use of com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusSourcesConnection in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDatabusRelayMain method testClientNoEventsResetConnection.
public /**
* test resetting connection when there is no events for some period of time
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws InvalidConfigException
void testClientNoEventsResetConnection() throws InterruptedException, InvalidConfigException {
DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner r1 = null;
ClientRunner cr = null;
try {
String srcName = "";
// create main relay with random generator
int eventRatePerSec = 10;
PhysicalSourceConfig srcConfig = DatabusRelayTestUtil.createPhysicalConfigBuilder((short) 1, DatabusRelayTestUtil.getPhysicalSrcName(srcName), "mock", 500, eventRatePerSec, new String[] { srcName });
int relayPort = 11995;
DatabusRelayMain relay = DatabusRelayTestUtil.createDatabusRelayWithSchemaReg(1001, relayPort, 10 * 1024 * 1024, new PhysicalSourceConfig[] { srcConfig }, SCHEMA_REGISTRY_DIR);
Assert.assertNotEquals(relay, null);
r1 = new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner(relay);
// async starts
DbusEventsTotalStats stats = relay.getInboundEventStatisticsCollector().getTotalStats();
// start client in parallel
String srcSubscriptionString = srcName;
String serverName = "localhost:" + relayPort;
ResetsCountingConsumer countingConsumer = new ResetsCountingConsumer();
DatabusSourcesConnection clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);
// generate some events
// pause event generator
// and wait untill all the events are consumed
// but since it is less then timeout the connection should NOT reset"Sending pause to relay!");
TestUtil.sleep(4000);"no events, time less then threshold. Events=" + countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents() + "; resets = " + countingConsumer.getNumResets());
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumResets(), 0);
// generate more events, more time elapsed then the threshold, but since there are
// events - NO reset
Thread.sleep(8000);"some events, more time then timeout. Events=" + countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents() + "; resets = " + countingConsumer.getNumResets());
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumResets(), 0);
// stop events
//set threshold to 0 completely disabling the feature
Thread.sleep(8000);"no events, more time then timeout, but feature disabled. Events=" + countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents() + "; resets = " + countingConsumer.getNumResets());
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumResets(), 0);
// enable the feature, and sleep for timeout
// now wait with no events"pause the producer. sleep for 6 sec, should reset");
TestUtil.sleep(6000);"Client stats=" + countingConsumer);"Num resets=" + countingConsumer.getNumResets());"Event windows generated=" + stats.getNumSysEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumResets(), 0, "0 resets");
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(), stats.getNumDataEvents());
boolean stopped = r1.shutdown(2000);
Assert.assertTrue(stopped);"Relay r1 stopped");
cr.shutdown();"Client cr stopped");
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(), stats.getNumDataEvents());
} finally {
cleanup(new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner[] { r1 }, cr);
use of com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusSourcesConnection in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDatabusRelayEvents method testV2Events.
* Stuffs an event buffer with both a v1 and a v2 event, then reads the buffer two ways:
* first accepting only v1 events (verifying conversion of the v2 event to v1); then accepting
* both v1 and v2 events.
* Note that the version of the _EOP_ events must match the version of the event factory,
* regardless of the versions of any preceding "real" events. (This matches DbusEventBuffer
* behavior; see the serializeLongKeyEndOfPeriodMarker() call in endEvents() for details.)
