use of com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGoldenGateEventProducer method testGGProducerStats.
public void testGGProducerStats() throws InvalidConfigException, UnsupportedKeyException, DatabusException, IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 };
String[] sourceNames = new String[] { "source1", "source2" };
PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildSimplePssc(sourceIds, sourceNames, "gg:///tmp:xxx");
long scn = 10;
DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc);
// start producer
GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null);
Object handleXmlCallbackObject = getHandleXmlCallbackInnerInstance(gg);
Method method = getOnTransactionEndMethod();
// generates the updates
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
// SCN = 10
List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[0] }, keys, scn);
// SCN = 11
List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[1] }, keys, scn + 1);
// SCN = 12
List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(new short[] { sourceIds[1] }, keys, scn + 2);
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC;
// gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn));
// gg.addEventToBuffer(dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp+1, scn+1));
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, scn) });
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, scn + 1) });
// THis is an extra-call but the corresponding events will not be added to EVB.
// This is needed to flush the events in the above call to EVB
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, scn + 2) });
for (EventSourceStatisticsIface si : gg.getSources()) {
EventSourceStatistics ss = si.getStatisticsBean(); + ": scn=" + ss.getMaxScn() + ",averageSize=" + ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize() + ",numErrors=" + ss.getNumErrors() + ",totalEvents=" + ss.getNumTotalEvents() + ",averageFactTime=" + ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent() + ",timeSinceDb=" + ss.getTimeSinceLastDBAccess());
if (si.getSourceId() == 505) {
Assert.assertEquals(6, ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getNumErrors());
Assert.assertEquals(1, ss.getNumTotalEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent());
// we are not
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent());
// really
// reading
Assert.assertEquals(10, ss.getMaxScn());
if (si.getSourceId() == 506) {
Assert.assertEquals(6, ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getNumErrors());
Assert.assertEquals(1, ss.getNumTotalEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent());
// we are not
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent());
// really
// reading
Assert.assertEquals(11, ss.getMaxScn());
if (si.getSourceId() == GoldenGateEventProducer.GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID) {
Assert.assertEquals(6, ss.getAvgEventSerializedSize());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getNumErrors());
Assert.assertEquals(2, ss.getNumTotalEvents());
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent());
// we are not
Assert.assertEquals(0, ss.getAvgEventFactoryTimeMillisPerEvent());
// really
// reading
Assert.assertEquals(11, ss.getMaxScn());
long approximateTimeSinceLastTransactionMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - timestamp / DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC;
long diff = gg.getParserStats().getTimeSinceLastTransactionMs() - approximateTimeSinceLastTransactionMs;
// somewhat
Assert.assertTrue("time diff is too big:" + diff, diff >= 0 && diff < 30);
// NS)
use of com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGoldenGateEventProducer method buildPssc.
private PhysicalSourceStaticConfig buildPssc(long rate, long throttleDuration) throws InvalidConfigException {
String name = "anet";
short id = 505, partition = 0;
String uri = "gg:///mnt/dbext/x1";
String resourceKey = "test";
String partitionFunction = "constant:1";
boolean skipInfinityScn = false;
String queryHints = null;
LogicalSourceStaticConfig[] sources = new LogicalSourceStaticConfig[1];
LogicalSourceStaticConfig lssc = new LogicalSourceStaticConfig(id, name, uri, partitionFunction, partition, skipInfinityScn, queryHints, queryHints, queryHints);
sources[0] = lssc;
String role = "MASTER";
long slowSourceQueryThreshold = 0L;
long restartScnOffset = 0L;
BackoffTimerStaticConfigBuilder bsc = new BackoffTimerStaticConfigBuilder();
ChunkingType ct = ChunkingType.NO_CHUNKING;
long txnsPerChunk = 0L;
long scnChunkSize = 0L;
long chunkedScnThreshold = 0L;
long maxScnDelayMs = 0L;
long eventRatePerSec = rate;
long eventRateThrottleDuration = throttleDuration;
int largestEventSizeInBytes = 10240;
long largestWindowSizeInBytes = 10240;
DbusEventBuffer.Config cfgBuilder = new DbusEventBuffer.Config();
cfgBuilder.setMaxSize(10 * 1024 * 1024);
cfgBuilder.setScnIndexSize(2 * 1024 * 1024);
DbusEventBuffer.StaticConfig dbusEventBuffer =;
boolean errorOnMissingFields = true;
String xmlVersion = "1.0";
String xmlEncoding = "";
String fieldName = "";
String regex = "";
ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig replicationBitSetter = new ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig(ReplicationBitSetterStaticConfig.SourceType.NONE, fieldName, regex, MissingValueBehavior.STOP_WITH_ERROR);
PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = new PhysicalSourceStaticConfig(name, id, uri, resourceKey, sources, role, slowSourceQueryThreshold, restartScnOffset,, ct, txnsPerChunk, scnChunkSize, chunkedScnThreshold, maxScnDelayMs, eventRatePerSec, eventRateThrottleDuration, dbusEventBuffer, largestEventSizeInBytes, largestWindowSizeInBytes, errorOnMissingFields, xmlVersion, xmlEncoding, replicationBitSetter);
return pssc;
use of com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGoldenGateEventProducer method buildSimplePssc.
