use of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.Transaction in project databus by linkedin.
the class ORListener method endXtion.
* Per {@link}
* XidEvent signals a commit
private void endXtion(AbstractBinlogEventV4 e) {
_currTxnTimestamp = e.getHeader().getTimestamp() * 1000000L;
long txnReadLatency = System.nanoTime() - _currTxnStartReadTimestamp;
boolean em = ((e instanceof QueryEvent) || (e instanceof XidEvent));
if (!em) {
throw new DatabusRuntimeException("endXtion should be called with either QueryEvent of XidEvent");
if (_ignoreSource) {
long scn = scn(_currFileNum, (int) e.getHeader().getPosition());
try {
} catch (DatabusException e3) {
_log.error("Got exception in the transaction handler ", e3);
throw new DatabusRuntimeException(e3);
} finally {
if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) {
_log.debug("endXtion" + e);
use of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.Transaction in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGoldenGateEventProducer method testGGParserStats.
* test collection of parser stats, especially lag between parsed and added files
* @throws Exception
public void testGGParserStats() throws Exception {
short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 };
String[] sourceNames = new String[] { "source1", "source2" };
// setup trail Files directory
File ggTrailDir = FileUtils.createTempDir("testGGParserStats");
// configure physical source
String uri = "gg://" + ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + ":x3";
PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildSimplePssc(sourceIds, sourceNames, uri);"Uri=" + uri);
// create schema
Schema s = Schema.parse(sourceAvroSchema);
VersionedSchema vs = new VersionedSchema(new VersionedSchemaId("source1", (short) 3), s, null);
// mock for schema registry
SchemaRegistryService srs = EasyMock.createMock(SchemaRegistryService.class);
// mock for MaxSCNReadWriter
MaxSCNReaderWriter mscn = EasyMock.createMock(MaxSCNReaderWriter.class);
EasyMock.expect(mscn.getMaxScn()).andReturn((long) -2).atLeastOnce();
int totalTransWritten = 0;
int totalFilesWritten = 0;
// buffer
DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc);
// start GG producer
GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, srs, mb, null, mscn);
// create first 2 files
addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x301"), 100, 4);
addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x302"), 200, 4);
totalTransWritten = 8;
totalFilesWritten = 2;
// get hold of parser stats object
final GGParserStatistics ggParserStats = gg.getParserStats();
// all should be 0
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag());
try {"starting event producer");
// -2 here does nothing. actual setting happens thru the mock of
// MaxSCNReadWriter
// let it parse first files
TestUtil.assertWithBackoff(new ConditionCheck() {
public boolean check() {
return ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed() == 2 && (8 * _transactionPatternSize == ggParserStats.getNumBytesTotalParsed());
}, "First two files parsed", 2000, LOG);
// stats in the interim
Assert.assertEquals(2, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed());
Assert.assertEquals(2, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag());
Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten * _transactionPatternSize, ggParserStats.getNumBytesTotalParsed());
// the file will get parsed but not processed
addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x303"), 300, 4);
totalTransWritten += 4;
// to get more then a ms lag time
addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x304"), 400, 4);
totalTransWritten += 4;
// to guarantee we picked up stats update (stats are updated
// every 5 seconds)
// now we should be 2 files behind. parser thread gets paused AFTER it start
// processing the file
// so the actuall value will be 1 file behind
// 303(already started being parsed), only 304 is behind
int lagFiles = 1;
// 1 file, 4 transactions each
long lagBytes = 1 * 4 * _transactionPatternSize;
* Assert.assertEquals(totalFilesWritten-1, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed());
* Assert.assertEquals(totalFilesWritten, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded());
* Assert.assertEquals(lagFiles, ggParserStats.getFilesLag()); // because 303 got
* parsed
* // we added 4 files and parsed 3 , so the diff should be 1 file size (4
* trasactions in 1 file) Assert.assertEquals(lagBytes,
* ggParserStats.getBytesLag()); Assert.assertTrue(ggParserStats.getTimeLag()>0);
// now we should catchup
Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed());
Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag());
// append to a file"pausing again");
addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x304"), 410, 4);
totalTransWritten += 4;
addToTrailFile(new File(ggTrailDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/x304"), 420, 4);
totalTransWritten += 4;
// should be still up
Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesParsed());
Assert.assertEquals(4, ggParserStats.getNumFilesAdded());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getFilesLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getTimeLag());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getBytesLag());
// assert the stats
int totalFilesSize = totalTransWritten * _transactionPatternSize;
Assert.assertEquals((totalFilesSize / totalFilesWritten), ggParserStats.getAvgFileSize());
Assert.assertEquals(true, ggParserStats.getAvgParseTransactionTimeNs() > 0);
Assert.assertEquals("part1", ggParserStats.getPhysicalSourceName());
Assert.assertEquals(totalFilesSize / totalTransWritten, ggParserStats.getAvgTransactionSize());
Assert.assertEquals(423, ggParserStats.getMaxScn());
// 2
Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten * 2, ggParserStats.getNumTotalEvents());
// events
// per
// transaction
Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten, ggParserStats.getNumTransactionsTotal());
Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten, ggParserStats.getNumTransactionsWithEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ggParserStats.getNumTransactionsWithoutEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(true, ggParserStats.getTimeSinceLastAccessMs() > 0);
Assert.assertEquals(totalTransWritten * _transactionPatternSize, ggParserStats.getNumBytesTotalParsed());
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 0, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions());
Assert.assertEquals("LastSCNRegressed", -1, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn());
} finally {
use of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.Transaction in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGoldenGateEventProducer method testAddEventToBufferRateControl.
