use of com.linkedin.databus.core.test.DbusEventGenerator in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGenericDispatcher method testBootstrapPartialWindowScnOrdering.
public void testBootstrapPartialWindowScnOrdering() throws Exception {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestGenericDispatcher.testBootstrapPartialWindowScnOrdering");
// log.setLevel(Level.DEBUG);"start");
// DDSDBUS-1889: Ensure bootstrap onCheckpoint() callback receives bootstrapSinceScn - not some scn.
int numEvents = 100;
int maxWindowSize = 25;
/* Experiment setup */
int payloadSize = 20;
int numCheckpoints = numEvents / maxWindowSize;
/* Consumer creation */
// setup consumer to fail on end of first full window
int timeTakenForDataEventInMs = 1;
int timeTakenForControlEventInMs = 1;
int numFailCheckpointEvent = 0;
int numFailDataEvent = 0;
int numFailEndWindow = 1;
int numFailures = 1;
// fail at the specified window; no retries; so the dispatcher should stop having written one window; but having checkpointed the other
// thanks to a very small checkpoint frequency threshold
TimeoutTestConsumer tConsumer = new TimeoutTestConsumer(timeTakenForDataEventInMs, timeTakenForControlEventInMs, numFailCheckpointEvent, numFailDataEvent, numFailEndWindow, numFailures);
HashMap<Long, List<RegisterResponseEntry>> schemaMap = new HashMap<Long, List<RegisterResponseEntry>>();
short srcId = 1;
List<RegisterResponseEntry> l1 = new ArrayList<RegisterResponseEntry>();
l1.add(new RegisterResponseEntry(1L, srcId, SOURCE1_SCHEMA_STR));
schemaMap.put(1L, l1);
Map<Long, IdNamePair> sourcesMap = new HashMap<Long, IdNamePair>();
List<String> sources = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 1; ++i) {
IdNamePair sourcePair = new IdNamePair((long) i, "source" + i);
sourcesMap.put(sourcePair.getId(), sourcePair);
long consumerTimeBudgetMs = 60 * 1000;
DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg = new DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration(tConsumer, sources, null);
List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> allRegistrations = Arrays.asList(consumerReg);
// Single threaded execution of consumer
MultiConsumerCallback mConsumer = new MultiConsumerCallback(allRegistrations, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1), consumerTimeBudgetMs, new StreamConsumerCallbackFactory(null, null), null, null, null, null);
/* Generate events **/
Vector<DbusEvent> srcTestEvents = new Vector<DbusEvent>();
Vector<Short> srcIdList = new Vector<Short>();
DbusEventGenerator evGen = new DbusEventGenerator(15000, srcIdList);
Assert.assertTrue(evGen.generateEvents(numEvents, maxWindowSize, 512, payloadSize, true, srcTestEvents) > 0);
int totalSize = 0;
int maxSize = 0;
for (DbusEvent e : srcTestEvents) {
totalSize += e.size();
maxSize = (e.size() > maxSize) ? e.size() : maxSize;
/* Source configuration */
double thresholdChkptPct = 5.0;
DatabusSourcesConnection.Config conf = new DatabusSourcesConnection.Config();
int freeBufferThreshold = conf.getFreeBufferThreshold();
DatabusSourcesConnection.StaticConfig connConfig =;
// make buffer large enough to hold data; the control events are large that contain checkpoints
