use of in project by linkedin.
the class RetryClientTest method prepareLoadBalancer.
public SimpleLoadBalancer prepareLoadBalancer(List<String> uris) throws URISyntaxException {
String serviceName = "retryService";
String clusterName = "cluster";
String path = "";
String strategyName = "degrader";
// setup partition
Map<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>> partitionDescriptions = new HashMap<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>>();
for (String uri : uris) {
final URI foo = URI.create(uri);
Map<Integer, PartitionData> foo1Data = new HashMap<Integer, PartitionData>();
foo1Data.put(0, new PartitionData(1.0));
partitionDescriptions.put(foo, foo1Data);
DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3 strategy = new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3(new DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig(5000), serviceName, null);
List<LoadBalancerState.SchemeStrategyPair> orderedStrategies = new ArrayList<LoadBalancerState.SchemeStrategyPair>();
orderedStrategies.add(new LoadBalancerState.SchemeStrategyPair("http", strategy));
PartitionAccessor accessor = new TestRetryPartitionAccessor();
SimpleLoadBalancer balancer = new SimpleLoadBalancer(new PartitionedLoadBalancerTestState(clusterName, serviceName, path, strategyName, partitionDescriptions, orderedStrategies, accessor));
return balancer;
use of in project by linkedin.
the class ZooKeeperAnnouncerJmx method setPartitionDataUsingJson.
public void setPartitionDataUsingJson(String partitionDataJson) throws IOException {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Integer, Double> rawObject = JacksonUtil.getObjectMapper().readValue(partitionDataJson, HashMap.class);
Map<Integer, PartitionData> partitionDataMap = new HashMap<Integer, PartitionData>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : rawObject.entrySet()) {
PartitionData data = new PartitionData(entry.getValue());
partitionDataMap.put(entry.getKey(), data);
use of in project by linkedin.
the class LoadBalancerTestState method getUriProperties.
public LoadBalancerStateItem<UriProperties> getUriProperties(String clusterName) {
try {
URI uri1 = URI.create("");
URI uri2 = URI.create("");
URI uri3 = URI.create("");
Map<Integer, PartitionData> partitionData = new HashMap<Integer, PartitionData>(1);
partitionData.put(DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, new PartitionData(1d));
Map<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>> uriData = new HashMap<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>>(3);
uriData.put(uri1, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri2, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri3, partitionData);
return (getUriProperties) ? new LoadBalancerStateItem<UriProperties>(new UriProperties("cluster-1", uriData), 0, 0) : null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of in project by linkedin.
the class SimpleLoadBalancerDelayTest method testLoadBalancerWithSlowStartClient.
@Test(groups = { "small", "back-end" }, enabled = false)
public void testLoadBalancerWithSlowStartClient() throws Exception {
// Generate service, cluster and uri properties for d2
URI uri1 = URI.create("");
URI uri2 = URI.create("");
URI uri3 = URI.create("");
String clusterName = "cluster-2";
Map<Integer, PartitionData> partitionData = new HashMap<>(1);
partitionData.put(DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, new PartitionData(1d));
Map<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>> uriData = new HashMap<>(3);
uriData.put(uri1, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri2, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri3, partitionData);
ClusterProperties clusterProperties = new ClusterProperties(clusterName);
List<String> prioritizedSchemes = Collections.singletonList("http");
// enable multi-probe consistent hashing
Map<String, Object> lbStrategyProperties = Collections.singletonMap(PropertyKeys.HTTP_LB_CONSISTENT_HASH_ALGORITHM, DegraderRingFactory.MULTI_PROBE_CONSISTENT_HASH);
// set initial drop rate and slow start threshold
Map<String, String> degraderProperties = new HashMap<>();
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_INITIAL_DROP_RATE, "0.99");
degraderProperties.put(PropertyKeys.DEGRADER_SLOW_START_THRESHOLD, "0.1");
// constant delay generator
LoadBalancerSimulator.TimedValueGenerator<String> delayGenerator = (uri, time, unit) -> 100l;
// constant QPS generator
LoadBalancerSimulator.QPSGenerator qpsGenerator = () -> 1000;
Map<String, Object> transportClientProperties = Collections.singletonMap("DelayGenerator", delayGenerator);
ServiceProperties serviceProperties = new ServiceProperties("foo", clusterName, "/foo", Arrays.asList("degrader"), lbStrategyProperties, transportClientProperties, degraderProperties, prioritizedSchemes, null);
UriProperties uriProperties = new UriProperties(clusterName, uriData);
// pass all the info to the simulator
LoadBalancerSimulator loadBalancerSimulator = new LoadBalancerSimulator(serviceProperties, clusterProperties, uriProperties, delayGenerator, qpsGenerator);
// Start the simulation, wait for 10 UPDATE_INTERVALS to make sure all uris are fully ramped.