private PhysicalSourceStaticConfig buildSimplePssc(short[] sourceIds, String[] sourceNames, String uri) throws InvalidConfigException {
String partitionFunction = "constant:1";
String pPartName = "part1";
short pPartId = 0;
PhysicalSourceConfig pc = new PhysicalSourceConfig(pPartName, uri, pPartId);
for (int i = 0; i < sourceIds.length; i++) {
LogicalSourceConfig lc = new LogicalSourceConfig();
// this format is expected by GG
lc.setUri(pPartName + "." + sourceNames[i]);
use of com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig in project databus by linkedin.
the class TestGoldenGateEventProducer method testSCNRegressionStats.
public void testSCNRegressionStats() throws Exception {
short[] sourceIds = new short[] { 505, 506 };
String[] sourceNames = new String[] { "source1", "source2" };
PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pssc = buildSimplePssc(sourceIds, sourceNames, "gg:///tmp:xxx");
DbusEventBufferAppendable mb = createBufMult(pssc);
// start producer
GoldenGateEventProducer gg = new GoldenGateEventProducer(pssc, null, mb, null, null);
Object handleXmlCallbackObject = getHandleXmlCallbackInnerInstance(gg);
Method method = getOnTransactionEndMethod();
// generates the updates
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
GGParserStatistics ggParserStats = gg.getParserStats();
// SCN = 10
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC;
List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates1 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 10);
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates1, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp, 10) });
timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() * DbusConstants.NUM_NSECS_IN_MSEC + 1;
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 0, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions());
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", -1, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn());
Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn());
// SCN = 5 Regression
List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates2 = // SCN Regression here
generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 5);
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 5) });
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 1, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions());
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 5, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn());
Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn());
// SCN = 6 No Regression here
dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 6);
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 6) });
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 1, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions());
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 5, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn());
Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn());
// SCN = 3 : SCN regression again
dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 3);
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 3) });
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 2, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions());
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 3, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn());
Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 10, ggParserStats.getMaxScn());
// SCN = 11: No regression here
dbUpdates2 = generateUpdates(sourceIds, keys, 11);
method.invoke(handleXmlCallbackObject, new Object[] { dbUpdates2, new TransactionInfo(0, 0, timestamp + 1, 11) });
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 2, ggParserStats.getNumSCNRegressions());
Assert.assertEquals("NumSCNRegressions", 3, ggParserStats.getLastRegressedScn());
Assert.assertEquals("MaxScn", 11, ggParserStats.getMaxScn());
use of com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig in project databus by linkedin.
the class PhysicalSourceConfigBuilder method build.
public PhysicalSourceStaticConfig[] build() throws InvalidConfigException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
PhysicalSourceStaticConfig[] list = new PhysicalSourceStaticConfig[null == _fileNames ? 0 : _fileNames.length];
if (_fileNames == null)
return list;
for (int i = 0; i < _fileNames.length; ++i) {
File sourceJson = _fileNames[i];
PhysicalSourceConfig pConfig = null;
Exception e = null;
try {
pConfig = mapper.readValue(sourceJson, PhysicalSourceConfig.class);
} catch (JsonParseException jpe) {
e = jpe;
} catch (JsonMappingException jme) {
e = jme;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
e = ioe;
if (e != null || pConfig == null) {
throw new InvalidConfigException(e);
pConfig.checkForNulls();"Generated Physical source config: name= " + pConfig.getId());
list[i] =;
for(PhysicalSourceStaticConfig pCfg : pConfigs) {
for(LogicalSourceStaticConfig lSC : pCfg.getSources()) {
config.setSourceName("" + lSC.getId(), lSC.getName());
return list;