int producerBufferSize = totalSize * 2 + numCheckpoints * 10 * maxSize * 5 + freeBufferThreshold;
int individualBufferSize = producerBufferSize;
int indexSize = producerBufferSize / 10;
int stagingBufferSize = producerBufferSize;
/*Event Buffer creation */
TestGenericDispatcherEventBuffer dataEventsBuffer = new TestGenericDispatcherEventBuffer(getConfig(producerBufferSize, individualBufferSize, indexSize, stagingBufferSize, AllocationPolicy.HEAP_MEMORY, QueuePolicy.BLOCK_ON_WRITE));
List<DatabusSubscription> subs = DatabusSubscription.createSubscriptionList(sources);
/* Generic Dispatcher creation */
InMemoryPersistenceProvider cpPersister = new InMemoryPersistenceProvider();
BootstrapDispatcher dispatcher = new BootstrapDispatcher("bootstrapPartialWindowCheckpointPersistence", connConfig, subs, cpPersister, dataEventsBuffer, mConsumer, // relaypuller
null, // mbean server
null, // ClientImpl
null, // registrationId
null, // logger
BootstrapCheckpointHandler cptHandler = new BootstrapCheckpointHandler("source1");
long sinceScn = 15000L;
long startTsNsecs = System.nanoTime();
final Checkpoint initCheckpoint = cptHandler.createInitialBootstrapCheckpoint(null, sinceScn);
/* Launch writer */
// numBootstrapCheckpoint - number of checkpoints before writing end of period
int numBootstrapCheckpoint = 4;
DbusEventAppender eventProducer = new DbusEventAppender(srcTestEvents, dataEventsBuffer, numBootstrapCheckpoint, null);
// simulate bootstrap server; use this checkpoint as init checkpoint
Thread tEmitter = new Thread(eventProducer);
// be generous ; use worst case for num control events
long waitTimeMs = (numEvents * timeTakenForDataEventInMs + numEvents * timeTakenForControlEventInMs) * 4;
/* Launch dispatcher */
Thread tDispatcher = new Thread(dispatcher);
/* Now initialize this state machine */
// expect dispatcher to fail - at end of window
Assert.assertFalse(tDispatcher.isAlive());"tConsumer: " + tConsumer);
HashMap<List<String>, Checkpoint> cps = cpPersister.getCheckpoints();
Assert.assertTrue(cps.size() > 0);
for (Map.Entry<List<String>, Checkpoint> i : cps.entrySet()) {
Checkpoint cp = i.getValue();"checkpoint=" + cp);
Assert.assertEquals(cp.getConsumptionMode(), DbusClientMode.BOOTSTRAP_SNAPSHOT);
// check if progress has been made during bootstrap
Assert.assertTrue(cp.getSnapshotOffset() > 0);
// these two values should be unchanged during the course of bootstrap
Assert.assertEquals(sinceScn, cp.getBootstrapSinceScn().longValue());
Assert.assertEquals(startTsNsecs, cp.getBootstrapStartNsecs());
// the tsNsec normally udpdated by client at end of window should be a no-op during bootstrap
Assert.assertEquals(Checkpoint.UNSET_TS_NSECS, cp.getTsNsecs());
// the scn passed to consumers during onCheckpoint should be the sinceSCN and not any other interim value
Assert.assertEquals(cp.getBootstrapSinceScn().longValue(), tConsumer.getLastSeenCheckpointScn());
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.test.DbusEventGenerator in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGenericDispatcher method runPartialWindowCheckpointPersistence.