private void testAddEventToBufferRateControl(long throttleDurationInSecs) throws InvalidConfigException, UnsupportedKeyException, DatabusException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
// 1 event per second required. Send 5 events. Must have 4 sleeps.
long rate = 1;
int numEvents = 5;
PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildPssc(rate, throttleDurationInSecs);
long scn = 10;
DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc);
GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null);
// enable if want to run with mocked timer
// run_with_mock_timer(gg);
int sourceId = 505;
HashSet<DBUpdateImage> db = new HashSet<DBUpdateImage>();
// name1 is the only key
ColumnsState.KeyPair kp1 = new ColumnsState.KeyPair(new String("name1"), Schema.Type.RECORD);
ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair> keyPairs = new ArrayList<ColumnsState.KeyPair>(numEvents);
Schema s = Schema.parse(avroSchema2);
GenericRecord gr1 = new GenericData.Record(s);
gr1.put("name1", "phani1");
gr1.put("name2", "boris1");
GenericRecord gr2 = new GenericData.Record(s);
gr2.put("name1", "phani2");
gr2.put("name2", "boris2");
GenericRecord gr3 = new GenericData.Record(s);
gr3.put("name1", "phani3");
gr3.put("name2", "boris3");
GenericRecord gr4 = new GenericData.Record(s);
gr4.put("name1", "phani4");
gr4.put("name2", "boris4");
GenericRecord gr5 = new GenericData.Record(s);
gr5.put("name1", "phani5");
gr5.put("name2", "boris5");
DBUpdateImage dbi1 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr1, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false);
DBUpdateImage dbi2 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr2, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false);
DBUpdateImage dbi3 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr3, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false);
DBUpdateImage dbi4 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr4, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false);
DBUpdateImage dbi5 = new DBUpdateImage(keyPairs, scn, gr5, s, DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT, false);
// For a given transaction, and logical source : only 1 update ( the last one succeeds )
Assert.assertEquals(1, db.size());
// Generate 5 transactions with the same update
for (int i = 0; i < numEvents; i++) {
List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = new ArrayList<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate>(10);
TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate dbUpdate = new TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate(sourceId, db);
long timestamp = 60;
gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn));
// It may not sleep the very first time as 1 second may have elapsed from when the rate control got started to when event in
// getting inserted. Subsequently, expect rate control to kick in
long numSleeps = Math.min(numEvents, throttleDurationInSecs);
Assert.assertEquals(gg.getRateControl().getNumSleeps(), numSleeps);
use of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.Transaction in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestTrailFilePositionSetter method testFailureMode_MalformedFirstTransactionInFirstFile.
* Verify that corruption that occurs early in the file causes USE_EARLIEST_SCN to return the
* first SCN of the first uncorrupted transaction.
public void testFailureMode_MalformedFirstTransactionInFirstFile() throws Exception {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestTrailFilePositionSetter.testFailureMode_MalformedFirstTransactionInFirstFile");"starting");
File dir = createTempDir();
// first SCN is hardcoded always to be 100
createTrailFiles(dir.getAbsolutePath(), TRAIL_FILENAME_PREFIX, 150, /* numTxns, 24 lines each */
1250, /* numLinesPerFile */
1, /* numLinesPerNewline */
"\n", 0, 100, /* corrupt first SCN */
"xyzzy", false, "");
TrailFilePositionSetter posSetter = new TrailFilePositionSetter(dir.getAbsolutePath(), TRAIL_FILENAME_PREFIX);
GGXMLTrailTransactionFinder finder = new GGXMLTrailTransactionFinder();
FilePositionResult res;
// SCN 100 is corrupted, so 101 is the effective oldest SCN => 100 treated as error:
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(100, finder);
Assert.assertEquals(res.getStatus(), FilePositionResult.Status.ERROR, "expected error for exact-match SCN that's corrupted and oldest in all trail files.");
// SCN 101 is OK (regexQuery() doesn't fully validate XML):
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_EARLIEST_SCN, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 101, FilePositionResult.Status.FOUND);;
use of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.ds.Transaction in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestTrailFilePositionSetter method testFailureMode_MalformedTransactionNoValidScnsInMiddleOfMiddleFile.