public void testV2Events() throws KeyTypeNotImplementedException, InvalidEventException, IOException, DatabusException {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestDatabusRelayEvents.testV2Events");
String[] srcs = { "" };
String pSourceName = DatabusRelayTestUtil.getPhysicalSrcName(srcs[0]);
short srcId = 2;
short pId = 1;
int relayPort = Utils.getAvailablePort(11993);
// create relay
final DatabusRelayMain relay1 = createRelay(relayPort, pId, srcs);
DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner r1 = null;
ClientRunner cr = null;
try {
//EventProducer[] producers = relay1.getProducers();
r1 = new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner(relay1);"Relay created");
DbusEventBufferMult bufMult = relay1.getEventBuffer();
PhysicalPartition pPartition = new PhysicalPartition((int) pId, pSourceName);
DbusEventBuffer buf = (DbusEventBuffer) bufMult.getDbusEventBufferAppendable(pPartition);"create some events");
long windowScn = 100L;
ByteBuffer serializationBuffer = addEvent(windowScn, srcId, relay1.getSchemaRegistryService().fetchSchemaIdForSourceNameAndVersion(srcs[0], 2).getByteArray(), pId, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2);
ReadableByteChannel channel = Channels.newChannel(new ByteBufferInputStream(serializationBuffer));
int readEvents = buf.readEvents(channel);"successfully read in " + readEvents + " events ");
windowScn = 101L;
serializationBuffer = addEvent(windowScn, srcId, relay1.getSchemaRegistryService().fetchSchemaIdForSourceNameAndVersion(srcs[0], 2).getByteArray(), pId, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1);
channel = Channels.newChannel(new ByteBufferInputStream(serializationBuffer));
readEvents = buf.readEvents(channel);"successfully read in " + readEvents + " events ");
channel.close();"starting relay on port " + relayPort);
// wait until relay comes up
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return relay1.isRunningStatus();
}, "Relay hasn't come up completely ", 30000, LOG);"now create client");
String srcSubscriptionString = TestUtil.join(srcs, ",");
String serverName = "localhost:" + relayPort;
final EventsCountingConsumer countingConsumer = new EventsCountingConsumer();
int id = (RngUtils.randomPositiveInt() % 10000) + 1;
DatabusSourcesConnection clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", id, serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true, DatabusClientNettyThreadPools.createNettyThreadPools(id), 0, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1, 0);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);"starting client");
// wait till client gets the event
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
int events = countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents();"client got " + events + " events");
return events == 2;
}, "Consumer didn't get 2 events ", 64 * 1024, LOG);
// asserts
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumWindows(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1), 2);"shutdown first client");
cr = null;"start another client who understands V2");
final EventsCountingConsumer countingConsumer1 = new EventsCountingConsumer();
clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", id, serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer1, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true, DatabusClientNettyThreadPools.createNettyThreadPools(id), 0, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2, 0);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);
cr.start();"wait till client gets the event");
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
int events = countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents();
LOG.debug("client got " + events + " events");
return events == 2;
}, "Consumer didn't get 2 events ", 64 * 1024, LOG);
// asserts
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumWindows(), 2);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1), 1);
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer1.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V2), 1);
} finally {
cleanup(new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner[] { r1 }, cr);
use of com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusSourcesConnection in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDatabusRelayEvents method testEventConversion.
public /**
* append event V2 to the buffer and stream it to the client
* which only accepts events V1. Make sure it got converted
void testEventConversion() throws InterruptedException, IOException, DatabusException {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestDatabusRelayEvents.testEventConversion");
DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner r1 = null;
ClientRunner cr = null;
try {
String[] srcs = { "" };
int pId = 1;
int srcId = 2;
int relayPort = Utils.getAvailablePort(11994);
final DatabusRelayMain relay1 = createRelay(relayPort, pId, srcs);
r1 = new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner(relay1);"Relay created");
DbusEventBufferMult bufMult = relay1.getEventBuffer();
String pSourceName = DatabusRelayTestUtil.getPhysicalSrcName(srcs[0]);
PhysicalPartition pPartition = new PhysicalPartition(pId, pSourceName);
DbusEventBufferAppendable buf = bufMult.getDbusEventBufferAppendable(pPartition);
DbusEventKey key = new DbusEventKey(123L);
byte[] schemaId = relay1.getSchemaRegistryService().fetchSchemaIdForSourceNameAndVersion(srcs[0], 2).getByteArray();
byte[] payload = RngUtils.randomString(100).getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset());
DbusEventInfo eventInfo = new DbusEventInfo(DbusOpcode.UPSERT, 100L, (short) pId, (short) pId, 897L, (short) srcId, schemaId, payload, false, true);
buf.appendEvent(key, eventInfo, null);
buf.endEvents(100L, null);
r1.start();"Relay started");
// wait until relay comes up
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return relay1.isRunningStatus();
}, "Relay hasn't come up completely ", 7000, LOG);
// now create client:
String srcSubscriptionString = TestUtil.join(srcs, ",");
String serverName = "localhost:" + relayPort;
final EventsCountingConsumer countingConsumer = new EventsCountingConsumer();
int id = (RngUtils.randomPositiveInt() % 10000) + 1;
DatabusSourcesConnection clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", id, serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true, DatabusClientNettyThreadPools.createNettyThreadPools(id), 0, DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1, 0);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);
cr.start();"Consumer started");
// wait till client gets the event
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents() == 1;
}, "Consumer didn't get any events ", 64 * 1024, LOG);
// asserts
Assert.assertEquals(1, countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(1, countingConsumer.getNumWindows());
Assert.assertEquals(1, countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(DbusEventFactory.DBUS_EVENT_V1));
} finally {
cleanup(new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner[] { r1 }, cr);
use of com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusSourcesConnection in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDatabusRelayMain method testRelayEventGenerator.
