use of com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProcessingException in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestBootstrapSCNProcessor method testShouldBypassSnapshot.
public void testShouldBypassSnapshot() throws SQLException, BootstrapProcessingException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException {
BootstrapSCNProcessor bsp = new BootstrapSCNProcessor();
Long defaultRowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass = Long.MAX_VALUE;
Map<String, Long> rowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass = new HashMap<String, Long>();
Map<String, Boolean> disableSnapshotBypass = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
boolean predicatePushDown = false;
Map<String, Boolean> predicatePushDownBypass = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
int queryTimeoutInSec = 10;
BootstrapReadOnlyConfig db = null;
boolean enableMinScnCheck = false;
final long longestDbTxnTimeMins = 240L;
BootstrapServerStaticConfig bssc = new BootstrapServerStaticConfig(defaultRowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass, rowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass, disableSnapshotBypass, predicatePushDown, predicatePushDownBypass, queryTimeoutInSec, enableMinScnCheck, db, longestDbTxnTimeMins);
Field field = bsp.getClass().getDeclaredField("_config");
field.set(bsp, bssc);
int srcId = 101;
long sinceScn = 5;
long startScn = 10;
BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO bmdd = EasyMock.createMock(BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO.class);
EasyMock.expect(bmdd.getLogIdToCatchup(srcId, startScn)).andReturn(0).anyTimes();
EasyMock.expect(bmdd.getLogIdToCatchup(srcId, sinceScn)).andReturn(0).anyTimes();
Field dbDaoField = bsp.getClass().getDeclaredField("_dbDao");
dbDaoField.set(bsp, bmdd);
List<SourceStatusInfo> srcList = new ArrayList<SourceStatusInfo>();
String name = "foo";
SourceStatusInfo ssi = new SourceStatusInfo(name, srcId, 4);
// case 1. Single source, defaultRowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass set to Long.MAX_VALUE,
// individual overrides not set
boolean sbs = bsp.shouldBypassSnapshot(sinceScn, startScn, srcList);
Assert.assertEquals(true, sbs);
// case 2. Single source, defaultRowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass set to finite value,
// individual overrides set for the source
rowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass.put(name, Long.MAX_VALUE);
BootstrapServerStaticConfig bssc2 = new BootstrapServerStaticConfig(defaultRowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass, rowsThresholdForSnapshotBypass, disableSnapshotBypass, predicatePushDown, predicatePushDownBypass, queryTimeoutInSec, enableMinScnCheck, db, longestDbTxnTimeMins);
field.set(bsp, bssc2);
sbs = bsp.shouldBypassSnapshot(sinceScn, startScn, srcList);
Assert.assertEquals(true, sbs);
// Case 3: Detect case when the log is not available on log tables ( so it should NOT bypass snapshot )
BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO bmdd2 = EasyMock.createMock(BootstrapDBMetaDataDAO.class);
EasyMock.expect(bmdd2.getLogIdToCatchup(srcId, startScn)).andReturn(2).anyTimes();
EasyMock.expect(bmdd2.getLogIdToCatchup(srcId, sinceScn)).andThrow(new BootstrapProcessingException(""));
Field dbDaoField2 = bsp.getClass().getDeclaredField("_dbDao");
dbDaoField2.set(bsp, bmdd2);
sbs = bsp.shouldBypassSnapshot(sinceScn, startScn, srcList);
Assert.assertEquals(false, sbs);
use of com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProcessingException in project databus by linkedin.
the class EventProcessor method onEvent.
public BootstrapEventProcessResult onEvent(ResultSet rs, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector) throws BootstrapProcessingException {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BootstrapProcessingException(ex);
return new BootstrapEventProcessResult(1, false, false);
use of com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProcessingException in project databus by linkedin.
the class BootstrapEventWriter method onEvent.