* @param numEvents : number of events in buffer
* @param maxWindowSize : window size expressed as number of events
* @param numFailWindow : nth end-of-window that will fail
* @throws Exception
void runPartialWindowCheckpointPersistence(int numEvents, int maxWindowSize, int numFailWindow) throws Exception {
/* Experiment setup */
int payloadSize = 20;
int numCheckpoints = numEvents / maxWindowSize;
/* Consumer creation */
// setup consumer to fail on data callback at the nth event
int timeTakenForDataEventInMs = 1;
int timeTakenForControlEventInMs = 1;
int numFailCheckpointEvent = 0;
int numFailDataEvent = 0;
int numFailEndWindow = numFailWindow;
int numFailures = 1;
// fail at the specified window; no retries; so the dispatcher should stop having written one window; but having checkpointed the other
// thanks to a very small checkpoint frequency threshold
TimeoutTestConsumer tConsumer = new TimeoutTestConsumer(timeTakenForDataEventInMs, timeTakenForControlEventInMs, numFailCheckpointEvent, numFailDataEvent, numFailEndWindow, numFailures);
HashMap<Long, List<RegisterResponseEntry>> schemaMap = new HashMap<Long, List<RegisterResponseEntry>>();
short srcId = 1;
List<RegisterResponseEntry> l1 = new ArrayList<RegisterResponseEntry>();
l1.add(new RegisterResponseEntry(1L, srcId, SOURCE1_SCHEMA_STR));
schemaMap.put(1L, l1);
Map<Long, IdNamePair> sourcesMap = new HashMap<Long, IdNamePair>();
List<String> sources = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 1; ++i) {
IdNamePair sourcePair = new IdNamePair((long) i, "source" + i);
sourcesMap.put(sourcePair.getId(), sourcePair);
long consumerTimeBudgetMs = 60 * 1000;
DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg = new DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration(tConsumer, sources, null);
List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> allRegistrations = Arrays.asList(consumerReg);
// Single threaded execution of consumer
MultiConsumerCallback mConsumer = new MultiConsumerCallback(allRegistrations, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1), consumerTimeBudgetMs, new StreamConsumerCallbackFactory(null, null), null, null, null, null);
/* Generate events **/
Vector<DbusEvent> srcTestEvents = new Vector<DbusEvent>();
Vector<Short> srcIdList = new Vector<Short>();
DbusEventGenerator evGen = new DbusEventGenerator(15000, srcIdList);
// Assumption: generates events with non-decreasing timestamps
Assert.assertTrue(evGen.generateEvents(numEvents, maxWindowSize, 512, payloadSize, true, srcTestEvents) > 0);
int totalSize = 0;
int maxSize = 0;
for (DbusEvent e : srcTestEvents) {
totalSize += e.size();
maxSize = (e.size() > maxSize) ? e.size() : maxSize;
/* Source configuration */
double thresholdChkptPct = 5.0;
DatabusSourcesConnection.Config conf = new DatabusSourcesConnection.Config();
int freeBufferThreshold = conf.getFreeBufferThreshold();
DatabusSourcesConnection.StaticConfig connConfig =;
// make buffer large enough to hold data; the control events are large that contain checkpoints
int producerBufferSize = totalSize * 2 + numCheckpoints * 10 * maxSize * 5 + freeBufferThreshold;
int individualBufferSize = producerBufferSize;
int indexSize = producerBufferSize / 10;
int stagingBufferSize = producerBufferSize;
/*Event Buffer creation */
TestGenericDispatcherEventBuffer dataEventsBuffer = new TestGenericDispatcherEventBuffer(getConfig(producerBufferSize, individualBufferSize, indexSize, stagingBufferSize, AllocationPolicy.HEAP_MEMORY, QueuePolicy.BLOCK_ON_WRITE));
List<DatabusSubscription> subs = DatabusSubscription.createSubscriptionList(sources);
/* Generic Dispatcher creation */
InMemoryPersistenceProvider cpPersister = new InMemoryPersistenceProvider();
