {
coloClusterConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>(clusterConfig);
coloClusterConfig.put(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_NAME, coloClusterName);
if (createDefaultServices) {
clusters.put(clusterName, clusterConfig);
clusters.put(coloClusterName, coloClusterConfig);
// list before the cluster variants.
if (clusterVariantConfig != null) {
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> coloClusterVariantConfig = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(clusterVariantConfig);
status = handleClusterVariants(coloClusterVariantConfig, clusterConfig, clusters, coloServicesConfigs, clusterToServiceMapping, colo, variantToVariantsMapping, masterColo, enableSymlink);
if (status != 0) {
return status;
} else {
// even if clusterVariant is not defined, it is still needed to save the coloServicesConfigs
// in case the serviceGroup directly refers the cluster name
clusterToServiceMapping.put(coloClusterName, coloServicesConfigs);
// also save the coloClusterName
addNewVariantToVariantsList(clusterToColoClustersMapping, clusterName, coloClusterName);
// the set the flag marking the default services for this cluster as created.
if (!defaultServicesCreated && createDefaultServices == true) {
defaultServicesCreated = true;
// end for each colo variant
// there are service variants
if (_serviceVariants != null) {
for (String serviceGroup : _serviceVariants.keySet()) {
// each service group contains a list of cluster names and a type field that
// describes how to treat the list. We group together the services described by these
// listed clusters, and prep that for writing to a different znode than the default service
// znode directory. Note that we had already pointed those services to the appropriate cluster
// variant earlier.
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> servicesGroupConfig = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> configGroupMap = (Map<String, Object>) _serviceVariants.get(serviceGroup);
String type = (String) configGroupMap.get(PropertyKeys.TYPE);
final Object clusterListProperty = configGroupMap.get(PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_LIST);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> clusterList = (List<String>) clusterListProperty;
// create an alternate service table for the services specified by these cluster variants
for (Iterator<String> iter = clusterList.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String clusterItem =;
List<String> coloClusterVariantList = variantToVariantsMapping.get(clusterItem);
if (coloClusterVariantList == null && PropertyKeys.FULL_CLUSTER_LIST.equals(type)) {
// For full_cluster_list type, it is allowed to specify real cluster name, not
// necessarily always clusterVariant. Check the clusterToColoClustersMappings.
coloClusterVariantList = clusterToColoClustersMapping.get(clusterItem);
if (coloClusterVariantList == null) {
// the service group had an unknown cluster!
_log.error("Unknown cluster specified: " + clusterItem);
// in those coloVariants to this service group's list of services.
for (String coloClusterVariant : coloClusterVariantList) {
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> candidateServices = clusterToServiceMapping.get(coloClusterVariant);
if (candidateServices == null) {
// the service group had an unknown cluster!
_log.error("Unknown cluster specified: " + coloClusterVariant);
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> mapEntry : candidateServices.entrySet()) {
Object testValue = servicesGroupConfig.put(mapEntry.getKey(), mapEntry.getValue());
if (testValue != null) {
// We shouldn't have had conflicting services, two variants of the same cluster
// were probably specified in the same service group.
_log.error("Service group has variants of the same cluster: " + serviceGroup);
if (PropertyKeys.CLUSTER_VARIANTS_LIST.equals(type)) {
// start from the full list of services, and then overwrite the services specified by the
// cluster variants.
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> fullServiceList = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(services);
serviceVariants.put(serviceGroup, fullServiceList);
} else if (PropertyKeys.FULL_CLUSTER_LIST.equals(type)) {
// The use has explicitly indicated that we should put these and only the services that
// correspond to the named clusters in the serviceGroup.
serviceVariants.put(serviceGroup, servicesGroupConfig);
} else {
_log.error("unknown serviceVariant type: " + type);
_log.debug("serviceVariants: " + serviceVariants);
try {"Cluster configuration:\n" + clusters);
writeConfig(ZKFSUtil.clusterPath(_basePath), new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer(), new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer(), clusters, _clusterDefaults);"Wrote cluster configuration");"Service configuration:\n" + services);
writeConfig(ZKFSUtil.servicePath(_basePath), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), services, _serviceDefaults);"Wrote service configuration");
writeChildren(regularClusterToServicesMapping);"Wrote service children nodes under clusters");
if (!serviceVariants.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> entry : serviceVariants.entrySet()) {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {"serviceVariant: " + entry + "\n");
} else {"serviceVariant: " + entry.getKey() + "\n");
writeConfig(ZKFSUtil.servicePath(_basePath, entry.getKey()), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), entry.getValue(), _serviceDefaults);
}"Wrote service variant configurations");
}"Configuration complete");
} finally {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_log.warn("ZooKeeper shutdown interrupted", e);
use of in project by linkedin.