public BootstrapEventProcessResult onEvent(ResultSet rs, DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector) throws BootstrapProcessingException {
long rid = -1;
boolean exceededBufferLimit = false;
boolean dropped = true;
try {
if (null == _event) {
ByteBuffer tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rs.getBytes(4));
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("BUFFER SIZE:" + tmpBuffer.limit());
_event = _eventFactory.createReadOnlyDbusEventFromBuffer(tmpBuffer, tmpBuffer.position());
} else {
ByteBuffer tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rs.getBytes(4));
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("Resized BUFFER SIZE:" + tmpBuffer.limit());
_event = _event.reset(tmpBuffer, 0);
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("Event fetched: " + _event.size() + " for source:" + _event.srcId());
if (!_event.isValid()) {
LOG.error("got an error event :" + _event.toString());
return BootstrapEventProcessResult.getFailedEventProcessingResult(_numRowsWritten);
rid = rs.getLong(1);
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("sending: " + _event.getDbusEventKey() + " " + _event.sequence());
LOG.debug("event size:" + _event.size());
if ((null == _filter) || (_filter.allow(_event))) {
if (_debug) {
if (null != _filter) {
LOG.debug("Event :" + _event.getDbusEventKey() + " passed filter check !!");
// client has enough space for this event
if (_bytesSent + _event.size() < _clientFreeBufferSize) {
int sentBytes = _event.writeTo(_writeChannel, _encoding);
// On exception, sentBytes are set to 0
if (0 >= sentBytes) {
// to avoid successive write failures !!
return BootstrapEventProcessResult.getFailedEventProcessingResult(_numRowsWritten);
_bytesSent += sentBytes;
// tracks processed Rows only
dropped = false;
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("SENT " + _bytesSent);
if (null != statsCollector) {
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("Stats NumEvents :" + statsCollector.getTotalStats().getNumDataEvents());
} else {
exceededBufferLimit = true;
_sizeOfPendingEvent = _event.size();"Terminating batch with max. size of " + _clientFreeBufferSize + "; Bytes sent in the current batch is " + _bytesSent + "; Rows processed in the batch is " + _numRowsWritten + ((_numRowsWritten <= 0) ? ", Pending Event Size is : " + _sizeOfPendingEvent : ""));
} else {
if (null != statsCollector) {
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("Stats NumFilteredEvents :" + statsCollector.getTotalStats().getNumDataEventsFiltered());
if (_debug) {
LOG.debug("Event :" + _event.getDbusEventKey() + " failed filter check !!");
} catch (SQLException e) {
LOG.error("SQLException encountered while sending to client row " + rid);
throw new BootstrapProcessingException(e);
return new BootstrapEventProcessResult(_numRowsWritten, exceededBufferLimit, dropped);
use of com.linkedin.databus.bootstrap.api.BootstrapProcessingException in project databus by linkedin.
