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Example 6 with URIRequest

use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest in project by linkedin.

the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method simulateAndTestOneInterval.

   * simulates calling all the clients with the given QPS according to the given interval.
   * Then verify that the DegraderLoadBalancerState behaves as expected.
   * @param expectedPointsPerClient we'll verify if the points are smaller than the number given here
   * @param isCalledWithError
   * @param isCalledWithErrorForLoadBalancing
private TrackerClient simulateAndTestOneInterval(long timeInterval, TestClock clock, double qps, List<TrackerClient> clients, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter adapter, long clusterGenerationId, Integer expectedPointsPerClient, boolean isExpectingDropCallStrategyForNewState, double expectedClusterOverrideDropRate, long latency, boolean isCalledWithError, boolean isCalledWithErrorForLoadBalancing) {
    callClients(latency, qps, clients, clock, timeInterval, isCalledWithError, isCalledWithErrorForLoadBalancing);
    //create any random URIRequest because we just need a URI to be hashed to get the point in hash ring anyway
    if (clients != null && !clients.isEmpty()) {
        URIRequest request = new URIRequest(clients.get(0).getUri());
        TrackerClient client = getTrackerClient(adapter, request, new RequestContext(), clusterGenerationId, clients);
        Map<URI, Integer> pointsMap = adapter.getPointsMap();
        for (TrackerClient trackerClient : clients) {
            Integer pointsInTheRing = pointsMap.get(trackerClient.getUri());
            assertEquals(pointsInTheRing, expectedPointsPerClient);
        if (isExpectingDropCallStrategyForNewState) {
        } else {
        assertEquals(adapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate(), expectedClusterOverrideDropRate);
        return client;
    return null;
Also used : TrackerClient(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient) URIRequest(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest) RequestContext(com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext) URI(

Example 7 with URIRequest

use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest in project by linkedin.

the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method testCallDroppingHelper.

private void testCallDroppingHelper(DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter strategyAdapter, List<TrackerClient> clients, TestClock clock, Long timeInterval) {
    //test clusterOverrideDropRate won't increase even though latency is 3000 ms because the traffic is low
    callClients(3000, 0.2, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    URIRequest request = new URIRequest(clients.get(0).getUri());
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.0d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    //if we increase the QPS from 0.2 to 25, then we'll start dropping calls
    callClients(3000, 25, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.2d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    // if we set the QPS to be somewhere below high and low water mark then the drop rate stays the same
    // even though the latency is high
    callClients(3000, 2, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.2d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    // now we want to degrade the cluster even further
    callClients(3000, 25, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.4d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    callClients(3000, 25, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.6d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    callClients(3000, 25, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.8d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    callClients(3000, 25, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(1.0d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    //if we have qps below lowWaterMark, we will reduce drop rate even though latency is high
    callClients(3000, 0.5, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.8d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    //if we have qps below lowWaterMark and qps is low, we will also reduce drop rate
    callClients(100, 0.5, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.6d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    //if we have qps between lowWaterMark and highWaterMark and latency is low, we will reduce drop rate
    callClients(100, 2, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.4d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
    //if we have qps higher than highWaterMark and latency is low, we will reduce drop rate
    callClients(100, 25, clients, clock, timeInterval, false, false);
    getTrackerClient(strategyAdapter, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertTrue(isEqual(0.2d, strategyAdapter.getCurrentOverrideDropRate()));
Also used : URIRequest(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest) RequestContext(com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext)

Example 8 with URIRequest

use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest in project by linkedin.

the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method clusterTotalRecovery1TC.