* Verify that a transaction with corruption in all of its SCNs doesn't cause problems.
* Case 1: bad transaction at the beginning of the first trail file.
* Case 2: bad transaction at the beginning of the middle trail file (partial transaction).
* Case 3: bad transaction at the beginning of the middle trail file (first full transaction; preceding partial bad).
* Case 4: bad transaction in the middle of the middle trail file.
* Case 5: bad transaction at the beginning of the last trail file (first full transaction; preceding partial is OK).
* Case 6: bad transaction at the end of the last trail file.
public void testFailureMode_MalformedTransactionNoValidScnsInMiddleOfMiddleFile() throws Exception {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestTrailFilePositionSetter.testFailureMode_MalformedTransactionNoValidScns");"starting");
File dir = createTempDir();
// corrupt both SCNs in each of six transactions:
HashSet<Long> corruptedScns = new HashSet<Long>(10);
// case 1
corruptedScns.add(new Long(100));
// case 1
corruptedScns.add(new Long(101));
// case 2
corruptedScns.add(new Long(204));
// case 2
corruptedScns.add(new Long(205));
// case 3
corruptedScns.add(new Long(206));
// case 3
corruptedScns.add(new Long(207));
// case 4
corruptedScns.add(new Long(250));
// case 4
corruptedScns.add(new Long(251));
// case 5
corruptedScns.add(new Long(310));
// case 5
corruptedScns.add(new Long(311));
// case 6
corruptedScns.add(new Long(398));
// case 6
corruptedScns.add(new Long(399));
createTrailFiles(dir.getAbsolutePath(), TRAIL_FILENAME_PREFIX, 150, /* numTxns, 24 lines each */
1250, /* numLinesPerFile */
1, /* numLinesPerNewline */
"\n", 0, corruptedScns, "blargh", false, "");
TrailFilePositionSetter posSetter = new TrailFilePositionSetter(dir.getAbsolutePath(), TRAIL_FILENAME_PREFIX);
GGXMLTrailTransactionFinder finder = new GGXMLTrailTransactionFinder();
FilePositionResult res;
// SCN 101 is before the earliest (valid) SCN present, so expect ERROR:
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(101, finder);
Assert.assertEquals(res.getStatus(), FilePositionResult.Status.ERROR, "expected error for exact-match SCN that's 'too old'.");
// For SCN <= the earliest transactions maxSCN, we throw error
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(102, finder);
Assert.assertEquals(res.getStatus(), FilePositionResult.Status.ERROR, "expected error for exact-match SCN that's 'too old'.");
// expect first non-corrupted SCN here, not first "transaction SCN":
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_EARLIEST_SCN, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 102, FilePositionResult.Status.FOUND);
// 107 = max SCN of its transaction = "transaction SCN" => should get FOUND
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(107, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 107, FilePositionResult.Status.FOUND);
// 203 = last valid SCN in first file = max SCN of its transaction = "transaction SCN"
// => should be FOUND
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(203, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 203, FilePositionResult.Status.FOUND);
// SCN 204 is invalid and is part of a transaction split across first/second files;
// 209 = next "transaction SCN" and is near the top of the middle file
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(204, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 209, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// SCN 250 is invalid (as is 251); expect 253 since max SCN of following transaction
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(250, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 253, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// SCN 251 is invalid (as is 250); expect 253 since max SCN of following transaction
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(251, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 253, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// SCN 252 is valid and present, but weird corner case => still EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(252, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 252, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// SCN 253 is valid and present and max SCN of its transaction => FOUND
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(253, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 253, FilePositionResult.Status.FOUND);
// SCN 309 is valid and present and max SCN of its transaction => FOUND (even though
// split across second/third files, and following transaction is corrupted)
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(309, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 309, FilePositionResult.Status.FOUND);
// SCN 310 is invalid (as is 311); expect 313
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(310, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 313, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// SCN 311 is invalid (as is 310); expect 313
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(311, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 313, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// SCN 398 is invalid (as is 399) and is in last transaction of last file, but since
// trail file is expected to continue growing (i.e., eventually to have a valid SCN
// that's larger than the request), expect EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND rather than ERROR. SCN
// returned will be that of last valid transaction, i.e., 397.
// [checks beginning of last valid transaction == 396/397 one at byte offset 35650]
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(398, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 397, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// SCN 405 is completely missing (would be after last transaction of last file); expect
// same behavior as previous case
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(405, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 397, FilePositionResult.Status.EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND);
// last valid transaction-SCN is 397
res = posSetter.locateFilePosition(TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_LATEST_SCN, finder);
assertFilePositionResult(res, dir, 397, FilePositionResult.Status.FOUND);;