the class BootstrapRequestProcessor method doProcess.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.linkedin.databus.container.request.RequestProcessor#process(com.linkedin.databus
* .container.request.DatabusRequest)
protected DatabusRequest doProcess(DatabusRequest request) throws IOException, RequestProcessingException {
BootstrapProcessor processor = null;
BootstrapHttpStatsCollector bootstrapStatsCollector = _bootstrapServer.getBootstrapStatsCollector();
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean isDebug = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
try {
try {
String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
DbusEventsStatisticsCollector threadCollector = _bootstrapServer.getOutBoundStatsCollectors().getStatsCollector(threadName);
if (null == threadCollector) {
threadCollector = new DbusEventsStatisticsCollector(_bootstrapServer.getContainerStaticConfig().getId(), threadName, true, false, _bootstrapServer.getMbeanServer());
StatsCollectors<DbusEventsStatisticsCollector> ds = _bootstrapServer.getOutBoundStatsCollectors();
ds.addStatsCollector(threadName, threadCollector);
processor = new BootstrapProcessor(_config, threadCollector);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector) {
throw new RequestProcessingException(e);
DatabusComponentStatus componentStatus = _componentStatus.getStatusSnapshot();
if (!componentStatus.isRunningStatus()) {
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector)
throw new RequestProcessingException(componentStatus.getMessage());
String partitionInfoString = request.getParams().getProperty(PARTITION_INFO_PARAM);
DbusKeyFilter keyFilter = null;
if ((null != partitionInfoString) && (!partitionInfoString.isEmpty())) {
try {
keyFilter = KeyFilterConfigJSONFactory.parseDbusKeyFilter(partitionInfoString);
if (isDebug)
LOG.debug("ServerSideFilter is :" + keyFilter);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String msg = "Unable to parse partitionInfo from request. PartitionInfo was :" + partitionInfoString;
LOG.error(msg, ex);
throw new RequestProcessingException(msg, ex);
String outputFormat = request.getParams().getProperty(OUTPUT_PARAM);
Encoding enc = Encoding.BINARY;
if (null != outputFormat) {
try {
enc = Encoding.valueOf(outputFormat.toUpperCase());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Unable to find the output format for bootstrap request for " + outputFormat + ". Using Binary!!", ex);
String checkpointString = request.getRequiredStringParam(CHECKPOINT_PARAM);
int bufferMarginSpace = DEFAULT_BUFFER_MARGIN_SPACE;
if (null != _serverHostPort) {
bufferMarginSpace = Math.max(bufferMarginSpace, (_serverHostPort.length() + Checkpoint.BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_INFO.length() + DEFAULT_JSON_OVERHEAD_BYTES));
int clientFreeBufferSize = request.getRequiredIntParam(BATCHSIZE_PARAM) - checkpointString.length() - bufferMarginSpace;
BootstrapEventWriter writer = null;
if (_config.getPredicatePushDown())
writer = createEventWriter(request, clientFreeBufferSize, null, enc);
writer = createEventWriter(request, clientFreeBufferSize, keyFilter, enc);
Checkpoint cp = new Checkpoint(checkpointString);
DbusClientMode consumptionMode = cp.getConsumptionMode();"Bootstrap request received: " + "fetchSize=" + clientFreeBufferSize + ", consumptionMode=" + consumptionMode + ", checkpoint=" + checkpointString + ", predicatePushDown=" + _config.getPredicatePushDown());
try {
boolean phaseCompleted = false;
switch(consumptionMode) {
phaseCompleted = processor.streamSnapShotRows(new Checkpoint(checkpointString), writer);
phaseCompleted = processor.streamCatchupRows(new Checkpoint(checkpointString), writer);
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector)
throw new RequestProcessingException("Unexpected mode: " + consumptionMode);
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector)
bootstrapStatsCollector.registerBootStrapReq(cp, System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, clientFreeBufferSize);
if (writer.getNumRowsWritten() == 0 && writer.getSizeOfPendingEvent() > 0) {
// Append a header to indicate to the client that we do have at least one event to
// send, but it is too large to fit into client's offered buffer.
request.getResponseContent().addMetadata(DatabusHttpHeaders.DATABUS_PENDING_EVENT_SIZE, writer.getSizeOfPendingEvent());
if (isDebug) {
LOG.debug("Returning 0 events but have pending event of size " + writer.getSizeOfPendingEvent());
if (phaseCompleted) {
request.getResponseContent().setMetadata(BootstrapProcessor.PHASE_COMPLETED_HEADER_NAME, BootstrapProcessor.PHASE_COMPLETED_HEADER_TRUE);
} catch (BootstrapDatabaseTooOldException e) {
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector)
LOG.error("Bootstrap database is too old!", e);
throw new RequestProcessingException(e);
} catch (BootstrapDBException e) {
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector)
throw new RequestProcessingException(e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector)
throw new RequestProcessingException(e);
} catch (BootstrapProcessingException e) {
if (null != bootstrapStatsCollector)
throw new RequestProcessingException(e);
} finally {
if (null != processor)
return request;