use of com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.model.ClusterModelStats in project cruise-control by linkedin.
the class OptimizationVerifier method executeGoalsFor.
* Execute given goals in the given cluster enforcing the given constraint. Return pass / fail status of a test.
* A test fails if:
* 1) Rebalance: During the optimization process, optimization of a goal leads to a worse cluster state (in terms of
* the requirements of the same goal) than the cluster state just before starting the optimization.
* 2) Self Healing: There are replicas on dead brokers after self healing.
* 3) Adding a new broker causes the replicas to move among old brokers.
* @param constraint Balancing constraint for the given cluster.
* @param clusterModel The state of the cluster.
* @param goalNameByPriority Name of goals by the order of execution priority.
* @param excludedTopics The excluded topics.
* @param verifications The verifications to make after the optimization.
* @return Pass / fail status of a test.
static boolean executeGoalsFor(BalancingConstraint constraint, ClusterModel clusterModel, Map<Integer, String> goalNameByPriority, Collection<String> excludedTopics, List<Verification> verifications) throws Exception {
// Get the initial stats from the cluster.
ClusterModelStats preOptimizedStats = clusterModel.getClusterStats(constraint);
// Set goals by their priority.
SortedMap<Integer, Goal> goalByPriority = new TreeMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> goalEntry : goalNameByPriority.entrySet()) {
Integer priority = goalEntry.getKey();
String goalClassName = goalEntry.getValue();
Class<? extends Goal> goalClass = (Class<? extends Goal>) Class.forName(goalClassName);
try {
Constructor<? extends Goal> constructor = goalClass.getDeclaredConstructor(BalancingConstraint.class);
goalByPriority.put(priority, constructor.newInstance(constraint));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException badConstructor) {
// Try default constructor
goalByPriority.put(priority, goalClass.newInstance());
// Generate the goalOptimizer and optimize given goals.
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Properties props = KafkaCruiseControlUnitTestUtils.getKafkaCruiseControlProperties();
StringJoiner stringJoiner = new StringJoiner(",");
props.setProperty(KafkaCruiseControlConfig.TOPICS_EXCLUDED_FROM_PARTITION_MOVEMENT_CONFIG, stringJoiner.toString());
GoalOptimizer goalOptimizer = new GoalOptimizer(new KafkaCruiseControlConfig(constraint.setProps(props)), null, new SystemTime(), new MetricRegistry());
GoalOptimizer.OptimizerResult optimizerResult = goalOptimizer.optimizations(clusterModel, goalByPriority, new OperationProgress());
LOG.trace("Took {} ms to execute {} to generate {} proposals.", System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, goalByPriority, optimizerResult.goalProposals().size());
for (Verification verification : verifications) {
switch(verification) {
if (!verifyGoalViolations(optimizerResult)) {
return false;
if (!clusterModel.newBrokers().isEmpty() && !verifyNewBrokers(clusterModel, constraint)) {
return false;
if (!clusterModel.deadBrokers().isEmpty() && !verifyDeadBrokers(clusterModel)) {
return false;
if (clusterModel.selfHealingEligibleReplicas().isEmpty() && !verifyRegression(optimizerResult, preOptimizedStats)) {
return false;
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid verification " + verification);
return true;
use of com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.model.ClusterModelStats in project cruise-control by linkedin.
the class GoalOptimizer method optimizations.
* Depending the existence of dead/decommissioned brokers in the given cluster:
* (1) Re-balance: Generates proposals to update the state of the cluster to achieve a final balanced state.
* (2) Self-healing: Generates proposals to move replicas away from decommissioned brokers.
* Returns a map from goal names to stats. Initial stats are returned under goal name "init".
* @param clusterModel The state of the cluster over which the balancing proposal will be applied. Function execution
* updates the cluster state with balancing proposals. If the cluster model is specified, the
* cached proposal will be ignored.
* @param goalsByPriority the goals ordered by priority.
* @param operationProgress to report the job progress.
* @return Results of optimization containing the proposals and stats.
public OptimizerResult optimizations(ClusterModel clusterModel, Map<Integer, Goal> goalsByPriority, OperationProgress operationProgress) throws KafkaCruiseControlException {
if (clusterModel == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The cluster model cannot be null");
// Sanity check for optimizing goals.
if (!clusterModel.isClusterAlive()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All brokers are dead in the cluster.");
LOG.trace("Cluster before optimization is {}", clusterModel);
ClusterModel.BrokerStats brokerStatsBeforeOptimization = clusterModel.brokerStats();
Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> initReplicaDistribution = clusterModel.getReplicaDistribution();
Map<TopicPartition, Integer> initLeaderDistribution = clusterModel.getLeaderDistribution();
boolean isSelfHealing = !clusterModel.selfHealingEligibleReplicas().isEmpty();
// Set of balancing proposals that will be applied to the given cluster state to satisfy goals (leadership
// transfer AFTER partition transfer.)
