use of com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.PhysicalPartition in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestCheckpointMult method makeCpMult.
private CheckpointMult makeCpMult() {
// init test data
ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>();
pSrcIds.put(pSrcId1, al);
al = new ArrayList<Integer>();
pSrcIds.put(pSrcId2, al);
CheckpointMult cpMult = new CheckpointMult();
for (int id : pSrcIds.keySet()) {
Checkpoint cp = new Checkpoint();
cp.setWindowScn((long) pSrcIds.get(id).get(1));
PhysicalPartition pPart = new PhysicalPartition(id, "name");
cpMult.addCheckpoint(pPart, cp);
return cpMult;
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.PhysicalPartition in project databus by linkedin.
the class ClientStateRequestProcessor method getV3ClusterPartitions.
* Get the list of partitions hosted by this client for the V3 cluster.
* @param cluster
* V3 CLuster for which we need to find out the partitions.
* @return
* @throws RequestProcessingException
* when unable to find the cluster.
private Collection<PartitionInfo> getV3ClusterPartitions(String cluster) throws RequestProcessingException {
DatabusV3MultiPartitionRegistration reg = getV3ClusterRegistration(cluster);
List<PartitionInfo> partitions = new ArrayList<PartitionInfo>();
Map<PhysicalPartition, DatabusV3Registration> regMap = reg.getPartionRegs();
for (Entry<PhysicalPartition, DatabusV3Registration> e : regMap.entrySet()) {
PartitionInfo p = new PartitionInfo(e.getKey().getId(), e.getValue().getRegistrationId());
return partitions;
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.PhysicalPartition in project databus by linkedin.
the class ClientStateRequestProcessor method getAllTopLevelV3Registrations.
* Returns all the top-level V3 registrations. Top-level registrations are those that
* were created as a result of one of "registerXXX()" calls on databus-client. In the
* case of multi-partition registrations (like MPRegistration, V3 CLB), only the parent
* registration is considered the top-level registration. Per-partition (child)
* registrations which were created as part of partition migration are NOT top-level
* registrations.
* @return collection of top-level registrations (V3)
private Collection<RegInfo> getAllTopLevelV3Registrations() {
* Important Note: There is an important implementation difference on which
* registrations are stored in the global registration data-structure maintained by
* the client (DatabusHttp[V3]ClientImpls) between V2 and V3.
* 1. In the case of V2, only top-level registrations are stored in the global
* data-structure (DatabusHttpClientImpl.regList 2. In the case of V3, all
* registrations are stored in the global data-structure.
* In the case of V3, this is needed so that all registrations can act on the relay
* external view change. This can be refactored in the future by moving the
* relay-external view change to registration impl ( reduce the complexity in
* ClientImpl ). The V2 implementation did not have this logic and was following a
* more intuitive structure of preserving the hierarchy.
Map<RegistrationId, RegInfo> regListMap = new HashMap<RegistrationId, RegInfo>();
* The _client.getRegistrationIdMap() has all registrations in one place. Top-Level
* Registrations = Only those registrations whose getParent() == null.
Map<RegistrationId, DatabusV3Registration> regMap = _client.getRegistrationIdMap();
for (Entry<RegistrationId, DatabusV3Registration> e : regMap.entrySet()) {
RegInfo regInfo = null;
DatabusV3Registration r = e.getValue();
// If not top-level, skip
if (null != r.getParentRegistration()) {
Map<DbusPartitionInfo, RegInfo> childR = null;
if (r instanceof DatabusV3MultiPartitionRegistration) {
// ass the children regs to parent.
Map<PhysicalPartition, DatabusV3Registration> childRegs = ((DatabusV3MultiPartitionRegistration) r).getPartionRegs();
childR = new HashMap<DbusPartitionInfo, RegInfo>();
for (Entry<PhysicalPartition, DatabusV3Registration> e2 : childRegs.entrySet()) {
childR.put(new DbusPartitionInfoImpl(e2.getKey().getId()), new RegInfo(e.getValue().getState().name(), e.getValue().getRegistrationId(), e.getValue().getStatus(), null, e.getValue().getSubscriptions()));
regInfo = new RegInfo(r.getState().name(), r.getRegistrationId(), r.getStatus(), null, r.getSubscriptions(), true, childR);
regListMap.put(e.getKey(), regInfo);
return regListMap.values();
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.PhysicalPartition in project databus by linkedin.
the class DatabusSourcesConnection method composeName.
// figure out name for the connection - to be used in mbean
private String composeName(String id) {
StringBuilder shortSourcesListBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String separatorChar = "[";
for (DatabusSubscription sub : getSubscriptions()) {
PhysicalPartition p = sub.getPhysicalPartition();
String sourceName = "AnySource";
LogicalSource source = sub.getLogicalPartition().getSource();
if (!source.isAllSourcesWildcard()) {
sourceName = source.getName();
int lastDotIdx = sourceName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDotIdx >= 0)
sourceName = sourceName.substring(lastDotIdx + 1);
String partString = "AnyPPart_";
if (!p.isAnyPartitionWildcard()) {
partString = p.getId() + "_";
shortSourcesListBuilder.append(partString + sourceName);
separatorChar = "_";
String shortSourcesList = shortSourcesListBuilder.toString();
return "conn" + shortSourcesList + (id == null ? "" : "_" + id);
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.data_model.PhysicalPartition in project databus by linkedin.
the class LoadDataEventsRequestProcessor method process.
public DatabusRequest process(DatabusRequest request) throws IOException, RequestProcessingException {
String fileStr = request.getRequiredStringParam(FILE_PATH_PARAM);
String startWinStr = request.getParams().getProperty(START_WINDOW_PARAM, "false");
String physicalParitionParameter = request.getParams().getProperty(PHYSICAL_PARTITION_ID_PARAM); + "=" + physicalParitionParameter);
PhysicalPartition pPartition = PhysicalSourceStaticConfig.getDefaultPhysicalPartition();
if (physicalParitionParameter != null) {
// physical partition parameter format is PPName_PPId
pPartition = PhysicalPartition.parsePhysicalPartitionString(physicalParitionParameter, "_");
boolean startWin = Boolean.valueOf(startWinStr);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileStr));
try {
//PhysicalPartition pPartition = new PhysicalPartition(physicalPartitionId);
// TODO this should actually use DbusEventBufferAppendable (DDSDBUS-78)
DbusEventBuffer buf = (DbusEventBuffer) _eventBuffer.getDbusEventBufferAppendable(pPartition);
if (buf == null)
throw new RequestProcessingException("cannot find buffer for ph. partion " + pPartition);
if ((buf.getMinScn() < 0) && (buf.getPrevScn() < 0))
try {
DbusEventsStatisticsCollector statsCollector = _relay.getInBoundStatsCollectors().getStatsCollector(pPartition.toSimpleString());
int eventsAppended = 0;
if (!((eventsAppended = DbusEventSerializable.appendToEventBuffer(in, buf, statsCollector, startWin)) > 0)) {
throw new RequestProcessingException("event loading failed");
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(20);
} catch (InvalidEventException iee) {
throw new RequestProcessingException(iee);
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
LOG.error("runttime excception: " + re.getMessage(), re);
throw re;
} finally {
return request;