TestDispatcher<DatabusCombinedConsumer> dispatcher = new TestDispatcher<DatabusCombinedConsumer>("OnlinePartialWindowCheckpointPersistence", connConfig, subs, cpPersister, dataEventsBuffer, mConsumer, true);
/* Launch writer */
DbusEventAppender eventProducer = new DbusEventAppender(srcTestEvents, dataEventsBuffer, 0, null);
Thread tEmitter = new Thread(eventProducer);
// be generous ; use worst case for num control events
long waitTimeMs = (numEvents * timeTakenForDataEventInMs + numEvents * timeTakenForControlEventInMs) * 4;
/* Launch dispatcher */
Thread tDispatcher = new Thread(dispatcher);
/* Now initialize this state machine */
// wait for dispatcher to finish reading the events;
Assert.assertFalse(tDispatcher.isAlive());"tConsumer: " + tConsumer);
HashMap<List<String>, Checkpoint> cps = cpPersister.getCheckpoints();
for (Map.Entry<List<String>, Checkpoint> i : cps.entrySet()) {
Checkpoint cp = i.getValue();"checkpoint=" + cp);
Assert.assertEquals(cp.getWindowOffset().longValue(), -1L);
// check if lastSeenCheckpoint by consumer is higher than scn persisted
Assert.assertTrue(tConsumer.getLastSeenCheckpointScn() > cp.getWindowScn());
// the latest event seen should be newer (or at least as new) as the checkpoint
Assert.assertTrue(tConsumer.getLastTsInNanosOfEvent() >= tConsumer.getLastTsInNanosOfWindow());
if (tConsumer.getLastSeenWindowScn() > 0) {
Assert.assertEquals(cp.getWindowScn(), tConsumer.getLastSeenWindowScn());
// check if the timestamp in checkpoint is the same as checkpoint of last completed window (ts of last event of the window)
Assert.assertEquals(tConsumer.getLastTsInNanosOfWindow(), cp.getTsNsecs());
} else {
// not even one window was processed before error; expect uninitialized timestamp
Assert.assertEquals(Checkpoint.UNSET_TS_NSECS, cp.getTsNsecs());
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.test.DbusEventGenerator in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGenericDispatcher method runAbsentSchemaTest.
void runAbsentSchemaTest(boolean setSchemaCheck) throws Exception {
/* Experiment setup */
int numEvents = 100;
int maxWindowSize = 20;
int payloadSize = 20;
int numCheckpoints = numEvents / maxWindowSize;
/* Consumer creation */
// setup consumer to fail on data callback at the nth event
DataDecodingConsumer tConsumer = new DataDecodingConsumer();
HashMap<Long, List<RegisterResponseEntry>> schemaMap = new HashMap<Long, List<RegisterResponseEntry>>();
short srcId = 1;
List<RegisterResponseEntry> l1 = new ArrayList<RegisterResponseEntry>();
l1.add(new RegisterResponseEntry(1L, srcId, SOURCE1_SCHEMA_STR));
schemaMap.put(1L, l1);
Map<Long, IdNamePair> sourcesMap = new HashMap<Long, IdNamePair>();
List<String> sources = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 1; ++i) {
IdNamePair sourcePair = new IdNamePair((long) i, "source" + i);
sourcesMap.put(sourcePair.getId(), sourcePair);
long consumerTimeBudgetMs = 60 * 1000;
DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration consumerReg = new DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration(tConsumer, sources, null);
List<DatabusV2ConsumerRegistration> allRegistrations = Arrays.asList(consumerReg);
// Single threaded execution of consumer
MultiConsumerCallback mConsumer = new MultiConsumerCallback(allRegistrations, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1), consumerTimeBudgetMs, new StreamConsumerCallbackFactory(null, null), null, null, null, null);
/* Generate events **/
Vector<DbusEvent> srcTestEvents = new Vector<DbusEvent>();
Vector<Short> srcIdList = new Vector<Short>();
DbusEventGenerator evGen = new DbusEventGenerator(0, srcIdList);
// the schemaIds generated here are random. They will not be the same as those computed in the dispatcher.