Set<Goal> optimizedGoals = new HashSet<>();
Set<Goal> violatedGoalsBeforeOptimization = new HashSet<>();
Set<Goal> violatedGoalsAfterOptimization = new HashSet<>();
Map<Goal, ClusterModelStats> statsByGoalPriority = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<TopicPartition, List<Integer>> preOptimizedReplicaDistribution = null;
Map<TopicPartition, Integer> preOptimizedLeaderDistribution = null;
Set<String> excludedTopics = excludedTopics(clusterModel);
LOG.debug("Topics excluded from partition movement: {}", excludedTopics);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Goal> entry : goalsByPriority.entrySet()) {
preOptimizedReplicaDistribution = preOptimizedReplicaDistribution == null ? initReplicaDistribution : clusterModel.getReplicaDistribution();
preOptimizedLeaderDistribution = preOptimizedLeaderDistribution == null ? initLeaderDistribution : clusterModel.getLeaderDistribution();
Goal goal = entry.getValue();
OptimizationForGoal step = new OptimizationForGoal(;
LOG.debug("Optimizing goal {}",;
boolean succeeded = goal.optimize(clusterModel, optimizedGoals, excludedTopics);
statsByGoalPriority.put(goal, clusterModel.getClusterStats(_balancingConstraint));
Set<ExecutionProposal> goalProposals = AnalyzerUtils.getDiff(preOptimizedReplicaDistribution, preOptimizedLeaderDistribution, clusterModel);
if (!goalProposals.isEmpty() || !succeeded) {
if (!succeeded) {
logProgress(isSelfHealing,, optimizedGoals.size(), goalProposals);
LOG.debug("Broker level stats after optimization: {}", clusterModel.brokerStats());
// Broker level stats in the final cluster state.
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Broker level stats after optimization: {}%n", clusterModel.brokerStats());
Set<ExecutionProposal> proposals = AnalyzerUtils.getDiff(initReplicaDistribution, initLeaderDistribution, clusterModel);
return new OptimizerResult(statsByGoalPriority, violatedGoalsBeforeOptimization, violatedGoalsAfterOptimization, proposals, brokerStatsBeforeOptimization, clusterModel.brokerStats(), clusterModel.generation(), clusterModel.getClusterStats(_balancingConstraint));
use of com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.model.ClusterModelStats in project cruise-control by linkedin.
the class AbstractGoal method optimize.
public boolean optimize(ClusterModel clusterModel, Set<Goal> optimizedGoals, Set<String> excludedTopics) throws OptimizationFailureException {
_succeeded = true;
LOG.debug("Starting optimization for {}.", name());
// Initialize pre-optimized stats.
ClusterModelStats statsBeforeOptimization = clusterModel.getClusterStats(_balancingConstraint);
LOG.trace("[PRE - {}] {}", name(), statsBeforeOptimization);
_finished = false;
long goalStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
initGoalState(clusterModel, excludedTopics);
Collection<Broker> deadBrokers = clusterModel.deadBrokers();
while (!_finished) {
for (Broker broker : brokersToBalance(clusterModel)) {
rebalanceForBroker(broker, clusterModel, optimizedGoals, excludedTopics);
updateGoalState(clusterModel, excludedTopics);
ClusterModelStats statsAfterOptimization = clusterModel.getClusterStats(_balancingConstraint);
LOG.trace("[POST - {}] {}", name(), statsAfterOptimization);
LOG.debug("Finished optimization for {} in {}ms.", name(), System.currentTimeMillis() - goalStartTime);
LOG.trace("Cluster after optimization is {}", clusterModel);
// We only ensure the optimization did not make stats worse when it is not self-healing.
if (deadBrokers.isEmpty()) {
ClusterModelStatsComparator comparator = clusterModelStatsComparator();
// Throw exception when the stats before optimization is preferred.
if (, statsBeforeOptimization) < 0) {
throw new OptimizationFailureException("Optimization for Goal " + name() + " failed because the optimized" + "result is worse than before. Detail reason: " + comparator.explainLastComparison());
return _succeeded;