public void testRelayEventGenerator() throws InterruptedException, InvalidConfigException {
DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner r1 = null;
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestDatabusRelayMain.testRelayEventGenerator");
ClientRunner cr = null;
try {
String[][] srcNames = { { "", "" } };"create main relay with random generator");
PhysicalSourceConfig[] srcConfigs = new PhysicalSourceConfig[srcNames.length];
int i = 0;
int eventRatePerSec = 20;
for (String[] srcs : srcNames) {
PhysicalSourceConfig src1 = DatabusRelayTestUtil.createPhysicalConfigBuilder((short) (i + 1), DatabusRelayTestUtil.getPhysicalSrcName(srcs[0]), "mock", 500, eventRatePerSec, srcs);
srcConfigs[i++] = src1;
int relayPort = Utils.getAvailablePort(11993);
final DatabusRelayMain relay1 = DatabusRelayTestUtil.createDatabusRelayWithSchemaReg(1001, relayPort, 10 * 1024 * 1024, srcConfigs, SCHEMA_REGISTRY_DIR);
Assert.assertNotEquals(relay1, null);
r1 = new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner(relay1);"async starts");
r1.start();"start client in parallel");
String srcSubscriptionString = TestUtil.join(srcNames[0], ",");
String serverName = "localhost:" + relayPort;
final CountingConsumer countingConsumer = new CountingConsumer();
DatabusSourcesConnection clientConn = RelayEventProducer.createDatabusSourcesConnection("testProducer", serverName, srcSubscriptionString, countingConsumer, 1 * 1024 * 1024, 50000, 30 * 1000, 100, 15 * 1000, 1, true);
cr = new ClientRunner(clientConn);
cr.start();"terminating conditions");
final DbusEventsTotalStats stats = relay1.getInboundEventStatisticsCollector().getTotalStats();
long totalRunTime = 5000;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
do {"numDataEvents=" + stats.getNumDataEvents() + " numWindows=" + stats.getNumSysEvents() + " size=" + stats.getSizeDataEvents());
} while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) < totalRunTime);
r1.pause();"Sending pause to relay!");"numDataEvents=" + stats.getNumDataEvents() + " numWindows=" + stats.getNumSysEvents() + " size=" + stats.getSizeDataEvents());
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
boolean success = true;
for (EventProducer p : relay1.getProducers()) {
if (!(success = success && p.isPaused()))
return success;
}, "waiting for producers to pause", 4000, log);
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
log.debug("countingConsumer.getNumWindows()=" + countingConsumer.getNumWindows());
return countingConsumer.getNumWindows() == stats.getNumSysEvents();
}, "wait until client got all events or for maxTimeout", 64 * 1024, log);"Client stats=" + countingConsumer);"Event windows generated=" + stats.getNumSysEvents());
cr.shutdown(2000, log);"Client cr stopped");
Assert.assertEquals(countingConsumer.getNumDataEvents(), stats.getNumDataEvents());
boolean stopped = r1.shutdown(2000);
Assert.assertTrue(stopped);"Relay r1 stopped");
} finally {
cleanup(new DatabusRelayTestUtil.RelayRunner[] { r1 }, cr);
use of com.linkedin.databus.client.DatabusSourcesConnection in project databus by linkedin.
the class DatabusV2RegistrationImpl method createConnection.
* Factory method to create sources connection
* @param connConfig
* @param subs
* @param candidateRelays
* @param candidateBootstrapServers
* @param eventBuffer
* @param bootstrapBuffer
* @return
protected synchronized DatabusSourcesConnection createConnection(StaticConfig connConfig, List<DatabusSubscription> subs, Set<ServerInfo> candidateRelays, Set<ServerInfo> candidateBootstrapServers, DbusEventBuffer eventBuffer, DbusEventBuffer bootstrapBuffer) {"Creating Sources Connection : Candidate Relays :" + candidateRelays + ", CandidateBootstrapServers :" + candidateBootstrapServers + ", Subscriptions :" + subs);
ConnectionStateFactory connStateFactory = new ConnectionStateFactory(DatabusSubscription.getStrList(subs));
DatabusSourcesConnection sourcesConnection = new DatabusSourcesConnection(connConfig, subs, candidateRelays, candidateBootstrapServers, _streamConsumerRawRegistrations, _bootstrapConsumerRawRegistrations, eventBuffer, bootstrapBuffer, _client.getDefaultExecutorService(), _client.getContainerStatsCollector(), _inboundEventsStatsCollector, _bootstrapEventsStatsCollector, _relayConsumerStats, _bootstrapConsumerStats, _unifiedClientStats, _checkpointPersistenceProvider, _client.getRelayConnFactory(), _client.getBootstrapConnFactory(), _client.getHttpStatsCollector(), // This should make sure the checkpoint directory structure is compatible with V2.
null, _client, // Used to uniquely identify logs and mbean name
_id.toString(), _client.getEventFactory(), null, connStateFactory);
return sourcesConnection;