// The result is either the processing will fail early (desired behaviour) or during event decoding in the onDataEvent()
Assert.assertTrue(evGen.generateEvents(numEvents, maxWindowSize, 512, payloadSize, srcTestEvents) > 0);
int totalSize = 0;
int maxSize = 0;
for (DbusEvent e : srcTestEvents) {
totalSize += e.size();
maxSize = (e.size() > maxSize) ? e.size() : maxSize;
/* Source configuration */
DatabusSourcesConnection.Config conf = new DatabusSourcesConnection.Config();
int freeBufferThreshold = conf.getFreeBufferThreshold();
DatabusSourcesConnection.StaticConfig connConfig =;
// make buffer large enough to hold data; the control events are large that contain checkpoints
int producerBufferSize = totalSize * 2 + numCheckpoints * 10 * maxSize * 5 + freeBufferThreshold;
int individualBufferSize = producerBufferSize;
int indexSize = producerBufferSize / 10;
int stagingBufferSize = producerBufferSize;
/*Event Buffer creation */
TestGenericDispatcherEventBuffer dataEventsBuffer = new TestGenericDispatcherEventBuffer(getConfig(producerBufferSize, individualBufferSize, indexSize, stagingBufferSize, AllocationPolicy.HEAP_MEMORY, QueuePolicy.BLOCK_ON_WRITE));
List<DatabusSubscription> subs = DatabusSubscription.createSubscriptionList(sources);
/* Generic Dispatcher creation */
TestDispatcher<DatabusCombinedConsumer> dispatcher = new TestDispatcher<DatabusCombinedConsumer>("rollBackcheck", connConfig, subs, new InMemoryPersistenceProvider(), dataEventsBuffer, mConsumer, false);
// DDSDBUS-3421; set schema check to true
/* Launch writer */
DbusEventAppender eventProducer = new DbusEventAppender(srcTestEvents, dataEventsBuffer, 0, null);
Thread tEmitter = new Thread(eventProducer);
/* Launch dispatcher */
Thread tDispatcher = new Thread(dispatcher);
/* Now initialize this state machine */
// be generous ; use worst case for num control events
long waitTimeMs = (numEvents * 1 + numEvents * 1) * 4;
// wait for dispatcher to finish reading the events;
// asserts
if (!setSchemaCheck) {
// decoding fails many errors show up;
Assert.assertTrue(tConsumer.getNumDataEvents() > 0);
Assert.assertTrue(tConsumer.getNumErrors() > 0);
} else {
// never gets to decoding; but error shows up (exactly one - dispatcher retries set to 1);
Assert.assertEquals(0, tConsumer.getNumDataEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(1, tConsumer.getNumErrors());
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.test.DbusEventGenerator in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestDbusEventBufferAppendEvents method testAppendEventWhenLimitLessThanCapacity.
public /**
* Test the following case:
* A buffer (one of 3) has CWP = 222 and head at 383. Limit is 483 (capacity 500)
* we create one event of size 211 (61 + 150 payload).
* we call which will add one EOP event (61) and the newly created event 211.
* The end of event offset will be 222 + 211 + 61 = 494. It should update limit to this value.
* because of the bug (DDSDBUS-1515) it used to fail when end of event goes beyond current limit
* but less than the capacity
* Now it should pass
void testAppendEventWhenLimitLessThanCapacity() throws Exception {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestDbusEventBuffer.testAppendEventWhenLimitLessThanCapacity");
final DbusEventBuffer dbusBuf = new DbusEventBuffer(TestDbusEventBuffer.getConfig(1200, 500, 100, 500, AllocationPolicy.HEAP_MEMORY, QueuePolicy.OVERWRITE_ON_WRITE, AssertLevel.ALL));
BufferPositionParser parser = dbusBuf.getBufferPositionParser();"append initial events");
DbusEventGenerator generator = new DbusEventGenerator();
Vector<DbusEvent> events = new Vector<DbusEvent>();
generator.generateEvents(11, 1, 120, 39, events);
// Add events to the EventBuffer. Now the buffer is full
DbusEventAppender appender = new DbusEventAppender(events, dbusBuf, null);