   * simulates the situation where a cluster latency gets so high that we will reduce the number of
   * points in hashring to 0 and then increase the call drop rate to 1.0
   * This will causes the cluster to receive no traffic and we want to see if the cluster can recover
   * from such situation.
   * @param myMap
   * @param clock
   * @param timeInterval
   * @param strategy
public void clusterTotalRecovery1TC(Map<String, Object> myMap, TestClock clock, Long timeInterval, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter strategy) {
    final int NUM_CHECKS = 5;
    final Long TIME_INTERVAL = timeInterval;
    DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig config = DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.createHttpConfigFromMap(myMap);
    List<TrackerClient> clients = new ArrayList<TrackerClient>();
    URI uri1 = URI.create("");
    URIRequest request = new URIRequest(uri1);
    TrackerClient client1 = new TrackerClient(uri1, getDefaultPartitionData(1d), new TestLoadBalancerClient(uri1), clock, null);
    // force client1 to be disabled
    DegraderControl dcClient1Default = client1.getDegraderControl(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID);
    List<CallCompletion> ccList = new ArrayList<CallCompletion>();
    CallCompletion cc;
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_CHECKS; j++) {
        cc = client1.getCallTracker().startCall();
    // add high latency and errors to shut off traffic to this tracker client.
    for (Iterator<CallCompletion> iter = ccList.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        cc =;
    // go to next time interval.
    Assert.assertEquals(dcClient1Default.getCurrentComputedDropRate(), 1.0);
    // trigger a state update
    TrackerClient resultTC = getTrackerClient(strategy, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    // now we mimic the high latency and force the state to drop all calls so to make
    // the overrideClusterDropRate to 1.0
    ccList = new ArrayList<CallCompletion>();
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_CHECKS; j++) {
        cc = client1.getCallTracker().startCall();
    //make sure that the latency is really high
    for (Iterator<CallCompletion> iter = ccList.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        cc =;
    // go to next time interval.
    // trigger a state update
    resultTC = getTrackerClient(strategy, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    //this time the cluster override drop rate is set to 1.0 so resultTC should be null because we drop the client
    assertEquals(strategy.getCurrentOverrideDropRate(), config.getGlobalStepUp());
    // add another time interval
    // usually we alternate between LoadBalancing and CallDropping strategy but we want to test
    // call dropping strategy
    // we simulate call drop by not calling callCompletion endCall() or endCallWithEror() like we did above
    // because override drop rate is set to 1.0 that means all call will be dropped so resultTc should be null
    resultTC = getTrackerClient(strategy, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    // this time the cluster override drop rate is set to 0.2 because we're recovering
    assertEquals(strategy.getCurrentOverrideDropRate(), 1 - config.getGlobalStepDown());
    // add another time interval
    // set the strategy to callDropping again
    // because override drop rate is set to 0.2 and we simulate as if we still don't get any call
    // this cycle we will set the override drop rate to 0
    resultTC = getTrackerClient(strategy, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertEquals(strategy.getCurrentOverrideDropRate(), 0.0);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIRequest(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest) DegraderControl(com.linkedin.util.degrader.DegraderControl) URI( TrackerClient(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient) CallCompletion(com.linkedin.util.degrader.CallCompletion) AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) RequestContext(com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext)

Example 9 with URIRequest

use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest in project by linkedin.

the class DegraderLoadBalancerTest method clusterRecovery1TC.

   * helper method to test DegraderLoadBalancerStrategy recovery with 1 TrackerClient.
   * We want to test DegraderV2 and V3 with 2 different strategies : LoadBalacing and Call Dropping.
   * So this method needs to able to handle all 4 permutations.
   * @param myMap
   * @param clock
   * @param stepsToFullRecovery
   * @param timeInterval
   * @param strategy
public void clusterRecovery1TC(Map<String, Object> myMap, TestClock clock, int stepsToFullRecovery, Long timeInterval, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyAdapter strategy, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV2_1.DegraderLoadBalancerState.Strategy strategyV2, DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyV3.PartitionDegraderLoadBalancerState.Strategy strategyV3) {
    final int NUM_CHECKS = 5;
    final Long TIME_INTERVAL = timeInterval;
    int localStepsToFullRecovery = stepsToFullRecovery;
    DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig config = DegraderLoadBalancerStrategyConfig.createHttpConfigFromMap(myMap);
    List<TrackerClient> clients = new ArrayList<TrackerClient>();
    URI uri1 = URI.create("");
    URIRequest request = new URIRequest(uri1);
    TrackerClient client1 = new TrackerClient(uri1, getDefaultPartitionData(1d), new TestLoadBalancerClient(uri1), clock, null);
    // force client1 to be disabled
    DegraderControl dcClient1Default = client1.getDegraderControl(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID);
    List<CallCompletion> ccList = new ArrayList<CallCompletion>();
    CallCompletion cc;
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_CHECKS; j++) {
        cc = client1.getCallTracker().startCall();
    // add high latency and errors to shut off traffic to this tracker client.
    // note: the default values for highError and lowError in the degrader are 1.1,
    // which means we don't use errorRates when deciding when to lb/degrade.
    // In addition, because we changed to use the
    //for (int j = 0; j < NUM_CHECKS; j++)
    for (Iterator<CallCompletion> iter = ccList.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        cc =;
    // go to next time interval.
    Assert.assertEquals(dcClient1Default.getCurrentComputedDropRate(), 1.0);
    // trigger a state update
    TrackerClient resultTC = getTrackerClient(strategy, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    if (config.getInitialRecoveryLevel() < 0.01) {
        //the returned TrackerClient should be null
        assertNull(resultTC, "expected null trackerclient");
        // tracker client, so it's time to try it out. We need to enter this code at least once.
        do {
            // go to next time interval.
            // try adjusting the hash ring on this updateState
            if (strategyV3 != null) {
                strategy.setStrategyV3(DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, strategyV3);
            } else if (strategyV2 != null) {
            } else {
                fail("should set strategy (either LoadBalance or Degrader");
            resultTC = getTrackerClient(strategy, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
        } while (localStepsToFullRecovery > 0);
    assertNotNull(resultTC, "expected non-null trackerclient");
    // make calls to the tracker client to verify that it's on the road to healthy status.
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_CHECKS; j++) {
        cc = resultTC.getCallTracker().startCall();
    for (Iterator<CallCompletion> iter = ccList.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
        cc =;
    // go to next time interval.
    Assert.assertTrue(dcClient1Default.getCurrentComputedDropRate() < 1d);
    resultTC = getTrackerClient(strategy, request, new RequestContext(), 1, clients);
    assertNotNull(resultTC, "expected non-null trackerclient");
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) URIRequest(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest) DegraderControl(com.linkedin.util.degrader.DegraderControl) URI( TrackerClient(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient) CallCompletion(com.linkedin.util.degrader.CallCompletion) AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) RequestContext(com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext)