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 20);
URI uri4 = URI.create("");
uriData.put(uri4, partitionData);
uriProperties = new UriProperties(clusterName, uriData);
// Create the delay generator for the uris
URI expectedUri4 = URI.create("");
// the points for uri4 should be 1 and call count percentage is 0.3%.
double callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.006, "expected percentage is less than 0.006, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 4 and call count percentage is 1.3%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.02, "expected percentage is less than 0.02, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 16 and call count percentage is 5%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.07, "expected percentage is less than 0.07, actual is " + callCountPercent);
assertTrue(callCountPercent >= 0.03, "expected percentage is larger than 0.03, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 56 and call count percentage is 16%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.18, "expected percentage is less than 0.18, actual is " + callCountPercent);
assertTrue(callCountPercent >= 0.12, "expected percentage is larger than 0.12, actual is " + callCountPercent);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri4 should be 96 and call count percentage is 24%
callCountPercent = loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri4);
assertTrue(callCountPercent <= 0.28, "expected percentage is less than 0.26, actual is " + callCountPercent);
assertTrue(callCountPercent >= 0.20, "expected percentage is larger than 0.22, actual is " + callCountPercent);
use of in project by linkedin.
the class SimpleLoadBalancerDelayTest method testLoadBalancerWithDelay.
@Test(groups = { "small", "back-end" }, enabled = false)
public void testLoadBalancerWithDelay() throws Exception {
// Generate service, cluster and uri properties for d2
URI uri1 = URI.create("");
URI uri2 = URI.create("");
URI uri3 = URI.create("");
Map<Integer, PartitionData> partitionData = new HashMap<Integer, PartitionData>(1);
partitionData.put(DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, new PartitionData(1d));
Map<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>> uriData = new HashMap<URI, Map<Integer, PartitionData>>(3);
uriData.put(uri1, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri2, partitionData);
uriData.put(uri3, partitionData);
ClusterProperties clusterProperties = new ClusterProperties("cluster-1");
List<String> prioritizedSchemes = Collections.singletonList("http");
ServiceProperties serviceProperties = new ServiceProperties("foo", "cluster-1", "/foo", Arrays.asList("degrader"), Collections.emptyMap(), null, null, prioritizedSchemes, null);
UriProperties uriProperties = new UriProperties("cluster-1", uriData);
// Create the delay generator for the uris
URI expectedUri1 = URI.create("");
URI expectedUri2 = URI.create("");
URI expectedUri3 = URI.create("");
// Construct the delay patterns: for each URI there is a list of delays for each interval
Map<String, List<Long>> delayMaps = new HashMap<>();
delayMaps.put("", Arrays.asList(50l, 60l, 75l, 55l, 60l, 80l, 50l));
delayMaps.put("", Arrays.asList(60l, 60l, 50l, 60l, 50l, 80l, 50l));
delayMaps.put("", Arrays.asList(80l, 3000l, 3000l, 3000l, 5000l, 80l, 50l));
LoadBalancerSimulator.TimedValueGenerator<String> delayGenerator = new DelayValueGenerator(delayMaps, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS);
// Construct the QPS generator
LoadBalancerSimulator.QPSGenerator qpsGenerator = new ConstantQPSGenerator(1000);
// pass all the info to the simulator
LoadBalancerSimulator loadBalancerSimulator = new LoadBalancerSimulator(serviceProperties, clusterProperties, uriProperties, delayGenerator, qpsGenerator);
// Start the simulation
// the points for uri3 should be 100
assertEquals(loadBalancerSimulator.getPoint("foo", DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, uri3), 100);
// the uri3 should be used around 33% of all queries. Due to the hashring variance we need
// to check the range.
// uri3 will be degrading further after the previous interval
// assertTrue(loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri3) <= 0.375);
// assertTrue(loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri3) >= 0.295);
// wait for 2 intervals due to call dropping involved
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri3 should be 80
// Also if the loadbalancing strategy changed, the numbers could be lower
assertEquals(loadBalancerSimulator.getPoint("foo", DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, uri3), 80);
// the uri3 should be used around 28%, will be degrading further next
// assertTrue(loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri3) <= 0.32);
// assertTrue(loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri3) >= 0.24);
// continue the simulation
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 2);
// the points for uri3 should be around 40
assertEquals(loadBalancerSimulator.getPoint("foo", DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, uri3), 39);
// the uri3 should be used around 16%, will be recovering next
// assertTrue(loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri3) <= 0.20);
// assertTrue(loadBalancerSimulator.getCountPercent(expectedUri3) >= 0.12);
loadBalancerSimulator.runWait(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS * 3);
// the points for uri3 should be around 60, recovering
assertEquals(loadBalancerSimulator.getPoint("foo", DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, uri3), 59);
// Done. Shutdown the simulation