// running in the same thread;"Head:" + parser.toString(dbusBuf.getHead()) + ",Tail:" + parser.toString(dbusBuf.getTail()));"Num buffers :" + dbusBuf.getBuffer().length);"Buffer :" + Arrays.toString(dbusBuf.getBuffer()));
long headPos = dbusBuf.getHead();
long tailPos = dbusBuf.getTail();
long headGenId = parser.bufferGenId(headPos);
long headIndexId = parser.bufferIndex(headPos);
long headOffset = parser.bufferOffset(headPos);
long tailGenId = parser.bufferGenId(tailPos);
long tailIndexId = parser.bufferIndex(tailPos);
long tailOffset = parser.bufferOffset(tailPos);
// current writing position should be 222 (id=1)
assertEquals(0, headGenId);
assertEquals(1, headIndexId);
assertEquals(383, headOffset);
assertEquals(1, tailGenId);
assertEquals(1, tailIndexId);
assertEquals(222, tailOffset);"append event to stretch beyond limit but less than capacity");
generator = new DbusEventGenerator(100);
events = new Vector<DbusEvent>();
// will add two event 61 + 150
generator.generateEvents(1, 1, 400, 150, events);
// Add events. this will cause limit increased
appender = new DbusEventAppender(events, dbusBuf, null);;"Head:" + parser.toString(dbusBuf.getHead()) + ",Tail:" + parser.toString(dbusBuf.getTail()));"Num buffers :" + dbusBuf.getBuffer().length);"Buffer :" + Arrays.toString(dbusBuf.getBuffer()));
headPos = dbusBuf.getHead();
tailPos = dbusBuf.getTail();
headGenId = parser.bufferGenId(headPos);
headIndexId = parser.bufferIndex(headPos);
headOffset = parser.bufferOffset(headPos);
tailGenId = parser.bufferGenId(tailPos);
tailIndexId = parser.bufferIndex(tailPos);
tailOffset = parser.bufferOffset(tailPos);
assertEquals(1, headGenId);
assertEquals(0, headIndexId);
assertEquals(61, headOffset);
assertEquals(2, tailIndexId);
assertEquals(61, tailOffset);
assertEquals(494, dbusBuf.getBuffer()[1].limit());"finished");
use of com.linkedin.databus.core.test.DbusEventGenerator in project databus by linkedin.
the class ReadEventsTestParams method testNoMissingEOWHappyPathWithMultiEventWindow.
* Testcase send the following sequence:
* two valid packets, EOW, two valid packets, EOW
public void testNoMissingEOWHappyPathWithMultiEventWindow() throws Exception {
final DbusEventBuffer dbusBuf = new DbusEventBuffer(getConfig(1000, 1000, 100, 500, AllocationPolicy.HEAP_MEMORY, QueuePolicy.BLOCK_ON_WRITE, AssertLevel.NONE));
DbusEventGenerator generator = new DbusEventGenerator();
Vector<DbusEvent> events = new Vector<DbusEvent>();
generator.generateEvents(6, 1, 100, 10, events);
// conversion of readable events to writable is for TESTING ONLY:
DbusEventInternalWritable writableEvent = DbusEventCorrupter.makeWritable(events.get(1));
writableEvent = DbusEventCorrupter.makeWritable(events.get(2));
writableEvent.setSrcId((short) -2);
writableEvent = DbusEventCorrupter.makeWritable(events.get(3));
writableEvent.setSequence(events.get(0).sequence() + 100);
writableEvent = DbusEventCorrupter.makeWritable(events.get(4));
writableEvent = DbusEventCorrupter.makeWritable(events.get(5));
writableEvent.setSequence(events.get(0).sequence() + 100);
writableEvent.setSrcId((short) -2);
// Increment the SCN and reuse
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
DbusEvent e = events.get(i);
assertTrue("invalid event #" + i, e.isValid());
// Set up the ReadChannel with 2 events
ByteArrayOutputStream oStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
WritableByteChannel oChannel = Channels.newChannel(oStream);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
((DbusEventInternalReadable) events.get(i)).writeTo(oChannel, Encoding.BINARY);
byte[] writeBytes = oStream.toByteArray();
ByteArrayInputStream iStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(writeBytes);
final ReadableByteChannel rChannel = Channels.newChannel(iStream);
try {
// Should NOT throw invalid event exception
} catch (InvalidEventException ie) {
LOG.error("Exception trace is " + ie.getMessage(), ie);;