Example 10 with URIRequest

use of com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest in project by linkedin.

the class ZKFSTest method testZKDown.

public void testZKDown() throws Exception {
    final String TEST_SERVICE_NAME = "testingService";
    final String TEST_CLUSTER_NAME = "someCluster";
    try {
        ZKFSLoadBalancer balancer = getBalancer();
        FutureCallback<None> callback = new FutureCallback<None>();
        callback.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        ZKConnection conn = new ZKConnection("localhost:" + PORT, 30000);
        ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties> store = new ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ServiceProperties>(conn, new ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer(), ZKFSUtil.servicePath(BASE_PATH));
        callback = new FutureCallback<None>();
        callback.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        ServiceProperties props = new ServiceProperties(TEST_SERVICE_NAME, TEST_CLUSTER_NAME, "/somePath", Arrays.asList("degrader"), Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null, Arrays.asList("http"), null);
        store.put(TEST_SERVICE_NAME, props);
        ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ClusterProperties> clusterStore = new ZooKeeperPermanentStore<ClusterProperties>(conn, new ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer(), ZKFSUtil.clusterPath(BASE_PATH));
        callback = new FutureCallback<None>();
        callback.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        ClusterProperties clusterProps = new ClusterProperties("someCluster");
        clusterStore.put(TEST_CLUSTER_NAME, clusterProps);
        ZKConnection serverConn = new ZKConnection("localhost:" + PORT, 30000);
        ZooKeeperEphemeralStore<UriProperties> uriStore = new ZooKeeperEphemeralStore<UriProperties>(serverConn, new UriPropertiesJsonSerializer(), new UriPropertiesMerger(), ZKFSUtil.uriPath(BASE_PATH));
        callback = new FutureCallback<None>();
        callback.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        ZooKeeperServer server = new ZooKeeperServer(uriStore);
        callback = new FutureCallback<None>();
        Map<Integer, PartitionData> partitionDataMap = new HashMap<Integer, PartitionData>();
        partitionDataMap.put(DefaultPartitionAccessor.DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID, new PartitionData(1.0));
        server.markUp(TEST_CLUSTER_NAME, URI.create("http://test.uri"), partitionDataMap, callback);
        callback.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        URIRequest request = new URIRequest("d2://" + TEST_SERVICE_NAME + "/foo");
        TransportClient client = balancer.getClient(request, new RequestContext());
        // Stop the server to cause a disconnect event
        // Sleep to ensure the disconnect has propagated; ideally the Toggle should expose
        // some interface to allow detection that the toggle occurred
        // Now see if it still works
        client = balancer.getClient(request, new RequestContext());
    } finally {
Also used : ServicePropertiesJsonSerializer( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ZooKeeperPermanentStore(com.linkedin.d2.discovery.stores.zk.ZooKeeperPermanentStore) UriPropertiesMerger( UriPropertiesJsonSerializer( ClusterPropertiesJsonSerializer( PartitionData( UriProperties( RequestContext(com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext) FutureCallback(com.linkedin.common.callback.FutureCallback) TransportClient(com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.bridge.client.TransportClient) ZKConnection(com.linkedin.d2.discovery.stores.zk.ZKConnection) URIRequest(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest) ZooKeeperEphemeralStore(com.linkedin.d2.discovery.stores.zk.ZooKeeperEphemeralStore) ServiceProperties( ClusterProperties( None(com.linkedin.common.util.None) ZooKeeperServer(com.linkedin.d2.balancer.servers.ZooKeeperServer) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


URIRequest (com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.URIRequest)15 RequestContext (com.linkedin.r2.message.RequestContext)15 URI ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)9 TrackerClient (com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient)8 ClusterProperties ( ServiceProperties ( UriProperties ( TransportClientFactory (com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.TransportClientFactory)5 CallCompletion (com.linkedin.util.degrader.CallCompletion)5 DegraderControl (com.linkedin.util.degrader.DegraderControl)5 AtomicLong (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong)5 FutureCallback (com.linkedin.common.callback.FutureCallback)4 None (com.linkedin.common.util.None)4 ServiceUnavailableException (com.linkedin.d2.balancer.ServiceUnavailableException)4 TrackerClientTest (com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClientTest)4 PartitionData ( LoadBalancerStrategy (com.linkedin.d2.balancer.strategies.LoadBalancerStrategy)4