the class PartitionedLoadBalancerTestState method getClusterProperties.
public LoadBalancerStateItem<ClusterProperties> getClusterProperties(String clusterName) {
List<String> prioritizedSchemes = new ArrayList<String>();
ClusterProperties clusterProperties = new ClusterProperties(_cluster, prioritizedSchemes);
return new LoadBalancerStateItem<ClusterProperties>(clusterProperties, 1, 1);
use of in project by linkedin.
the class SimpleLoadBalancerDelayTest method testLoadBalancerWithSlowStartClient.
@Test(groups = { "small", "back-end" }, enabled = false)
public void testLoadBalancerWithSlowStartClient() throws Exception {
// Generate service, cluster and uri properties for d2
URI uri1 = URI.create("");
URI uri2 = URI.create("");
URI uri3 = URI.create("");
String clusterName = "cluster-2";
Map<Integer, PartitionData> partitionData = new HashMap<>(1);
partitionData.put(DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, new PartitionData(1d));
Map<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>> uriData = new HashMap<>(3);
uriData.put(uri1, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri2, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri3, partitionData);
ClusterProperties clusterProperties = new ClusterProperties(clusterName);
List<String> prioritizedSchemes = Collections.singletonList("http");
// enable multi-probe consistent hashing
Map<String, Object> lbStrategyProperties = Collections.singletonMap(PropertyKeys.HTTP_LB_CONSISTENT_HASH_ALGORITHM, DegraderRingFactory.MULTI_PROBE_CONSISTENT_HASH);
// set initial drop rate and slow start threshold
Map<String, String> degraderProperties = new HashMap<>();
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_INITIAL_DROP_RATE, "0.99");
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_SLOW_START_THRESHOLD, "0.1");
// constant delay generator
LoadBalancerSimulator.TimedValueGenerator<String> delayGenerator = (uri, time, unit) -> 100l;
// constant QPS generator
LoadBalancerSimulator.QPSGenerator qpsGenerator = () -> 1000;
Map<String, Object> transportClientProperties = Collections.singletonMap("DelayGenerator", delayGenerator);
ServiceProperties serviceProperties = new ServiceProperties("foo", clusterName, "/foo", Arrays.asList("degrader"), lbStrategyProperties, transportClientProperties, degraderProperties, prioritizedSchemes, null);
UriProperties uriProperties = new UriProperties(clusterName, uriData);
// pass all the info to the simulator
LoadBalancerSimulator loadBalancerSimulator = new LoadBalancerSimulator(serviceProperties, clusterProperties, uriProperties, delayGenerator, qpsGenerator);
// Start the simulation, wait for 10 UPDATE_INTERVALS to make sure all uris are fully ramped.
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 20);
URI uri4 = URI.create("");
uriData.put(uri4, partitionData);
uriProperties = new UriProperties(clusterName, uriData);
// Create the delay generator for the uris
URI expectedUri4 = URI.create("");
// the points for uri4 should be 1 and call count percentage is 0.3%.
double callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.006, "expected percentage is less than 0.006, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 4 and call count percentage is 1.3%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.02, "expected percentage is less than 0.02, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 16 and call count percentage is 5%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.07, "expected percentage is less than 0.07, actual is " + callCountPercent);
assertTrue(callCountPercent >= 0.03, "expected percentage is larger than 0.03, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 56 and call count percentage is 16%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.18, "expected percentage is less than 0.18, actual is " + callCountPercent);
assertTrue(callCountPercent >= 0.12, "expected percentage is larger than 0.12, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 96 and call count percentage is 24%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.28, "expected percentage is less than 0.26, actual is " + callCountPercent);
assertTrue(callCountPercent >= 0.20, "expected percentage is larger than 0.22, actual is " + callCountPercent);