use of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.KeyPair in project databus by linkedin.
the class ORListener method frameAvroRecord.
private void frameAvroRecord(long tableId, BinlogEventV4Header bh, List<Row> rl, final DbusOpcode doc) {
try {
final long timestampInNanos = bh.getTimestamp() * 1000000L;
final long scn = scn(_currFileNum, (int) bh.getPosition());
final boolean isReplicated = false;
final TableMapEvent tme = _tableMapEvents.get(tableId);
String tableName = tme.getDatabaseName().toString().toLowerCase() + "." + tme.getTableName().toString().toLowerCase();
VersionedSchema vs = _schemaRegistryService.fetchLatestVersionedSchemaBySourceName(_tableUriToSrcNameMap.get(tableName));
Schema schema = vs.getSchema();
if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
_log.debug("File Number :" + _currFileNum + ", Position :" + (int) bh.getPosition() + ", SCN =" + scn);
for (Row r : rl) {
List<Column> cl = r.getColumns();
GenericRecord gr = new GenericData.Record(schema);
generateAvroEvent(vs, cl, gr);
List<KeyPair> kps = generateKeyPair(gr, vs);
DbChangeEntry db = new DbChangeEntry(scn, timestampInNanos, gr, doc, isReplicated, schema, kps);
} catch (NoSuchSchemaException ne) {
throw new DatabusRuntimeException(ne);
} catch (DatabusException de) {
throw new DatabusRuntimeException(de);